Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1007: Tao Li Man Tian Xia

"..." Orno, dizzy, heard Victor's answer, watching the bar held in his hand, and went directly into an aggressive state.


At this time, Victor, while answering Orno's question, also raised his only weapon in his hand, smashing his head and smashing his face, and the dark red blood splashed on the field, looking extremely incomparable. Miserable.

"Sun thief, don't you admit defeat? I won't give you the opportunity to use Star Armor."

"Huh!" Orno, who was attacked by such a strange weapon for the first time, couldn't help but uttered a painful sigh. "It's just a game. Do you need to fight like this with me? I'm Not your enemy. "

"But you are my enemy." Victor pounced on Orno's body, pinching his neck. "Don't even dare to fight this kind of battle that only wins or loses, so it's on the real battlefield. , What courage to fight with the enemy? "

"Hmm ... hey, let me go." Horno grabbed Victor's hands clasping his neck tightly, panting a little bit hard. For the first time since the competition, he felt the death approaching. .

"Admit defeat!" Victor died, yelling at the former Orno, who was panting like a dead dog, and said fiercely.

"You ..." Upon hearing Victor's request, Horne's mouth twitched fiercely, again a bit fiercely, but staring at him unwillingly.

This battle was inherently stable. Just after winning the victory for him, it was only within reach, but in an instant, the battle was overturned by the madman-like boy on the opposite side. His life and death were direct. Control between his hands.

He is very unwilling now, and is also extremely annoyed by his previous choices, but no matter how unwilling, he finds himself in such a situation.

Feeling that his breathing was getting harder, his brain was getting duller, and when the hands on his neck became stronger, Orno's will finally shook, and his thirst for life overwhelmed his thirst for victory.

"I ... admit defeat!" Under the pressure of Victor, Horno said these words with some difficulty.

"Hahaha!" Seeing this arrogant guy lowering his head to him, Victor, who had reached the limit, laughed twice, and then the tense spirit suddenly relaxed, and his body was soft and fell straight. On Horne.

"You guy!" Feeling that the hands pressed on his neck suddenly lost strength, Ornor immediately resumed normal breathing. He breathed a lot of air, then looked at the young man who was pressing on him with a complicated look.

"As for this fight?" Orno was still a little unwilling, but seeing Victor's near-death state at this time, his unwillingness gradually dissipated.

At this moment, the moment the Horne spoke and conceded, the referee immediately announced the winner, so the whole game suddenly fell into a cheer. Everyone was shouting Victor's name, even The same goes for the audience who cheered for Horno before.

If Victor had previously insulted Orno in melee in an indecent manner, he could not use Star Armor to abandon him.

So now everyone is convinced by the warrior who uses his thigh as a weapon. Everyone is convinced by this warrior. This kind of cruel man can't accept it!


"Woohoo ... Victor, my son!" Unlike a stadium that was cheered with joy, a woman in a low-key and elegantly decorated villa looked at the broadcasted stadium scene and cried with tears.

"Okay, our son has won, don't cry anymore, you should cheer for him now." Beside the woman, a man with a steady face was holding her, soothing her emotions.

"He's still a kid, why do you fight so hard?"

"This is for the honor of the family," Bennett hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Is the honor of the family so important? He is fighting for his life!" The woman with red eyes asked.

"Finally outperforming her opponent in every way, only then can he win."

"Why is it necessary to win? You can't admit defeat, it's just a game." The woman was still puzzled. Her concept was a little different from his son and her husband. Achievement, she just asked her son to be safe.

"Our son has grown up. What we should do is silently bless him behind him, cheer him for him when he wins, and soothe him for his wounds when he fails."

"I see." The woman wiped her tears when she heard what her husband said.


"Today our family member Victor played, I don't know who you watched?" In a small, entertainment-oriented meeting, the Douglas family owner lay on a comfortable and soft seat and asked with a smile Here.

"Coincidentally, I happened to watch this game."

"I wonder what do you think of this game?"

"An incredible victory."

"Oh, unbelievable? What's so special about this game today." Several elders who had gathered here for a chat just because nothing was happening, were immediately aroused interest.

"Instead of asking me, why don't you take a look yourself? Rest assured, you will never waste your time."

"I want to see what kind of victory the little guy in our family has achieved today, and I can get such an evaluation.

...... After a while, I saw that Victor defeated his opponent's psychological defense line at an extremely miserable price and forced him to concede. In this small conference room, the elders could not help but be surprised and appreciated color.

"It's hard to imagine our Douglas family would one day be like this!"

"Oh, do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Do you still have to ask? Of course it is a good thing."

"It's really a good thing. There can be people in the family who are not producing waste that can make no contribution, but also people who manage the business, but they also need a warrior like Victor. Give the family greater deterrence. "

"I propose to strengthen Victor's training and increase his resource allocation. What do you think?"

"This is a matter of course. If such talents are not cultivated, our Douglas family can be dissolved directly."

"But I think while paying attention to Victor, I should also pay more attention to the teacher who cultivated Victor. Without the training of that teacher, our little guy might not have such a surprise on the field. which performed."

"Do you mean that Victor has this kind of dare to fight, is it because of the little guy that Jelos has cultivated?"

"Can you deny the connection between the two?"

"Well, you mean, as long as the people trained by Genos can become such a madman?"

"I didn't say that. I think Victor was able to have this performance only because he was born with this trait, and this trait was discovered by Genos."

"Well, can I understand that Gerlos has a talent for training talents. He can make mediocre people into geniuses, and make already talented people better!"

"There is no example to prove that Victor's game is just a special case, and it can't explain anything!"

"Victor alone is not enough, but what about the other six little guys who participated? They are now only one step away from the quarterfinals. This level has far exceeded the original expectations of the family for them. If only one Two can also be interpreted as luck, but in a series of seven, terror cannot be explained by luck. "

"At least with guesswork, what about the experimental argument? Send some students and let him teach it."

"In this case, he may be a little unhappy, teaching the trainees has already affected his progress."

"In this regard, the family can make corresponding compensation, can give more resources, and strive to have no impact on his own strength."

"Well, yes, you can ask him at that time, or respect his own wishes."

"Oh, by the way, there is another interesting thing. The Star Division Division has come to an end and the quarter-finals are about to begin. As is the case now, the scene that the little guy of Jelos had promised quickly It will appear that the quarterfinals will be an internal fight for our Douglas family. "

"Hey, I have already noticed such a situation, if it really happened at that time ~ www.readwn.com ~ I really want to take a look at the other families to see us, the face is What kind of expression? "

"It must be interesting to come!"


"Master Gerlos, the family hopes that you can cultivate more talents like Victor. As long as you can cultivate such talents, the family will not hesitate to reward."

"Well, I know." Muria, who was practicing, suddenly heard the family's request, and was slightly surprised, but after a moment of thinking, she agreed.

This kind of thing looks like low investment and high return. Of course, Muria won't refuse. Especially for the guy who aims at the Douglas owner, this kind of request is simply the benefit of being delivered to the door.

What can be brought to him are at least formal members of the family with more than 60% talent. One or two may be inconspicuous, but when the amount is greater, the quantitative change will cause qualitative change.

When these people are grown up and dispersed to various departments of the Douglas family, when he raises his arms in the name of a teacher, who will not support him? Who dares not respond to him?

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