Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 27: Time and space disorder

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A few days later, when the boat reached the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, the party patriot asked the boat family to dock and anchor. The traversing group was ready to return to the baseline time and space, and the luggage had to be disembarked first.

This time, the journey was relatively easy. During the journey, Ji Yuqian took a lot of urban and rural materials in the Song Dynasty to put them in his own company’s game console for background use. Dang Aiguo bought a large number of Song edition books. Back to modern times, each one is worthwhile. City-linked ones not only have market value, but also have higher research value. Guan Lu also bought a lot of jade jewelry, rouge, gouache, silk, but Liu Yanzhi was empty-handed.

Everyone was very busy, moving for a long time, more than 20 suitcases were piled up on the shore, and the party patriot asked Guan Lu to call out Xiao Zhouhou.

"It's the queen empress after all, too lazy, I don't know how to help." Guan Lu muttered and walked into the cabin, but did not see the figure of Xiao Zhouhou, thinking she was drinking tea on the rear deck as before and watching the scenery. , Walked over and took a look, the rear deck was empty, and now she panicked, where in the wilderness, where can I go after a small week.

Suddenly she caught a glimpse of a touch of green under the water, she burst out in a cold sweat, and screamed: "Help!"

Liu Yan jumped up straight, stepping on the deck and swaying, Guan Lu pointed to the bottom of the water and said, "Quick, quick, drowning!"

Suddenly committed suicide after Xiao Zhou!

Liu Yanzhi plunged a violent child, took out a wet woman and placed it on the deck, hurried artificial respiration, pinched her nose to blow into her mouth, and performed cardiac resuscitation. After tossing for 20 minutes, there was still no improvement, Xiao Zhou The back lungs were filled with water, and the gods could not save them.

After a few weeks, the ketone body gradually cooled, his eyes opened slightly, his skin was crystal clear, and it was broken by blowing, but it was still lifelike, but a wisp of fragrance had already flown to Beiman Mountain.

Both Dang Aiguo and Ji Yugan stood by and took off their hats to show their condolences. No one could have predicted that Xiao Zhou would commit suicide. I thought she was a person who died once, full of new hope for life, and thought about how. To help her start a new journey, even to return to the benchmark time and space, to help Xiao Zhouhou to open a cultural salon specific methods, but only one step away, people are gone.

"We were negligent. After Li Yu died, she was just a walking dead." Guan Lu sighed, "Xiang Xiaoyu died, and her beauty was fatal. This is all to blame. If I hadn't confirmed the concept of her being reincarnated, she would not Will commit suicide."

Now it’s too late to say anything. Xiao Zhou’s suicide disrupted the steps. They had to go to Jinjiang City to buy a coffin and find a place with good feng shui to bury the Queen of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The stone tablet was engraved with Jinling Li With the words of Zhou’s Tomb, there was a suicide note left after Xiao Zhou. It was a Dielianhua with a deadly ambition, which was put away by Guan Lu.

Dang Aiguo found a few footmen and moved their luggage halfway up the mountain, so as not to bother them when they went up, so as not to be found in the cabin. The four of them were a bit tired and carried all their luggage to the top of the mountain, but they saw it. The scarred crossing cabin.

"Someone came here and wanted to remove the transit cabin. If they didn't succeed, they would destroy it." Dang Paiguo analyzed and carefully inspected the scars. The outer casing of the transit cabin was extremely strong. The mercenary gun battle with Mengshan was not broken last time. It is even less likely to be ruined by the villagers of the Song Dynasty.

"They used axes, hammers, simple knives, and a small **** for digging herbs." Ji Yugan also followed to check. "It should not be organized by the local government, but by the villagers who acted spontaneously. They probably wanted to smash them and take them back to the furnace. A sickle or something, an iron sickle without dislocation, it's really bad for them to figure it out."

Dang Aiguo wiped it with his sleeves, and most of the traces of these knives, axes and axes disappeared. The dislocation-free iron was very strong, and only the outer coating was scratched.

The hatch opened and everyone started to carry luggage. There were too many things. Each person could bring two suitcases at most, and the rest could only be discarded.

"It's better to bury it, maybe it will be a cultural relic after a thousand years." Guan Lu said.

"Just the silk and satin quilts you bought have turned into mud after being buried for a thousand years." Liu Yan teased.

"That's also a cultural relic." Guan Lu was arrogant, and she accounted for more than 20 suitcases.

In the end, eight boxes were streamlined, and Guan Lu forcibly brought another one. The transit cabin was full. The space for four people was oppressed and it was very uncomfortable to sit. Fortunately, the transit time was only a moment.

"Sit down, we are going back." Dang Aiguo Road, he placed two precious things on his chest, which are DNA samples of Chen Tuan and Lu Dongbin. The other Song editions are not important.

"After I go back, I want to write a book about Xiao Zhouhou." Guan Lu said, "It will be serialized on the Internet. It must be popular."

"It's better to invest in a movie about Xiao Zhouhou." Ji Yugan said, "I can invest."

"Hey, if Zhou Wei went back with us, it would be fine. You can really make a movie and let her act as herself. It's absolutely popular. It won't be a problem to win an Oscar." Guan Lu thought of the death of Xiao Zhou, and her eyes were red again. .

"Stop talking, sit firmly." Dang Aiguo pressed the switch, a white light flashed, and the transit cabin disappeared.


On the top of Cuiwei Mountain, the crossing cabin suddenly appeared, and Dang Paiguo opened the hatch, and a freezing cold wind caught the snowflakes. It was bitingly cold, not right!

The four people looked out together. The sky and the earth were wrapped in silver, the top of Cuiwei Mountain was white and snowy. In the distance, a large group of people were gathering by the fire to eat. They used stones to form a stove, supported a large iron pot, and did not know that it was stewing. What kind of meat, this group of people also turned their heads, staring at the transit cabin intently.

These people wear helmets, and the dirty cloth visors are dotted with copper nails. The tall helmets are white. The weapons are at hand, with swords, spears, bows and arrows, and long matchlocks. Look at them. His faces are ferocious and ferocious, like evil spirits released from hell.

These unidentified troops didn't say anything, and they started directly. Some people picked up the bird blunts and fired, some opened their bows and shot them, and the party patriotic quickly closed the hatch, and there was a loud noise outside, the sound of arrows and lead bullets hitting the shell.

"Damn, I'm wearing the wrong age, think of a way to fight out." Dang Paiguo shouted, making room for Liu Yan to go straight ahead, and the cabin was full of wicker boxes. It was extremely difficult for people to squeeze, and finally Liu Yan went straight to the cabin. At the door, the rain-like intensive percussion stopped abruptly.

Liu Yan held the handle straight and slowly pushed open a slit, and the slender blade came in, slashing in the cabin, and there was a rough swearing outside, which was incomprehensible language.

"Who are they?" Guan Lu paled with fright.

Regardless of who was outside, Liu Yanzhi grabbed the long knife by holding the blade, pushed open the hatch, and slashed with the knife. In a flash, he chopped down seven or eight soldiers. Not only did he not knock down his arrogance, but on the contrary stimulated the opponent. With high morale, more soldiers came over with their weapons, white blades and snowflakes flew together, Liu Yan killed people like mowing grass, through the three floors outside the cabin, and the three floors outside, lying full of corpses.

The soldiers finally realized that they could not fight the enemy hand-to-hand, and the leader yelled. All the sergeants retreated, lined up in three well-trained rows, and picked up the blunderbuss. The first row shot, and the smoke filled the gun. Retreat on both sides and continue to charge ammunition. The second row continues to shoot, then the third row.

The top of the mountain was filled with white gunpowder, which blocked everyone's sight. When the mountain breeze dissipated the smoke, the transit cabin was still in place, but the people were gone.

The traversing team took advantage of the empty space and fled in a hurry. They wanted to run down the mountain. However, they saw a large camp at the foot of the mountain with flags and tents connected one by one. There were also many cavalry patrolling the surrounding area. road.

"At least there are 100,000 troops." The party's patriotic sweat came out. He didn't know which country these people were. It was definitely an alien army. Maybe it was the wrongdoing to the end of the Song Dynasty and met the Yuan Dynasty's red army. What, but at the end of the Song Dynasty, there were no bird guns, and they would not use the tactics of three-stage strikes. Combined with their armor, it should be the Qing army's troops with the white flag or the white flag.

"Go down from the cliff." Liu Yan said straight. He only had a Yan Ling knife in his hand, and he cut a gap. It was no problem against a hundred people, and he was also shocked against a hundred thousand army.

Now, I can only rely on Liu Yanzhi to carry the people down the cliff one by one. The three rushed to the cliff. Liu Yan straightly broke with a knife, but the trouble came again. The Qing army was also stationed on the side of the cliff. There are hundreds of people, and they are equipped with artillery!

There was an interception in front and chasing soldiers in the back. All three were shocked. Dang Paiguo drew out his pistols and fired again and again, overturning several Qing troops, but they couldn't stop the opponent's charge. Feather arrows flew in the ears. However, if it wasn't for the windy day, they would have been shot as hedgehogs.

Fortunately, Liu Yan was right there. He rushed into the enemy line and killed him back and forth. He grabbed three shields and a tiger spear and returned, and threw the shield to his companions: "Good!"

This is a round shield used by sword and shield soldiers. It is not made of metal. It is a solid wooden board with a layer of cowhide. The effect of blocking arrows and cold weapons is good. The three of them squatted and tried to hide in the shield. Behind, listening to Yu Jianzha's thumping sound on the shield, everyone was frightened.

Liu Yanzhi held a tiger gun in his hand. The rod of the tiger gun was iron. It was wrapped with a layer of bamboo, wrapped in linen cloth and painted with a large lacquer. The strength and toughness were guaranteed. The rust, the tip of the gun is narrow and sharp, and it is very suitable to deal with the Qing army wearing cloth visors.

He was the rise of killing, ignoring the fact that more and more Qing troops were in sight. The generals of the Qing army adjusted their tactics and no longer sent infantry to fight, but formed battles. The long players were in a line, and the water was blocked. Afterwards, it relies on firepower throughout the entire process to kill the enemy.

"Don't fall in love with war, hurry up," Dang Paiguo reminded him.

Liu Yanzhi came to his senses, picked up a bow, fired three arrows in a row, and shot three officers with slightly different armor and suits. The formation of the Qing army who lost command was chaotic, and no one dared to step forward alone. This gave them a chance to escape. , Under the cover of Liu Yanzhi, the three of them bent over and trot to the edge of the cliff.

"Come here if you have the kind of horses." Liu Yan held the tiger spear straight in his hand, and he would not open it.

The Qing army was frightened. They entered all the way from outside the pass, and they never encountered decent resistance. Regardless of whether it was Li Zicheng’s Dashun army or the army of the Nanming court, they were all counsels. No army dared to fight the Qing army. In the wave of war, they only dared to defend themselves by the city. This is the first time they have seen this kind of enemy.

"Wu Na Nanman, tell your name, if you return, Lord Yu can spare you not to die." A Qing army officer shouted, he is probably from the Liaodong Han, who speaks well in Chinese.

Liu Yan raised his hand straight with an arrow, and the sound of breaking through the air came. The little officer's cheek was pierced by a feather arrow ~www.readwn.com~ and fell to the ground.

"Who else!" Liu Yan shouted straight and majestic, his whole body bathed in blood, as if he were a red-robed hero.

No one in the Qing army dared to suppress them, and their morale was completely suppressed. It was not the timidity of the Manchu fighters from Baishan and Heishui, but the corpses all over the floor to give the answer. Lose your life.

Liu Yanzhi became impatient, and grinned and said, "Stand still for me, wait until I get to the top of the head." He raised his tiger spear and rushed over, and he charged an army alone. No one has seen the style of play. The soldiers hurriedly put a row of birds and arrows, only to see the red robe warrior rising from the ground, avoiding all the projectiles and arrows, and volleyed to kill.

Damn, this is the rebirth of Zhao Zilong. The last trace of morale of the Qing army collapsed. Hundreds of soldiers turned around and ran down the mountain, dispersing an army of Jiala who had come for reinforcements.

Liu Yanzhi retired calmly, carrying Guan Lu on his back, holding Dang Aiguo and Ji Yugan with both hands and flew down the cliff and landed on the opposite bank of the Huai River.

"My suitcase is lost." Guan Lu cried. When she crawled out of the cabin just now, she was in a rush and threw a few boxes out. Now it's all cheaper for the Qing army.

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