Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 995: One operation is as fierce as a tiger

"Right, come, you can hit me, and take me to the hospital after the fight, I lay for a few days, and those guys should still lie in the medical cabin when they come out, just because I have two days more activity time than them . "

Victor looked so tired and lazy, he had given up his struggle, and he was ready to be beaten.

"If you go to great lengths to hide and get caught by me, of course I will do something to you, but with your attitude, I can't afford to give you a shot."

Muria leaned down, grabbed Victor's shoulder with one hand, and lifted him up.

"Then what are you going to do with me now?" Victor tilted his head. He is now in a non-violent and non-resisting posture. Muria wants to fight him, then he will fight, he just does not resist, Resolutely do not add fun to him.

"Victor, do you think I threw you here just to change a venue?" Muria's mouth showed a mysterious smile.

"Otherwise?" In Victor's understanding, Muria brought them here, only to change the place where they were beaten. Hasn't this been cleaned up?

"In the jungle, all the protozoa that may threaten your life have been cleaned up by the family ’s star armor division, but there are still a large number of intermediate-level protozoa that are also dangerous to you. If you are not careful, you may also be killed.

For three days, you not only have to face my pursuit, but also bear the anger of the owner of this forest. "

"Tell me what these are doing? Hurry up and hit me, and take me to the hospital after the fight." Victor's face showed impatience.

"Didn't it just said? I can't get your hands on you." Muria raised her eyebrows. He reached out and wanted Victor to grab them.

"What do you want to do to me?" Victor's face showed anger, because in just two sentences, his arm was actually removed by Muria again.

"Don't be nervous, haven't you said that you can't resist? Just stay so honest." As he talked, Muria removed the joints on his body, and when he came across the covering Star Guard, Muria It was also cut off directly.

The star armor worn by the Star Armor is not a whole, but is fitted by hundreds of metal blocks of different shapes on the body through the Royal Star talent, forming a complete set of armor. Ordinary people have no way to wear Star Armor. .

Victor, who had just wanted to resist, heard Muria's words froze, and at this moment of hesitation, he was once again turned into a ball by Muria.

"I wanted to kick you when I was united like this last time, but your parents were next to me. I'm sorry to do that. I finally got a chance this time."

Muria held Victor in his hands and smiled. Although as a person with a thousand years of age, doing this kind of thing seems to be a bit naive, but he can't hold back now, and he doesn't know his existence next to him, so letting him go is not a big deal.

"Hey, hey, wait for me, Genos, let me down." Victor shouted, guessing what Muria wanted to do, and at the same time, he started manipulating his own Stargard. Resist.

"The Star Guardian is closed, don't lose it, but this is your guarantee to live in this jungle in the next three days." Muria did not give him too much time to react, he let go of his hand and then backed away. In a few steps, he kicked on the sphere formed by Victor, "Go!"

Under the volley of Muria's foot, Victor suddenly turned into a dark shadow, flew out in the sky, and passed by along the way, smashing many tree branches.


The thick blue scale python is entwined in the trees, bathed in the bright golden sunlight, and the entire snake looks lazy. Vaguely, you can see the golden sunlight shining on this green python. The light of the dawn adds a powerful power to this snake.

But at this moment, a whistling sound caused by the friction between the object and the atmosphere came, and a dark shadow quickly passed by the blue scale python, and at the same time the wind was blown, it also broke the branches of the tree where the green scale python was sleeping.

What the hell?

Such a sudden change immediately awakened the blue-scale python that was basking in the sun. It instantly changed from a lazy state to a vigilant posture. It lifted its large upper body and looked around.

It looked at the broken tree branch in front of itself, looked up at the sky, and then looked down at it, revealing a very humanized confusion in its eyes.

It seems that something very fast just flew past me? This is the conclusion drawn by the Greenscale Python, which possesses wisdom no less favourable than that of ordinary humans.

Go down and see what it is.

The python looked at the messy ground below, and determined that something had just fallen from the sky, and then hit the bottom, so it twisted the serpent's body, winding down the ancient wood where it slept ...


"Jeros, you are such a bastard!"

Muria used it as a ball and shot it with a kick. I don't know how far it flew out. Victor, who fell to the ground and fell to the ground, lay down on the ground, cursing himself.

"Now I still have to bone myself!" Victor felt spit out of his limbs, and started manipulating the star armor to attach to his body to bone himself.

At the cost of being spent so long by Muriaou, he also learned some simple tricks from Muria. Not now he will bone himself.

Because the time he spent studying was too short, the process of giving himself bones was extremely slow. However, this is a wild jungle and there is no time for him to toss slowly.


An unusually familiar snake exhaled, and when I heard this sound, Victor, who was picking his arm, froze, then slowly turned his head, and suddenly saw one coming slowly. With curiosity, he looked at his green python.

"Oh!" At this moment, Victor was completely panicked. A completely different feeling hit him, and he felt the threat of death.

Although Muria's training on him was cruel, but because he knew it was arranged by the family, he knew that no matter how much pain he suffered, he was not in danger, and he was just beaten to the left and right.

But now the situation is different. He dare to guarantee that this snake is definitely not arranged by the family. The monster of Demuraia has a bunch of native species. I also have a big snake, but the snake is similar to the one Snakes are totally different.

The snake that Muria raised was bigger, thicker, and more fierce. It was definitely better than this snake. In front of the snake raised by Muria, the green scale python in front of him was a younger brother.

But the problem is that he is now facing this snake, he is a younger brother, and if his level assessment of Xingjia is correct, then this snake is an intermediate-level protozoa.

"Don't come here, or don't blame me for being rude!" Victor shouted, feeling that he could be swallowed by the snake, and then released his external arms, firing wildly at the snake.


Seeing this strange-shaped human in front of him attacking himself, the greenscale python issued a huge roar, and the greenscale on his body emitted a faint light, resisting most of the attacks, and only let a few physical bombs hit him. Yourself.

However, these entity bombs hit its scale armor, making a crisp metal collision sound, and then fell to the ground, causing little damage to it.

"Why is it so hard?" Victor slammed and found that his attack did not cause much damage to the blue-scale python.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, with a record of two hundred and five. This is the most true portrayal of Victor against the Bluescale Python.

However, although the output of Victor did not have the blue scale python, it was completely enraged. This scale was smashed by a part of the python and issued a huge roar at Victor, and then Rushed towards him.


"Jeros, something happened."

Muria, who had just flicked Victor, had just taken a few steps, and immediately received a message from the butler of Passion, who looked very serious at this time.

"What happened, did anyone come into contact with the few sixth-order protozoa you left behind?" Muria asked curiously. With his suggestion, the Douglas family remained in the cleaning process. Several native species that can threaten these geniuses.

"Yes, Victor entered the territory of a sixth-order native species at a very fast speed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Just now his signal has overlapped with this native species, but his current life signal is still there. . "

"What does it mean to overlap?" Muria's mouth twitched. Was his foot too poisonous, or was Victor's guy so unlucky? Well, that guy should be so unlucky, after all, he just kicked it casually.

"Two possibilities. First, Victor is now in zero-distance contact with that protozoan. Victor is directly swallowed by that protozoan."

"Simply put, Victor's current state is very bad, right? So the family wanted me to save him." Muria touched his chin.


"That's OK!"

"Without your own hands, the closest thing to Victor now is a captive breed in captivity. Please give him an order now and let him go to rescue."

"Yes." Muria nodded. This escape training that he came up with was a clever idea. In order to increase the difficulty, of course, not only he and the native species born in this forest, but the "little" cutes he raised also participated. Come in.

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