Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 994: I don't want to struggle anymore

Suddenly saw that his son was turned into a ball in just a few seconds, and the young woman who saw the whole process screamed, and then couldn't help covering her mouth and took a few steps back. Then he looked at Muria with a look of horror.

"What's wrong with your son?" At this time, even Bennett couldn't help changing his color, couldn't hold his expression, and questioned Muria with some indignation.

"Mr. Bennet, don't be too surprised. The principle I use to turn your son into this is the same as what I showed you just now," Muria explained.

"Jeros, you quickly changed me back. I don't want to keep it like this." The most uncomfortable part of the game was Victor himself, who was balled into a ball. This experience is really terrible.

"Be quiet, I'll just show your father that I can be your teacher." Muria laughed, holding a highly visually sphere formed by Victor.

"Mr. Bennet, do you now understand why I am qualified to be your son's teacher?"

"I see, you changed my son back." Bennett also fell into a dull state, but as a weather-tested man, he still held his face and did not make himself too morbid.

"No culture." Muria fiddled with Victor's body, which is now indistinguishable from a pool of mud, and quickly connected his bones, allowing them to recover in a blink of an eye.

"Victor, how do you feel?" Seeing his son recovering, the young woman on the side rushed up and pinched and touched Victor's body, very worried about what was missing or suffered Irreparable sequelae.

"I feel pretty good." Victor also moved his hands and feet with a surprised look. He felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He could hardly imagine that he had been grouped into a ball just now, but now everything is happening. No, this is amazing.

"Have you just changed my son like this, will it have any impact on his future?" Bennett's eyes fell on Muria, extremely sharp.

"Why do you think so? Is it good for me to have Victor's sequelae that will affect his future?" Muria asked in surprise.

"In other words, is my son okay?"

"Of course it's okay, I just use your son's body to show you the uniqueness of the martial arts."

Muria spread his palms and his helpless face appeared. Although his behavior was a little bit frightening, he was not misunderstood to this extent.

"I'm taking my son for an examination now. If it proves that his health is OK, I will let him return to the capital with you tomorrow morning."

"This is not necessary. There is a new hospital next to the manor where we live. There is the most complete medical facilities. You don't have to waste time taking Victor out for inspection. I will take him now."

Muria rejected the offer of the middle-aged man, who now came with family orders.

"Doesn't my son have the right to stay in his house for one night?" The young woman beside him hugged her son and asked sadly.

"Madam, please note that your son ran away by himself. He has not been approved by any of the housekeepers. I am taking him back now."

"Forget it, let him decide this kind of thing himself." Muria's eyes turned to Victor, who was sitting on the sofa, a little uneasy.

"You make your own choice. Will you go to the hospital for a checkup according to your father's arrangements and return to the capital tomorrow, or will you follow me now?"

"Do I have a choice?" Victor's face smiled helplessly.

"Of course, I will not interfere in all your actions, but as your freedom of choice, you also have to bear the consequences of your choice."

"Can I understand that you are threatening my son in front of me?" Bennett looked at Muria with a look of anger in his eyes.

"No, please don't get me wrong. I just give your son a small reminder. Do you think there is something wrong with what I said?" Muria asked.

"Dad, mom, I'll go back first." Victor's mouth twitched heavily. He understood the meaning in Muria's words, and he faced Muria, "Let's go!"


"From the first day that my family commissioned me, I have trained you for thirty days today. The thirty-day training is too harsh for you and your family, so I decided to follow Your opinion, change the training. "

Muria stood on the wide lawn and looked at the thirteen family members who were older or younger than him but not more than three years old.

"In order to make your training fun, I decided to hold a big escape training today. Next, you will take a family aircraft to a three-day survival in the wild jungle that has been cleared. Forest All of the higher-order native species have been cleaned up, and the strongest are only intermediate-order native species. "

"Brother, if that's the case, it won't be difficult for us at all, so what are the risk factors in this training?" Daisy stepped forward and asked.

"Good question, I said this is a big escape training. Since it is training, I will of course participate as an instructor, and I will participate as a hunter.

As survivors, while trying hard to survive in the jungle, you must avoid my search or find a way to run away quickly after encountering me. "

After hearing Muria's words, the boys and girls who just felt simple can't help but get air-conditioned. If Jelos participates, then they can predict that this training will be hell-level difficulty.


The speed of a flight has slowed down, and a large transport aircraft that is gradually descending into a vast forest, and then one after another from the transport aircraft appears younger.

"Jenus, this so-called escape training is basically trying to toss us, this is to play with us physically and mentally, and then find fun for myself, hum, I am not fooled."

In the process of jumping off the ground, Victor, the most rebellious character, secretly thought that he had new ideas for this escape training.

All thirteen teenagers fell to the ground, and they quickly gathered together and began to discuss what to do next.

"The 13 of us cannot stay together. The goal of collective action is too big, which is not good, but if it is a pair of two, it is just right, and they can also add some security to each other. sense."

"Victor, let's go together!" When they heard that they were going to be grouped, the group immediately started looking for their teammates. Immediately, a young girl came to Victor and invited him.

"No, you team up, and I won't participate." Although someone was invited, she was still a pretty girl, but Victor was unmoved. He shook his head and leaned on an ancient tree.

"Oh Victor, are you giving up?"

"Almost, you have to understand it this way, you can do it." Vicky, who had put on the star armor, completely lay down on the ground directly with the outside closed, like a lazy salty fish.

"You're too lazy, aren't you? You see, Jenos will be dissatisfied."

"Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. It's a matter of my fart. Anyway, I will not participate in this escape training and play with him." Victor's eyes flashed with wisdom,

"Didn't you find that? The guy Jelos is so strong that no one can be his opponent, so the guy is a bit perverted, thinking about ways to toss us and give him fun."

"But Jelos' fitness is only 64.68%. Our group of people has the lowest fitness of 81%."

"What time is it, but he still looks down on him because of his fitness? Isn't you guys still not enough of him these days? That guy is simply a monster that can't be measured with the talent of the Royal Star."

"So Victor, you have decided not to resist and just give up?"

"I'm too lazy to struggle, because I will be caught by him sooner or later, it's better to get out early and lie down and sleep outside."

Lying on the ground, Victor, feeling a little unwell, stood up again and began to clear the ground beneath him, ready to wait for Muria's arrival here.

"You guy ... forget it, no matter what you do, let's go!" Victor who saw this salted fish looks like ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone else shook his head and walked away.


The golden light fell from the lush foliage, leaving a little light spot in the ground. Victor, holding his head back, looked at the sunlight, listening to the roaring sound of the original in the ears, sniffing. With the fresh air in the forest, his eyes gradually closed, and he wanted to sleep.

But at this moment, the sound of footsteps walking on the leaves gradually approached, and Victor, who was about to enter the dreamland, opened his eyes and suddenly saw a teenager in black casual clothes frowning and looking down. he.

"Sure enough, I know that you have been following us all the time, and as soon as we land, you will follow us. You guys will take us as a prey, and you will enjoy being a hunter."

"Why are you lying still?" Muria frowned at the salty fish on the ground.

"Why move? Once I escape, that is to increase your fun, and if you get caught, it is still a beating. Now I have encountered you, and it is still a beating. So, since the results are the same , Then why don't I save some energy? "

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