Time Travel Rules

Chapter 137: Your world is in trouble

"It happened, global events, if it weren't for the medicine provided by Mr. Li, I am afraid that our country will suffer."

The team leader on the side was looking at Li Muchuan seriously at this moment.

His face was full of gratitude.

After looking at the situation abroad, everyone can understand how serious the situation is this time.

Because of this, their gratitude to Li Muchuan is unparalleled.

Li Muchuan's heart sank when he heard this, and there was not much happiness on his face.

"I'd rather you didn't appreciate me so much."

Li Muchuan sighed, this was about to prepare another Star Destroyer Cannon.

"Let your leaders come as soon as possible, your world is in trouble..."

Li Muchuan sighed and said, and walked towards the outside.

When the team leader on the side heard this, his heart sank. Is there trouble in this world?

What's the meaning?

What is it that makes this transmigrator able to say such words?

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

The team leader was also panicked at the moment. The last time Li Muchuan took out the gene immune serum, he didn't see the other party's expression like this.

Then this time, what is it that can compare to this thing?

"Your authority should not be enough to know about this."

Li Muchuan turned his head, glanced at the other party, and shook his head.

The other party had said before that he was only a temporary receptionist. In this case, it was indeed not something the other party could know.

Hearing this, the other party was not angry, and after responding, he quickly took out his mobile phone and started emergency contact.

"Yes, the situation is very serious, it must be as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes."

After talking for about half a minute, the team leader put down the phone and his expression became extremely solemn at this moment, "Our top leader will arrive within three hours."

"Well, let's get out of here first."

Li Muchuan nodded when he heard the words, and left the venue with the other party.

Outside the venue, an isolation zone has been formed, but there are still countless people shooting here with their mobile phones.

Li Muchuan sat on the red flag. The front and back of the car were armored vehicles, which were full of loaded weapons.

The car drove all the way, and the traffic police had blocked all the intersections and implemented traffic control.

It was probably because they knew that a vehicle carrying Li Muchuan passed by, so the car owners at various intersections all got out of the car at this time, picked up their mobile phones and started shooting.

The last time Li Muchuan traveled through was not in their city, and now that he finally arrived at their place, naturally he couldn't miss this opportunity.

"Speaking of which, have you really achieved universal injection?"

Sitting in the car, Li Muchuan looked at the team leader beside him and asked.

"Yes, the meeting was unanimously approved, but many of our nationals are overseas, and some are in some small countries.

However, we directly gave tens of thousands of medicines to those countries at that time, and we asked them to give our people first, and the rest would be given to their countries.

Then everyone in our country hit the mark, and not a single one fell. "

Li Muchuan was slightly startled when he heard this.

Sure enough, although it is a parallel world, the method has not changed at all.

Even if you are overseas, even if you send more medicine, you have to put it on your own people first.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but think of the world of w97, and he didn't know what the world was like now.

It's just that even if he went back now, Li Muchuan couldn't turn the tide.

Unless his physical quality is already strong enough to be the same as Superman, which is not the same.

Thinking of that world, those teammates who died in battle before leaving, Li Muchuan couldn't help but look a little dazed.

The car quickly arrived at the place.

Countless netizens are still talking about it.

At the airport at this moment, countless essentials have already boarded the plane and headed to Suzhou City.

Such an abnormal move quickly attracted the attention of foreign media.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of Li Muchuan, a lot of news appeared on the Internet in an instant.

"China's countless essentials set off for Suzhou City, what is it for?"

"After the traveler left last time, unexpected disasters occurred in the world. Only Huaxia has made enough preparations. This traveler may be the source of the disaster!"

"No matter what happened, I hope Huaxia can be frank and open to the outside world. This is what everyone on Earth should do!"

At this time, countless news were pushed to the hot search one by one.

At this moment, foreign dignitaries hurriedly got up from the bed.

At this moment, they are also very busy, in order to divert their own conflicts.

But before, they put all the culprits on Li Muchuan.

I have to say that this method is still very useful, at least there are still many people who denounce Li Muchuan on their side.

Many people think that Li Muchuan brought the disaster.

Although some people know that according to the incubation period, it is absolutely impossible, but the influence of some public opinions is far from what they can change.

But what caught the dignitaries a little off guard was that the current traverser had actually returned!

I came back in time for the Chinese New Year!

Li Muchuan was sitting in the office, considering that when Li Muchuan came last time, he seemed to like eating.

So Li Muchuan just sat down not long ago, and soon saw all kinds of snacks being served on the side.

"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to serve you again."

Li Muchuan stood up and looked at the various foods in front of him who were about to choose, but Wei Yumeng didn't know when he came over.

At this moment, there was a blush on her face, and she didn't know if she was on her way, or if she was frozen because of the cold weather.

Li Muchuan listened to the voice, glanced back, and nodded at the other party.

"I haven't seen you in a few years, and you are still so beautiful."

Women like to be praised for being beautiful, so Li Muchuan also said something at random~www.readwn.com~ Sure enough, after hearing Li Muchuan's words, Wei Yumeng's eyes instantly turned into crescents.

"Do you have any other needs for food, I will continue to arrange it immediately."

Seeing this, Wei Yumeng hurriedly continued.

The last time she served Li Muchuan personally, this time she was hurriedly transferred after knowing that Li Muchuan had crossed over again.

Fortunately, the distance is not very far, so she came very fast.

"There are already a lot of things here, so you don't need to take them anymore, or else you can't eat them and you'll be wasting them."

Li Muchuan waved his hand, picked out a few cakes that looked very delicate and looked like crystals and took a bite.

Originally thought it would be too sweet to be greasy, but after reaching the mouth, the glutinous taste with a hint of sweetness surprised Li Muchuan.


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