Time Travel Rules

Chapter 178: 500,000

"Don't move!"

There were a few extremely stern shouts, and then several soldiers rushed over, and then directly pressed a few people.

"Brother, say something, I'm not a bad person..."

Li Muchuan looked at a few soldiers rushing over and said quickly.

The soldiers who came had a gloomy face, and directly twisted Li Muchuan's hands back, "You are not a bad person, you are a traitor!"

Li Muchuan....

I really didn't read the yellow calendar, why did I come to the center of the trap.

Looking left and right, the good guy even drove an armored car.

Several people were directly escorted to the armored vehicle, and it was not too dark inside. Li Muchuan could see the traitors just now.

There is nothing unusual about the length, nor does it look like a traitor.

It was the man in the innermost, who was wearing a suit, but his face was gray at the moment, and his thighs were still shaking at this time.

You can clearly see the fear of the other party.

That's right, if you do this kind of thing and get caught, that means you're done.

Moreover, this matter has to be recorded on the file, which directly affects his immediate family members.

"You are not from the military, what are you beating us for?"

The captured spy was very calm, and it seemed that his psychological quality was particularly strong. At this time, he was able to look around without saying anything, and even looked at Li Muchuan.

"You'd better take a look at me less, take a look more, I don't think you will have a chance to leave alive."

Like the other party, Li Muchuan looked around calmly.

Seeing the soldier staring at him sternly, he also nodded very friendly to the other party, expressing his goodwill.

The soldiers on the side were a little confused by Li Muchuan's expression.

What's going on with this guy? He was caught doing this kind of thing, yet he was so calm and laughed at himself.

I don't know if it is because of strong psychological quality, or if it is a little tiger.

"If you say that, I'm even more curious."

When the spy heard this, he immediately became interested. Instead, he looked at Li Muchuan a few more times, as if he wanted to remember Li Muchuan firmly.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan looked at the other party as if he were dead.

Did this guy kill him like that?

The car drove for a while, and when it stopped, Li Muchuan realized that he had entered a base.

Then several people were taken away and held separately.

Li Muchuan was detained in a separate cell with his hands firmly locked.

Li Muchuan tried to struggle for a while, but couldn't break free with his ability.


Li Muchuan looked at no one around, and suddenly wanted to see if he could use the small space to put the chain in the small space.

If it is possible, doesn't it mean that in the future, if you are locked by something, it will be useless to you?

But when he thought that there was a camera next to it, Li Muchuan temporarily dismissed the idea.

"Sir, my team was ordered to carry out the arrest mission. The original plan was to arrest six people, but now we arrest six people and kill one!"

"There are only six people in total, why is there one more?"

The middle-aged man with a star on his shoulders frowned when he heard the words.

"I don't know, and the energy shield device was removed from the other party. The style is different from what we developed. I suspect that our technology has been leaked."


When the middle-aged man heard this, his face changed greatly.

This is their most advanced technology in China. It has just been put into use, and it has been leaked so quickly?

How many worms are hidden in Huaxia!

At this moment, the middle-aged man had blue veins on his forehead, and he quickly took the reaction device that was just seized and took a look. Although the style was a little different, it looked more refined.

But this thing is definitely an energy reaction device, and there is a nuclear battery behind it.

"Where is the person I caught, I'm going to interrogate it myself!"

Middle-aged people are anxious, how long did it take to get this technology? Just leaked out?

If this is the case, what secrets does Huaxia have to speak of?

The middle-aged man hurriedly walked outside, looking very anxious.

When he came to Li Muchuan's cell in a hurry, he frowned, because Li Muchuan in the cell was very calm at the moment.

Ask questions to the soldiers who came to monitor.

"Who is the highest officer in your place now?"

"How's the food here, do you have a late-night snack?"

"Is there a larger space under the base, what are you researching now?"

Li Muchuan looked at the soldier beside him without any fear at all. As for the soldier with camouflage face painted on the side, when facing Li Muchuan at the moment, he didn't even want to answer Li Muchuan.

If possible, he actually wanted to punch Li Muchuan in the face to make him shut up.

"I am the highest commander here!"

Just when Li Muchuan was still chattering and asking questions, the middle-aged man strode in, followed by a few people.

Li Muchuan immediately raised his head when he heard the words, and was stunned for a moment when he saw the person coming, "I'm still an old acquaintance..."

"Old acquaintance?"

The middle-aged man looked at Li Muchuan, and after a few more glances, his frown deepened. He didn't know Li Muchuan.

The other party didn't know Li Muchuan, but Li Muchuan knew the other party.

Liu Jianhui, who has seen each other in the world of W97, is stationed at a frontier on the border.

"His information has been found out, but..."

Just when Liu Jianhui was about to say something, a woman hurried in and handed it to Liu Jianhui with a tablet.

Liu Jianhui took the tablet and flipped through Li Muchuan's personal information.

When he saw the above information, he was also stunned.

The most eye-catching mark above is, the patent person of genetic immune serum?

Genetic immune serum, who doesn't know now? Especially now that there are still people queuing up for injections, and everyone in their base has already been injected.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Liu Jianhui looked at the woman beside him and said with a frown.

This guy has a relationship with a traitor, and now he is the patentee of the genetic immune serum?

"No mistake, I double-checked it several times..."

The woman said, and looked at Li Muchuan a few more times. She also knew that she had just gone to the arrest mission.

Just according to the data, the other party sold the serum to the state-owned enterprise for only 700 million...

How could such a person be associated with someone who betrays national interests?

"I said, it's all a misunderstanding. Didn't you see a body at the scene? Then I was killed, and I also acted bravely, so I killed this one. How can you give half a million dollars?"

Li Muchuan listened and said immediately.

Half a million....

Liu Jianhui's mouth twitched, "Then tell me, how did you come to this place? In the wilderness, this is still our secret base, and you happened to meet their trading point?"

He still has multiple sources of information, and only learned about this.

How did Li Muchuan know about this base, and how did he meet the other party's trading point?

Overall, what this guy says isn't very believable.

In particular, the opponent still has equipment such as energy shields, which are not produced by them.

Hey, there's really no way to trust him that much...

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan sat up slightly, "Please invite them out, they don't have permission to know what I'm going to say next."

Liu Jianhui frowned upon hearing this, glanced at the others, and nodded lightly.

Seeing this, several soldiers on the side pushed open the door and left.

Li Muchuan's eyes stayed on the woman beside him.

Being watched by Li Muchuan's eyes, the woman suddenly looked a little unhappy.

"She's fine, her level is still quite high."

Liu Jianhui pulled out his chair and sat down, taking out a cigarette from his body.

"Want one?"

Hearing this, Li Muchuan shook his head, "I don't smoke, but you don't, either. I don't like second-hand smoke."

Liu Jianhui was startled, "You were the first to tell me not to smoke in front of you."

"You will get used to it."

Li Muchuan didn't say much, and looked back at the woman behind him, "Are you sure she has enough authority?"

When the woman heard this, she couldn't suppress her dissatisfaction, "Just like you, anyone who comes here can know about your filth! You should be placed on the pillar of shame!"

Listening to this, Li Muchuan's expression did not fluctuate at all, but he was not placed on the pillar of shame in the future.

However, many cities have his statues for people to look up to.

"Okay, since you said so, then you open the dark plane of China."

Li Muchuan moved his body slightly to make himself sit more comfortable.

"What, you even know the dark plane of China?"

Liu Jianhui took a breath, sweat dripping from his forehead.

How does this guy even know about this website?

"I changed the name, why don't I know, I provided the energy reaction device, and I also provided the nuclear battery. Does TY-11 know? I also provided it."

Li Muchuan finally got to the point, "If you don't believe it, open the Huaxia Dark Plane, and you will know when I log in to my account. I sent the technology to Dai Chenggang from this website."


When Liu Jianhui heard this, it was like a bolt from the blue that struck directly into his mind.

The woman on the side even widened her eyes and looked at Li Muchuan in disbelief.

She didn't know how these technologies came about, but it didn't prevent her from understanding at the moment.

Huaxia's most advanced technologies are all provided by the person in front of you? How can it be?

"Apart from these, how can you prove that this technology is provided by you?"

Liu Jianhui swallowed hard, his thoughts a little confused.

Isn't it catching a spy? Why did you catch such a mysterious figure?

With his authority, he still knows that there has always been such a person who has been providing advanced technology to Huaxia.

It was still investigating, who is this person, and what is going on now.

Did you just catch this person as a spy?

"You took the energy response device from me just now, didn't you see that this thing is actually more advanced than what you have developed now?"


Li Muchuan's words made Liu Jianhui shudder.

I just looked at the device before, and it felt more refined. As for whether it was more advanced, he really didn't look at it carefully.

After all, the first time I encountered such a thing, I would subconsciously think that my technology had been stolen.

Rather than saying that your own technology comes from the hands of the other party.

At this moment, Liu Jianhui was still holding the device ripped off from Li Muchuan's body, and now he looked down carefully.

Finally, he also saw that something was wrong.

In terms of structure, some of the sensors on this, as well as the casing, are obviously better.

It seems that it is indeed more advanced.

"Take it and let the staff of the research department analyze it."

Liu Jianhui turned his head, handed the equipment to the woman beside him, and asked the other party to send it to the personnel of the research department to analyze it.

The woman took over the equipment, looked back at Li Muchuan deeply, and quickly turned and left.

Seeing the woman leave, Liu Jianhui handed the tablet to Li Muchuan and motioned for Li Muchuan to log into the dark plane of China.

Li Muchuan was not polite when he took over the tablet, and directly entered the account and password to log in.

Liu Jianhui watched Li Muchuan successfully log in to the website, although he already had some guesses in his heart, his pupils could not help shrinking at this moment.

"Come to Base 213, I'm here."

Li Muchuan held the tablet and sent Dai Chenggang a message in front of Liu Jianhui.

At the same time, Dai Chenggang received the login information the moment Li Muchuan logged in.

When seeing the news from Li Muchuan, the whole person was stunned.

"He's at Base 213? Isn't he in contact with the country? Why is he at Base 213?"

Dai Chenggang was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied, "Please wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

At this moment, Dai Chenggang's face was flushed with excitement. After replying, he immediately notified the guards to send him to the 213 base, and contacted the others along the way.

For a time, many high-ranking officials in the center received the news, and many people directly put down what they were doing and hurried to the 213 base.

Liu Jianhui watched Li Muchuan send the message, but he didn't mean to stop Li Muchuan.

Dai Chenggang's level knew that this base existed, and the other party came as soon as he came, so it didn't get in the way.

After Li Muchuan sent the message, he put the tablet in front of the other party and stopped moving.

After a while, Liu Jianhui received a call from Dai Chenggang, "Dark plane contact person, is it right there with you?"

Dai Cheng was still in the car~www.readwn.com~ at this moment, he asked directly.

Liu Jianhui heard the words, looked at Li Muchuan in front of him, and smiled bitterly, "Well, things are a bit complicated, come over and we'll talk about it in detail."

Although Li Muchuan had already proved that he was the one who provided the technology, for the sake of insurance, he decided to wait until Dai Chenggang arrived.

Dai Cheng just pulled his beard, things are a bit complicated?

Complex what?

Does he not know the importance of the other party?

As soon as Dai Cheng thought of this, his heart was filled with anger, and he urged the guard to drive faster. He wanted to see Li Muchuan sooner.

I want to ask the other party how to solve various technical problems.

In his opinion, if Li Muchuan can provide so many technologies, it can definitely solve some of the current technological bottlenecks.

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