Time Travel Rules

Chapter 182: run side by side with the car

The feeling of not seeing an animal on the left or right, and all things dying, is really uncomfortable.

After walking out of the city, Li Muchuan looked at the sky and estimated that it was around three or four in the afternoon.

The time on the mobile phone that I brought here is obviously different from the one here.

The time displayed on the phone is 12:00 pm.

If it were someone else, the jet lag would have to be reversed. Li Muchuan was probably due to his improved physique, so he felt good at the moment.

Waiting for Li Muchuan to continue walking for about an hour, he vaguely saw a little bit of smoke rising in front of him.

"Cooking smoke?"

When Li Muchuan saw the smoke, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

Does smoking mean there are surviving humans?

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan hurriedly walked into the distance.

But when Li Muchuan got closer, he became vigilant again.

Obviously this world is in a state of doomsday, who knows what the people here will be like.

After muttering in his heart, he glanced at the drone's battery and Li Muchuan used the drone to start detection.

In the humming sound, the drone flew quickly towards the distance.

A picture immediately appeared on the screen, like a village-like gathering place, and the clothes of the people inside were fairly clean.

Just looking at their faces, they are obviously a little yellow.

After taking a closer look, I found that many of these people were holding knives in their hands.

Such a scene immediately reminded Li Muchuan of what Einstein said.

I have no way of knowing what weapons were used in World War 3, but I do know that in World War 4, it would be rocks and sticks.

Right now it looks a little bit different, but it's pretty much the same.

Look at the appearance of these people, they don't even have a gun.

The situation observed so far is like this, but it is not clear whether the gun is hidden or not.

Li Muchuan took the drone back and put on individual combat equipment.

He is still hesitating whether or not to go up and get in touch, as to understand what is going on in this world.

At this moment, there were a few subtle voices in the distance, and then several people rushed out.

Several people were middle-aged people, looking at Li Muchuan with vigilance at this moment.

"who are you?"

Well, I don't need to make a decision anymore, you have found it yourself...

Li Muchuan looked at the people in front of him. He didn't see it clearly on the screen before, but he was afraid that the drone would be discovered, so he didn't fly too low.

I don't know if it was an unmanned aircraft or it was discovered. The other party followed, or it was discovered by chance.

The person in front of him has only one inch head, but it looks like he has just shaved his head and it hasn't grown out for a long time.

The person in the lead was holding a machete, which seemed to be a bit of a deterrent.

"I was just passing by and wanted to inquire about some news."

Li Muchuan spread out his hand, signaling that he had good intentions, and took a few steps back.

He noticed that someone seemed to want to get around behind him.

"Passing by, asking for news? Can't you think I'm a fool?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he frowned and snorted coldly. What is the world like now, who still dares to go out and walk around?

Even in some nearby villages, they usually don't communicate much.

"Say, what do you want to do here!"

The person on the right also picked up a machete, and while talking, he was eager to try, as if he wanted to directly kill Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan frowned when he saw this scene, "If you have something to say, don't dance with knives and guns."

He also wanted to have a good conversation with these people, but the people in front of him didn't seem very willing.

The people surrounding him had a bit of greed in their eyes.

It should be that he saw something on him and wanted to take it away.

And Li Muchuan seems to be just one person, it seems that they don't need to reason with Li Muchuan, be polite.

"We don't even know what the purpose of your coming here is, why should we talk to you well!"

A half-year-old boy on the left said something wildly after hearing Li Muchuan's words.

Then he gestured to his friend with his eyes.

He saw that the clothes on Li Muchuan's body were thicker, and his mind was directly moved at this moment.

If I can grab this dress, I won't be afraid of the cold in winter.

There are also shoes under the other party's feet, which also look extremely warm and waterproof.

Seeing this, Li Muchuan frowned immediately, and when he moved his hand, a pistol appeared directly in his hand.

"Can we have a good talk?"

Li Muchuan pointed a gun at the very frenzied young man who had just been talking to him.

Originally, he planned to have a good talk with these people, to understand some general situation, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

There is no capital to speak and no one listens.


The boy on the left had the greed in his eyes, but when he saw the muzzle of the black hole, his feet suddenly softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

Having never been pointed at the head with a gun, I really can't feel that kind of fear.

At this moment, he completely realized this feeling.

The rest of the people were shocked when they saw this, and their expressions changed.

"I don't believe you still have bullets in your gun!"

How long has it been since? Even if there are guns, it must be scrap metal.

Many people only know from the mouth of the previous generation that there is such a thing.

The gunshots were never heard.

Suddenly seeing such a gun at this moment, I just thought that there should be no bullets, and there is a little self-esteem out of my heart.

I feel that if this is to be subdued, I will be laughed at when I go back.

At this time, the young man on the side said with a tough face.

Li Muchuan immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and the lazy other party was talking nonsense.


A loud voice sounded, and the young man on the left spattered three feet of blood on the spot.

"Who else doesn't believe it?"

The gunshots fell, and a group of people around took a step back, their faces were already full of horror.

The person in front of him is also a ruthless person, and they don't dare to provoke each other.

"Are you from the base?"

The middle-aged man at the head stared at Li Muchuan and looked at it, and then suddenly said.

The person in front of him was white and clean, and looked very healthy. Wherever they looked, they could see that they were malnourished at a glance, and that they all had diseases on their bodies.

"Base? What base?"

Hearing this, Li Muchuan immediately frowned and asked.

Are there any surviving humans in the base? Li Muchuan secretly guessed in his heart.

"Aren't you?"

The middle-aged man at the head was puzzled when he heard the words.

But what makes Li Muchuan the most strange is that these people didn't care too much after seeing that they had killed a person, and they didn't even feel sad at all.

I don't know if it was because of his shock, or because they were used to things like the dead.

"Then where did you come from?"

The middle-aged man looked at Li Muchuan's face and guessed that Li Muchuan was not lying.

But since that's the case, where did this guy in front of him come from?

Not to mention that there is a gun on the body, this clothes seems to be new?

Among them, whose clothes were not left over from the previous generation.

"It came out of Changbei City," Li Muchuan said after thinking about it.

When he came out, he occasionally saw a billboard that said what company in Changbei.

If you guessed correctly, Changbei should be the local city name.

No, he was obviously going to ask these people, why was he asked about his heels?

Li Muchuan reacted and felt that something was wrong. When he was about to ask the other party, the face of the middle-aged man opposite suddenly changed at this moment.

"You came out of Changbei?"

At this moment, it is not only him, but the faces of the others around him are already full of horror.

Everyone stepped back at this time.

It seems that their fear of Changbei seems to be more than the gun in Li Muchuan's hand.

Seeing this scene, Li Muchuan couldn't help but immediately recalled that he had heard something under the subway entrance before.

The reason why he recalled it so quickly was that when he heard those voices before, Li Muchuan felt a little creepy.

It's just that after the two grenades were dropped, there was no movement below.

"What happened in Changbei? Is there something?"

Seeing this, Li Muchuan asked quickly.

"You're dead, and no one who comes out of it will be able to live..."

After one person finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

When the rest of the people saw this, they all ran away one after another, and no one dared to stay here.


Li Muchuan frowned when he saw this scene, and stopped one person directly.

The person who was stopped looked at the gun in Li Muchuan's hand, but now he became fearless, "If you want to kill, kill me. At least our village can be saved."

"I want to ask you, what exactly are you talking about?"

He had seen the other party's village just now, and Li Muchuan didn't even think about asking the other party to protect him.

From what he saw, these people were united, and their force value was not as good as him, so how could Li Muchuan let the other party protect him.

Hearing the words, the person who was stopped breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a hurried tone, "We don't know what the specific things are, we only know that those things are very ferocious, afraid of light, and only come out at night to act.

In the past, someone went in to look for supplies, and it seemed that they left behind a smell, so they were chased all the way into the village, which led to the immediate destruction of the village. "

After finishing speaking, the person who was stopped did not dare to talk nonsense at all, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

However, there are still many problems on Li Muchuan's side that have not been resolved, so why would he want to let him go.

When Li Muchuan chased the other party to the entrance of the village, he saw the people inside began to sprinkle something outside the village.

I guess it's because of the smell.

"Sell me some of your stuff, and I'll trade with you for food."

Seeing that people in this village still have this thing, Li Muchuan said immediately.

At this moment, the people in the village brought bows and arrows from far away and aimed at Li Muchuan from a distance.

"You can solve the troubles you cause yourself. These things can only help us not to be violated by those things. They will not work for you. Those things will smell and hunt you down. If you don't kill you, you will not stop. "

An old man in the village responded loudly.

The rest of the people hid, probably all knew that Li Muchuan had a gun in his hand.

Let the other party come out because the other party is old, and there will be no great loss in death.

Seeing that the people in the village were ready to fight, Li Muchuan could only stand at a distance if he dared to get close, and they would go all out to the end.

"What is inside, no one knows what it is?"

Li Muchuan felt that it was a little unsafe there before, so he came out.

I didn't expect that after listening to the other party's meaning, the things inside would still be chased out?

"Those things came out after dark. Who can know what they are? And all they saw are dead."

The old man replied, and then urged, "Please leave quickly, even if I offended you before, but one person died, there is no need to pull the rest of the people to back you."

"Finally, can a gun kill those things?"

Li Muchuan did not respond to the other party's words, but continued to ask a question.

"Of course, those things are not iron walls."

Hearing the words, the old man replied that the tone at the moment was extremely sincere, even a little humble.

Now Li Muchuan is a person with a time bomb. If he can't kill the other party, he has to be careful to be bombed by the other party.

Hearing this, Li Muchuan was relieved, but he was still worried that it was something that could not be beaten to death.

If it was like something in W97, it had to rely on mecha to deal with it, then Li Muchuan would have to go to the end of the world.

"Those things can't fly, can they?"

"Will not...."

The old man is about to cry at this moment, doesn't this guy really want to stay here on purpose?

"Can't you see what it looks like? How do you know it can't fly?"

Li Muchuan was a little confused.

"Although we can't see it, we still know whether that thing is running or flying..."

The old man was full of helplessness, they just couldn't see what those things were, but they could still know whether the things were flying or running on land.

After listening to this, Li Muchuan felt right after thinking about it.

"Are there any cliffs nearby?"

There is a landing mountain in his small space, and it is a stronghold on the other side of the cliff. If he can't beat it, he will jump off the cliff and run away.

That thing can't fly, it's more or less safe.

"It's behind."

After listening, Li Muchuan took off the drone and started to detect the terrain to see if it could be used as a skydiving site.

At this moment, the people in the village saw the drone in Li Muchuan's hand, and all of them had bright eyes. Is this a product of the civilization era?

As someone who has been completely inaccessible to such things, it is inevitable to be full of surprises now.

Some people began to ponder in their hearts that after the other party died, this thing should be left behind and can be picked up when the time comes.

Li Muchuan detected the terrain and found that this cliff was very suitable for skydiving, and immediately decided to set up a defensive circle here.

After making the decision, Li Muchuan turned around and left in a hurry, not staying here any longer.

Staying here is more like breaking your own back road, and there is still a back road to the cliff.

At present, I just don't know what is in there and how fast it is.

Li Muchuan actually thought that if he could run past that thing, he would just run up and take the other party for a walk.

How to say, his current speed has reached more than 100 kilometers per hour, and he can run side by side with the car.

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