Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1040: Enforce

"Okay, are you all done now? Nothing else?" Muria knocked on the table, suppressing all the elders in the conference room with the aura created by his powerful strength.

"Nothing." The elders shook their heads and said they were fine.

"I just thought of a very important thing and just happen to discuss it."

"Sir, please speak."

"It is still about the family tumor that has been expelled from me. Ovis, although his actions are mixed, he has an inseparable relationship with his parents. The reason why he became what he is now, his parents Must bear most of the responsibility. "

Muriya looked around the conference room, then looked at the expression of each elder, "You should not deny this, right?"

嗯 "Well, Orvis has become what he is now, and his parents must bear the main responsibility."

"You also have a responsibility in this matter. I remember that there are rules in the family. When members of the family do not have the ability to raise their children, they are taken over by the family."

This rule does exist in the Douglas family, but this rule is only for talented formal members, and the boundary of this rule is very vague and not clear.

For example, Muria ’s half-sister Daisy, under normal circumstances, it should also be raised by her biological father and mother, but because she and Muria ’s dregs father are too poor.

So in the judgment of the family. Such a guy, Daisy, who teaches by example, is likely to break away from the demands of the family, and also become a cold-blooded scum.

So, Daisy was directly taken away by the family and sent to the manor house to receive the customized education of the family.

But such situations are only a few. Most of the family members are still raised by their parents. This seems more humane and makes the family more tender. Otherwise, centralized management will make the family relationship seem a bit indifferent.

There is only blood relationship between the clan family and family members, but no family relationship cultivated through time. This is very bad for a family power.

However, although such a system is tender, there will still be some problems. For example, Ovis, because of his character and behavior, his talent was directly denied, and the Douglas family could not protect this kind of character.

"The family's system is very good, but it is not perfect, and the family needs further improvement to avoid making mistakes similar to Owes again." Muria said calmly that he wanted to reform the family's system.

咳 "Oh, sir, how can this kind of thing be improved? Most parents in the family can't hand over their children, they still want to raise their own children."

"Most of them are unwilling, but there are still a small number of people who are willing to do so. Some people are born to abandon their children as a burden, give up raising, or give compensation to others, and ask others to manage for them.

In this case, the family can take over the management, and it is not only limited to formal members. Even peripheral members who cannot use the last name can be included in the management of the family.

Talent does not represent everything, nor can it determine everything. Ordinary people can also have the power to change the world through wisdom. "

Muria has expressed his ideas. Now that the society is highly developed, at least one person must be involved in the work if a family wants to maintain it. This takes up the most time and energy of the parents. They do not have time to look after their children. .

In this case, some parents will choose to take part of the remuneration for their work and entrust others to take care of their children.

But ask other people to help take care of or even discipline your children, and use your feet to know what will happen, all kinds of weird and appalling things.

这些 And these bad things that can arouse public anger are, in the final analysis, some parents are unwilling to assume the obligations and responsibilities that they should have fulfilled as parents.

"The first step relies on willingness to ask all family members who have children if they are unwilling to take responsibility and responsibility for raising children, and if not, let the family take over.

In the second step, the parents who want to raise their children are reviewed and inspected. For a child, the parents are his first teacher and the most influential existence in his life.

Therefore, at this stage, the Grasse family must strictly control each member of the family without any problems. "

所以 "So, Your Excellency, do you mean that every parent with a child should be reviewed and inspected?"

"Yes, it is necessary to do this. Parents are a great profession, but not everyone is qualified to be in this noble profession, and the existence of some people has tarnished these two words."

Muriya said in a strong voice, echoing the large conference room.

When I heard Muria's words, many elders were silent, and no one objected, because they all knew that the owner's childhood was not wonderful.

父亲 His father divorced her mother directly because of his sister's birth and drove him out of the capital. Of course, Muria himself doesn't care about such things at all.

Muriya ’s attitude towards the reincarnated body ’s biological parents is very clear. If you are good to my reincarnated body, then I will give you double returns. If it ’s not good, it ’s a passerby.

But these elders don't know. They thought that the family's childhood experience left him a great childhood shadow, so in this matter, they are also not good at publicly contradicting the singer, fearing to directly anger him.

阁下 "Sir, if you implement this policy in your family, I am afraid that it will arouse the resentment of many family members." After a long time, an elder finally reminded carefully.

"Explain the reason to them. If they can understand it, it is naturally very good. However, if they cannot understand it, there is no way. This policy must be enforced. I absolutely do not allow the second Ovis to appear. "

Muriya's attitude is very firm. He has done similar things once in the Eracian world. After he became the emperor, he wrote similar legal provisions into the empire code he created.

At the time, this legal provision also caused misunderstanding and resentment among many people, but he still enforced it. After all, it is managed by the national government, and in any case is more reliable than those irresponsible parents and those they find themselves.

"Sir, I suggest discussing a specific plan first, and then choosing a province and conducting a pilot test. What do you think?"

"Yes." Muria nodded.

Uh ...

Putian, West Province, Capital, Peel

"That **** woman, why isn't our family good for her? Actually treat my child this way."

In a luxurious villa, a man in a suit and leather growled angrily in the living room, his eyes filled with angry flames, like a beast that was touched by the most precious thing.

A woman next to her charm is holding a child in distress. The child looks white and tender on the outside and seems to be fine, but when the woman pulls off the child's clothes, she can see that under the cover of the clothes. There were scary bruises all over his skin.

这 And this is the reason for the man's anger. He spent a lot of money to find a nanny, and the nanny also had a relationship with his wife. He didn't think about it, so he asked the nanny to take care of his children.

Until today, when his child's school was examined, he found that his child was actually covered with scars. So the school called the police, and the police immediately called him to ask him where he was and arrested him.

The man at the time was aggressive, and when the man knew what was happening, he fell into a rage instantly, and then he cooperated with the police to find it. It didn't take much effort to find so many of his children. The culprit of the scar.

"This woman dare to treat my child like this, I want her to stay in prison forever in her life."

The wife on the side heard her husband say such a thing, her lips moved, and she wanted to say something, but she closed her mouth again. This nanny really had a relationship with her, but she could n’t be her anyway. Reasons for abusing their children.

After a few days, when the man handled the nanny with anger, he fell into a new trouble, who to look after her child?

However, his troubles were quickly resolved, a housekeeper from the family found him, and briefly described to him the policy that the family was preparing to implement ~ www.readwn.com ~ the family to take care of the children? "The man's eyes are shining. Although he is a peripheral member who cannot use his family name, his heart is full of pride, so his trust in the family has reached its peak.

"What do you think?"

"Of course no problem." Men did not ask too much about the details of the family policy, they agreed directly, what is there to consider? Who can the Douglas family take care of their children?

"It's good that you are willing to let your child take care of the family for you. Yes, let me tell you something. This policy is promoted by the owner himself, so the resources you invest in it are unimaginable."

He had prepared a rhetoric butler. Looking at the man who was so knowledgeable in front of him, he was also very satisfied, which saved him a lot of trouble.

"This is really great. I have a busy job with my wife and I really don't have the energy to take care of the children." The man was also very satisfied.

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