Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 34: Xiao Zhouhou or Chen Yuanyuan

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After the battle was over, all the soldiers who participated in the war respected Liu Yanzhi as a god, but this god-like figure was very approachable. He smiled and greeted these warriors: "Don’t be idle, everyone, the heads of people on the floor are all credit. ."

The tycoons were blushing. They just clashed and charged behind Liu Yanzhi, shouting cheer by the way. Basically they didn’t kill a few people. Ninety-nine percent of the enemy’s corpses on the battlefield were caused by Liu Yanzhi alone. Then again, how could a god-like figure personally cut off the nasty things like that, or leave it to the younger ones to do it.

Even Fang Chenglong, one of them counted as one, and they all dismounted their horses and drew their swords, and got busy in the corpse. Most of Wu Sangui’s soldiers were Han, and some of them were Manchu and Mongolian, but they all had their hair cut and braids, their heads cut off, and braids tied. On the saddle, more than fifty horses are covered with heads, **** and scary, but everyone is very happy. Heads are the best bargaining chip for calculating credit. These heads are sent to Nanjing. Everyone must be hereditary. Of thousands of miles.

The five hundred pawns of the party’s patriotism also hurried over, and they also picked up some cheap heads, most of them were trampled on by horseshoes, and the appearance was not good. For example, only half of the heads of the full grid were left. The skull is connected to the scalp and the pigtails, and the facial features are indistinguishable. The infantry picked up most of the baggage. The armor and robe on the corpse were not too dirty. Except for the underwear, don't peel off all the weapons. A lot of weapons and flags were seized. There were also a lot of horses on the battlefield.

Fang Chengbin on the front of the city couldn't help it anymore, and ordered the city gate to be opened wide and to go out for support. The battle was over. Naturally, there was no need for support. They just let these peasant soldiers see the blood on the battlefield.

The whole battlefield was full of joy. The Rebels won an unexpected victory. They were motivated and elated. They spontaneously lined up in two rows outside the city gate to welcome the triumphant colleagues. Among the team returning to the city, Liu Yan went straight to the first place. Fang Chenglong followed, and the cavalry behind was holding the horse Liu used by Liu Yanzhi and Wu Jun's big bow. The horse's neck was covered with heads, and they walked beamingly.

Fang Chengbin greeted him personally, completely changed his expression, his face was full of concern, he first slammed Liu Yan with a fist: "Omi is a hero in the whole battle, and Fang is grateful for the people in the city." After saying that he turned and dismounted. Liu Yan led the horse straight.

Liu Yanzhi did not refuse, let alone feel that there was nothing wrong with him. He positioned himself as a hero, a god, let alone Fang Chengbin, it was only natural that the emperor of the Hongguang Dynasty gave him a horse and a stirrup.

When I entered the city gate, the firecrackers hanging on the tower were ignited, and red confetti was flying all over the sky. The drummers banged their cheeks and blew the "General's Order". The people across the city welcomed them. The first battle was won, and the people were hanging. His heart finally let go.

The commander of the rebel army, the head of the Qing army was piled up into a hill. The tycoons did not dare to be greedy. They all said it was the credit of Liu Yanzhi alone, but Liu Yanzhi said: "Such a good news is sent to Nanjing. It’s better to share the battle merits with everyone and give more rewards."

"How is this!" Fang Chengbin refused to agree at the first. After seeing Liu Yanzhi's methods, he dispelled all nasty thoughts, and decided to follow and assist this stranger from now on, and follow this one in the days when the world was full of chaos. Fierce general, He worry does not have the identity of a founding father.

Liu Yan didn't appreciate it, and waved his hand: "I have decided, just do it. Besides, I have other needs, so don't push me away by then."

Fang Chengbin had to agree to assign these first ranks to the generals of the rebel army. He was good at balancing and pulling the relationship. He shared the credit for the third brother, and naturally took other things to make up for it. Originally, the third son only had fifty trilogy of his own. Now the boss assigned all the five hundred infantrymen to him as personal soldiers, and gave them all the weapons, armor, and horses captured, and another five hundred taels of silver as a reward.

"Third brother, you are too Meng Lang, eldest brother asked you to go out of the city for reconnaissance, how can you play against Wu Sangui, don't do this next time, if there are three long and two short, how can eldest brother explain to his father." Fang Chengbin took a chance, low. The lesson of the third brother.

"Big Brother taught it." Fang Chenglong accepted the criticism humbly.

Fang Chengbin gave Liu Yanzhi another gift that he could not refuse, a tall and mighty horse with mixed coat color. This horse was originally Liu Liangzuo's mount. The nickname of Huama Liu came from this horse. Don't look at the mixed coat color, but know how to do it. You know, this is called Yuhua Cong, a very rare horse.

Originally, the boss wanted to ride this jade flower crest for his son, but the horse recognized the owner and Liu Liangzuo died. No one but the horseman can approach it. Instead of spending good horse feed every day, it’s better to give it to Liu Yanzhi. Sell ​​personal affection.

"If there is this horse today, I will be able to chase Wu Sangui." Liu Yan laughed at the gift, took the rein from the groom, and patted the horse on the neck. It is strange to say that the horse was so violent that he met Liu Yanzhi. He became a docile little pony, snorted and rubbed his head against the new owner.

"Sure enough, it's a stranger." Fang Chengbin secretly sighed, saying that a horse is also a steed that knows the current affairs. It clearly killed the enemy of the former owner. Just because the opponent is powerful and stubborn, what is the difference between an animal and a human.

Liu Yanzhi took the Yuhua Cong and left. Fang Chengbin cleared up his mood and went back to write the memorial. He wanted to write a memorial with a flower cluster. Today, he will send someone to Nanjing to report the victory. Those heads will also be pickled with lime and sent to the court. The award is just around the corner, and the Yushi who is standing aside may get a governor or something.

Although the enemy army was temporarily repelled, the second wave of offensive will come at any time. The morale of the rebels is high and the city gate is not blocked. More than ten detective horses are released to detect the enemy's situation, and the city walls are also actively preparing for battle, just like to wait until the sunset. Wu Sangui did not dare to come again, everyone was relaxed and ready to have dinner.

In ancient times, two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, today’s great victory, the army slaughtered pigs, slaughtered sheep, and rewarded the three armies. Liu Yan has become a hot spot. People with good looks will come and drink a bowl of wine with him. He naturally comes. He didn’t refuse, and even drank hundreds of bowls. People cheated when they drank too much. The drinks flowed down the corners of their mouths. He really drank all of them and didn’t spill a drop. But after drinking too much, there was a circle on the top of his head. People looked even more admired.

When the wine was hot, everyone started to brag, basically touting Liu Yanzhi, one person said, others followed, and a hero said: "If you want me to say, our big brother's performance today is considered abnormal. The horse is not strong. If you change a good horse and a quick knife, then we will pick Duoduo's camp tonight if Guan Ning is riding Wu Sangui."

Everyone said yes. This is the truth. One has to equip elder brother with a good weapon. Some people say Zhangba Snake Spear, and some people say Qinglong Yanyue Knife. At least the one weighing 99,981 catties can be worthy of the eldest brother. Of supernatural power.

Fang Chenglong said: "Now that there are good horses, good weapons are not good enough, I will let the blacksmith in the city build which weapons my eldest brother likes."

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "I will draw a few pictures and let the blacksmith follow them. It's too late today. Please prepare some gunpowder for me first."

Fang Chenglong said: "Brother, what's the use of gunpowder?"

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "Wu Sangui will definitely attack at night, I will copy his back, and lose his forage camp, let him retreat without fighting, if there is free time, stop by Duduo camp and give him a round. Take some thoughts.

Omi is a medium-sized city with rich resources of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal. Fang Chenglong asked the craftsmen to make some powerful things overnight, and put them in a deerskin coat to Liu Yanzhi.

Liu Yanzhi, who was satiated and satiated, took off at the head of Omi City and headed north under auspicious clouds.

People all over the city saw this spectacle and knew that the gods came to help, and Omi was safe.


Twenty miles away, Wu Sangui’s army was marching. Today they suffered a nonsensical defeat. In fact, they didn’t lose many soldiers and horses. They were just stupefied. They lost even the big dragon. Guan Ning’s iron cavalry couldn’t afford to lose this person. Wu Sangui decided to attack Omi at night. This time, most of the soldiers they dispatched were infantry, carrying ladders and other siege equipment. Everyone was gearing up, waiting to enter Omi, looting and adultery, doing whatever they wanted.

The sky was gloomy, as if lead was poured, the clouds were black and low, and the army moved slowly, and the carriage carrying artillery made deep ruts on the official road. The soldiers were whispering, discussing the reasons for the defeat in the morning, rumors Faster than the wind, the saying that Omi's defenders had a demon to help out has spread throughout the army.

Wu Sangui's face was blue, and he was sitting on horseback in a big cloak in wolf skin. He wanted to wash away the shame and kill the monster. For this reason, he prepared a firecracker team and used a musket that can penetrate the triple armor to deal with the monster. he.

A piece of snow fluttered down, and it fell on the fur collar of the wolf fur and did not melt. It snowed again.

Twenty miles away, Wu Jun’s camp was full of depression. The strong soldiers and horses were all pulled out. The rest of the camp were old, weak, sick and disabled. Liu Yanzhi pressed the head of the cloud with the help of snowflakes flying and fell on the hoard of grain and grass. The key protection position of the battalion is guarded by a team of elite soldiers, but they can guard against foreign enemies and visitors from the sky.

Liu Yanzhi is also welcome~www.readwn.com~ directly lit a gunpowder bomb and threw it into the haystack. It was all flammable hay. The fire broke out immediately, and the fire became more and more prosperous. The patrol team happened to pass by and rushed to put out the fire. He killed them all with one knife, and only left when the flames soared to the sky and the rescue was beyond rescue. He went to the stable and set a fire, and the whole camp was in chaos.

Since it was set on fire, I simply came to the full set. Liu Yanzhi held a knife in one hand and held a torch in the other to light the tents everywhere in the barracks. When he encountered obstacles, he slashed and overturned. Found that this tent was unusual, so he pierced the cowhide tent with a knife and wanted to go inside to see what happened.

The tent was warm like spring, carpeted, and braziers. The maids screamed when someone broke in. Liu Yanzhi understood that this was Wu Sangui’s private military account. Only he was qualified to take a woman on the march. Where is Chen Yuanyuan? It is said that Wu Sangui and her are inseparable, and they take them wherever they go. Since they are here, it is impossible to see them.

The maids tightly guarded a woman. It must be Chen Yuanyuan. Liu Yan stepped forward and kicked the maids away, picking up the woman's chin with the scabbard.

Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman who is full of beauty.

"You... aren't you Xiao Zhouhou?"   Liu Yan exclaimed.

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