Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Night Attack on White Tiger Camp

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Chen Yuanyuan is also considered a woman who has seen the world. When the city of Beijing was broken, the Emperor Chongzhen hanged Meishan, the court ministers collectively surrendered Li Zicheng, the army looted in the capital, robbed women, and Chen Yuanyuan was also robbed by Li Zicheng’s general Liu Zongmin. I have been a wife for a while. The poor Jiangnan woman was forced to eat lamb buns all day long. She was sleepy with the Kansai man who didn’t like to take a bath. She was better than dead. Fortunately, the Dashun Army was defeated and Wu Sangui was in the rebellion. I found Chen Yuanyuan, and never separated from now on, and brought him with him during the Southern and Northern Wars.

Now that he has experienced a big boss like Liu Zongmin, there is nothing in the world to fear Chen Yuanyuan. She is convinced that no man in the world can withstand her beautiful appearance, and the more rough and savage man looks, the more she likes a weak woman like herself. Take Liu Zongmin as an example. A tower man who kills like hemp, drinks like water, and has a beard like steel needles, is as good as a small cat in front of him. He is pleased in every way and only asks the beauty to smile. So, face this The man with the knife, Chen Yuanyuan raised her head without fear.

The reaction of the other party was unexpected, but what he said was very strange. After a little week and a big week, could someone look the same as my Chen Yuanyuan, leading to the wrong person?

"My concubine's surname is Chen, and her name is Yuanyuan." This was spoken in Wu Nong's soft language. It was so crisp and sweet, but Liu Yanzhi couldn't figure it out. "It's obviously Xiao Zhou, why is Chen Yuanyuan again?" However, he understood in a flash, didn't Lin Su and Zhen Yue look exactly alike? Maybe Chen Yuanyuan was the reincarnation of Xiao Zhou.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanzhi made up his mind, grabbed the quilt from the bed, and wrapped it up in spite of Chen Yuanyuan’s screaming, and walked out on his shoulders. A group of soldiers outside dared not approach with knives, and Liu Yanzhi ignored them. , Ran a few steps into the air.

The next goal is Duoduo's camp. This time Liu Yanzhi came out overnight, but he burned Wu Sangui's grain and grass along the way. He mainly went to find the transversal cabin and bring it back to return to the benchmark time and space.

Chen Yuanyuan was wrapped in a brocade quilt and tied three times with leather straps on the outside. Like a baby in a swaddle, she could feel her body leaving the ground, rising higher and higher, only seeing the sky full of stars, and the whistling sound of wind beside her ears. She was a fear of heights, and she fainted with fright. She didn't move, and she didn't prevent Liu Yan from flying straight.

In a short time, Liu Yanzhi arrived at the Qing army camp. The two camps were horns to each other. The Wu army camp was full of flames. Obviously it was a night attack. However, the Qing army did not reinforce the camp. Instead, they stuck to the camp and used a strong bow and crossbow. He greeted him, for fear that he would be caught off the mountain.

Duduo has woken up. As the head coach of the Southern Expedition, he is well aware of Wu Sangui’s defeat in the morning. In the eyes of the Manchurian, the Han people are all intimidating, especially Guan Ning's iron cavalry. This group of goods has the best equipment and the highest payment, but It is the most silly army among the Han people. As long as they have a little male blood, the Manchus will not have today. So Wu Sangui’s failure today is not surprising. It’s good to frustrate the courage. I heard that Wu Sangui sent troops again an hour ago. Duduo didn't hold too much hope. Of course Wu Jun won, but it didn't matter if he lost. Anyway, it was all Han people who died.

The fire in Wu Jun's camp gave Duo Duo a new understanding of the Omi garrison. These Han dogs were quite good at fighting. They were not able to prevent them from harassing themselves. So he issued general orders again and again, and the whole army was standing up.

"Wu Sangui can also be considered among the Han Chinese who know soldiers. It's really a joke." Duduo said contemptuously.

Liu Yan could see clearly from the air that the Qing army was well dispatched, with swords and shield soldiers and archers and spearmen on the front line. The cavalry battalion in the back had been assembled and could go out at any time. At the same time, there was a battalion of infantry marching towards the position where the grain, grass, and baggage were stored. In the battle between the two armies, food and grass are the most important thing. Without food and grass, the battle would not go on. Therefore, the most commonly used trick in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is to intercept the food road.

Liu Yanzhi was not polite. He flew over the grain warehouse and dropped the incendiary bomb. He has given out experience when setting fire. The food is not good. First, the haystack is the most flammable. The hay is the most flammable. There was a raging fire soon after.

In the army's big account, someone came to report: "The prince's big business is not good, the grain is on fire!"

Dudor was shocked. If the enemy attacked him at night, he would not be so nervous, but the explosion meant that the gunpowder depot had been captured by the enemy, and the situation was beyond expectation. He tried to maintain his composure and said, "Take this king’s armor and weapons. ."

The soldiers of Dodor gathered quickly and surrounded the big tent. There were three layers inside and three layers outside. The shields protected the birdclaws, and the spears came out from behind. The entire handsome tent was protected like a hedgehog. Several guards. Help the prince put on his armor, hang his saber with bow and arrow, and prepare his horse.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a pile of broken limbs was thrown all over the sky. It was also unlucky for the Qing army. The gunpowder was ignited. The Qing army began to use a large number of firearms before entering the customs. Conventional weapons, so the baggage includes a large amount of gunpowder. The gunpowder depot exploded. It was immediately lively like a New Year’s Eve in the 20th century. The flames were higher than the Wu Jun camp. The explosion shook hundreds of soldiers guarding the warehouse to death. It was too big, the soldiers' limbs and broken bodies were thrown into the air, falling all over the ground, and the clothes of the corpses were also washed away by the air waves. The naked ones were terrifying.

There were also a few white bodies in front of the Chinese army’s tent. Even the veteran of the Hundred Battles was the first to see this scene. He was scared and sweaty. Dudor couldn’t pretend to be calm. He thought of the massacre on Cuiwei Mountain the day before. The **** of Qingbing, could it be that the **** came back?

At this time, the Qing army camp was full of wailing, and the soldiers could still maintain their composure. The Han craftsmen and civilians who were accompanying the camp were in a mess, running around like flies without their heads, the stables also exploded, and the frightened war horses ran everywhere, again Many people were kicked to death, only the Great Tent of the Chinese Army stood still like a rock in the huge waves.

Duduo said solemnly: "If the order is passed down, the battalions will keep their own formations, and those who trespass will be killed!"

The army has a plan to guard against night attacks, that is, to hold a fixed position and shoot and kill the runners, because night attacks are often only a few enemies, which can mess up the camp, and the losses are mostly self-traveling. Array, order will be restored soon.

The military order was passed on with the sound of a gong. The Qing army’s quality was much better than that of Wu Jun. He quickly calmed down. Arrows flew in the flames, shooting all the people who were scared and stupid and running around. This was barely maintained. Stay in order and avoid the crisis of bombing camp.

Liu Yan straightly carried Chen Yuanyuan on his back. He came to look for the transit cabin, but he couldn't find it. Such a large metal cabin could hide where he could hide. He even asked a few people to ask, but he couldn't get the answer, so he got angry. The knife fell and made a few more killings.

Others don’t know, Duduo must know that Liu Yan was straight-hearted and decided to go straight to Duduo’s army, and asked him to ask him clearly, but he was afraid that the army would hurt the "Little Zhou Empress", so he found a piece of armor wrapped in it. Jinbei was **** with a cowhide rope outside, picked up a spear, and strode towards the Chinese army's big account.

There was snow in the night sky, flames in the distance, half of the sky was red, and with pine oil torches hanging everywhere, the camp was very bright, and more than a thousand soldiers outside the big tent watched one person with a gun. Snow comes, treating them as nothing.

"Huh! The common name of the person coming!" a Qing army leader asked sharply.

"I came to Duduo to ask something, is he there?" Liu Yanzhi responded loudly.

"Bold, is the name of the prince named by you casually!" Zuo Ling said angrily, but his voice was trembling. This person dared to single out thousands of people alone. Could it be that he is the legendary **** who singled out Wu Sangui?

"The name is just for people to call it. What is it not called Duduo? Could you please call him out, I will ask him if I don't kill him." Liu Yan stood in a mammoth manner, not caring about the bird bluffers who were outflanked by his wings.

Zuo sees that the bird guns are already in place, and just about to order the fire, Liu Yanzhi takes action first. He reaches into his arms and takes out a handful of lead shots for bird guns. This is a heavy outfit that he had just taken in the arsenal. A lot of them were used as a hidden weapon at this time, but they also took advantage of it. The sound of swooshing through the air came, and the birds suffered heavy casualties.

Liu Yan directly throws lead shots at a very high speed, reaching 300 meters per second, which is almost equivalent to the muzzle velocity of modern firearms. Between his waves, a shotgun is firing. The bird-gunners are densely arranged, their armors are thin and they are He smashed in a mess, and he was defeated.

Now that he started, the two hands stopped talking. The archer started to release his arrows. Liu Yan danced his spear straight, and drew his arrows like a splash of wind. He immediately rushed to the formation of the Qing army, killing a **** alley and entering the Chinese army. The big tent, Duoduo's figure has long been gone, only a white tiger skin on the handsome chair.

"Duo Duo, get out!" Liu Yanzhi shouted loudly, shaking his voice.

Twenty miles away ~www.readwn.com~ Wu Sangui saw the fire blazing from the rear, and knew that the Ming army had stolen his own back at night, and there was no room for attacking the river. He hurriedly ordered the rear team to change to the front team and hurried back to camp to fight the fire.

Returning to the camp and counting the losses, there were not many dead, but the food was burned, and it would be a problem to continue the fight. The only thing that made Wu Sangui gratified was that Duduo was also attacked at night, and the loss was more severe than his own.

Wu Sangui returned to the big tent and saw several maids kneeling in the corner, shivering, with an ominous premonition floating in his heart, and asked, "Where is the lady?"

"Madam...Madam was taken away..." the maids replied in a low voice.

Wu Sangui almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, Yuanyuan was taken away again! Why should everyone grab my Yuanyuan! why!


Near Jiang Mansion, Guanyi, Liu Yan landed straight in the atrium, untied the cowhide rope, opened the armor, and entered the house holding the Jinbei, shouting: "Don't sleep, get up and see who is here."

Dang Aiguo and the others got up, rubbed their sleepy eyes, gathered in the hall, and saw Liu Yan straightly spreading the quilt, revealing a beauty in ancient costume. Who else can it be?

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