Time Travel Rules

Chapter 170: trespass

"What is this?"

Li Muchuan looked at the robot and frowned at this moment.

This robot is somewhat similar to the mecha robot modified by Li Qingxiao, but it is much smaller.

The parts all over the body look extremely sophisticated, a bit like the metallic texture of Iron Man.

It's just that Li Muchuan looked at the robot walking towards him, but at the moment he was in a defensive posture.

He had just arrived here when the robot suddenly appeared. No matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like it was kind.

"You do not belong to the registered personnel, illegally invaded, and now carry out the clearance."

The robot followed the program and grabbed Li Muchuan after giving instructions. It was very likely that he was going to get Li Muchuan away.

Li Muchuan listened to the other party's words, and his heart suddenly froze, clear?

Isn't that just killing yourself?

Why did the rest of the people on the side do well, so they came to catch him?

Even if he is a black householder, he will not be killed if he sees it, right? Why are all Chinese people treated so differently?

Looking at the manipulator that the robot stretched out, Li Muchuan didn't hesitate at all, grabbed the opponent's arm with his backhand, and threw it directly towards the other robot.

This robot is about 1.9 meters tall and weighs about 700 to 800 pounds.

It's just that in Li Muchuan's hands, this robot is as light as a toy.

No matter what you are, being caught by you is the big trouble.

Li Muchuan didn't want to be caught without his hands, and he was ready to deal with these robots and retreat immediately.

However, Li Muchuan smashed the robot at another robot.

Before it hit the robot, a blue light flashed in front of the opponent, and a shield in the form of energy directly blocked it.

"Energy shield??"

Li Muchuan's eyes swept away, and he exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Isn't this technology the technology you brought back? How is this going?

"Unlawful arrest, authorized use of a stun gun."

The computer in the control center, after noticing this scene, immediately issued an authorization instruction.

On Li Muchuan's side, looking at the energy shield used by this robot, he saw the rest of the robots when he was shocked, and he had already pulled out a pistol-like thing from his waist.

Li Muchuan's heart jumped when he saw this, he grabbed the robot closest to him and blocked it in front of him.

The next moment, an energy shield immediately appeared on the robot, blocking it firmly in front of him.

Li Muchuan's face was full of anger at this moment, and his anger was already aroused.

"You ride the horse and use the technology brought back by Lao Tzu to deal with Lao Tzu?"

Li Muchuan said at the moment that he was furious, which was not an exaggeration at all.

The robot he caught had a nuclear battery on it, and Li Muchuan could see it at a glance.

It's an energy shield and a nuclear battery, and this robot is so similar to a mecha, why can't you be sure it's the technology you brought back?

In an instant, Li Muchuan's anger rose in his heart.

Holding the robot left and right, he strode towards the remaining robots.

Seeing this, these robots quickly took the rest of the weapons, but they were all blocked by the energy shield.

Li Muchuan grabbed the robot in his hand high, like he was holding a wooden stick, and smashed it directly at the robot in front of him.

But it was directly blocked by the energy shield.

The two activated energy shields made a muffled sound.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan raised his eyes slightly, threw the robot to the ground in his hand, and flattened the robot's head with one foot.

Then his body moved, and he came directly to the remaining three robots, stretched his legs and swept.

The robot's attack on Li Muchuan did not activate the energy shield, and Li Muchuan successfully swept down the three robots.

Immediately, Li Muchuan walked up to the three robots and slammed down with his fist.

With a few punches, the three robots were directly scrapped.

Originally, this robot still wanted to resist, with their own mechanical power, it is still simple to deal with an ordinary person.

However, they bumped into Li Muchuan, and this mechanical torque broke the robotic arm directly by Li Muchuan.

At this moment, the pedestrians around were all stunned.

It was the first time they had seen someone tackle a robot so violently.

"It's wrong for you to arrest like this. You are a vicious person! Otherwise, how could you be arrested?"

"It's all so violent against law enforcement robots, needless to say? This person is definitely a villain!"

"I advise you to surrender obediently, otherwise it will be embarrassing to take the method of killing directly!"

The pedestrians around reacted, and immediately scolded Li Muchuan again and again.

Li Muchuan was stunned when he heard this. This world is nothing like w21. If he was in the world of w21, he would never be treated like this.

Also, what's up with these people! ?

"Victim guilt theory?"

Li Muchuan looked at these pedestrians intently. He just saw that these people were extremely polite. Li Muchuan even felt that the quality of people in this world was not what they used to be.

But now it seems that these three views are a bit wrong?

"What kind of victim guilt theory? When the law enforcement robot wants to arrest you, it is clear that you are guilty, and the law enforcement robot will be dispatched!"

"You don't think that law enforcement robots will arrest people at will? You still think we are stupid!"

The pedestrians on the side simply ignored what Li Muchuan said, in their opinion.

Since the law enforcement robot has taken action against Li Muchuan and wants to arrest Li Muchuan, it must be the fault of this guy.

Li Muchuan was so angry that he had just arrived here, how could he commit a crime?

It can't be the Time and Space Administration behind this robot!

Li Muchuan didn't have time to pay attention to the other party. The robot was dealt with by himself, and he would definitely send robots over.

In addition, Li Muchuan didn't know what means the other party would use, so he ran first.

Thinking of the words that the robot had said before, to clear, Li Muchuan felt that he could never be caught.

With a glance, Li Muchuan stepped forward and violently opened the door after noticing the car beside him.

"Go to the co-pilot!"

Li Muchuan glanced at the man in the main driver, and then snorted coldly.

He doesn't care whether this guy is innocent or not, in short, it is somewhat safer to take hostages.

While talking, Li Muchuan directly reached out and grabbed the other side, and threw it to the co-pilot.

Immediately, Li Muchuan got into the car and stepped on the accelerator to quickly drive forward.

"It's so violent, and you say you're innocent!"

Pedestrians on the side saw this scene, and they pointed to the distant cars and criticized them.

But at this moment, Li Muchuan had no time to pay attention to the people behind him.

"How does this law enforcement robot convict a person."

Li Muchuan asked the co-pilot while driving the car.

The man in the co-pilot was trembling with fright at the moment. Hearing this, he said quickly, "Of course it depends on all kinds of surveillance. As long as you are caught committing a crime, they will come to arrest you."

Li Muchuan frowned, "Non-registered personnel, what do you mean?"

He thought of what the robot said just now, saying that he was a non-registered person.

"You're not in the safe zone?"

When the man in the co-pilot heard the words, he suddenly exclaimed.

Li Muchuan frowned, safe zone? "What is a safe zone? What is a non-safe zone, and where is it?"

"The safe zone is where it is now. People who are not in the safe zone cannot enter the safe zone, otherwise they will be arrested and killed. I heard that people outside the non-safe zone are a group of villains with defective genes."

The man in the co-pilot looked at Li Muchuan and looked a little frightened.

"A bunch of villains?"

Hearing this, Li Muchuan frowned.

He hadn't been to the non-safe zone yet, but the safe zone wasn't necessarily so friendly.

"Where is the unsafe zone?"

Li Muchuan frowned and asked, it's not very safe here, he thinks it's better to take a look at the non-safe area.

"After going out, get on the high-speed and keep going straight, but there is a robot handle on the border line, you can't get through..."

The man in the co-pilot spoke carefully, looking at Li Muchuan with horror in his eyes.

He probably guessed at this moment that Li Muchuan was from the non-safety area, so he was arrested by the law enforcement robot.

Also made a border line?

Li Muchuan's heart twitched when he heard this.

"Are there any rivers and oceans that can pass through?"

"Of course there is. It's time to go down the inland sea, but there are also defense fleets patrolling the sea."

The co-pilot man responded.

When Li Muchuan heard this, he immediately asked the other party to call up the navigation, and then drove all the way to the beach.

In contrast, sneaking in the sea is much safer.

Anyway, Li Muchuan can hold his breath for a long time now at the bottom of the sea.

"By the way, if I arrest you in the car, the law enforcement robot won't kill me with you, right?"

Li Muchuan asked while driving the car.

He has not yet figured out what the robot is coming from, and he is a little uneasy.

The man in the co-pilot quickly shook his head when he heard the words.

Robots don't do this kind of thing.

"Then who is behind this law enforcement robot? Is it also a robot?"

Li Muchuan frowned and continued to ask, but his heart seemed a little uneasy at this moment.

"No, it's the system that controls everything. Our legal security, etc., are all controlled by the other party. It's very safe, and we're very content."

When the co-pilot man said this, he looked extremely content and worshipped.

"If you want to worship, then choose a better worship, even if you worship Li Bai, Qi Jiguang, etc., worship a system, are you funny?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Li Muchuan immediately sneered.

He had just arrived here, and was judged by the other party as the object to be eliminated, and the other party was also using the technology he brought back.

This made Li Muchuan not have the slightest affection for this system.

Also, what's going on with these guys, how can a system get such high power?

The man on the side was stunned for a moment, "Li Bai? Qi Jiguang? Who are they?"

Seeing the blank look on the man's face, Li Muchuan rolled his eyes, "Have you never been to school?"

Speaking of this, Li Muchuan paused for a moment, shouldn't this not be a world that belongs to the main world?

But no, if that's the case, how did the nuclear battery and energy shield come about?

"How did the energy shields and nuclear batteries on this robot come from?"

Li Muchuan was driving the car, the speed of the car had reached 130 kilometers per hour, and Li Muchuan was still accelerating.

In terms of his current reflexes, the speed at this level can completely avoid a car accident, so Li Muchuan can completely control this speed.

"Of course the system was developed by itself!"

Hearing the words, the man immediately responded as a matter of course, as if this robot was omnipotent.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan asked a few more questions.

However, from the other side, Li Muchuan did not gain more knowledge.

On the contrary, in the conversation with the other party, I always feel that this guy has never been to school, and some basic knowledge is poor.

Even if Qi Jiguang didn't know, Li Bai should know? In the end, this guy didn't know at all.

This made Li Muchuan begin to think that there was something wrong with the world he was traveling through?

Just as Li Muchuan was thinking, a sudden rumbling sound rang out.

Li Muchuan was instantly inspired when he heard this voice, helicopter!

Did this robot call for a helicopter?

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but glance at the back, and sure enough, he saw a helicopter flying towards him from a distance.

On the helicopter, several robots are already in place.

Does this thing really want to get rid of itself?

Li Muchuan was thinking about this when the man in the co-pilot's cell phone vibrated.

The man glanced at Li Muchuan cautiously, "It was a call from the system."


Li Muchuan glanced at the phone and said immediately.

Calls are coming in, just listen to what the system has to say.

"Humans who illegally invaded and released people in the safe zone."

The phone has just been connected, and a mechanical synthetic sound rang directly.

"I don't want to invade illegally, otherwise we will make a deal, you let me go to the non-safe area, and then I will give you someone."

Li Muchuan was silent for a while, and then said.

The words fell, and there seemed to be a silent calculation over there.

"You are a member of the non-safety zone, and it is calculated that your credibility is not high. Please release the hostages, otherwise necessary measures will be taken."

Li Muchuan....

What's wrong with this system, when you make transactions, you still calculate your own integrity?

To chase and kill yourself like this is to say that you are not honest enough.

Li Muchuan's anger rose in his heart, he stepped on the accelerator, and the speed soared to 160 kilometers.

The engine continued to roar at this moment, and Li Muchuan stepped on the accelerator directly.

He wanted to see if the system would kill him and the people in the car together.

To Li Muchuan's surprise, after he increased the throttle to the maximum, the robot on the helicopter did not take some tough measures, but just followed along.

I just don't know if the other party is mobilizing the rest of the staff.

Or maybe it was because there were actually a lot of vehicles along the way, and the other party didn't want to cause some other casualties.

The car drove all the way to the sea, and after seeing the sea from a distance, Li Muchuan was instantly refreshed.

Escaping from the sea should not be a big problem.

It's just the helicopter behind you...

Li Muchuan frowned, and after getting out of the car, he pulled the co-pilot man out of the car.

Immediately, a hand was placed on the car next to him, and with a slight force, the car was instantly regarded as a small cannonball by Li Muchuan, and smashed directly at the helicopter that was not flying high.

The robot that controls the plane probably didn't expect Li Muchuan to have such a hand.

In the face of the suddenly crashing car, despite trying his best to avoid the propeller, he was hit by the propeller. In an instant, the plane raised a thick smoke and fell towards the distance.

"Okay, you can go."

Li Muchuan turned back and glanced at the man who was being held hostage by him, but he didn't kill him after all.

After the man heard the words and saw that Li Muchuan really had no intention of doing something, he ran away quickly.

Taking advantage of the other party's lack of attention, Li Muchuan stepped on the muddy beach, then dived directly into the sea water, and the whole person disappeared.

I don't know how long it will take to swim along the sea, but if I walk along the road, the other party is a helicopter and a camera, I am afraid it will be difficult to move.

After diving to the bottom of the sea, the probability of being found is immediately much smaller.

The bottom of the sea is pitch-black, and you can't see anything going forward. The turbid offshore water here is not some of the beaches that Li Muchuan had visited before. The sea water is very clear.

Li Muchuan's legs shook, and his hands began to exert force.

On land, Li Muchuan can run at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and Li Muchuan has never tested how fast this seabed can swim.

Li Muchuan's physical strength is very good, and he dived all the way in the seabed, and he would show his face to change his breath in the middle.

The sound of water came from his ears.

I don't know how long I swam, but when Li Muchuan appeared again, he found that the sky was already dark.

A bright moon hangs in the night sky.

Li Muchuan looked carefully, the moon was intact.

Well, it's not the world of the g625, the moon of the world of the g625 was wiped out by the star destroyer.

I originally thought that this might be an accident in the world of g625, which caused it to become like this, and now it can be ruled out.

Li Muchuan took out some food from the small space and drank a few sips of water.

Drifting on the sea, it is very difficult to eat something.

I rummaged in the small space for a while, but I didn't see anything that was helpful for the moment.

After resting in the sea for a while, Li Muchuan swam straight into the distance while there was no helicopter around in the moonlight.

After one night passed, Li Muchuan glanced at the direction of the rising sun, and after confirming that he was swimming in the right direction, he immediately continued with his head down~www.readwn.com~ For the rest of the time, Li Muchuan spent his time at sea.

If you can get a camera, you can take pictures of drifting at sea.

Eat something when you are hungry, and just float on the water to regain your strength when you are tired.

It's too hard to be in the sun while soaking in the water. To be honest, Li Muchuan also felt very uncomfortable.

But when Li Muchuan was swimming, he could hear the roar of the helicopter in the distance a few times before.

This let Li Muchuan know that the unknown system has not let go of his posture until now.

Li Muchuan was a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he was on the waterway. If it was on land, even if he ran into the forest, it was too easy for the other party to find him with the help of thermal imaging equipment.

While floating on the water, Li Muchuan watched the surroundings vigilantly, avoiding the searching helicopter.


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