Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 28: Chen Yuanyuan

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Guan Lu's several boxes filled with Song Dynasty ladies' costumes had been opened by the Qing soldiers. The colorful silk and satin clothes were all over the floor. A pink tube top was picked up by a soldier with a red tassel. A group of people laughed wildly. , As if the corpses of more than a hundred comrades lying around did not exist.

A Jia La fore really came over, sternly reprimanded the soldiers, ordered them to put the spoils back to their original place, and then circled around the transit cabin, suddenly stopped and pulled out the waist knife, and used the blade to pry into the gap in the hatch cover. He broke off with a loud sound, and the hatch cover was intact. Angrily, he swung his knife and hacked, only cutting out some fine marks on the cabin body, which was wiped off.

"Carry it down and present it to the prince Chitose." Jia La Erzhen ordered a group of Qing soldiers to come and lift the transit cabin down the mountain. The mountain road was dangerous and snowy. They used a dozen wooden bars and a lot of twine. It took a long time to transport the transit module back to Daying Mountain.

In the Chinese army’s big tent, in the most central cowhide tent, dozens of sticks of butter and wax were lit, and there was a brazier in the center. The temperature felt hot. Sitting in the center was a man full of anger, with a bald scalp and only his brain. Behind him was a small piece of hair the size of a coin and a three-inch pigtail. He only wore a beautiful jersey. On the case in front of him was a big pot of boiled pork, and a dagger was stuck in the pig's head.

This is the Prince Yu of the Qing Dynasty, the fifteenth son of Nurhachi, the younger brother of Dorgon, the master of the white flag inlaid in Manchuria, and Aixinjueluo Duoduo. He is only in his early thirties this year, but he has been fighting on the battlefield for many years and killed himself. Hundreds of people have passed, and they all have the domineering courage of a hundred warriors.

In the daytime battle on the top of Cuiwei Mountain, the Qing army lost its troops and lost its generals. Two Niu Luzhen died. One hundred and seven soldiers were uninjured. All of them were fatal. This is the exchange rate since the Qing army entered the customs. The worst battle, because there are only four enemies.

Dodor was furious, but it didn't show up on his face. The general of 100,000 troops could not express his anger and anger. He had to figure out what happened before he made a decision.

It was difficult for the army to advance, and the Bing Feng referred to Yangzhou, which was guarded by history and law, and then drank the horse Jiangnan and destroyed the small court of Nanming. For Duoduo, who had once captured Hong Chengchou and annihilated Li Zicheng, it was an armed parade rather than a southern expedition. , The Han army was too stubborn, and the Dashun army that took down Beijing was nothing more than that, and it collapsed in front of the Eight Banners Iron Cavalry.

The Qing army camped at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain. Dodor sent a thousand people to the top of the mountain and installed a few artillery pieces in order to deal with the navy in Nanming. Unexpectedly, the navy did not come, and several uninvited guests came and killed a hundred. Tajiro jumped off a cliff and committed suicide, which was strange.

A group of generals knelt under the account, and they agreed. These rude men don’t like to lie about military affairs like the southern barbarians. They have one talk, and two talk. They will never talk nonsense. Duduo believed them and got up. When the account was released, a strange silver-white metal cabin was placed in front of him. With the knowledge of the prince of Yu, it was actually impossible to see why.

There were also four wicker boxes that came with the metal cabin. They were stuffed with silk and satin. Duduo drew a knife to pick up one. It felt that it was a woman's dress, but it was different from that of a Ming Dynasty woman.

"Call the master and the craftsman over." Duoduo said.

It didn't take much time. Two Han men were brought in, one was a scholar with a goatee, and the other was a sturdy blacksmith. The prince asked them to take a closer look at these things.

The craftsman circled the transit cabin a few times, took out a small hammer and knocked it everywhere, shook his head and said, "I don't know what is small."

Duoduo waved his hand: "Pull it down."

The two guards stepped forward and pulled the craftsman aside, and slashed directly.

The Confucian student was so scared that he was frightened and fought in two battles. His name was Zeng Hong. He was originally an old talent in a county in Hebei. He was captured by the Qing army along with thousands of people. The women were turned into prostitutes, and the men took on handyman duties. Fortunately, he can help build ordnance. Like him, he has no power to bind chickens, and he can only sell his brain power when he is old. Fortunately, he has a lot of knowledge and knows more about miscellaneous knowledge. If nothing is wrong, he will teach the Qing army. The strange anecdote in this place saved a life. Even the prince Yu has heard of his ability to remember well, so he stayed in the camp as a master. There were more than one master, but he was the only one who could tell stories.

The life of the Han is worthless. If you say kill, kill. Zeng Hong knows that he will die next. Since he can't avoid death, it is better to fight for the last time. He boldly said: "The villain knows the origin of this thing."

"You said." Duduo was very impatient, and the guards held the handle of the knife, and waited for the prince to wave his hand.

"This thing is a cage for prisoners in the heavens!" Zeng Hong said loudly. "There is a record in the Shanhaijing that the gods who violated the heavens were placed in a square iron shell like a house and suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain. I have seen the paintings in the Song version of Shanhaijing, which are no different from this iron box. These clothes do not look like the people of today, but they look like the backs of people in the Song Dynasty."

Dudor was dubious: "You bluff me!"

Zeng Hong kowtows his head like garlic: "The villain dare not, but there is a half lie, the prince is also willing to divide the villain into five horses."

Duduo contemptuously said: "It takes five horses to divide the body to kill a southern barbarian like you. One knife is enough."

Zeng Hong Sese shivered and collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Duduo said: "Forgive you for not daring, go aside."

Zeng Hong didn't dare to stand up and rolled aside like a donkey. The Qing soldiers laughed at the ugliness of the Han.

Dodor ordered: "Take good care of the cage of the prisoners in the Heavenly Court, and no one is allowed to touch them randomly. These women's clothes, dressed up and sent to the General Wu's camp, are said to be the king's kindness."

The four boxes of clothes and shoes that Guan Lu bought during the Song Dynasty were put on a carriage by the Qing army and transported to another camp ten miles away.

The camp is very well organized. Although it is only a temporary residence during the march, the drainage ditches, fences, and gates are meticulous. Even the huts outside the camp are built in a very formal way. There is a big "Wu" on the big banner of the Chinese army. "word.

Prince Yu’s gift went straight to the Central Army’s account and delivered it to General Wu. The 33-year-old former Ming Dynasty Ping Xibo and Ning Yuan general soldier Wu Sangui still wore armor late at night, and his sword never left his body. Since the battle of Shanhaiguan, the Qing army has been brought into the customs. After that, he had a strong sense of insecurity, even if the Qing court treated him well, there was a crisis in mind.

Duduo was the commander of the Southern Expeditions and commanded over one hundred thousand troops. Wu Sangui’s troops were Guan Ning’s old iron cavalry. They were only loyal to him. The Qing government did not include his troops. He was also very generous in terms of military payment. Duduo also treated him. Very friendly, but still made him tremble, walking on thin ice.

Four wicker boxes filled with women's clothes. What does Duduo mean?

Wu Sangui lowered his head to think, the flames of butter and wax flickering under the seat, reflecting the uncertainty of his face.

"Marshal, Duduo is here to disarm you. He can't see you marching with a woman to fight." General Yinsi said under his hand.

"Duo Duo has taken many Jiangnan women abducted under his own account." Another general said dissatisfied. "He is only allowed to set fires, but are we not allowed to light the lights?"

"Shut up." Wu Sangui raised a hand, "It's **** suffocated, Duduo, this is me, saying that I am marching slowly like a lady, okay, tomorrow I will send troops to the river and take the lead! Don't seal the knife for three days."

Guan Ning's people are gearing up and eager to try. They are all Han people, and they have not shaved their hair. Their battle robes and armor also retain the characteristics of the Ming army, but this army no longer belongs to the Ming government, but Wu Sangui’s private soldiers. Private soldiers rely on both kindness and power, and looting is equivalent to exaggerating fakes. The soldiers are the happiest. They don’t care about the number of old and weak women and children in Omi. In their opinion, they are not compatriots, but waiting to be slaughtered. Lamb.

Wu Sangui urgently deployed tomorrow’s siege tactics. It took more than an hour to end. At this time, it was two more days. He returned to the back account and sat down on a chair covered with white tiger skin. A woman in Tsing Yi walked behind, two Wu Sangui's temple was pressed by his white and slender hands, and Wu Nong asked softly, "Master, are you tired?"

"Yuanyuan, thank you for your hard work." Wu Sangui squeezed a small hand and rubbed it. The stunning woman behind him was his beloved concubine Chen Yuanyuan, who led the Qing army into the pass, which was more or less related to this alluring woman.

Chen Yuanyuan is a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River, one of the eight beauty of Qinhuai. He married a landlord, fell in love with scholars, entered the palace, and eventually became Wu Sangui’s concubine, but was kidnapped by Li Zicheng’s general Liu Zongmin. Although the concubine’s house is not a wife, At best, it is private property, but Chen Yuanyuan obviously belongs to the kind of property that the owner cherishes especially. Liu Zongmin's behavior greatly stimulated Wu Sangui, which led to the general's anger and confession, leading wolves into the house and causing trouble for the Central Plains for hundreds of years.

"I heard the concubine from behind, what tricks Dudor was doing?" Chen Yuanyuan asked while massaging. Most of the prostitutes in the late Ming Dynasty were very literate ~www.readwn.com~ They were also women, and they were more delicate in their minds. The elders under Wu Sangui are much rougher and stronger, and sometimes Wu Sangui will ask for her opinion.

"Duo Duo sent four boxes of clothes." Wu Sangui said, "Xu means to urge me to enter the army."

"Can I show my concubine?" Chen Yuanyuan rolled her eyes.

"Why not?" Wu Sangui immediately asked the soldiers to bring in the four boxes of clothes. Chen Yuanyuan checked them one by one, and said strangely: "This is not like a Ming person serving, but like a Song Dynasty costume painted on a book, but it is brand new. It's weird."

"Does Duduo have other meanings?" Wu Sangui became vigilant and sent the women's clothing to the Song Dynasty. Is it to remind himself of the things in the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty? As a Han, we must stand firm and not double-faced, otherwise the end will not be good.

Women are always interested in clothes. Chen Yuanyuan admired these Song dynasty women's clothing and admired the aesthetics of the ancients. Suddenly a thin piece of rice paper fell from under the turquoise skirt. She bent down and picked it up, and wrote a word on the paper. , The poem is graceful and poignant, and the handwriting is delicate and charming, but it looks like his own handwriting.

Chen Yuanyuan read the Dielianhua gently. For some reason, her mood suddenly sank, and a faint sadness came to her heart.

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