Time Travel Rules

Chapter 154: touch back

As a friend of the other party, can Wang Yichang not know the other party's mind?

This is the same as in the past when those women chasing stars like stars, but now it's Li Muchuan.

"Oh, he's the only one. What are you afraid of? If he is really a bad person, the police will come quickly."

I only got along with Li Muchuan for a day, but Mu Jingjing felt that Li Muchuan was not a bad person.

After a day, the other party has not touched her, and has always maintained a certain distance.

According to her intuition, the other party is not like a bad person.

"I'm really convinced."

Wang Yichang rolled his eyes, "Of course Li Muchuan deserves the admiration of many people, but now I've heard a lot about the man who went to plastic surgery to look like his face, and he was swindling everywhere. Haven't you watched this kind of news?"

At present, many little girls worship Li Muchuan to the extreme after reading too much of Li Muchuan's decrypted files.

So I like this kind of person more and more.

Especially since the number one person is already in the past tense, that kind of love has been upgraded a lot.

So much so that people who look a bit similar to each other are extremely sought after.

"Yes, but I don't think he is."

After hearing the words, Mu Jingjing still insisted that she thought that Li Muchuan could not be a bad person.

Although it was there, it was because she had seen too many photos of Li Muchuan before and suddenly saw Li Muchuan himself.

Under the superposition of that good feeling, she directly determined that Li Muchuan would not be a bad person.

But after thinking about it carefully, she was still willing to trust the other party.

Seeing this, Wang Yichang was completely helpless, "We slept together that night."

The other party doesn't want to listen to their own words, so they should sleep together at night.

Mainly, she felt insecure when she fell asleep alone.

When Mu Jingjing heard the words, she agreed.

At this moment, Li Muchuan outside the house could hear the arguments in the room clearly.

After hearing this voice, Li Muchuan thought for a while and felt that he was somewhat hasty.

It's really not good for such a person to go directly to the girl's house and live there.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan left a line on the tablet, "I'm sorry to disturb you. I think it's better for me to go out and find a place to live by myself."

After leaving this sentence, Li Muchuan came to the door softly, opened the door gently and closed it carefully.

Then got on the elevator and went downstairs.

Mu Jingjing and Wang Yichang in the house chatted for a while, and when the two of them came to the living room, Li Muchuan was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing this scene, the two immediately frowned.

When I noticed that the tablet on the side was still on, I quickly took it over and took a look.

Immediately on the memo above, I saw such a line.

Wang Yichang blushed instantly when she saw this. She didn't expect that she had just lowered her voice and was still being heard.

"It's all your fault, it's okay now, they're gone!"

Mu Jingjing looked anxious, not knowing how long Li Muchuan had been away.

Wang Yichang pouted, "You should have his friend, just ask him."

Mu Jingjing sighed, "I haven't had time to add his contact information."

Wang Yichang was stunned and brought them home. Why didn't they add any friends?


Li Muchuan left the community, it was autumn now.

In terms of his physical fitness, he can still bear it this fall, even if he stands outside for one night.

Leaving Mu Jingjing's house, on the one hand, he felt that it was not good to cause trouble to the other party, and on the other hand, Li Muchuan wanted to go to the villa to see.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan identified the direction and walked towards Shanshui Manor.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, but it was still possible to see that there were no vacancies for the vehicles on the street.

The surroundings still seem to be extremely lively and prosperous.

This future prosperity also has a part of its own participation, which is not bad.

Li Muchuan glanced at the pedestrians on the street, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction.

There are surveillance cameras in the city, and Li Muchuan didn't dare to directly use the speed of 100 kilometers to run to the villa.

After walking for more than an hour, Li Muchuan finally saw the villas from a distance.

The rest of the place has changed a lot, and here has also changed a lot, but it feels a little familiar.

Li Muchuan was overjoyed when he saw this, and noticed that there were people guarding him, but there were only a few sentries, surrounded by walls erected.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan quietly came to the edge of a wall, and picked up his strength slightly across the distance.

The next moment, Li Muchuan jumped directly over the wall and quietly landed on the ground.


Li Muchuan gave himself full marks for this action, and then quickly ran towards his villa.

After a while, Li Muchuan came to the door.

The door has changed, it is no longer the door of the room where he lives.

Li Muchuan approached, and the fingerprint unlocking should not change, right?

Li Muchuan frowned, and he didn't know whether the door was replaced by others, or he changed it later.

Quietly leaning back and forth, Li Muchuan stretched out his hand and pressed his finger lightly, and the door made a soft sound, and then opened in response.

it works!

Li Muchuan was overjoyed, he hurriedly entered the villa, and then quietly closed the door.

There didn't seem to be any dust on the ground, and it should have been cleaned frequently.

Li Muchuan glanced left and right, and then quickly came to the main engine room.

The host in the host room will not be removed, right?

Li Muchuan thought about this, but when Li Muchuan came to the main engine room to start the Honghe system, his face darkened when he saw the empty computer room.


As for why, why did I move my mainframe away!

Li Muchuan almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Li Muchuan continued to search in the villa depressed, but when Li Muchuan found the wine cellar downstairs, he was stunned for a moment.

I saw that the original wine cellar had completely changed at this moment.

At this moment, the bottom has become a laboratory.

Surrounded by glass walls, Li Muchuan followed the lights to see clearly in front of him~www.readwn.com~ Li Muchuan just walked down, and the lights around the laboratory turned on instantly.

"Iris certification, appearance certification, body movement certification, the certification is completed, welcome back!"

The door of the laboratory opened automatically, and Honghe's voice sounded immediately.

"I thought your host was removed, but I didn't expect it to remain."

Li Muchuan felt relieved at this moment. He just saw that the host computer above was empty, and thought that all the things in the villa had been carried away.

"The property here belongs only to you, and no one else has the right to use it. This is valid forever."

Honghe didn't know what Li Muchuan meant, so he made a direct answer.

Li Muchuan smiled when he heard the words, but in front of the laboratory at the moment, there were countless instruments that he could not understand.


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