Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1032: Eyeless things

"where is this place?"

The man looked around with some doubt. There was nothing in his surroundings. There were only some colorful light bands floating, but now he had a sense of down-to-earth.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the man realized that he was standing now, and the man suddenly lowered his head, then saw the legs that should no longer be able to support his body to walk, and stood straight.

"My legs are okay?" A huge surprise emerged in the man's heart, but soon he reacted, and his family conditions could not cure his legs at all.

所以 "So this is a dream." The man remembered the fact that he had just fallen asleep now. After knowing that this was a dream, the sense of surprise in the man's heart faded away instantly.

After knowing that everything in front of him is nothing, the panic in the man's heart was blank, and the fear also disappeared. Instead, he began to try to use himself and never noticed before, but after losing it, he felt extremely precious legs. Walking in some dreamy and magnificent space.

"It feels good to walk freely!" Only after losing the precious man sighed. Although he knew that everything in front of him was false, the man was willing to immerse himself in this falseness and realize what he had lost.

After walking for a moment aimlessly, the man seemed to find that there was a building in front of him, so holding a trace of curiosity, the man walked towards the building.

After walking for more than a long time, the man's mouth could not help but widen, because he saw a scene that he could not imagine in his whole life, countless splendid and splendid temples were scattered, the branch was in the space in front of him, Filled with his vision, brilliant and magnificent.

In this building that seems to be inhabited by gods, he faintly sees a vague but magnificent existence in a huge temple surrounded by countless buildings, and when he sees this statue makes him After trying to kneel down and worship the ghost, everything in front of him suddenly broke.


The man opened his eyes from the bed sharply, looked at the familiar mottled gray-yellow ceiling, and made a sharp gasp,

"It really is a dream!" The calm man looked at everything familiar around him, sighing with a bit of frustration. He is now living in the lowest ward in the hospital, so everything is the lowest match.

The man lying on the bed held both sides of the bed with both hands, then propped up his body and wanted to sit up, but just after he moved his body with both hands, a very weak sense was transmitted to his brain by his nerves. in.

This caused his upper body to stiffen from the bed, the man made himself sit up, and then reached out to touch his legs in disbelief.

Then his legs gave him a very weak feeling of being touched. This feeling was something he had never experienced after something happened, so the man laughed and looked up. Laughing and laughing, tears could not help in his eyes.

"Most of the night, what are you doing? Let people not sleep anymore? If you want to cry, you can get out and cry."

I heard the dissatisfied roar from the ward next door, and the man closed his mouth, but his face was still covered with tears, and his face was distorted like a cry and a smile.

He had fallen into despair, and now he saw a ray of light returning to his legs. His legs are already conscious, and the reason why his legs began to change, Ze is categorized as everything he just saw in a dream.

"God is definitely a gift of the gods." A man doesn't need to think about the subconscious at all, but thinks that what he just saw in a dream is a god. No, he just was definitely not a dream, but he happened to be a coincidence Xia accidentally stepped into the realm of the gods and witnessed the palace of the gods with his own eyes.

"Why do I have this opportunity?" After a long time of excitement, the man calmed down gradually, because he knew that he was usually busy with work, so although he sometimes prayed to the gods with his wife, but seriously, He is just a pan believer, not a devotee.

"Why is it my wife? Because my wife prays religiously every day, the gods bless me." A conjecture erupted in the mind of the man.

Then, when his wife came to take care of him the next day, he asked his wife tentatively, and then he learned that his wife really prayed for him after he had an accident, and was more religious than before.

"What do you ask this for?" The woman questioned by her husband asked in a doubt, and she found that her current husband was completely different from what she had seen the day before. If it was dead before, it is now alive.

"I'll ask." The man smiled, and then asked his wife casually, "Ready to submit a discharge application, I'm not hospitalized, I want to go home."

"How do you do this, your legs are not cured yet, how can you be discharged?"

"No need, you can go home." A mysterious smile appeared on the man's face. Although he did not make a second attempt, there was a faint feeling in his heart. If he prayed to the gods and bowed down, his legs would It gets better and better until it is fully recovered and can walk down normally.

Uh ...

"Haha, my mother is really a genius, and now I have another devout."

In a pathetic little kingdom of God, a tall transparent woman with a completely transparent blond hair, composed entirely of the power of faith, laughed wildly.

Aside from her, a real sister who looked exactly like her, but was a real one, looked at her, stared into her thoughts,

"Why do the avatars I build for myself with the power of faith look so annoying?"

Alas ... In the jurisdiction of the Stars Church, Jinlong Niang silently steals the believer of the **** created by the church, steals the belief of the unconscious god, prepares to grow to a certain degree, and replaces it directly.

At the same time, at the site of the churches of the stars, Jinlong Niangou quietly pitched into each other's wild areas. At the time of development, Muria had been on the battlefield for three years.

"Jenus, there are three days left, the three-year period is over, and you can return to the family by that time." Opposite the communicator, there are several smiling faces of middle and old age.

Douglas's homeowners and elders are picking their fingers every day to calculate the time when Muria will return. They are particularly excited these days.

Muria stayed on the battlefield, it really made them frightened, and worried about him every moment, for fear that the hope of the family's future was damaged on the battlefield.

"Okay, I'll be back on time." On the battlefield, in addition to the first encounter, Muria, who has encountered only a few small-scale tentative attacks in the past three years, responded.

For the past three years, he has stayed in this line of defense, and he has faded away from the birds. After all, the heterogeneous side is not stupid. He knows that he can't fight, and naturally he won't come up and die for nothing.

好 "Okay, the family is already preparing for the banquet, and you are waiting for the protagonist."

The owner of Douglas said in a breeze that this banquet was actually held on the grounds of welcoming Muria's return, but its real purpose was to thoroughly promote Muria as a family icon, to push it to the stage and serve as the Muria family. Douglas prepares for the next homeowner.

"The scale of the banquet need not be too big."

Alas ... After chatting with these clan elders for a moment, Muria turned off the communicator, and after three days of calm, at the farewell of the reluctant officer,

Muriya took the family children who followed him to the battlefield, and followed him. There were a million soldiers, and now there are only 130,000 soldiers left on the train back to the Federation.

Uh ...

"The weather is so good!"

Under a clear sky, the train quickly moved on a specific track, and among the carriages, a girl with long hair in black color sat near the window, looking at the sky outside, and the endless field, could not help but sigh Dao, the sight in front of me is refreshing.

And the others in the train are almost the same, because they have left the battlefield and are about to return to the family, so these guys have smiles on their faces, and they are extremely happy.

But this pleasant and relaxed atmosphere was soon broken ~ www.readwn.com ~ The girl who was originally admiring the clear sky outside, watched a purple-black light appear in the clear sky outside.

And this light in the blue sky is like a drop of ink falling on white paper, and it looks extremely dazzling in the sky. And when this group of purple and black light appeared, it quickly spread in the sky, eroding the cloudless sky.

It was just a few short breaths. The heavy purple and black clouds that brought people a sense of depression rolled in the sky, and the insignificant runes shone among the purple clouds.

"What is this?" Looking at the amazing changes in the sky, the young girl stayed blank, with a look of arrogance on her face, not because she was unsteady, but radiated this power, which made the sky appear to be abnormal. The level of life is too high.

"Legendary!" And just as the girl panicked, she suddenly felt a warm breath, wrapping it all up, and the panic in her heart was swept away, and then a gentle voice was in her ear. Sounded.

"What?" After hearing this familiar voice, Daisy turned her head and saw the slender young man standing next to her. This is her elder brother, who made the alien not dare to attack its line of defense for three years. Man.

"It's nothing, just a blind eyed guy came to attack us without panic."

袭击 "Attack?" The girl's face was dull, and she responded, "Brother, are you saying that the change in the external phenomenon is caused by a creature?"


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