Time Travel Rules

Chapter 153: Energized troops

"Look at the dark plane of China first."

Li Muchuan thought to himself and directly logged into the website.

However, what Li Muchuan did not expect was that after logging in to this website, there was no need to log in with an account.

"Huaxia Dark Plane?"

At this moment, Mu Jingjing had already changed her shoes and walked in. She immediately showed a clear expression when she saw the website opened by Li Muchuan.

"You know this website?"

Li Muchuan was stunned when he heard the words, my dear, there are no more secrets, right?

"Of course I do. I know everything about Li Muchuan. Back then, this website was still his name, and then he used this website to continuously contribute technology."

Mu Jingjing said with a very proud face on her face.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan looked at the website and found that the website had been completely announced to the public.

It's just that there isn't any information about technology on it.

It's been wiped out, but it's normal.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan closed the website and opened his own encyclopedia.

The first is the introduction of name, race, etc.

Then there is the main contribution made by Li Muchuan.

Nuclear battery technology, nuclear fuel abundance, energy shield, bionic cockpit and many other technologies.

There are various materials.

The current soldiers all use the individual combat equipment provided by Li Muchuan.

When this set of equipment just came out, it directly blinded the eyes of countless people.

It was used for the first time in peacekeeping troops stationed outside, because of a sudden conflict.

On the chaotic battlefield, bullets flew directly towards their troops.

At that time, the reaction device on the leader of the soldier was activated instantly, and then the energy shield was blocked in front of him.

The two sides who were fighting at the time were directly dumbfounded, and they all stopped, staring blankly at Huaxia.

All of them are thinking, what is the other party? What the **** is this?

Are you Iron Man again?

The fierce exchange of fire stopped immediately, and then they all withdrew.

But the follow-up impact was far more than this, and the video went viral after that.

Huaxia has the technology of energy shield, and it is known by everyone.

It was also confirmed at a later aviation exhibition.

All planes are equipped with such technologies, but the specific details of this technology are not known to outsiders.

For example, how much bombardment can this shield withstand, and how long can it last?

What is the response limit of the self-reactive device?

In short, everything is unknown, only that all kinds of combat units are equipped with self-reaction devices.

It was just that year, the sudden appearance of soldiers like future soldiers gave the world an inexplicable shock.

After all, this is an energy shield!

It has directly become the last means of protection for various warships.

And soon after this accident, the world began to evolve from mechanized forces to energy-enhanced forces.

Li Muchuan then looked down.

"The original cable in the center of the highway was used to provide energy supply."

At this moment, Li Muchuan suddenly realized, looking at the line in the center of the highway before, full of wonder what this thing is for.

Today's cars have completely used electric energy, and in order to prevent the difficulty of charging, lines are directly buried on the road to realize wireless charging everywhere.

In this way, there is no need to build charging piles everywhere.

Charging and paying is very simple. When connecting to wireless charging, you only need to enter the account number, and the charging and deduction will be synchronized.

And Li Muchuan felt that the road material was different before, and it was indeed different.

The current road uses a new type of material to provide the energy source for the thermoelectric converter.

The heat conversion rate can reach more than 70%.

Therefore, the current roads have become power generation devices, and each section of the road can provide charging.

Considering the number of highways covered across the country, this is undoubtedly staggering.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan raised his head and glanced at Mu Jingjing.

After seeing that the other party did not pay attention to himself, he immediately opened QQ and started to log in.

He really wants to know at this moment, is he really old and dead?

Although he is only in his twenties, he is almost in his thirties. If possible, he hopes that he can live a few more years.

He has such a transmigration ability, can't let him live a few more years and see more of the other worlds?

qq successfully logged in.

Well, this profile is not exposed, good thing.

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly rummaged through the information.

It's just that Li Muchuan didn't find any information about his records.

Li Muchuan suddenly became a little dazed.

what happened?

There are no data records.

After thinking about it carefully, is it because the world has been safe and sound, so the other party's information is not stored on the Internet, but on the other side of Honghe.

red river.

When Li Muchuan thought of this, his heart suddenly shook.

Various technologies should be stored on the other side of the Red River. The question is, is your villa still there?

Li Muchuan opened the webpage and searched for his villa information.

However, Li Muchuan did not see any information about his villa on the webpage.

Well, it should be classified, so I blocked it.

Li Muchuan put down his tablet and erased all the information he had logged in, as well as the web page records he had searched for.

At this moment, Li Muchuan frowned.

When he just looked up the information, he found that he was only fifty-two years old when he died.

Died of old age at fifty-two? It always feels wrong.

No, we must go back to the villa to see.

Fortunately, his current location is Jiangliu City, which is not too far from the villa.

Having said that, Jiangliu City has become like this now, and it was completely invisible when it first entered the city.

Li Muchuan raised his head and looked out of the window. It was still brightly lit outside at this moment.

Just when Li Muchuan was thinking wildly, the door was opened.

Then I saw a woman push the door and enter ~www.readwn.com~ After the woman entered the door, she glanced at Li Muchuan for a moment, and then withdrew her eyes.

"Mu Jingjing!"

The woman entered the door and shouted, and after hearing the answer in the bedroom, she walked quickly into the bedroom.

"What's the matter with you? Take the man you just met on the first day with you at home!"

After the woman closed the door, she immediately questioned Mu Jingjing.

The words were extremely urgent, she never thought that her sister would do such a thing.

Hearing this, Mu Jingjing glanced at her sister, and quickly reassured, "Oh, it's the first day that they came to us and gave him a night's sleep."

The woman immediately rolled her eyes when she heard the words, "What the heck, you obviously just think he looks like your idol!"


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