Time Travel Rules

: I read a book review tonight and chatted with you a little bit

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The author remembers that when he wrote the beginning of this book, there were other versions as well. At first, he didn't think that the protagonist would go directly to the rooftop.

The protagonist was penniless when he traveled through, and he thought about asking the protagonist to ask for a bite to eat. The people who embody this world are actually very good, or they go to work as a temporary worker or something.

But let’s take into account that you are a traveler and you still go to work after you have traveled. This is a bit criticized, and the author himself is also a little resentful, right? It is impossible to work part-time,

Then it is to ask for a bite to eat, which can be regarded as a good relationship or something, but the author feels that the value of going to eat is a bit wrong.

After thinking about it, forget it, let the protagonist go hungry. Anyway, he won't die from starvation. This is considered to be a preliminary design. In addition, it cuts directly to the topic and avoids those descriptions.

Two worlds in a row almost starved to death, so after the protagonist gets the interference point, there will be a tendency to obsess and add small space, and then there will be more aspects of writing and eating. The author thinks this is the initial character of the protagonist.

In general, I feel that I can pick out a lot of faults in how I write it. After all, the author wrote it alone, and it is for so many readers.

(The author himself thinks that the biggest b of this book is the patent application. At that time, I went to check the patent application process and so on. Not one year could not be applied for, but because of the needs of the plot, the author accelerated it, and then the author Find a way to make up for this patent b)

Then, everyone felt that the first two worlds were more beautiful. The author thought about it, and it should be more spiritual and closer to everyone.

In addition, the protagonist has the habit of writing materials, which corresponds to the world's own uploading various materials.

In the world where there are traitors, I don't know why some people think it is poisonous, which the author did not expect.

When the author wrote the heroine, I remembered that there were still a lot of foreshadowing. The author thinks that the emotional drama is really written. I thought this was the one that no one would complain about.

Let's talk about the 50 million interference points that everyone complained about recently.

The protagonist enters this world, and after learning that the main world has developed, he has decided to add the interference points obtained in the future, all of which will be added to the small space. This is written by the author.

In addition, it is also considered that it is impossible to blow up the meteorite with one punch when added to the physique. The first main line is to solve the meteorite, so the interference points are all serving this main line. The author really does not understand what it means to be politically correct.

Then, in order to highlight that it is indeed necessary to add a small space, the remaining 18,000 interference points are used at the last critical time.

The first main line is to save the world, save your own world, and your relatives.

In addition, the plot has sped up a lot recently. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com originally had several transitional worlds, but I always felt that people didn't like it, saying that the author's words were counted.

For example, everyone should be able to feel that there was originally a world to surpass, and then they went directly to the Star Destroyer Cannon.

The author can't do it a little bit, and the plot is accelerated.

In addition, the plot has been speeding up recently, and I want to write some of the content that everyone likes to avoid the number of words, but this way, the book is not long.

It has been adjusted recently. After taking a look at the places where everyone complained, the author feels in a good mood.

In the end, the author wants to say that the author is not a great god, really not a great god. The author's writing ability is here. If the writing is not good, the author sincerely bows and apologizes to everyone here! Sorry for everyone's expectations!

Recently, there has been a burst of updates. I don't have time to see Changjin Lake. After all, it takes three hours... Ah, it's a bit depressing...

(By the way, the cute book friend, the author is very grateful for your support, but you seem to be the author's trumpet...)

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