Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1056: 3 teachers

I don't know if it was because Fernand was so visionary, or that he had similar thoughts. When Muria was thinking about whether to fight against his own family, his father sent someone to him. Send some information about the King Blood Crystal.

"Only after the princes who have awakened more than three times will be able to leave the blood crystals of the king, otherwise no power will remain."

Muria looked at the pile of ashes on the table in front of him, and he couldn't help crying. It was a trace left after the envelope spontaneously ignited after he opened it.

"Forget it, it seems my idea yesterday didn't work, but even if it worked, I wouldn't do this kind of thing. Now it seems that the only way to get the blood of King Wang is my father

I showed him such a perfect power to control his talent that he shouldn't slap me. Muria felt her chin, thinking.

Because of all kinds of conditions, making the blood of the king is so rare, but if you think about it, if the power between the royal families can be looted from each other at will, and then strengthened, then their Gay family may have messed up!

Only under the premise of voluntarism can the prerequisites of crystallization of power be left, and each king can sit safely on the throne, and there will be no appalling problems such as uncle and uncle.

Muria had sensed Fernand ’s body, or the powerful power in his chest, but he also felt that this power did not belong to Fernand. Can barely manipulate it.

"That power should be the inheritance of the King of the Gay Kingdom. According to the power characteristics of the royal family, this power may be passed down from generation to generation.

The power inheritance of King Gay is the sum of the previous kings. In this case, this power is very objective. "

Muria's eyes show interest, this power that can make him step into the sky to crystallize, Muria said that it is false, if he can get it, it can save him a lot of time.

"In that case, I have one more reason to get the King's throne."


"His Highness Arnold, please follow us." When Muria's three-day confinement ended, a team of knights came to Muria.

Muria then saw Fernand in a small palace under the leadership of the royal guards.

"Change your clothes and put on this." Fernand didn't say much after seeing Muria, but threw him a loose-fitting robe.

Muria took the clothes and looked at the corner of the palace, where there was a pattern of glimmering dim light, and the familiar fluctuations made Muria certain that it was a teleportation array.

"Arnold, next I will send you to a place no one knows but me, where you will receive the training I arranged for you, after you have completed all the training to my requirements, you Just come back here and get my reward for your training. "

"I want the King's Blood Crystal." Muria didn't care what Fernand was talking about. He didn't need any so-called training. All he needed was the same, so he added, "I will now Yes. "

"I have prepared these for you, in the training place I prepared for you."

After hearing this, Muria said nothing more, changed into a suit, and followed Ans Orle's instructions, stepped into the teleportation array, and disappeared in this person to bring a sense of dark depression. The palace.

"The fifteen-year-old king is unprecedented," Fernand said, looking at Arnold disappearing in the teleportation. "When I announce my next heir, the look of those guys will be better than It's wonderful! "

"Arnold, don't let me down! If you want to be the youngest king in history, you must have the strength to stand up to the first generation of the king, otherwise, you will not be in a stable position."

Fernand finally glanced at the gloomy teleportation array in the corner of the palace, then took the knight, poured the molten copper juice directly into the gap of the palace, and sealed it to death.

If Arnold fulfills his request to return, then he can easily break the gate of the palace.


At this point, Muria, standing on top of a mountain, looked down at the vast sea of ​​clouds rolling down, sinking into thinking. He looked back at the simple teleportation array not far from him.

This is a mutilated law formation, but with his accomplishments in law formation, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can repair the teleportation formation and, while maintaining the same effect, he will The energy consumption of the normal array is reduced by more than 50%.

But it wasn't necessary. Fernand was determined to send him in for some training, and it seemed that he had prepared a sufficient amount of King Blood crystals. In that case, what did he run back to? Looking for scolding?

"You are Fernand's son?" As Muria thought about what to do next, a voice came from the sky. Muria looked up and followed the voice, and immediately saw a huge The giant landed from the sky.

This is a giant with a gray iron skin, and behind him are a pair of wide wings cast like steel. On his forehead, a spiral-shaped unicorn extends out.

"That's right." Looking at the giant who was nearly twenty meters tall, Muria's face didn't show any surprise. If there was no accident, the monster in front of him should be an overexperienced person. Awakened humans.

"I heard that Fernand ’s son and daughter have already given birth to hundreds, and many of them have grown up. And if you are so young, I will send you over and ask us to teach you, your body. What's so strange? "

When the giant landed, the sea of ​​clouds surrounding the mountains surged, then a cloud of mist flew up from below, circled around Muria's body, and then a beautiful woman composed of pure mist appeared in front of Muria .

"Because his talent is the best among many brothers and sisters." At this moment, another old voice sounded, and then water vapor condensed in the air. An old man who appeared to have nothing special appeared and answered. This one man and one woman problem.

"The best? How good." The iron-grey giant that fell from the sky looked at Muria. In his eyes, Muria was incredibly small, regardless of age or figure.

"This is not for me to answer. It would be better for the prince to show it to you in person." The old man looked at Muria with a smile, like an amiable old man next door.

"Boy, show us why Fernand sent you in front of us!" The giant held his arms in his arms and looked down at Muria. "If your talent doesn't satisfy me, I will turn around and leave. , I don't teach waste. "

Muria looked at the three teachers who seemed to have been invited by Fernand. His body gradually showed fire patterns, his short body swelled, and then a demon-like majestic man stood on the top of the mountain. on.

After Muria's transformation this time, his robe also seemed to absorb some of his insignificant power, and also grew larger along with it, and did not make Muria embarrassed.

"Well, this gesture, if I remember correctly, seems to be the mentality only after the second awakening of the Gay King!" The woman born of Yunwu looked at Muria, thinking for a moment, then a little uncertain Said.

"That's right, this is the gesture of the Gay Queen's second awakening. When Fernand's second awakening, I was next to him. I've seen him fight in this posture."

Compared to women's uncertainty, the Giant is very affirmed. He looked at Muria and could not help but show a hint of appreciation, "boy, how old are you this year?"

"Five years old."


"My second awakening is because I merged a royal family crystal, not from my own practice."

"What's this? You can swallow it to prove that you have the ability. Some waste will crystallize him, and it will take him several years." The woman's face showed disdain, seeming to remember what she had seen before Some waste.

"Yes, it is your ability to swallow it." The giant agreed with the woman's speech, and immediately affirmed Muria: "Five years old, the second awakening, you are very good, I am your student . "

"Wait a minute, you want to be my teacher and see if I want to. What can you teach me?" Muria looked at the giant questioningly.

"Bold." Hearing Muria's question, the giant laughed, and then stared at Muria, "I can teach you how to fight among the armies, how to lead your own army. Victory. "

Muria nodded when he heard the giant's answer, then looked at a woman composed of clouds and fog. This woman became bigger after his body size ~ www.readwn.com. He was more than half a stature tall, and didn't know what it meant.

"I can teach you how to be a king." Seeing Muria's eyes, the woman composed of clouds answered.

"You are a king?" Muria asked.

"It used to be."

"what about now?"

"Not now." Regarding Muria's problem, the woman's face did not show any discomfort, but she did not care. "I threw the throne to my sister, and it was boring to be king."

"..." Muria turned silently and turned to look at the old man.

"I have nothing to teach you, it depends on what you want to learn." Without waiting for Muria's eyes to turn around, the old man answered with a smile.

Upon hearing this answer, Muria's heart suddenly reached the bottom, and roughly knew who of the three teachers that Fernand had specially invited for him was of the highest level.

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