Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1055: 2 Awakenings, End of Awakening

Don't you have an urge to devour this crystal? "

Fernand watched that the black smoke lingering on his son's body became richer, and knew that his power should enter a state of boiling agitation. When the power fell into this state, how difficult it was to control, he He had experienced it himself, so he was more curious at the moment.

"Yes, the power inside me really wants to devour this crystal."

"So what are you doing?" Fernand looked more puzzled at the still-settling daughter-in-law at the moment.

"I control the power in my body, not the power that controls me. I am the master." Muria replied.

When each Titan is born, he will learn to control every power in his body. This does not require the rest of the Titans. They were born with this consciousness.

To be the master of power, not to be manipulated and influenced by it, to become its slave, this is the basic exercise for Titans. Just like Muria now, even if the power in his body wants to devour this crystal, but he has to ask the specific origin of the crystal in his hand, no matter how much the power in his body wants, he must obediently Submit to him.

"If you can be born twenty years earlier, no, ten years early." Fernand couldn't help but sigh, hearing the regrets in his eyes.

"Don't suppress the strength in your body, let go and let it be swallowed. This crystal is not harmful to you, and swallowing it will only benefit you."

"What kind of benefit?" Muria asked earnestly.

"It can make you awaken twice in advance." Fernand's face showed a smile, and his voice was full of temptation. He believes that this temptation is even his son with strong self-control. It is also difficult to resist.

"Second awakening?" Muria raised her eyebrows slightly. The royal awakened at the age of ten, and then awakened in adulthood, that is, around the age of eighteen. All aspects will undergo a qualitative change.


"That said, this crystal can shorten my awakening time, right?"

"Yes, when you have completely devoured and absorbed the power crystals in your hands, you can not only complete the second awakening, but also shorten some of the three awakening times."

"Really!" Muria reached out, took out the black-red crystals in the box, and held it in his hands, letting go of suppressing the power in the body.

As a result, the power inside Muria surged out of his arm like a dragon, forming a thick black smoke, which completely wrapped his entire arm in it. This cloud of black and red smoke It was the most dense where he held the fist of the crystal, and it looked a bit secretive.

At this time, Muria also felt that his power began to grow, and the energy contained in the crystal in his hand was continuously plundered by the power in his body.

The most intuitive external manifestation is that the black and red smoke clouds covering Muria's entire left arm began to flash a little gold-red light.

Of course, gradually, Muria's body also experienced extremely sharp changes. His body began to swell and grow. Although the speed was slow, the process of change could be visually seen with the naked eye.

Muria can clearly feel that his perspective is slowly rising at the same time, and at the same time he can feel that he is gradually getting stronger. This is a sense of strength that fills the whole body and continues to grow.

Then Muria felt a tingling sensation from everywhere in his body, because new tissues were growing all over his body.

Muria can clearly "see" the changes that are happening on his body. He can "see" that he is just a fire pattern on his face, which is spreading around his neck.

The skin that looked fair and delicate on his body began to become dark and deep, and he felt a sense of tenacity when he looked at it. At the same time, at the joints of his elbows, ankles, knees and other joints, a spur of the moon blade pierced his skin and protruded out of his body, with a metallic flashing on it Color.

"Second awakening!" At this point Muria had grown to a size close to his height. Fernand's face couldn't help but be surprised.

And when he saw a crescent-shaped bone blade piercing Muria's body, his face was more surprised. There was also shock in his eyes.

"How could this be absorbed so quickly?" Fernand frowned, whispering to himself, the change in front of him completely broke his third view.

But he couldn't deny the authenticity of the change, because he had witnessed it, and he had caused it.

Just as Fernand was thinking, Muria's body size had grown to nearly three meters at this time, and all his clothes had been exploded, fully showing his posture at this time.

The body is nearly three meters tall and slender. The angular muscle lines are full of sense of strength. The dark skin is like obsidian after the lava has cooled. Between this tough skin, one after another the flames are like lava. The lines are all over, making Muria full of majesty, and looking at it has an extremely powerful visual impact.

"What's the problem?" Muriav, who had completely absorbed the crystal of power given by his father, asked his father.

"The problem is very big. In my expectation, it will take you at least three months to fully absorb this power crystal, but in fact, it only takes you half an hour to fully absorb it. "

"The effect of my absorption of power is far more than you expected. This should be a good thing no matter what you think."

"That's right." Fernand's frowns widened when he heard Muria's words. "It's really a good thing."

When he said this, Fernand couldn't help touching the center of his chest, his eyes hesitated, but soon this hesitation was covered by him, and he looked up at Muria.

"You don't talk to anyone about this now, you must keep it secret, remember not to."

"I know."

"Don't fight anyone for a while, let alone reveal your second awakening posture," Fernand continued, but immediately he shook his head. "Forget it, let me arrange it, you prepare a bit."

"what to prepare?"

"Ready to leave this palace and receive your own training." Fernand turned around, and he already had arrangements for Muria in his heart.

"You'll be here honestly these days, adapt to your growing power, don't go out."

After speaking, the king who had been filled with surprise left Muria's dormitory, and then he had to find a suitable teacher for Muria.

His son is no longer suitable for education with the rest of his sons-in-law, and he has completed the second awakening just at the age of five. This achievement can be said to be unprecedented in the history of the country.

"With such a talent, Arnold may be able to perfectly carry the power of the ancestors and reproduce the brilliance of the ancestors when he founded the Kingdom of Gay."

Fernand returned to the palace and began to think about how to arrange Muria. In the process of thinking, he pressed his chest involuntarily.

He could feel a hard nucleus in the center of his chest with his hands, and he knew what it was. It was the power left by the first king who founded the Kingdom of Gay.

This power crystal is the proof of every king, and the talent who fuses this power crystal is the real King.

"My genius is mediocre and cannot carry the power of my ancestors. It just overwhelms me just to use it, but Arnold may be able to."

Fernando sat on the throne, slowly closing his eyes, and his face was tired. Although he looks young and powerful at this time, he is actually running out of time.

"It's a pity that Arnold was born too late. How long can I survive now? Ten or eight years? Time is not enough for him to grow up."

Just when the king was sighing and distressing over his heirs on his throne, Muria was feeling his power in his own palace.

"The initial awakening, the second awakening, and the next three awakenings ..." Muria looked at her current and present posture, and also fell into thought. "What will happen to the end of Wang Xue's awakening? The strength will increase again. To what extent? "

None of these Muria knows ~ www.readwn.com ~ can only rely on his power at this time to make inferences, but one thing he can confirm now is that the more times the king blood awakens, the less like a human.

For example, his second awakening posture now appears to be close to humans in general, and the rest of the place has nothing to do with human dimes.

At least normal humans do not spray Mars between their mouths and noses when they speak and breathe. There is no exoskeleton in the joints of the body.

Of course, this humanoid form still needs strength to maintain. When Muria gathered up this strength in his body, his body began to slowly shrink, and it was restored to a seemingly harmless five. Year-old childlike looks.

"Continuously absorbing the royal blood crystals seems to be a way to get stronger quickly. If I can get more crystals, I will become stronger to an incredible degree."

Muria put on his clothes again, and then fell into thought. "The power of the royal family is the same kind and the mutual exclusion is very small, which means that all the power of the royal family can be merged, and I can also Consume the power of other royal families? "

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