Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 993: Twist 1 twist

"Victor is missing?" Muria, who was suddenly informed of the news, was a little surprised, and then his face was full of interest. "This supposed disappearance is because the family cannot determine his location, right?"

"Yes, no one has seen him since Victor woke up from the hospital's medical cabin, and then left the hospital." Pass's housekeeper nodded.

"So he's playing a run away from home?" Muria's face was full of tears and smiles, because he felt good, and if nothing unexpected happened, the reason why the young man was successful was probably because He's gone.

"Yes, the family is searching now, and it is expected that his expression can be confirmed before the sun rises." The butler's face was taken for granted.

In the Bauhinia Federation, as long as the government and the remaining three families do not intervene, it is no simple matter for the Douglas family to find someone.

"Well, it may be because I pushed him too tightly these days, so let me handle this matter, and the family should not waste resources on this."

"Are you sure?" Passion's steward showed an interested look on his face. "What do you want to do with this?"

"What else can he do? He is my student. As a teacher, of course I bring him back. Of course, I still need to give him some psychological counseling."

"How do you want to counsel him?"

"He just feels that the current training is too cruel and doesn't want to bear it all, so run away from home. In fact, it is easy to solve this. Let him understand the importance of my training to his future.

"Specifically how do you plan to implement it?" Pace Butler's brows frowned, and he always had a terrible premonition, of course not against himself, but against the child who was forced to run away from home.

"It's time to see the situation and adapt to local conditions."

"I hope you don't mess around, this child has been miserable enough for you."

"Isn't that what you asked for? If you don't torture them, you won't let me come." Muria knocked at the table and reminded.

"..." The old housekeeper was silent.


"Finally escaped from that ghost place, and got rid of Jelos's clutches, free air." On an empty highway, a magnificently shaped, cool purple sports car galloping, a handsome teenager was in the cab Laughed excitedly.

After this smile, the young man's expression fell quickly again, because he knew that his escape from the manor was only temporary. He knew very well what kind of power the family behind him had, maybe his current position had been confirmed .

"No matter how long it takes to be chic, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get caught back, no matter how much punishment it is, it won't be worse than receiving the guy from Gerlos' training."

But soon Victor became optimistic again, because receiving Muria's training in his three views is basically the most tragic thing in the world. There should be no worse things than that. So no matter what he does, he is not afraid.

But to Victor's surprise, when he drove home, no one came to intercept him, so he knocked on the door of his house with an excitement, anxiety and anxiety.

"Son, why are you back? Why don't you say something in advance?" The young woman who opened the door saw the young man standing outside, and her face suddenly showed a surprise, "Come, come in, hurry and watch you look so tired Come on. "

"Why are you back?" Bennett, who was sitting on the couch after Victor entered the room, looked up. Although he asked the same words as his mother, his tone was quite different.

"As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, I wanted to go home and see, and then I came back." Victor gave reasons for running home, he did not try to lie, because he knew that this could not lie to his father.

"Have you been in the hospital again?" Although you are already prepared, but when you hear your son say this, the man also has a little distress in his heart, after all, he is a son born by himself.

"Yes," Victor replied bitterly. In fact, the method by which Jelos trained them was very simple, that is, fighting, and there was nothing else to show off.

But it was fighting. Every time he was abused indecently. He would go to the hospital and lie down once every two or three days. Who can bear such a fight?

"Did you go home and tell the Venn steward this time?"

"No." Victor was very honest.

"Huh! So you ran out? It's ridiculous. Hurry back to me." Bennet snorted, feeling a bit hateful of iron and steel.

"My son ran for so long before returning home. He just rushed him away when he didn't sit hot as soon as he got home. Is it ridiculous? You want to go back, but it's not too late to go back to sleep after a night!"

"Okay, just one night. It will be dawn tomorrow morning. Hurry back to me." Bennett frowned and thought, after all, he agreed softly.

Boom! Boom!

But at this moment, two crisp knocks sounded, which suddenly changed the face of the people in the room.

"Excuse me, is anyone?" One was in a period of voice change, and the boy's voice, which seemed a little crisp, remembered.

"It's Gerlos, this guy is coming." Upon hearing the familiar voice, Victor's face changed greatly, he couldn't help taking a few steps backwards, and then fell on the sofa.

"Who?" Bennett looked uneasy when he saw his son in such an embarrassing gesture, then turned and looked in the direction of the door, asking.

"Jeros Douglas, come looking for my lost student." The voice outside the door responded politely.

"Sure enough, he's the demon, and he found it." After hearing Muria's self-reported name, Victor's body began to stiffen, and he was beaten so many times that he was really cast out of his psychological shadow.

"Victor, I heard your voice, you are really inside, I'm standing at your doorstep, won't you open the door for me?"

"Is this your instructor? Interesting, I want to see, what kind of character is it? Can scare you into this picture." Bennett looked at his state with some shameful sons, then turned to the door After walking, he saw a slender and straight-haired young boy standing at the door, and looked at him with a smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Bennet. For the first time, I am your son's instructor." Muria reached out to the middle-aged man who opened the door. "Convenient for me to sit in?"

"Come in!" Bennett took Muria's hand and shook it, then let go and asked Muria to enter.

"Little brother, what's the matter with you?" Muria entered the door and saw Victor, pale on the sofa, seemingly scared to be involuntary, "I'm so scary?"

Muria opened her arms and looked at herself. No problem. It was a clean, crisp, handsome young man.

"You have the courage to upset my class, and you have the courage to run home. How can you see me now?"

"Are you still skipping school?" Upon hearing Muria's words, Bennet's sharp pupils fell on his son immediately, not arrogant.

"That's it ..." Muria smiled, told the situation to his father at the time, and then made his father's face even colder.

"I teach thirteen students, and your son is the most disobedient and the most restless, and this time only your son ran home alone."

"Stupid things!" Bennett, who was somewhat calm at first, suddenly blew up when he heard this sentence. He turned his head and scolded his son, "All day long, I yelled hard, why didn't I see others shout, why not See others skipping class? "

"You didn't see that it was yours, it didn't mean it didn't happen, and you didn't know how many people scolded him privately." Victor, who was scolded by his father, whispered underestimated.

"Oh? Somebody scolded me?" Muria showed interest, "Can you tell me who is it?"

"Do you think I'm a betrayer?"

"Hehe." Muria smiled.

"Jeros, the family chose you as instructor. You must have this talent. Can you tell me?"

After reprimanding his son, Bennett's attention still fell on Muria, and he was very interested in this teenager who looked about the same size as his son.

"Which aspect do you want to see?"

"I want to take a look at the reasons why you, as a martial artist, are able to serve as talented teachers of the 13 Xingjia divisions."

"This is not difficult. The simplest and most direct way is to let you see my combat effectiveness, but your position here is too small to display, so it shows you the other side."

Muria stepped towards Victor, then looked at the nervous young woman who seemed to be rushing over, "Madam, you don't need to be nervous, I just want to borrow your son's body to show my talents as a martial artist . "

"You see ~ www.readwn.com ~ Muria catches Victor who wants to dodge but fails, and then under the watchful eyes of this couple,


He removed Victor's arm directly, and then in Victor's frightened eyes, he grabbed his arm that was out of control, and threw it towards the couple, even twisted.


"Don't be nervous, it's just a trick." Muria took Victor's arm back again in a click.

"It's what we martial arts are good at, skills, strength, control, and insight into weaknesses."

"It's just that?" Bennett asked in a bland tone.

"It seems you want to see more exciting and satisfy you."

Muria stretched out his claws, grabbed Victor, who was struggling madly, and removed all his joints in a dazzling operation. Then in the frightened eyes of the young woman, Muria directly took her son The ball became a ball.

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