Time Travel Rules

Chapter 181: something in the dark

Li Muchuan turned around and entered the dilapidated corridor on the side.

The mottled walls and some old furniture looked gloomy under the gloomy sky.

It looks like a setting for a horror movie.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan retreated silently, put on the energy shield device from the small space, then took out a strong flashlight, and then took out a gun.

Then he cautiously walked towards the corridor.

The whole action appears to be extremely standard.

Li Muchuan's face was vigilant, and he groped and inspected the rooms little by little.

There is nothing of value, not even the complete set of furniture.

Li Muchuan frowned.

After he came in, he left very obvious footprints behind him.

Except for his footprints, there are no other traces. It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

After patrolling around and seeing nothing, Li Muchuan pinned the gun in the gun bag.

"Isn't everyone in this world dead?"

Li Muchuan came to the top of the building, standing high and seeing far away, he couldn't do it here at all.

In the distance, it was so gray that it was impossible to see far.

After muttering in his heart, Li Muchuan took out a small unmanned aircraft from the small space.

I have to say that the country has plenty of things for him, and even a small unmanned aircraft is equipped for him.

Li Muchuan put the drone aside, and then controlled the plane to take off.

Li Muchuan's figure began to appear on the screen, and Li Muchuan stared at the screen.

This place always made Li Muchuan feel a little hairy, as if a person would suddenly appear behind him.

The small drone flew quickly towards the distance.

The picture that Li Muchuan saw on the screen was still desolate everywhere, and he didn't even see a single tree.

After flying for dozens of minutes, it was determined that no one could be found, so Li Muchuan could only drive the drone back.

It was already the eighth day, and still no one was seen. This situation gave Li Muchuan a bad premonition.

After resting in place for a day, Li Muchuan continued on his way.

This time, it was a little different from the previous one, and the road I took became a cement road.

On the side of the road, you could still see some corroded frames, but Li Muchuan saw some weeds.

But the weeds were covered in dust and looked pitch black.

Li Muchuan continued to walk forward alone. He didn't see a map where he was resting, so he couldn't tell where he was, even without road signs.


Just as Li Muchuan walked slowly towards the front, a thunderous sound made the world slightly brighter.

Then a little bit of rain began to fall.

At first, Li Muchuan didn't feel anything, but after the rain fell, Li Muchuan immediately felt that the rain seemed to have a pungent smell.

"Acid rain? Or is it mixed with other chemical components?"

Li Muchuan sniffed the pungent smell and quickly put on the protective suit again.

When he walked all the way, there was no radiation, and he thought he could take off his clothes.

I didn't expect that the rain would also need to be sheltered.

Li Muchuan had just finished dressing, and the rain in front of him immediately became heavy, and the front became a rain curtain in an instant.

The sound of the rain came, and the weeds that were originally full of dust were finally washed away by the rain and bloomed a little green.

In the devastated world, he suddenly saw such a touch of tender green, which made Li Muchuan feel a little better.

It rained heavily for more than three hours, and Li Muchuan also walked for three hours in the rain, and there was no place to shelter from the rain.

In addition, Li Muchuan has protective clothing, so he doesn't care about the rain.

When night gradually came, Li Muchuan finally vaguely saw the tall buildings in the distance.


Li Muchuan was overjoyed when he saw this. What he saw from the telescope should be a large city in the distance.

Although it still looks shabby and lifeless, in this place, he can get some useful information.

I looked carefully with the binoculars, but still there was no trace of anyone moving.

Li Muchuan lowered his head and pondered for a while, and decided to investigate in the past tomorrow.

the next day.

This is the ninth day that Li Muchuan came here.

During the nine days, Li Muchuan did not come into contact with anyone in this world, nor did he see the sun.

Li Muchuan often raised his head to see the gray sky, and felt that the world should not be able to see the sun.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. He hasn't seen the sun for nine days.

According to the planned ration, Li Muchuan set off after eating one.

This time, Li Muchuan had a little bit of expectation in his heart. It doesn't make sense to see anyone here, right?

After thinking about it this way, Li Muchuan checked his equipment, and then proceeded cautiously towards the city ahead.

After getting closer, Li Muchuan took out the drone again and began to detect.

The drone slowly took off with a humming sound, and then flew forward quickly.

There are overgrown weeds and abandoned vehicles everywhere.

Now the grass on the side is taller than the car, and green moss can be seen crawling up on the walls.

"Still nobody?"

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan frowned immediately.

After patrolling around and not seeing a half-person figure, Li Muchuan could only put away the drone.

After checking the equipment on his body, Li Muchuan started walking towards the city.

"Generally speaking, large cities like this will have emergency shelters. Maybe you can go to the subway entrance to have a look."

As Li Muchuan walked forward, he wondered where the air raid shelter would be.

If you can find this place, you may be able to find some clues.

While thinking about it, Li Muchuan carefully looked around.

The surroundings were so quiet that Li Muchuan felt inexplicably uneasy.

After walking for an hour, Li Muchuan still couldn't identify which city in the main world this was from the surrounding buildings.

At this moment, Li Muchuan's heart suddenly moved, and he saw a subway entrance sign beside him.


Li Muchuan's heart jumped when he saw this. The sign on the subway entrance was gone. Maybe he could go down to see this subway route.

Li Muchuan has a little impression of the subway routes in China.

If the routes in the subway are exactly the same, then it is likely to be the future of the main world, or a parallel world.

But if Li Muchuan doesn't know each other, then it can be judged that this has nothing to do with the main world.

This has come all the way, and there is no information that can distinguish the world at all, which really makes Li Muchuan feel anxious.

Li Muchuan strode to the subway entrance, and then looked down at the subway entrance.

There was still a little light above, but when Li Muchuan looked down, it turned into a pitch-black hole.

The dark entrance of the hole is prohibitive.

Li Muchuan felt a little hairy when he saw this.

Under the pitch-black hole, there is a completely unknown field, and the fear of the unknown began to gradually spread to Li Muchuan's heart.

Li Muchuan took a deep breath, took out a strong flashlight, and was about to go down.

It's just that when Li Muchuan walked halfway, Li Muchuan, whose ears were extremely sensitive, vaguely heard a rustling sound from below.

The sound is quite dense, and just hearing the sound makes one's scalp tingle.

"Is there anyone down there?"

Li Muchuan took a step back, he was indeed a little frightened.

Although his body is considered tyrannical now, he doesn't know what is underneath. When the strong flashlight shines on, he only sees a general range.

This subway entrance is too deep, it is estimated that it is tens of meters deep.

This is the height of dozens of buildings.

Li Muchuan's voice passed on, but there was no sound of response at all, but the rustling voice he heard before, which immediately became a lot noisy.

"What the **** is this thing down there?"

Li Muchuan's face was ugly, it was dark below, and listening to the voice made him dare not go down at all.

Although after speaking, it should be able to help narrow the scope of speculation, but Li Muchuan didn't want to take risks like this.

After thinking about it, Li Muchuan directly took out two grenades from the small space, and after decisively pulling them apart, Li Muchuan aimed at the target below and threw it hard.

The grenade was like a hidden weapon in Li Muchuan's hand, and it flew down quickly.

After a while, the sound of grenades hitting the wall and the ground came from below.

Li Muchuan hurriedly ran towards the ground at this moment.

Although he didn't know what was below, Li Muchuan, who was a little scared, didn't want to let go of what was below.

Whatever you are, eat two grenades first.

As Li Muchuan ran towards it, he heard that after the grenade flew down, the previous sound seemed to pause for a while, but then it became more and more noisy.

It was as if the following things became excited.


Li Muchuan just ran to the ground, and when he looked back, he saw a fire lit up under the darkness, and then he heard a roar.

After the grenade exploded, the previous abnormal noise suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan couldn't help raising his mouth, "This means that there is no bazooka, otherwise I will definitely give you a shot!"

Looking at the entrance after being bombed by himself, the movement just now disappeared, and Li Muchuan couldn't help but be extremely happy.

Sure enough, any fear comes from a lack of firepower.

If his previous Star Destroyer gun was still in his hand, if he still had energy, he would have lifted the entire surface of the earth.

So let the following things know, what is called home gone.

Li Muchuan clapped his hands, turned around and continued to walk forward.

Not long after Li Muchuan left, in the dark subway entrance behind him, it seemed that something was passing below, and just one glance made one's heart shudder.

"Well, the library..."

Not long after Li Muchuan left the subway entrance, he saw a library in front of him.

The name of the library here is engraved on the stone, but Li Muchuan recognized it at a glance.

Seeing that it was a library, Li Muchuan hurriedly walked towards it.

It's just that when Li Muchuan walked inside, he was extremely disappointed.

The bookshelves were empty, as if they had been cleaned, and there were no books on the rows of bookshelves.

"Even if there is a nuclear war, you don't need to clean up the bookshelves like this, right?"

Li Muchuan looked at it intently, but he didn't see any data at all, and his face was helpless.

He didn't understand a little, why so many places and many things were taken away.

It's like being targeted, just don't let him know where this place is and what this place is.

Just when Li Muchuan secretly thought whether he was targeting, his feet slipped slightly, as if he had stepped on a smooth object.

Li Muchuan looked down, pulled it with his paw, and immediately saw what was under his feet.


Li Muchuan quickly leaned down after seeing a corner, wiped off the rest of the dust, and a map that was not very new suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Is this a map of the world?"

Li Muchuan looked down and frowned deeply after a while.

The map in front of him was a map of the whole world. At a glance, he knew that it was completely incompatible with the main world.

It doesn't even match the plates of the continents.

Familiar with the map of the main world, I suddenly saw this alternative map in front of me, as if I was looking at a painted duck.

"So, is this another world?"

Li Muchuan stared at it for a long time, and found that the various countries on it were marked extremely rigorously, and it didn't look like a random map.

If it is indeed a map of this world, it means that this is another world.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If this world is not related to the main world, then he doesn't need to worry about anything, just wait for the end of the time-travel time in peace.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan took out something to put the map on.

After patrolling for a while, Li Muchuan continued to walk forward, preparing to find a place to rest and rest at night.

Not long after leaving the library, Li Muchuan's footsteps paused slightly.

On the roof of a dilapidated car on the right, there is a trace of being dragged, and the trace is the most recent.

"What caused it?"

Li Muchuan came to the roof to take a look, and there was a little blood on it.

Judging from the traces around, it seems that the weight of the dragged thing is not light.

It's just that ~www.readwn.com~ has no traces on the ground.

Li Muchuan looked at the roof of the car, and then looked around, and found that the trace was only used on the roof of the car.

And the roof of the car is sunken, as if it fell on the roof of the car.

Li Muchuan looked left and right, and the surrounding area was quite empty, and there were no tall buildings.

"Strange, how could this happen? Could it be that someone was like me, extremely strong and smashed the opponent up and down?"

Li Muchuan stared at the roof of the car for a while, then looked left and right again, without a clue.

"Forget it, get out of here first."

The sudden appearance made Li Muchuan feel that it was not very safe here. Li Muchuan originally wanted to rest here for a night.

But now it seems to be exempted, let's leave here and talk about it.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan immediately walked out of the city. Anyway, he couldn't find anything useful here, so it would be boring to stay.

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