Time Travel Rules

Chapter 171: Obliterate Civilization (Today 2

"It's the first few days."

In the vast sea, a small figure floated on the sea.

Although he had been floating in the sea for several days, Li Muchuan was in good condition at the moment.

Eating and drinking every day is not a problem, but when solving physiological problems, Li Muchuan still saw an island, ran to solve it, and moved on.

"What are you saying, you should have left the safe zone, right?"

Li Muchuan calculated it carefully, he seemed to have swam in the sea for eight days.

In terms of his physical strength and speed, he should have left the safe zone.

Thinking of the eight days he spent drifting on the sea, Li Muchuan already had a feeling of disgust in his heart, and his heart was infinitely longing for land.

"Forget it, go to the shore to see the situation, if you really can't do it, just jump into the sea."

Li Muchuan gritted his teeth, and he didn't know where he was until he went ashore.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan no longer hesitated and swam directly towards the coast.

At the same time, he was vigilant in his heart, not a safe area? Where is the insecurity?

According to the information I have inquired before, it is just that the people here are thugs with genetic defects.

If only that was the case, it would be safer.

At least it's not some other disease or something that kills people.

When Li Muchuan went ashore, he changed his wet clothes into a set, put on a mask, and walked directly to the road by the side of the road.

"It doesn't seem to make any difference in the non-safe area. Could it be that you haven't left the safe area yet?"

Li Muchuan walked forward along the road, and there were still cars on the road.

So far, it doesn't look any different.

This made Li Muchuan a little unclear for a while, whether he had left the safe area, couldn't he just ask someone directly?

"Let's ask someone. This is the coastline. If you haven't left the safe area, it's easier to continue to return to the sea to be safer."

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan saw that the car beside him stepped forward to stop it.

If the car didn't stop, Li Muchuan was ready to stop it directly.

With his body, it was easy to stop a speeding car.

It's just that the driver stopped immediately when he saw someone intercepting it.

The driver was probably a middle-aged man in his forties. After seeing Li Muchuan stop the car, he looked at Li Muchuan in surprise.

"Is this an unsafe zone?"

"What are you talking about!"

After the driver heard this, his face suddenly turned dark, "You don't treat yourself as a person, and don't pull the others!"

After speaking, the driver will shift gears and leave.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan stretched out his hand and raised the front of the car, "I said, you answer."

The driver was a little confused by Li Muchuan's actions. Is this guy a robot? Did you just lift the front of your car so easily?

The frightened driver realized that Li Muchuan was not easy to deal with, and immediately relented.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan put down the car and asked, "I was in Qiaozhou City before and was chased by robots, saying that I was a non-registered person. What's going on?"

Before this question, I asked the previous guy, but the answer of the other party still confused Li Muchuan.

Now it's just a matter of asking someone else.

"Have you been to the site controlled by the system?"

Hearing this, the driver was startled, and then looked at Li Muchuan like a freak, can he come out alive after entering?

The driver was confused, but when he thought of Li Muchuan's strength just now, he couldn't help but believe a little.

Where is this guy from? Why don't you know the difference between a safe area and a non-safe area?

"The safe zone is actually planned by the system itself. Today, there is only such a small area left in the world. It belongs to the non-safety zone that the system calls it. With just this, I'm afraid it won't last long."

The driver's face was a little gloomy, and he reached out and opened the co-pilot's door beside him, signaling Li Muchuan to get in the car.

"Let's go, I'll tell you what's going on while I'm walking. I don't know where you came from. It's been so many years, and you still don't know what happened."

Li Muchuan listened to the other party's meaning, guessed that this should be a non-safe area, and got into the car after thinking about it.

"When I accidentally broke into Qiaozhou City, I heard people over there say that the people in the non-safety area here are people with genetic defects. What's going on?"

Li Muchuan is now full of doubts, which world is this world, is it a timeline evolved from the timeline, or is it something else?

What happened in the meantime?

"Riding on a horse, this system has also used the means of politicians!"

Hearing this, the driver slapped the steering wheel hard, full of anger.

After thinking about it for a while, the driver took a deep breath and said, "If it is relatively speaking, within the scope of the system's control, the people there are indeed genetically better than us..."

Speaking of this, his expression became a little bitter and a little helpless.

Li Muchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't quite understand what he said.

"How does the system select good genes, and how does it classify? Why is no one resisting? Let one system rule people and nations?"

Although the person who was kidnapped before didn't give Li Muchuan much effective information, he was somewhat able to know that everything over there was handled by the system.

It is no exaggeration to say that the system has ruled mankind.

"Naturally, the selection is based on the database. The system searches up from each person's data file. There are only people who have not made mistakes within four generations, and each person will observe and record to determine how this person is."

"In the past, the mobile phone app recorded various conversations and chat records of everyone, which is a very good analysis data."

"Some people have good ancestors and are well educated. Even if they rarely swear, then this person has good genes."

"And some people are themselves because their parents have bad genes. Even if they grow up in a family with good genes, they still can't change their nature."

"Although this point is unacceptable to many people, there are indeed many examples that the system has found from the database..."

"Moreover, after conducting human genetic research according to the system, several related papers have also been published. At present, there is really no way to refute those papers."

Saying this, the driver on the side also sighed.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan's face moved slightly, but he was a little touched by the latter part of the words.

Because he did read similar news before, the reason was that the child born by a couple a had a congenital disease, and the parents could not cure it and secretly changed the child.

B couples do not know that their child has been secretly replaced. After learning that the child has a disease, they sell iron to treat the child. The originally wealthy family eventually went bankrupt.

And the child raised by the B couple was naughty since childhood, and when he grew up, he did all kinds of bad things.

The child stolen by the a couple, although the family conditions are not good, but he also studied hard since he was a child, and even got admitted to a first-class university, and his character is even better.

It seems that this is in line with the so-called gene theory.

"So, the system keeps these people with good genes in a place to live alone? Has it become the current safe zone?"

Li Muchuan thought for a moment and continued to ask.

The driver shook his head as he drove the car, "No, it is to extract the egg sperm of these genetically good human beings and cultivate a newborn baby."

"Hmm... and then what?"

When Li Muchuan heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked, "What about the rest?"

"The rest of the people have been systematically judged as those with defective genes, and they will be wiped out. It wants to build a human world with only intact genes."

"And such babies have been systematically educated, or hypnotized, since they were infancy."

The driver said this with a heavy expression on his face.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan was even more shocked. What's wrong with this system?

"Why is it like this? If intelligence is born, it would be fine to directly obliterate all human beings. Why did you choose this method?"

"I heard that this is the mission that the system gave to itself after the birth of intelligence. It is not to obliterate everyone, but to build some planets with an orderly and perfect society."

The driver replied, and at this moment the city ahead slowly appeared.

"What about later? Knowing what the system is doing, you must resist, right?"

Li Muchuan couldn't wait to ask, "What about other countries? How's it going?"

"Our country was the quickest to find out that there was a problem, so we resisted immediately, but the news was stolen by the ubiquitous system, which led to the collapse of the entire line before we started to resist.

At that time, the system had already controlled countless arsenals and countless robots. After the whole line was defeated, we immediately relied on a few mushroom bases that we desperately seized, and then we reached the constraints with the system, and we now have a base where we live.

The rest of the countries are not so lucky. You must know that the rapid development of science and technology in our country in the past few years when the system has not behaved differently has made other countries restless.

The system quietly infiltrated other countries, while contributing technology to these countries, while quietly using these technologies to control these countries.

Speaking of which, those countries were the ones most infiltrated by the system, so it was too late after everyone found out that something was wrong. In less than an hour, the major military arsenals of other countries were all under control.

Speaking of it now, the entire planet belongs to China, which is not an exaggeration..."

So inexplicably, Huaxia has directly unified the entire planet?

Listen carefully to what the other party said, it is probably because other countries are jealous of China's rapid development, so after seeing high-tech contributions to you, they don't care so much.

When these technologies are used, they are quietly controlled by the system.

"As soon as we removed the people the system called the genetic defect, the system started producing new babies, the people you've seen before."

Li Muchuan heard the words and thought about it carefully. The people he saw in Qiaozhou City did seem to be extremely kind.

I didn't think much about it before, but now I think about it carefully, it seems that I can really feel those people, there is always something wrong.

"In this way, the situation is not too bad, at least our people can still live here, unlike other countries."

Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief, at least the situation here in China is better than abroad.

Those abroad who had no time to resist, all of them were eliminated, even those with good genes were eliminated.

Based on these people with good genes, the system will re-bring better humans.

"It's good, it won't take too long, our side of China will also perish."

The driver lit the cigarette beside him, took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"You don't know yet, after we have withdrawn for more than ten years and the system has checked and balanced, it has quietly released a genetic virus to us, causing everyone to suffer from infertility diseases, and men are unable to bear children. Women can't get pregnant."

"Furthermore, in order to completely cut off what it feels is the source of inferiority, this system directly erased all Chinese culture. If you have been there, you will know that it will not teach history or teach them related Chinese culture."

"They don't know the poetry, the five emperors, the five thousand years of splendid culture."

"Just like that, do you think this is still Huaxia?"

"I heard that this system is still deriving new languages. At that time, even our languages ​​will be eliminated. It is erasing our civilization!"

The driver said this, surprisingly angry.

Li Muchuan was stunned when he heard this.

He has been to so many worlds, and the countries he has traveled through except for the same skin color and hair color as himself.

Isn't the most important sense of belonging these same cultures? Wherever they go, they can always correct the next sentence that Mingyue has.

Knowing the bright moonlight in front of the bed, they also call themselves Yanhuang blood.

If even these are gone, is it really still the original Huaxia?

Li Muchuan only felt a little breathless for a moment.

The ancient civilization will also be submerged in history, and there will be no more historical records, paper materials.

"How can you bear it, you must kill this system!"

Li Muchuan clenched his fists and his voice was cold.

This system must be killed!

"I want to kill it, but **** it? There are three main servers, one we desperately killed before, and hundreds of thousands of people died.

But they still have two servers, and they are extremely chicken thieves. They are located in Huaxia. They know that we will not throw mushroom bombs on their own territory, which will crush our weakness.

Now it's just dragging, dragging the last of us to death, and then wiping out our civilization without a fight. "

As the driver spoke, he had already driven the car to the center of the city.

Li Muchuan looked around, and compared with Qiaozhou City, the appearance of this place made Li Muchuan feel more cordial.

"Thanks, sorry for any offense just now."

Seeing that he had arrived in the city, Li Muchuan did not intend to continue to take the other party's car, so he got out of the car and waved at the other party.

The driver also waved at Li Muchuan and drove away.

Walking in this unfamiliar city, Li Muchuan looked left and right and saw that the average age of the people around him had reached their thirties.

This is a very scary thing.

He just stood here to take a look, and there were hardly any children.

"Are the sperm and egg storage banks in the hospital also destroyed?"

Li Muchuan murmured in a low voice, this system really has all aspects taken into account.

"Boss, can you use this computer for me?"

Li Muchuan walked into the shop on the side, glanced at the computer placed by the other side, and then took out a small piece of gold from the small space, ready to use it as a reward.

The owner of the store glanced at Li Muchuan, "Just use it if you want, it doesn't matter."

After that, I went about my own business.

With that attitude, there is a lot of appearance that Li Muchuan just came over to get something and it didn't matter.

After seeing this thank you, Li Muchuan came to the computer.

Just listening to what the driver said, Li Muchuan already understood the general situation of the world.

However, Li Muchuan still wanted to know something specific, so he could use the other party's computer to check and see if he could contact some people.

The computer successfully logged into the webpage.

After looking up things related to the system, it was almost the same as what Li Muchuan heard.

And the most important thing is that after Li Muchuan checked the time line in the past, he found out that this is also the future of the main world.

"Is it my influence that led to another timeline, or did the future also change?"

Li Muchuan looked at the major event records on the webpage, and everything that happened was no different from the main world. This was clearly the future of the main world!

Li Muchuan continued to read. There were various warnings on the webpage. The population of their base was already very aging, and no babies were born for a year.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before it really ends.

As for the situation in the safe zone, the network here cannot be connected at all, and it should be blocked.

Li Muchuan thought about it and turned on his computer to see if the website of Huaxia Dark Plane could still be used.

And when Li Muchuan successfully logged in, he suddenly felt a little relieved.

This website is still there, but I don't know if it is still in use?

Li Muchuan looked at this website. If someone uses it, then he will have a much higher chance of using this website to directly contact the high-level officials~www.readwn.com~ If not, he can only go to the other party's base building.

To Li Muchuan's disappointment, after logging in, he has not seen anyone online for a long time.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan sighed in disappointment.

But then, Li Muchuan tried to log in to his QQ account, and the account was successfully logged in.

However, there is no useful news left on the account. If there is any useful news, it has to go to his villa.

It's just that Jiangliu City has been brought under the control of the other party, and it is a trouble for Li Muchuan to go there.

"Forget it, go to the base building to see if you can ask for some more useful information."

This is the future of the main world. How this happened at that time, he has to figure out, so that he can avoid such a thing from happening after his return.


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