Time Travel Rules

Chapter 180: natural disaster plus buff

Three hours before crossing.

Li Muchuan originally wanted to go back to the villa and start traveling, but all the researchers wanted to see how Li Muchuan traveled.

In addition, I also felt that it was safer on the base side, so Li Muchuan was left behind.

"This is a mobile phone that was just made for you. As long as there is Huaxia in the place you travel, you can be located no matter where you are.

In view of what you said before, TY-11 once controlled Huaxia, so for your safety, the positioning function is turned off, and you need to turn it on. "

If you travel to the future world, you will not know what the situation will be at that time. Someone may learn of Li Muchuan's existence and use the mobile phone's positioning function to ambush Li Muchuan directly.

To be on the safe side, this positioning function is still up to Li Muchuan to decide whether to enable it or not.

"This is a passport, which is available from every country, as well as ID cards at various times. Although the country you traveled through has always been Huaxia, you should bring your passport."

The documents prepared for Li Muchuan were as many as one box.

Li Muchuan glanced at the documents inside and received them in the small space.

"In addition, this is a credit card. If you travel to the future, this credit card should still be used."

I don't know what the future world will be like, but let's prepare one for Li Muchuan.

"How much?"

Looking at the credit card handed over, Li Muchuan couldn't help but ask.

"Unlimited, this card has already been bound to you, you can spend whatever you want in the future."

Li Ying heard the words, glanced at Li Muchuan and said.

Hearing the voice, Li Muchuan couldn't help but glance at the speaker.

Li Ying, the woman who stayed with Liu Jianhui before, said that she wanted to put Li Muchuan on the pillar of shame.

But looking at her appearance now, it doesn't seem like she wants to do this.

There is no limit, Li Muchuan took a look at the card when he heard it.

Well, it is still comfortable to rely on the motherland...

"These are emergency backup rations prepared for you, and we are prepared for you under extreme circumstances.

The distribution of your rations is written on it, which corresponds to the time you stay, ranging from one month to a year. The rations here can last you a year at most. If you travel for more than a year.. .."

The other party didn't say anything next, and Li Muchuan also understood what the other party meant.

A year.... not so much.

The time I stayed before was only a few months, not more than half a year.

"All kinds of protective clothing here, as well as detectors, and the energy response device you brought back before, you also bring it with you."

Everything from zero to zero is constantly being stuffed into Li Muchuan at this moment.

Li Muchuan identified them one by one, kept them in mind and put them away.

A group of people in the distance are all looking at Li Muchuan nervously at this moment.

They haven't come over to talk to Li Muchuan for a while, so with so little time left, don't cause trouble for Li Muchuan.

But the tension in my heart is unavoidable.

After everything was ready, Li Muchuan came to a room.

The room was illuminated by bright lights, and the surroundings were filled with various instruments.

A group of people in white coats are all sitting in front of the machine looking very nervous at the moment.

"Calibrate the time, there are still three minutes and fifty-one seconds."

"Fifty seconds."

"Forty-nine seconds..."


Li Muchuan looked at the time and responded.

"very good."

At the moment, Li Muchuan is wearing a long robe, which looks like an ancient person, but this clothes can be turned into modern clothes directly by pulling a few drawstrings inside.

Also, this dress is specially made.

Ordinary slashing and burning have no effect on this dress.

As the time-travel time approached, Li Muchuan was quite calm, after all, he had already traveled through so many times.

Although he didn't know what kind of world he would go to this time, Li Muchuan was still able to remain calm.

Li Ying watched from a distance, looking a little nervous, and looked at the time aside from time to time.

A countdown on the side is the same as the countdown in front of Li Muchuan's eyes.

As long as the countdown is over, the person in front of him should pass through.

Before seeing Li Muchuan's crossing with their own eyes, many people had some doubts in their hearts at this moment.

"Countdown to ten seconds..."

Just when everyone looked at the time nervously, the time finally came to ten seconds.

At this moment, many people have sweat on their foreheads.

Li Muchuan stood on the opposite side and looked at him, all suspecting that the other party was crossing, not himself.

This level of tension has far exceeded Li Muchuan himself.

Li Muchuan looked at the countdown, and it was five seconds now.




Everyone counted down the countdown silently, and when the numbers were cleared, a white light appeared on Li Muchuan's body.

Then it turned into a little bit of starlight, and the starlight scattered around, and faded away.

"Report, the hidden star has disappeared..."

A loud noise rang out, and the surroundings became a mess.


"Cough cough..."

Li Muchuan just felt a sense of touch, and his limbs were still feeling, and then he couldn't help coughing loudly.

As if someone poured sand into his mouth, his body instinctively made Li Muchuan cough out.

"what's the situation?"

Li Muchuan coughed dryly for a while, and quickly took out a bottle of water while looking around.

When the water came into his mouth, Li Muchuan spit it out after rinsing his mouth, and then took another sip, which made him feel much more comfortable.

At this moment, Li Muchuan finally saw the surrounding environment clearly.

The yellow sand in the sky is swept in continuously at this moment, and it only feels desolate in the eyes.

"I came to the desert?"

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan couldn't help frowning.

Take out the goggles and the mask from the small space, reach out and brush the hair, it is full of grit.

"Rely on....what?!"

In such a short time, Li Muchuan already felt that he was covered in sand.

The configured mobile phone was in a small space. After Li Muchuan took out his mobile phone, he started to connect to the signal. He wanted to see if there was a signal connection and confirm the location of the place.

It's just that after the phone is taken out, there is no signal service at all.

This kind of situation made Li Muchuan's heart jump, whether this world is not related to the main world, or is it...

Confused, Li Muchuan still took out the compass. After looking at the direction, Li Muchuan turned his head and walked forward.

The yellow sand in the sky kept blowing, and Li Muchuan only felt extremely uncomfortable.

The surroundings are completely invisible.

"Is there a sun on this head?"

Li Muchuan walked for a while, and felt that the wind and sand were unpleasant, but he didn't feel any pain, just felt unpleasant.

I can't see the sky and I don't know what time it is.

After more than an hour of walking, Li Muchuan heard a soft sound, as if his foot just kicked something.


Li Muchuan looked down, and pushed away the yellow sand under his feet with his hands, as if he had just kicked something iron.

That sound should not be a stone.

When Li Muchuan pushed the yellow sand away a little, he saw a small horn buried under the yellow sand.

Like billboards.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but continue to dig a little out of curiosity.

Billboards can't be in the desert, right?

When Li Muchuan removed all the yellow sand and revealed the pattern on it, Li Muchuan was taken aback.

"what's the situation?"

Just looking at the picture, you can vaguely see three sectors distributed in a circle outside, which are clearly warning signs of nuclear radiation.

Li Muchuan was startled when he saw the warning sign, and quickly took out the detector.

Just as the detector was taken out, it made a harsh sound.


Li Muchuan's heart skipped a beat when he saw the figure, and quickly took out the chemical protective suit and put it on for himself.

Damn, why is there such a strong nuclear radiation here.

Li Muchuan was very nervous. After he finished putting on his clothes, he looked around with lingering fears.

Could it be that he entered a place like Chernobyl?

That's not right, there is no such thick yellow sand in a place like this.

Or is there a nuclear war? The problem is that the hydrogen bomb is also relatively clean, and there is not much nuclear radiation residue.

Li Muchuan's heart was full of haze. He took the detector to probe left and right, and after confirming that the nuclear radiation in the southwest direction was relatively weak, he slowly started the road.

This time, Li Muchuan didn't walk as fast as before. He walked little by little and carefully stared at the detector.

100mSv is serious enough, and every 10mSv increases the chance of getting cancer.

Although his body is strong enough, Li Muchuan doesn't want to be tough with this kind of thing.

Li Muchuan walked all the way to the dark, but he still didn't see a road, nor a green leaf, nor a tree.

Not even a dry tree.

The place you see is gray and gray, as if the world is dead silent.

An inexplicable sense of depression began to hang over Li Muchuan's chest.

The sky gradually dimmed, and Li Muchuan looked left and right, but did not see a place suitable for camping.

This place is completely different from the sandstorm experienced by W1211.

The yellow sand that W1211 experienced, the yellow sand was all orange-yellow, although the same was extremely uncomfortable.

But it's not like the yellow sand in this world. It's like the yellow sand has turned into black sand. It's not pure black, but it has a little black in its color.

Unable to find a place to rest, Li Muchuan could only take out the tent on the spot.

The radiation here is relatively low, and it is safer to camp.

After more than ten minutes of work, Li Muchuan finally set up the tent. When Li Muchuan got into the tent, the wind and sand outside were isolated.

Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief, took off the protective suit and then discarded it.

It's already contaminated with radiation.

Fortunately, Li Muchuan also brought dozens of sets, but dozens of sets can't stand such usage.

Go back and be careful and find a place where there is no radiation.

Or, just stay here and wait for the countdown to end?

No, if this is the future of the main world, then we have to find out the reason.

Li Muchuan took out his food, thinking about the next plan while eating, a map was already spread out in front of him.

Although it has not yet been determined whether this is Huaxia, Li Muchuan still uses Huaxia's territory as the basis first.

"No way, I can't locate myself at all..."

Li Muchuan thought about the place he had just walked, but had no idea where he was.

After walking for a long time, I didn't see any street signs. The only thing I saw was the mark of nuclear radiation.

As far as Huaxia is concerned, there are not many places where there is nuclear radiation, but not many.

The one exposed directly should be a nuclear power plant.

As for nuclear power plants...

Li Muchuan marked the location of the nuclear power plant one by one on the map. After thinking for a while, he still didn't know where he was.

The places where nuclear power plants are built are all surrounded by mountains and rivers.

But right now I don't see the mountains, the forests, the waters....

Either that, this place is not the future of the Overworld.

Li Muchuan had a headache thinking about it, and after reading the map several times, he put it away.

I took out the phone and fiddled with it, but there was still no signal. Even if Li Muchuan turned on the signal location, there was still no news.

Li Muchuan, who was full, looked at his time. He needed to stay in this world for a month....

To be honest, I kind of hate this world.

Li Muchuan listened to the sound of the wind and sand blowing the tent outside. To be honest, he didn't like it here.

There was radiation in the places I walked before, and the sand was blowing, and the sand with radiation was directly blown here....

When Li Muchuan thought of this, he immediately shuddered.

When night fell completely, Li Muchuan set an alarm clock for himself when he fell asleep, reminding himself to get up from time to time to have a look.

Check the radiance outside.

The first half of the night passed normally, but in the second half of the night, the amount of radiation began to increase little by little.

Frightened, Li Muchuan didn't dare to sleep any longer, so he put on the chemical protective suit and left overnight.

Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief when there was a new light between heaven and earth.

Just looking left and right, there is still no color at all.

The world seems to be only a gray color left.

Li Muchuan walked on the sand little by little, and the footprints left behind disappeared quickly.

With the previous experience, Li Muchuan didn't set up a tent anymore, he took a rest on the side of the road and continued on his way.

This piece of heaven and earth has completely changed, and some sand is wrapped in nuclear radiation and swept everywhere.

It's like a radiation dust storm.

It was originally a natural disaster, and now a buff has been added.

Li Muchuan walked in the yellow sand for seven days, and he already felt as if he could not get out of this yellow sand area.

Finally, on the morning of the eighth day, I saw a little building in front of me from a distance.

This made Li Muchuan, who had always had sand in his eyes, finally regained his senses and walked out of the desert?

Li Muchuan held back his joy and hurriedly walked forward.

After Li Muchuan got closer, he immediately saw that the building in front was already dilapidated.

The walls are all faded~www.readwn.com~ There is no one piece of good door and window.

In other words, there are no doors and no windows in the surrounding area.

Except for a few pieces of broken glass, it was faintly visible, and there was not a single creature around.

The detector checked and there was no radiation, Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Wearing this heavy clothes, Li Muchuan only felt as if he was being restrained.

If I knew it earlier, I got a car in a small space, and I wouldn't be so tired right now.

The big deal is that the car is out of gas, just leave it here.

Li Muchuan looked left and right, trying to find the surviving humans.

Before Li Muchuan wasn't sure what was going on here, but now that even the place where he lived was so dilapidated, he suddenly guessed in his heart that there might be a war in this world.

Worse, it's possible that all kinds of mushroom bombs washed the earth.

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