Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1033: Big brother opens trumpet

() "So what is this?" The girl's face turned paler, because she felt the coercion from the outside world became more and more heavy, making her feel a little breathless.

"If there is no accident in this kind of breath, it should be a different king!" Muria said calmly, his calm expression gave the girl great confidence and made the girl no longer panic.

However, after speaking of the identity of the outside world that caused changes in the sky, Muria suddenly burst into a den, and the family members who followed him were panicked.

When I reached their level, I naturally knew what the so-called alien king was. It could be changed for another day. It was like the existence of a god, but now such a powerful existence has actually shot at them.

Alas, to be precise, it should be Muria's shot. With so many people present, only Muria is qualified to be shot by another king.

"You just stay here, don't run around." Muria exhorted.

"What about you?" Daisy asked anxiously at the words of Muria.

"I went up to see it, solved it and came back." Muria patted the sister's head without giving everyone a chance to say more, opened the emergency compartment, and flew out.

He no longer needed the support of martial arts flames, Muria stepped into nothingness, and toward the sky, he sensed that the source of the sky's mutation was flying away.

When this strange king came, he never thought of covering his breath, but showed his own power overwhelmingly, which caused such an amazing scene in the sky.


Muriya looked up and looked around. The sky was covered with purple and black clouds, and the earth fell into a darkness, as if the end was coming, giving people a strong sense of depression. Muria didn't feel much about this kind of scene.

When he was pushing the Xenaps subcontinent across Erassia and fighting the incarnation of the evil gods, the incarnations of those gods were much more depressing. The earth collapsed, magma gushed, and the sky was full of fire ... This is just a small scene.

Muria carried his hands and came to the purple-black clouds, and then released a part of his evolution. The surging surge of martial arts like the tide poured out of his body, bringing the purple-black clouds around him. Squeezing, so Muria stood in the sea of ​​clouds and stood out in this gloomy sky.

After Muria released his field of martial arts law, a stream of light suddenly appeared among the purple-black clouds, which gathered in front of him to form a large purple-black day.

On this day, a burly figure appeared slowly, and the radiating momentum caused the space to appear a crack. He looked down at Muria with a look of indifference, and seemed to be confirming his identity.

After looking at Muria for a moment, the being had no intention of communicating with Muria at all, and went straight out of his hand. The purple and black clouds around him radiated little runes that were imperceptible to the stars, and gathered toward his palm. In the end, it condensed into a huge palm that seemed to cover the heavens and the earth, and slapped Muria, trying to kill him with one palm.

Muria saw the strange king's so slow attitude, and immediately laughed, and also raised his palm to welcome him. Behind him, the sea of ​​clouds was boiling, and countless stars appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, forming a bright starry sky.

Thousands of stars radiated a bright light, gathered on his palm, and formed a palm that was no smaller than the attack from the other king.


Purple and white collide, rounds are mixed with huge shock waves of purple halo and white light spreading, ten square clouds disappear, stars and moons tremble, whether it is the sea of ​​French clouds released by Muria, or the purple formed by the appearance of the other king The black clouds were trembling violently, as if plunged into a stormy ocean, with strong waves and huge waves.


At this time, the different king who was only planning to send a blow and turned away sent out a surprise, because he found that her blow did not achieve the expected result.

He was supposed to be obliterated by him, still in front of him intact, looking at him with a smile, as if laughing at his incompetence.

"Being able to take my blow, yes, it seems that my own shot is the right choice. Your existence should be strangled in advance and not stay long." Although Yi Wang was surprised, his face remained calm. Even if the state of affairs is beyond control, it cannot be disregarded as the majesty of the king.

"Kill me in advance? You don't have this ability." Hearing the words of this strange king who wanted to kill him in advance, the smile on Muria's face became even stronger. In the eyes of the strange king, it was obvious that this human was Laugh at him.

"You are the most gifted human genius I have seen since I came to this world, so I can understand your arrogance now, but this is not enough to be a reason for you to be proud in front of me."

The surprised king looked at Muria, and said indifferently. In his eyes, Muria was not at the same level as him, but being able to take a blow from him meant that he was already qualified to follow him.

"This is not arrogance, it's just fact."

"When I see you now, I remember my original self. When I was young, I was just like you. Nobody looked at me, but when my world was destroyed, I found that I was so weak. , Can't do anything, just watch everything I know is destroyed. "

He is not angry with Muria's arrogance, because Muria is just a dead person in his eyes. His performance just now evoked memories of his hundreds of years ago and fell into a state of emotion.

"Don't compare me with you. When your world is destroyed, you can't do anything about it, but I'm not like you." Muria raised her eyebrows and corrected the alien king's mistake.

Although Muria doesn't know which existence can destroy his world so far, in the void, there is a lot of peeping into the existence of Elasia's world, but in the face of this existence, Muria now has The strength of World War I, he now has the qualifications to protect the Eracian world, of course, he basically can't make it.

"Poor and ignorant guy, you never know how vast outside your world is, living in a small prison cage, your excellence is only relative to your ethnic group, zooming out of the world What are you doing? But a sad ant. "

"Sadly you, you bereavement dogs whose homes have been destroyed."

Seeing this superior king who pretended to be strong in front of himself, Muria's complexion was a bit weird and had the urge to laugh, but he was a legendary guy. In front of a hidden epic, he told the world How vast, it gave him a sense of humor.

"Ignorant human." Hearing Muria's words, the strange king couldn't help but be a little angry, he raised his palm and patted Muria again.

In his estimation, just in order for Muria to take up his attack, he should have exhausted most of his own power and absolutely could not take his second hit. After all, the two of them are quite different. Large level, separated by an inaccessible life gully.

This gully has an incomparable gap in life between the two levels, and there is no comparability at all. There may be heavenly wizards in the void, but he doesn't think there will be such a world. presence.


However, the result of this time was unexpectedly different from what the other king expected. The palm of his hand was penetrated by a column of pure white light, which was sticking straight on his face.

Chitinous carapace pieces stained with deep black sticky blood flew in the air, and then fell to the ground, and the head of the fist that was beaten by the punch slowly turned his head, reaching out to touch his broken face .

The fingers that were also wrapped in carapace touched the wound, and a sticky feeling was fed back to the brain by the fingers, but there was also a slight tingling sensation and itch.

The broken wound on his face, the fast-growing Heiwang put down his palm ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then looked at the black blood on his finger and laughed,

"I haven't experienced this feeling of being injured for a long time. I didn't expect that a cricket ant lower than me today would actually make me feel this feeling again."

人类 "Human, you are very good. You can hurt me with the current ants' body. In time, you will be promoted to the same level as me, and you will be stronger than me."

Although he was injured under care, the strange king at this time did not have anger, because as a king, he knew that anger is the most useless thing, and anger cannot change anything.

但是 "But unfortunately, you have no chance to grow up. Now, I will try my best to kill you here. The threat you pose to my community is too great. Humans like you should not exist."

"Well, indeed, humans like me should not appear in this world." Muria also nodded in agreement with the murderous word of the other king, if it wasn't for their family to choose this world. As the goal of gaining the source of power, a natural wizard like his reincarnation will never appear.

"Looks like you've taken your fate." Although Muria's words were a little strange, the other king didn't think much.

Because he can never imagine the existence in front of him, it is actually a trumpet opened by an epic gangster who can stand in the void.

His eyesight, his knowledge does not allow him to make conjectures in this regard, Muria just acted against the sky with weak strikes, he can only classify it to his talent.

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