Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1009: Don't be afraid, come on, maybe you can win

As soon as Muria said this, the entire awards ceremony scene suddenly fell into silence, and the host of the awards ceremony standing next to him turned his head aggressively, and then immediately responded, "Her Excellency, you are here What nonsense? "

"I didn't talk nonsense, you can stand aside and the next thing is not about you."

Muria smiled and pulled the hostess who rushed to his side aside, facing the microphone behind, watching the quiet awards ceremony venue and many reporters below.

"I know that some people are not convinced that I won this Star Division Division Championship, and I feel that every time I beat my opponent, it is a bluff.

Some people are a little curious about me. They are going to test my true strength, but there are still the last ones. They are the ones I admire the most, because they just want to play against me. "

Muria watched the quiet meeting room and set the stage for what he wanted to do. "Now, I give you this opportunity, no matter what the reason, whoever wants to fight me, or challenges me, Now you can stand up and I allow you to challenge me together. "

"Jeros Douglas, don't you think you won the Star Division Championship, and you think you are invincible? You can ignore us all unbridled?"

Muria spoke so wildly, and immediately a man stood up and questioned Muria.

"No," Muria shook her head. "You're wrong, the cause and effect are reversed, not because I won the championship and I thought I was invincible, but because I was invincible to you, so I won The winner of this competition. "

When Muria said this, when everyone was stunned, many reporters pressed the shutter at this moment and photographed Muria who spoke the most arrogant language in the most calm and calm manner at this moment.

"Fuck, I thought I was crazy enough on my family's side, and now I know what a true madness is."

"These words are really good. I have to learn, and I will pretend to be like this in the future."

"Let's learn a little less of this kind of words. It may be very pleasant when you say it, but the end result will be miserable."

"Well, as the object of hearing this, I'm in a bad mood right now, so I'm going to try it out. How strong is this guy from the Douglas family who can fight? Who are you going to join me?"

"Let me be one. Honestly, I haven't played enough in this Star Division division contest. I was dissatisfied with that one. Now I just try this guy who can make the rest of the Douglas family willing to give up. Level."

"I also want to go, if you defeat this guy, you will defeat the Douglas family."

... After Muria had finished speaking, many of the contestants who were invited to the awards ceremony whispered and expressed their opinions and views. Many of them said they wanted to fight Muria.

"You think about it in a quarter of an hour, I'll wait for you outside." Muria looked at the meeting place in agitation, smiled slightly, and flew out of the meeting place under the lingering of pure white martial art.

And when Muria's words came down, someone left his position in twos and threes and chased Muria's direction.


The slender young man sat in the air with a pure white flame lingering on him, like a flame, making him look like a rainbow, full of deterrence.

And Muria, who had been meditating in the air for nearly a quarter of an hour, slowly opened her eyes. The forty-five young men and women surrounding her could not help showing a touch of disappointment.

"Is it just you guys? That number is too small."

"Enough, Gerlos, there is no need to say such things here. You will know what you have done with us." A young man stood up and scolded Muria.

"Okay, so, let's get started!"

"Well, you all backed me down, I'll come first." The young man who uttered the first voice showed great warfare, and began to call his own Star Armed.

"I said, did you get something wrong?" Muria looked around slowly backing away, seemingly ready to speak out for the crowd who had made room for the young man opposite him.

"What?" The youth who stood in front of Muria, ready to fight with him, had some doubts.

"What gives you the illusion that you can fight me?" Muria looked at the young man in front of him strangely, and surrounded the men and women around him.

"Do you think I gave you a chance to challenge you with me? Am I wasting my time to be a sparring for you? Am I such a bad person in your eyes?"

Muria repeatedly asked the young men and women around him and the guy in front of him who could not wait to fight him.

"What do you mean by this?" Asked the youth who had summoned all his external armed forces and had begun to accumulate energy, suppressing his anger.

"What do you mean?" Muria grinned. "I mean letting all of you come along and besiege me, you know? I'm not interested in heads-up with you one by one."

"Don't look down on people!" Muria's words immediately made the young man's expression excited. This is simply naked contempt. If you don't put him in his eyes, he has never been this young. Aggrieved, he fired directly and launched an attack on Muria.

"Then you are clear, the gap between you and me!" Seeing the dense crowd forming a barrage of bullets, Muria still maintained a posture of sitting cross-legged, motionless, and the flames lingering around him were like There is life to jump.

With a long chant, a scaled white dragon rose from Muria's flames, roared, surrounded Muria, and then spit out a stream of light, all will fall to Mu All Rhea's attacks were offset by hedges.

After blocking all the attacks, this white dragon, which was as lifelike as a living creature, issued a proud long groan, and then slammed at the young man who was stuck in a dull state.

In the sight of countless reporters, the genius from the top family fought against the creatures formed by the martial arts of Muria.

What's more embarrassing is that this young man was actually in a disadvantage in the face of this white dragon formed by martial arts. In such a battle situation, everyone suddenly showed a variety of complex emotions.


After less than ten rounds of fighting, the huge white dragon flicked its long tail and pulled the tail with air marks visible to the naked eye.

The violent power poured into the youth, causing a crack in his star armor. At this moment, the attack from Bailong surpassed the youth's star armor defense, so drops of scarlet blood dazzled from the crack. overflow.

After bearing this blow, the young man suddenly lost the power to fight again, his body bent into a U-shape, with the broken star armor fragments, and fell towards the ground, looking extremely miserable.

After defeating the youth, Qiyan Bailong proudly issued a long roar. After circling in the air, he rushed to Muria. As he approached his surroundings, Bailong collapsed into Qiyan and merged into Murui. Ya's body.

"Did you see the gap between you and me?" Muria watched the young man who had fallen to the ground, caught by him, slowly stood upright and looked around.

"Any of you face me alone is not my opponent. Your only hope of defeating me is to join forces and launch an attack together."

"It's true, alone, no one is your opponent, Gerlos Douglas, because your martial arts has entered another level, right?" A girl with long curly hair with linen colors stared at Muria, Distress, unbelievable, shock, and so on were revealed in his eyes.

"Wu Zun?" After hearing the girl's words, someone immediately responded, and then stared at Muria with an extremely shocked look. During this time, they have fully understood that this is a kind of What kind of existence.

"No wonder he has the power to crush us. It turned out that he has reached that level."

"This is impossible, how old is he, how can it become a juxtaposed existence that can now be named Star Armor?"

"Don't be nervous," looking at the discussion in front of him, but they were all frightened by him, and the geniuses who did not dare to come forward, Muria's face also showed helplessness,

The group of people in front of me can be said to be the elite of the new generation of the Bauhinia Commonwealth, but these people were scared by him at this time. Just because of the word Wu Zun, these people were frightened and did not dare to ask him Do it.

"I'm still half a step away from Wu Zun ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm not Wu Zun. Of course, I'm not in this state. You can't match each other alone, so you still go together, so you may not There is hope for victory. "

"Since it's only half a step away, then we're going together, it's not a disgrace to our family."

"And it was his own request."

Looking at the geniuses in front of them who were making excuses for themselves, summoning Stargard and preparing to attack him, Muria's face smiled.


A thunderous, violent bursting color was heard in Muria's body. The pure white gas rushed out of Muria like a flood that broke the dam, instantly rendering the space around Muria into a piece. Pure white color.

In this area formed by Muria with his own power, the pure white gas is surging, forming some specious animals and plants or buildings, which look strange and strange, but are full of strong oppression. .

"Well, this guy also said he was not Wu Zun!"

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