Time Traveler

Chapter 83: Jasmine blooms

The old housekeeper broke his fingers and told everyone who knew about it. Lin Huaiyuan figured it out for a while, dispelled all the thoughts of quitting his mouth, and began to consider the feasibility of recruiting Liu Yanzhi.

"The origin is unknown!" This is Liu Yanzhi's most appropriate comment in Lin Yantai's mind. This guy claims to be from Nanyang, but that is just an excuse. The ghost knows where he and Zhou Jiarui and those big-waisted men jumped out. Since this group of people appeared, Lin Huaiyuan's world has been turned upside down, with ups and downs. Although he is now promoted to chief ambassador, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Who knows what is waiting for him next.

Liu Yanzhi was personally named the sixth-rank Lan Ling guard by the Queen Mother. This was a beautiful future, but he left without saying goodbye. Thinking about this, he learned to become a literary and martial artist, and he was not loyal to the country with the emperor’s ability. Are there other uses? Lin Huaiyuan was puzzled. Suddenly, a glimmer of inspiration flashed, and he took a deep breath. Is this Liu Yanzhi a chaotic party?

There are chaotic parties in the south, who fled overseas to try to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. This is well-documented. These people are from Nanyang, behave strangely, have superb martial arts, and have fake braids on their heads. They know the center of the court well, and 80% are sent by chaotic parties. The elite, but why do they want to rescue the queen mother, is it possible that there is a deeper conspiracy?

   Lin Huaiyuan became more and more afraid as he thought about it. His whole body was cold. The housekeeper sometimes gritted his teeth and muttered to himself when he saw him. He thought that his master had been caught in the evil, and carefully reminded: "Master, master, wake up."

"It's okay, I'm okay." Lin Huaiyuan sighed. What is needed most at this moment is a brainstorm. Unfortunately, Master Zhou is no longer there. The person he trusts the most has actually abducted his aunt and flew high. This matter is for Lin Huaiyuan. The shock is far beyond imagination. Women are like clothes. He doesn't care about a concubine's room, making his unacceptable relationship with decades old so fragile in the face of danger.

"Housekeeper, take a few people to pick up the second concubine and the young lady." Lin Huaiyuan was disappointed. The unknown danger dilutes the joy of the family reunion. He didn't go to the dock personally to pick up people, only changed casual clothes and waited in the back hall. .


An hour later, two small sedan chairs with two people quietly carried into the back door of Yantai Yamen. Miss Lin, who had been wandering outside for two months, finally returned to her father. Naturally, she had to cry bitterly. Lin Huaiyuan was calm. Wen Yan comforted her and asked the maid to accompany her to the embroidery room to rest.

   Lin Su bit his lip and said shockingly: "Daddy, my daughter has something to plead with your old man."

   "Let's talk about it later, if you have anything to do, the boats are tired, let's take a rest quickly..." Lin Huaiyuan had already guessed what his daughter was going to say and waved to stop.

"The Lin family is in trouble, and I help Yishi Liu with righteousness. The daughter has...has been privately appointed with him for life. Please father to punish him." Lin Su left her seat and bowed down. She knew her father's temper, and 80% could not tolerate someone with unknown origin. Liu Yanzhi, if this matter is not settled in front of everyone, I am afraid that nights will be long and dreamy.

   Lin Huaiyuan was already mentally prepared, so his face was as usual, and he said lightly: "Daddy knows, this matter will be discussed later."

   Lin Su knelt on the ground and said, "Also ask Daddy to complete it."

   Seeing the situation is not good, the second auntie also knelt down: "Master, concubine..."

   "Nothing to do with you!" Lin Huaiyuan suddenly increased his tone, and the atmosphere in the living room became more subtle.

Liu Yan's heart was upset and he didn't know what to do. If he belongs to this era, he would naturally be willing to marry Lin Su, even if he joins the Zhulin family, he can still discuss it. But he is not a Qing dynasty after all. He has a mission and is destined to just Passing by, it's just that Ms. Lin and a female stream have made a face to confess, how can he be a tortoise, he only hesitated for a few seconds, and then left the seat and bowed: "Uncle Lin, Lin Su and I are in love. I hope you will be perfect."

Lin Huaiyuan didn't get angry and laughed instead: "Well, Liu Yishi wants to marry Lin's daughter. I dare to ask where you live and where your parents are? The guards of Lan Ling asked you to resign. Where are you going to marry now? How to raise Susu?"

   Liu Yan straightforwardly said: "If you want to make a contribution here, it's just a matter of effort. Uncle Lin must be very clear about this. As for my life experience, I will slowly tell my uncle later."

Lin Huaiyuan thought that the security guards in the Yamen of the Yamen were no match for Liu Yanzhi. He was able to win this matter. He changed his smile and said: "Liu Yishi is really heroic, but the big matter of marriage is not trivial. , You have to make a good dowry."

Liu Yanzhi’s funds have been spent almost, and only a string of big east beads is left. This thing is not valuable in modern times, because it is cultivated in the farm, but it is a rare and rare thing in the Qing Dynasty. He had a few thousand taels of silver, so he had a bottom line in his heart, and he immediately promised that he would be successful and would never shame the face of the Lantai family.

   "The housekeeper, take Liu Yishi to the meal, and help him prepare the birthday horoscope and the betrothal gift by the way. We have to see an auspicious day here too." Lin Huaiyuan said.

   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Master Lin finally relieved.

   Lin Su turned his head and glanced at Liu Yan, his face flushed. From today until they entered the bridal chamber, they were afraid it would be difficult to see each other again.

It happened that Liu Yanzhi was also looking at Lin Su. What he was thinking about was not these details, but how to bring this Qing dynasty bride back to 2017. The transversal cabin is probably no longer there. If you want to go back, you have to wait for Lei Meng and the others. For the next crossing, I don’t know if it will be more than ten years or decades later.

Why did he marry a daughter-in-law in a muddle-headed manner? Liu Yanzhi recalled carefully and talked with Lin Su a few times. He didn't even pull his hands when he walked around the street. But he didn't know that these exchanges were considered to be a violation of rituals in the Qing dynasty. Up.

   The big event has been decided, Lin Su reluctantly returned to the embroidery room. Before leaving, he glanced back, embarrassed and charming.

   Lin Huai far-end tea saw the guests off, and watched the old housekeeper accompany Liu Yan straight out, his face gradually getting colder, he went back to the back hall with his sleeves, and first asked the second wife to torture the truth.

   The second wife knew that a disaster had happened, so she dared to hide it and bring the truth to her. Lin Huaiyuan still didn't believe it, and repeatedly asked the two of them whether they had cooked rice with raw rice.

   "The concubine body is guaranteed by her life, and Liu Yishi always treats each other with courtesy, and she has not crossed the thunder pond one step." The second aunt said.

   Lin Huaiyuan felt relieved and went back to the study to make plans.

Liu Yanzhi ate the meal, first went to the pawnshop and bought a string of Dongzhu, which was exchanged for fifteen hundred taels of silver. Chao Feng was so excited that he thought it was a huge advantage, so Liu Yanzhi didn’t care and took the ticket to leave. Walking around in the street, he has to prepare for a long-term stationing. A house and several servants are all necessary.

  The butler arranged for Liu Yanzhi to be an official post outside the city, which is equivalent to the official guest house of the Yamen. At night, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so he got up and went into the city.

Miss Lin didn't fall asleep either. She was staring at the moon outside the window in a daze. Suddenly a person appeared in front of her. She almost screamed out of fright. When she fixed her eyes, it turned out to be Liu Yanzhi. She suddenly said, "Scared to death, why are you here?" "

   "Can't sleep, watch the moon with you." Liu Yanzhi didn't see outside, pulled a chair and sat down. The two were relatively speechless for a long time. Lin Su finally put his head on Liu Yanzhi's shoulder.

   Father has agreed to this marriage and will get married soon. Since the two are unmarried couples, there is no need to pay attention to those customary rituals.

   Liu Yan directly smelled a scent of orchid and musk, turned his head to look at his fiancee beside him, tender and charming, and his heart swayed.

   "Silly, what are you looking at?" Lin Su said.

   "Look at the mountains upstairs, the snow from the top of the city, the moon in front of the lights, the clouds in the boat, the beauty under the moon, I'm looking at you." Liu Yan said straight.

   "I didn't expect you to be quite literary, would you be able to write poetry?" Lin Su tilted his head, letting Liu Yan straighten his pussy.

   "Please forgive me. I can only fight wars and not write poetry."

   "A lie, you will be in front of Sister Shen."

   "That is a pair, not a poem."

   "I don't care, I want you to write poems~www.readwn.com~I really can't..."

   "That word always meets, right?"

   "Well, if I make a poem, what do you reward me?"

   "It depends on your literary talent."

   Liu Yanzhi had no choice but to search his stomach. Fortunately, his middle school Chinese teacher was very strict, and he can still recite some poems. The ones before the Qing Dynasty are no longer available, and the modern ones can be better or better.

   "Listen well, the scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting...they are all going, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!" Liu Yan straightened and frustrated after reading the stolen Chairman's poem, his old face was flushed.

   "You really did it?" Lin Su stared at him blankly. "The literary talent is average, and the spirit is amazing. There are not many people in the world who can make such words."

   "Madam is absurd." Liu Yanzhi said modestly, saying that the true author of this poem was only seven years old this year and was playing in Shaoshan, Hunan.

   "Who is your wife, you haven't got married yet." Lin Su pouted and acted like a child, so cute and charming, Liu Yan couldn't help it, so he leaned forward and took a bite on someone's face.

   "I hate it." Lin Su groaned, but he didn't reject it in his heart.

   Liu Yanzhi was encouraged, and boldly searched for Lin Su's lips. The lips of the two were pressed together, and each other could hear the sound of their heartbeats.

   In the dead of night, jasmine blooms.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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