Time Travel Rules

Chapter 179: code name hidden star

"The preliminary report is out."

Li Muchuan was still in the detention room, and the woman who had just left came back in a hurry with a report in her hand.

"The nuclear battery capacity in the opponent's equipment is eight percent higher than ours, and the utilization rate is ten percent higher."

"As far as the energy shield is concerned, it is about three points stronger than ours."

"The other thing is..."

The woman took the report sheet and reported to Liu Jianhui one by one.

"In general, this equipment is indeed a lot ahead of what we have developed now."

As the woman spoke, she frequently looked at Li Muchuan.

She thought of the time when she said that Li Muchuan should be placed on the pillar of shame, and now she only felt that her face was burning.

"So, these technologies are really given by you?"

Listening to Liu Jianhui, he still felt unbelievable. Since it was all technology given by Li Muchuan, then did Li Muchuan develop such technology?

No strong team, no strong capital...

No, even if these conditions are met, this cannot be developed, right?

How many times has the technological content here advanced?

"Liu Jianhui, where did you hide people!?"

Just when Liu Jianhui wanted to ask, how did Li Muchuan develop these technologies.

Suddenly, an old voice sounded outside the door, and then Dai Chenggang, who had asked for the way, hurried in.

"Old Dai..."

Seeing Dai Chenggang, Liu Jianhui's expression immediately became more respectful. The old man in front of him had dedicated all his youth to the country.

A man worthy of his respect.

"What about people?"

Dai Chenggang looked at Liu Jianhui and didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all.

"it's him...."

Hearing this, Liu Jianhui pointed to Li Muchuan, who was still detained beside him.

Dai Chenggang heard the words and looked, when he saw Li Muchuan, he was stunned. After a while, Dai Chenggang's expression became a little complicated, "It's really you..."

As early as before, he suspected that it was Li Muchuan. After all, how could Li Muchuan have developed a patent for genetic immune serum alone?

It completely corresponds to some technologies that suddenly appeared after that.

It's just that when he was talking to the other party later, Li Muchuan just had another certificate of alibi, which made him somewhat shaken.

It's just that after seeing Li Muchuan now, he takes it for granted.

"What are you doing? You locked him? Would you like to lock me too?"

Dai Chenggang lowered his head, and when he saw Li Muchuan's hands locked, he was furious and started blowing his beard and staring at Liu Jianhui.

Liu Jianhui's scalp went numb when he heard the words, "The matter here is a bit complicated, it's not what I want..."

"I don't care what you want to do or what he has done," Dai Chenggang interrupted Liu Jianhui before he finished speaking, "Just because of his genetic immune serum, you should treat him with some respect!"

Dai Chenggang looked serious.

Hearing this, Liu Jianhui nodded quickly, and took the key to unlock it for Li Muchuan.

Dai Chenggang's face relaxed a little when he saw this, "Tell me, what's going on, how did you get him in such a good manner?"

"Let us also listen to what he did and how he was caught."

Dai Chenggang's words had just fallen, and his face could only be seen on countless TVs, and now he walked into the detention room one by one.

Liu Jianhui looked at these acquaintances, staring at him one by one at the moment, and his scalp felt numb for a while.

"Go out and talk."

Seeing so many people, Dai Chenggang said something.

Everyone nodded in agreement, then found a conference room and sat down.

When a group of people saw Li Muchuan, they all nodded with a smile.

Li Muchuan also responded with smiles one by one.

"That's what happened.... We were catching traitors and spies, and he showed up."

Liu Jianhui told the story, but he didn't know what to say. After all, it was a bit of a coincidence.

After everyone heard it, they all looked towards Li Muchuan. Indeed, according to what the other party said, it was indeed too coincidental...

"Uh, this is really a coincidence, or I didn't read the almanac when I went out. When I saw those guys, I thought you didn't know, so I wanted to help you solve it."

Li Muchuan also spread his hands at this moment, indicating that he was also innocent.

Everyone heard the words and looked at each other.

"We have confirmed your identity. It is indeed the person who provided us with technology, but can you tell us how your technology came from..."

This is a question that has been in their minds for a long time, and it is because they have the patience to ask it until now.

"Find a place with a wider space, and I will show you something to be more convincing."

Li Muchuan thought for a while and said something.

Everyone is full of doubts, what does the other party want to put, and does it need a larger space?

When the other party was arrested, they had also been searched, so how could there be anything.

It's just that Li Muchuan said so, and everyone went to the warehouse of the base.

Li Muchuan looked at the warehouse, and after confirming that the space was large enough, he waved at the people on the side and motioned them to back away.

In the confused eyes of everyone, he waved his hand slightly.

Immediately, a huge gun barrel appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

The incomparably thick light cannon and the exposed wire tube outside, everyone stood in front of them, as if they had shrunk a lot, and the giant in front of them looked unattainable.

At this moment, everyone's expressions were directly frozen on their faces, and their expressions were dull.

"This....what is this? How did it appear?"

Dai Chenggang stepped forward tremblingly and touched the gun barrel in front of him, it was true...

"This is a star destroyer, but it has no energy and can't be fired. Let's study it and see if we can reverse some technology."

Li Muchuan introduced it on the side.

A group of people still looked shocked and inexplicable at the moment, "Did you pick up a spaceship?"

This star destroyer must be installed on the spacecraft, right?

There is indeed a spaceship, but not here. "No, it was obtained from the future."

After thinking about it, Li Muchuan simply told the other party that it would be better.

"I will leave for a period of time every month, travel through some worlds at will, and sometimes go to the future world, and the technology given to you is obtained from the future."

Li Muchuan said calm, but Dai Chenggang and others on the side listened like a stormy sea.

"Time travel? Can someone really travel in time?"

Dai Chenggang looked at Li Muchuan, and he was so excited that he couldn't explain it.

If before, Li Muchuan directly said that he was a transmigrator, they would be suspicious.

Because this is too sci-fi, but now that Li Muchuan has come up with something like this, in comparison, it seems that the time travel has passed.

If it weren't for the time and space shuttle, how could the other party come up with such a thing.

"Well, as far as the world I have traveled through, it is indeed possible to do this."

Li Muchuan nodded when he heard the words and talked to everyone about the world he had traveled through.

Although there was already a star destroyer in front of him to prove what Li Muchuan said, everyone still sat aside and digested it for a long time.

After a group of people looked at each other a few times, they finally digested the news brought by Li Muchuan.

Generally speaking, it is definitely a good thing for them that they have people with such abilities in China.

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly came to the spirit.

"According to what you said, you are going to start crossing in two days?"

Liu Jianhui looked at Li Muchuan and asked.

Li Muchuan glanced at the time and nodded affirmatively.

When a group of people saw this, they immediately began to discuss it. The matter of discussion was naturally because of Li Muchuan.

"Do you think what he said is true?"

"It should be true, after all, if it's false, it won't explain the technology he brought back, and in two days he will travel through it. If it's false, won't the lie be broken with a single poke?"

A group of people are a little nervous at the moment.

After all, the matter is related to the prosperity of China. If it is true, then China will be on the road of becoming a scientific and technological power in the future.

At that time, you won't have to be mad at those countries in the West. It's exciting to think about it.

The rest of the people heard this and thought about it. Although time travel seems too sci-fi, but to say it, the other party can't lie about this kind of thing.

In particular, this star destroyer testifies for the other party. If it is false, this lie is too unskilled.

A group of people were discussing, and now there are several researchers who are taking over the Star Destroyer Cannon.

Li Muchuan introduced the Star Destroyer Cannon to them.

The energy storage block in the Star Destroyer Cannon, as well as the launch button, as well as some general information divisions in it, Li Muchuan talked to the other party one by one.

This is learned from the spacecraft.

Talk to them now, and let them know more.

However, it is still very difficult to disassemble this star destroyer.

The maintenance robots on the spacecraft are all implanted with maintenance knowledge, so they know how to disassemble them.

But now, this Star Destroyer Cannon is not sure how many grades higher for the current level of technology.

The dismantling work is difficult, and after illegal dismantling, the Star Destroyer Cannon will be scrapped directly.

Li Muchuan himself doesn't care. This thing has no energy and is given to the other party. How to study it is the other party's business.

A group of researchers remembered it in great detail and made notes on the side.

The Star Destroyer Cannon was too huge to fit in other departments. After a group of people discussed it, they decided to create a separate department in this place to study the Star Destroyer Cannon.

In this case, the first thing to do is to make a shelf to be able to hang the star destroyer.

In addition, researchers can also go to the top of the star destroyer to test and so on.

A group of people are standing in front of the Star Destroyer Cannon, and they have already started planning how to conduct research.

After a while, Liu Jianhui and others in the distance finally finished their discussions.

"You have made an important contribution to the country. If you need something, just mention it, and the country will try its best to satisfy you."

Liu Jianhui stepped forward and said something.

The importance of Li Muchuan is indescribable. As long as Li Muchuan needs it, they will try their best to satisfy Li Muchuan.

"When I travel, I need to bring some supplies, some weapons that can ensure my own safety, anti-biochemical suits and other materials."

Li Muchuan thought for a while and said.

Some things should still be needed, such as things like this, let the other party help to prepare, and then it will be the best to prepare.

"This is no problem. In view of your needs, we have prepared for you bio-chemical and nuclear radiation protection. In addition, various emergency materials will be prepared for you according to the standard."

"In addition, we have decided to create a secret file for you. You have been to the future world a few times. We will re-establish a new file and identity for you, which is at the national level."

"At this level, you can use this identity in the future, and you can go to any base in the country."

"Even if the future is the end of the world, you can rely on these bases as shelter, and you can also mobilize troops to a certain extent."

Liu Jianhui spoke to Li Muchuan one by one, while taking Li Muchuan to the core part of the base to assist Li Muchuan in establishing files.

For a person like Li Muchuan who can travel through any time and space, these are still very important.

They have just talked about it here, Li Muchuan must have another identity, and this identity will always be passed down in Huaxia secret.

In the future, even if Li Muchuan arrives in the future world, he can directly rely on this identity to gain a foothold and contact his superiors.

In addition, Li Muchuan's identity will not be cancelled in the future. Even if Li Muchuan is dead, he will not do such a thing.

This is also because Li Muchuan has been to the world where he has died several times.

Apart from these, they are also going to equip Li Muchuan with a mobile phone.

This mobile phone guarantees that there is a signal at all times, and Li Muchuan can use this mobile phone to determine immediately whether he has arrived in the future world and so on.

In just a short period of time, they have already thought of a rough plan.

"For the sake of confidentiality, I gave you a code name, Yinxing."

"Your ID number: qxlycy97175223."

While talking, Li Muchuan began to authenticate his new identity, fingerprint, blood type, iris, face, behavior, etc.

A series of certifications took more than half of the time.

In the future, Li Muchuan's major base systems will have such an identity~www.readwn.com~ No matter how the technology develops in the future, Li Muchuan's confidential identity number and authority will always be written in.

This permission will never be revoked.

At this moment, Li Muchuan also called out the location of each base, as well as the deployment above.

These secrets are usually classified as secrets, and outsiders don't know where they are at all, and the road to this place is not even marked on the map.

Up to now, everything has been told to Li Muchuan.

In order to let Li Muchuan understand his rights, Liu Jianhui also took the time to explain carefully to Li Muchuan.

Just these things, a group of people were busy until the early morning without falling asleep.

Even so, a group of people were still in high spirits at this time, and their faces flushed with excitement.

Time travel! Now that they have such a person in China, it is no exaggeration to treat them seriously.

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