Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1008: I allow you to challenge me

Because Victor defeated the unexpected result of the first genius of the Francis family, so the interest of this session of the Star Division Division which has caused the accident to have fallen to the bottom of previous sessions began to pick up.

And when someone found out that the Douglas family in this Star Division division competition dominated half of the country, the heat rose further, because this is a situation that has never happened in previous competitions.


"Sister, will you fight with me?" Victor, who was recovering from his injuries in a short time, stood on the field, watching him enter the quarterfinals and hindering a young girl with a beautiful look, also from the big family. Girl.

"At this point, do you think I'll bow to you without fighting?" Looking at the little girl from Victor, this mad dog in the Douglas family couldn't help but bemoan in her heart, feeling bad fortune.

To tell you the truth, she really doesn't want to fight this kind of person who doesn't take her life seriously. Everyone is a genius in a big family and has a great future. Who wants to fight with you constantly?

"If you don't admit defeat, then hit it." Victor looked at the curvy and delicate figure of the little **** the opposite side, and smiled a little hesitantly.

"What are you laughing, disgusting!" Seeing Victor's smile, the little girl could not help but take a step back, and her remorse was even more serious, and she was determined at this time.

"I didn't laugh. I just thought that after I won, I would be promoted to the quarterfinals. I won't have to fight anymore, so I feel a little happy when I think of it." Victor explained with a smile.

"Game start!"

With the referee announcing the start of the game, Victor put on the star armor equipment immediately, and then rushed to the opposite girl immediately.

As he had tasted the sweetness in the last game, he intends to continue in this game, intending to end the battle in a close-to-close manner and win.

"Ah" and the little **** the opposite side saw Victor rushing like a wolf and a tiger, and suddenly screamed, and at the same time released all the Star Armed bombers, trying to prevent Victor from approaching.

But all this was futile, because Victor gave up most of the attacking capabilities of the Star Armor, and chose defense only to pull in the distance, so the distance between the two kept shrinking.

"I surrender!"

After a futile struggle, the little girl looked at Victor, who was rushing in front of her less than twenty meters away, and yelled out what she had been stunning for a while.

"Uh," Victor stopped in the arena immediately after hearing this sentence, with a trace of regret on his face. "My little sister, can't you just wait a few minutes before you shout?"

"Rogue!" Hearing Victor's words, the little girl glared at him, then put away all of her Star Arms, and left the field angrily.

For her, this game was meant to be playful. No matter what kind of results she got, it didn't matter, as long as she could see it in face.

When she realized that winning this game required some irreparable sacrifice, the little girl immediately reluctantly, so she gave up completely.

"It's boring!" Victor, who won the victory less than three minutes ago, suddenly burst into laughter, and at the same time the stand was booing.

After the end of the war, Victor, who was named Crazy Dog on the Internet, officially promoted to the quarterfinals, representing the Douglas family occupying a place in the quarterfinals, and this is just the beginning.

As the game progressed, one student after another, Muria had taught, defeated their opponents in unexpected ways and advanced to the quarterfinals.

Some of them, like Victor vs. Horno, fell into a hard battle, but in the end they won the battle by crushing the will of the children of the other big family.

For the competitors of the other three major families, the Star Division division is more playful, and they regard this game as a game.

If Muria was not involved in this game, then the participants of the Douglas family should treat the game with a similar attitude.

But because of his training, the seven seed players that Grass sent to win the championship all regarded this game as a battle, a win-loss battle.

The difference in attitude towards this game directly determines the result of this Star Division Division competition.


"Mr. Jenos, our quarter-finals have occupied seven places, and you are the last one. After you play, the quarter-finals of this Star Division division are all taken over by our family. . "

In the cozy and comfortable lounge, the girl sat in front of Muria, and said with a smug and relaxed smile.

"In the last battle, my brother took the shot himself, so the result is naturally no need to think about it." As the game progressed, through Muria's players, I saw Muria's current strength of the iceberg at the corner of Daisy with admiration Color.

"Well, did you choose the runners-up and runner-ups?" For the compliments of these students, Muria is uncomfortable. It is a matter of course that he won in this kind of competition. No one can stop him.

"Well, it's decided after the fight. Is it a bit arrogant to say that we will divide now?"

"You guys." Muria stood up and walked out of the room, because it was time he was about to play.


"The next game is the last place for the quarterfinals, and it is also an important game that determines whether the Douglas family can win the top eight of this year's Star Division division. Well, everyone is very interested in this game. expected.

Because this has never happened before, at least in my career, I have never seen anything so bizarre. "

On the wide and neat competition field, the host stood on the referee and shouted in excitement. His mood was also abnormally excited, because he would witness the birth of a history.

"Douglas's lunatics, have you been drugged this year, are you so terrible?"

At one end of the field, Muria's opponent said something funny, but he looked at Muria's eyes with an inconceivable dignity, and he was also a little irritated.

Again, no matter what, he is destined to have a great future. In the game field, it is not necessary to fight against others.

"It's not desperate, it's just winning!" Muria said flatly, and he would win this battle, both on and off the court.

On the Internet, the compensation for his victory has reached 1 to 0.001, and his opponent only has a corresponding compensation of 1,000. Even so, except for some heavy gambling people, almost no one is on him.

"Do you admit defeat or wait for me to send you down?"

"Can you let me think about it?" After hearing Muria's question, his opponent didn't even show any anger, but he touched his chin and asked questions cheerfully.

"I heard that the people who fight with you will basically destroy all Stargards with one stroke, but their lives can be preserved. This makes me curious. If you can guarantee that you will not hurt my life, I want to experience it. this process."

"Yes." Muria agreed without a wave in his heart when he heard the genius who spoke from another top family with a match of more than 90%.

He can understand the mood of the goods on the opposite side, it is purely to find excitement. If he can save his life, destroying a tailored set of star armor is not much to them.

"If that's the case, then I'll go up. Let me say first. I won't show mercy to your men. Anyway, you are terrible. No one can test your depth to this day."



At the moment when the referee announced the start of the game, the youth released all of his Star Armed Armies, turned on the maximum power, and opened fire on the monster facing the Douglas family, but everything was futile.

He saw the opposite guy wave his fist, and then the tiny fist quickly expanded and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. The last scene he saw was the white fist crushing everything, pushing it sideways, covering everything.

"Unexpected, but of course a scene appeared. In the quarterfinals promotion, the Starbreaker from the Douglas family still maintained his terrible fighting power and knocked his opponent down with one punch."

When this crushing battle ended, the referee announced the battle, the commentator fell into a state of insanity, and the stadium was full of cheers.

"This year's Star Division competition will definitely be included in the history of the Federation, because all the places in the top eight of this year have been taken over by the Douglas family, which is a historic scene."


Because this year's quarter-finals are taken over by the same family ~ www.readwn.com ~, this battle of Muria is the last battle of the Star Division division. There were no more battles in the next, and everyone decided before they came to power.

This situation makes this Star Division division competition look funny and ridiculous, but at the same time also allows the Douglas family's influence to climb to the peak in the Federation.

The results of the game naturally need not be said much. Muria won the championship, and the runner-up was Daisy, because she was strong, but because she had the closest blood relationship with Muria. As for the third runner-up, Victor, Because he is the worst.


At the end of the competition, it was very boring and boring into the final awards ceremony. According to the usual practice, all the participants in the top sixty-four are participating in this ceremony. Except for the Douglas family, the government and other families People are stunned.

"Her Excellence, as the winner of the championship, do you have anything to say?"

As usual, Muria came to the podium. He looked at the contestants with different expressions in front of him, and said with a smile: "Give you a chance, I allow you to challenge me together!"

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