Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1041: Go be light

"Is this place where a father should come? His child is really sinned."

的 The old man in a neat formal butler clothes looked at the colorful shops in front of him, listening to the faint music and shouts coming from him, watching the men and women who could not enter in front of him, and shook his head.

Later, the old man walked towards him, and the doorman who stood at the door to see the guest saw the old man with a completely different style from the current guest. He just wanted to reach out and stop him, but the next moment, his face changed. .

He saw a very imperceptible badge on the collar of the old man, which was one of the four types of badges that can be explained as long as the people living in the Federation, so the doorman let it go with great interest. , And also made a color to his companions.

不用 "Don't worry, I'm here to look for an incompetent guy in our family. It has nothing to do with your shop."

When the old man saw this scene, he smiled and patted the clever doorman in front of him, and another door boy who just received the prompt of the door boy's eyes stopped.

After this episode, the old man also walked into this bar. Just after entering the door, a deafening music, and many men and women screaming and shouting passed into the old man's ear.

Looking at the colorful lights in front of him, and the scene of dancing on the dance floor, the old man's brows frowned slightly, and he began to look for his goal in this bar.

Not long after, he found a young man on the dance floor who was carrying a hot girl and twisting his body wildly.

Seeing this scene, the old man's brow frowned even deeper, so he stepped forward and grabbed the young man who was enjoying the carnival. When he didn't respond, he dragged him out of the dance floor. .

"Are you special ..." The young man who found himself being dragged away turned back and started to drink and scold, but when he looked at the costumes of the old man, his expression suddenly became stunned.

"Family steward?" The young man thrown onto the deck by the old man asked carefully.

不错 "Yes. I haven't even gotten to the point of not knowing it, so I won't wake you up."

"Your old man came to me, is there anything?" The young man who ran to the bar and asked cautiously, because he couldn't figure out why a steward of this waste material himself would come to him.

"Do you have a child who is not yet full? Now you don't stay at home to take care of the children at this time, do you think it would be appropriate to run here and fool around?"

那个 "That ... you don't know how annoying this child is, I can't stand the noise, so I just come to this place to relax." The young man explained with a smirk, and he also knew that his behavior was really innocent.

"Okay, the family is now pursuing a policy, and your situation just meets the criteria in the policy. You are not eligible to be a father during our family inspection. I came to inform you

Your child will be taken up and raised by the family. As a father, you have the right to view and communicate with your child at any time, but you have no right to interfere with the education and training of your child. "

"The family took my child to raise him? That's great." Hearing the words of the old man, the already drunk young man suddenly shouted with excitement.

"Don't you feel a little bit reluctant?" Seeing the youth's response, he asked the steward who came to inform the youth with a frown.

记得 When he remembered to inform those parents who were not qualified, many of them were reluctant to persevere, and even took a long time to work. Like young people, he saw them for the first time.

"Hey, housekeeper, you also saw what I just did. I ’m just a bad person. If my child is brought up by me, it ’s probably better than me in the future, so it ’s so good for the family to support him. No. "

"You have a sense of self-knowledge." The steward laughed helplessly when he heard the young man's words. This is a terrible self-aware person.

Uh ...

阁下 "His Excellency, since the implementation of the family's pilot program, as many as 117 children have been adopted from our family members, as well as members of the periphery."

"We have hired the best teachers, nutritionists, psychologists, etc. for these children to give them the best conditions. Let them grow up healthily and happily without their parents."

"Well, good." These elders successively reported the confidence that came up. Muria expressed great satisfaction. "This policy continues to be implemented, so that those who are willing to trust their children to our family members will see and grow up under the guidance of the family. How good are the children who get up? "

Uh ...


The majestic giant beast roared in the city, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye shattered the surrounding building glass, revealing the majesty and grandma of a high-level predator.

By this giant beast, the voices of men and women screaming and crying in horror were everywhere, because the appearance of this monster was too abrupt. So many people are not ready

This is a blue-yellow carapace with limbs and chest and back, and the monster with scattered yellow hair on its body part doesn't care about these tiny creatures under its feet,

In his eyes, these tiny bipeds did not even have the ability to plug his teeth. All he wanted was to understand what had just happened.

Why did it suddenly emerge from the vibrant jungle in this steel jungle full of such small bipeds everywhere.

Feeling a bit aggressive, the Beastmaster couldn't figure out what happened, and immediately fell into anger, so the surrounding buildings became his vents, and it destroyed the surrounding buildings.

However, this head was not long after the beast was destroyed, the city's defensive and defensive army had arrived, and the army's star armor division looked at this huge monster in front of it, manipulating its external armed forces and firing.

But here suddenly appeared the native species here. It's not vegetarian. A crystal on its head emits a hazy light, and then a bright yellow spherical energy shield spreads, enveloping his body in it.

But this fierce artillery fire bombarded this bright yellow shield, and although it was indefinitely dying and looked crumbling, the city's defense forces never broke it.

I saw this scene, and some of the heroic Stargard divisions even took out the Stargard melee armies and rushed to this giant beast, trying to kill it through melee.

"Is this sudden monster again, is it really the same as the rumor? We have abandoned the original belief in the gods, so the gods sent messengers to punish us."

Not only did several rushings fail to achieve effective results, but also a young military officer in the security command that lost a lot of manpower, his eyes filled with panic.

Similar to this, since the belief of the goddess of the star spread like a virus in the church area, it has appeared one after another in the city.

"Well, because you don't believe, you send an messenger to destroy it. Is such a **** really qualified to be called a god? This is simply a demon."

的 The commander in charge of commanding heard that his will began to shake, and he snorted a little, and said with a disdain, "And what a messenger is this god, but it is just a more powerful native species."

Uh ...

In a crumbling building, there were screams and screams everywhere, as well as calls for help, because this building happened to be blown away by the lord's native species that just passed, so the people in this building were here Hurrying to escape the building.

But in the buildings that have begun to tilt now, it is impossible to use the rapid descending channel at all, and jumping from such a high floor is also a death.

"In order to stop the spread of my belief, even this method can be conceived. These people are probably not recruited, right? It's stupid to make people laugh."

At this moment, the miserable scene of the city was reflected in the golden eyes of an elegant and intellectual sister, she smiled calmly, and then reached out a little.

As a result, in the building that was about to tilt and collapse, a mature woman with her legs down and a bookcase held down by her, her pendant hanging around her neck began to glow brightly.

And the woman who felt her legs were painful immediately noticed the abnormality happening on her body. She quickly pulled out the hanging pendant around her neck, and then looked at the glowing pendant in her hand, her face was excited. With joy.

Because she felt that her body was full of power in the light emitted from this pendant, she tried to slap her head, pressing her legs, and letting her escape the hopeless cabinet was kicked by her Already.

优雅 The elegant mature lady stood up ~ www.readwn.com ~ and was a little surprised to find that her legs that had been originally fractured were intact.

The reason for all of this is because of the pendant on her hand, and the injury on her leg is quickly repaired in the light from the pendant.

"Is the great Goddess of the Star, Raya?" The woman out of trouble did not rush to escape, but whispered carefully holding the pendant.

"Cult believer Sheila, are you willing to be my apostle?" An empty female voice sounded.

"Yes." The woman who escaped from the dead, shouting in excitement when she heard this one seemed to want to be in her own soul.

那么 "I give you courage, and give you strength, to be the light of hope to save your city!"

挂 The pendant held in the woman's hand suddenly bloomed with an extremely bright light, covering her body, and then flew out of the crumbling building with her body ...

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