Time Traveler

Chapter 84: Goodbye

The night was as beautiful as a dream. At dawn, Lin Su woke up Liu Yanzhi and whispered in his ear, "I will go upstairs if I don't leave the maid."

   "Understood, I'm leaving now." Liu Yan straightened up and dressed, Lin Su helped him button up the buckle on his jacket, his expression a bit bitter.

   "You don't want me to go, or come back tomorrow night." Liu Yan lifted Lin Su's chin, trying to make a joke, but found teardrops on her face.

   "My enemy, don't come, you shouldn't be allowed to succeed tonight." Lin Su sobbed, "Let others know, you have to poke your spine, anyway, you are about to get married, you can't wait a few days."

   Liu Yan was silent for a while. Pre-marital **** is common in modern times, but in the late Qing Dynasty it was against the mainstream social morality. He decided to respect Lin Su's opinion and see you on the wedding day.

He put on his clothes and left quietly in the darkness before dawn. Lin Su watched the back of his sweetheart disappear at the end of the roof. His heart was full of sweet melancholy. The sweet thing is that he finally married a wishful Langjun. The melancholy is the mysterious and unpredictable Lang. The origin is unknown. Suddenly she thought of the third Miss Gao Laozhuang in Journey to the West. This Liu Yanzhi will not turn into a fat black man in the future. She was asleep with a smile on her mouth as she thought about it.

Liu Yanzhi rested at the Outer City Hall that night, tossing and turning, and entering the city early the next day, first went to the bank to exchange the bank notes for cash. Fifteen hundred taels of silver is not a small amount. The bank treasurer helped him with a hundred eagle oceans. One hundred copper rounds, and the rest are exchanged for small banknotes, used for large transactions, and convenient to carry.

According to the Chinese people in the 21st century, the prerequisites for marriage are a house and a car. Liu Yanzhi is limited by this kind of thinking and subconsciously believes that these two things should be bought first. He is not familiar with the real estate market of Omi Mansion, let alone find it. The so-called real estate agency, but the ancients have their own wisdom of the ancients. The teahouse in the city is a collection and distribution center for various transaction information. The buying and selling of house and land and the recruitment of maid nursery coolies are carried out in different teahouses. It is the so-called tooth shop. After a cup of tea, he settled the three-entry courtyard in a prime location in the city, paid a deposit, and only waited for the payment and delivery of the house deed after the inspection.

The house is bought, and the next step is a car. There is a mule and horse market in the city, and there is also a sedan chair. The wife naturally takes a sedan chair when traveling. He spent the morning picking a good horse for himself and buying a car for Lin Su. The little sedan chair, the coolie who carried the sedan chair is called Gangkuai.   Like butlers, old mothers, cooks, and concierges, they can be found in Yahang. As for the madam’s personal servant girl, Liu Yanzhi will not consider it for the time being. Cui got it back.

After finishing all this, he went to the tailor shop to order new clothes, summer and winter clothes for spring and autumn, hats, boots and big cloaks, all of which were made to order. The tailor shop owner saw that he was a major client and personally took the tape to measure him. He struck up a few words and asked the guest officer if he wanted to get married.

   "Yes, I'm going to get married next time." Liu Yan said with joy.

"Congratulations to the guest officer." The boss smiled and complimented, "People are full of spirits at happy events, and the guest officer looks different in spirit. Don't you come to wear a top hat? It is made in England, and it is popular in Omi Prefecture. what."

   "Do you still dare to sell foreign goods?" Liu Yan joked, "I'm not afraid that the Boxers will burn your shop."

"That was a few months ago. Now who dares, Governor Wei has been dismissed to investigate and deal with it. I heard that all foreigners have gone to Taiyuan Mansion." The boss said that the voice became lower, and finally sighed, "This Qing Dynasty, it's over."

Liu Yan paid the deposit directly, made an appointment for half a month later to pick up the clothes, ate lunch outside at noon, went to see the house in the afternoon, basically finalized, and then went to prepare the bride price. The bride price for this marriage is very big. How many boxes are used? Such ceremonies, the people of Yaxing said, Liu Yan's head was big when he heard it, and he simply entrusted them to handle it, so he could just pay for it.

In the evening, I went back to the Guanyi to rest. I had strange dreams all night. When I invited in the morning, Liu Yanzhi found that his right eyelid was always jumping. He entered the city without eating breakfast. When he came near the Fantai Yamen, he found that something was wrong, and the air was full of burns. There was a smell of paste, and there was a large area of ​​stagnant water on the ground. When I walked closer, the house behind the Yamen was burnt to ruins. The charred pillars were still standing, but the building had collapsed.

   An ominous premonition came to my mind, Liu Yan broke in and found the old housekeeper and asked what happened last night.

  "Walking, miss her..." The housekeeper cried and choked.

Liu Yanzhi was dizzy. Fate made a cruel joke to himself. He planned to get married. His wife was gone. He asked to see Lin Su for the last time. The old butler did not dare to call the shots. He told Lin Yantai that although the adult was heartbroken, he was still very sad. Reasonable, persuaded: "My nephew, Susu's body has been pretended to be buried, so don't bother her anymore."

   Says this, but Liu Yanzhi has great doubts about Lin Su's sudden death. No one can stop him from seeing Miss Lin for the last time. Lin Huaiyuan couldn't help him, so he had to send someone to take him to the mourning hall.

Lin Su’s body has been put into a coffin, and the mourning hall is hurriedly arranged. It is a plain white, bleak wind and cold rain. Lin Su’s spiritual position is placed on the machine. Liu Yanzhi personally lifted the lid of the coffin, and lying inside was a piece of cake. The scorched corpse with unclear appearance and the dark and deformed tragic state reminded him of the soldiers who were doused by mobs with gasoline and burned on the overpass at the turn of the spring and summer.

   Liu Yan couldn't bear to look any more, covered the coffin, put a stick of incense, and turned to go out. The butler came to face him, holding a red lacquer tray in his hand, covered with red cloth.

   "Liu Yishi walks slowly, this is a winding gift from my master." The old housekeeper presented the tray, and Liu Yan pulled off the red cloth, and the silver dollars wrapped in a sealed paper were neatly arranged.

   As soon as her daughter died, she couldn't wait to issue a eviction order. It can be seen that Lin Huaiyuan is not very optimistic about her son-in-law. Liu Yan sneered, and still took the tray and put the silver dollars into the bag.

   "Bring a message to your master, just say I'm leaving, and ask him to take care." Liu Yan finished speaking and hurried away.

In the attic in the distance, Lin Huaiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and waved to the old butler. The latter hurriedly walked into the mourning hall and replaced it with a spiritual sign. The wooden sign reads "The position of the guard Liu Yanzhi, the sixth rank of the guards of the Qing collar guards. ."

After a while, Lin Su, who was covered in plain clothes, was helped into the mourning hall by two maids. The tears on his face were still wet, and he sat down and burned a few pieces of yellow paper. Lin Yantai and his second wife appeared, and they persuaded their daughter. If you want to open it up, people can't come back to life after death, and life has to go on.

   "Father, did you send someone to set the fire." Lin Su suddenly raised his head and asked.

"You kid, how could Dad do that? It was Liu Yan who was drunk and overturned the oil lamp, and burned himself to death. It's a pity that his martial arts are so powerful that he can't match the ruthlessness of water and fire." Lin Huaiyuan looked very sad. "Susu, why didn't my father feel heartbroken? Yan went straight. Not only did the Lin family lose a good son-in-law, but Daqing also lost a talented man."

   "I don't believe it." Lin Su shook his head, "He won't be burned to death, I want to see the corpse!"

   "My child, don't look at it, it's all burned into charcoal." Lin Huaiyuan persuaded.

   "I have to watch it." Lin Su was very determined, "Otherwise I'll be hit to death, even if it's dead."

Lin Huaiyuan couldn't help her daughter, stepped aside, waved distraughtly, the two servants lifted the lid of the coffin, Lin Susi was not afraid, and looked forward. What she noticed was the hand of the corpse, and Liu Yan was wearing a straight finger. Jade pulled his fingers, but there was none on this corpse.

   "This is not Liu Yanzhi." Lin Su turned his head and sneered, "Daddy, you don't bother to cheat."

   "Absurd!" Lin Huaiyuan was furious, "You child, are you crazy? Come here, take the lady down."

   Lin Su was dragged down by two sturdy servant women, and the butler leaned in and said, "Master, just in case, I think it's still..."

   "Send the young lady back to her hometown in Hunan overnight." Lin Huaiyuan said decisively, "That surname Liu is so good, if he discovers the truth, I will never let it go."

   "The funeral?" The butler hesitated.

"According to it!" Lin Huaiyuan said almost gritted his teeth. Originally, he planned to betroth his daughter to the governor Wen's son. The two married Qin and Jin, but after careful deliberation, he decided to do the whole thing and completely deceive Liu Yan. , So as not to worry about the future.

   Liu Yan didn't leave, he waited near the Fantai Yamen until he witnessed the funeral being completed and Lin Su's name was engraved on the tombstone before he was sure that his fiancée was really gone.

In the burial ground outside Jinjiang City, Liu Yan stood in front of Lin Su’s grave with a bunch of jasmine flowers. According to the rules, daughters who did not leave the pavilion were not allowed to enter the ancestral grave. Therefore, Miss Lin’s body was not brought back to his hometown in Hunan, but was buried nearby. ~www.readwn.com~ The stone tablet was washed clean by rain, and it was as cold as Liu Yanzhi's mood.

   "Susu, I'm leaving, I will come to see you in the future." Liu Yan said silently, standing in the rain for a long time before leaving sadly.

   He is going to Shanghai and going to the United States by boat to complete his mission.


Three months later, at the Port of San Francisco on the west coast of the United States, a ship from the other side of the ocean docked. Passengers of all skin colors queued to disembark with their luggage, including Liu Yanzhi, who was dressed in a western dress and exaggerated. The Chinese workers who have dishes are outstanding.

   The port of San Francisco under the winter sun is a prosperous scene. Liu Yan squinted straight at the bustling crowd. He felt like a lone hunter, coming to a strange jungle.

  George Cunningham, where are you?

   Suddenly a shout came from a distance: "George, George~~"

Liu Yan looked directly at the tower pergola. By the dock, a man in a US Army uniform was hugging a bearded passenger who came off the ship. The passenger laughed and said, "George, I didn't expect you to come to pick me up. How is Susan? ?"

   "Susan is fine, she reads the notice of the cruise's arrival date every day." The officer helped the passenger lift the suitcase, and the two got into a carriage.

   Liu Yanzhi's heart began to beat wildly, and his sixth sense told him that this officer was his prey, Captain George Cunningham.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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