Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1063: Perfect inheritance

This feeling. Muria's eyes shone with scarlet light, and between his mouth and nose, the exhaled flame was no longer a hot flame, but a dark mist with a breath of death.

He raised his hand slightly, then held it lightly, centering on his fist, his palms began to gasify, and in a flash, his body became a solid black gas, and in the dark In the center of the air, a pair of scarlet pupils shone.

"I became a ghost and inherited everything from each other."

The black gas with no fixed shape floated in the air, and a pair of scarlet pupils shot around. Because Muria transformed the form, the realm he built with the body of Yan Mo has dissipated.

And again, the lava giants that existed because of him were scattered into a pool of cooling lava at this time, and the ghouls who slaughtered with them were standing blankly, looking at Muria at a loss. .

They have just sensed the death of their master, but they have also seen the birth of a new master. This is why they are at a loss.

Because they attacked the new owner, they did not know whether they should swear allegiance to the owner or escape immediately.

But the facts tell these ghouls that they are really just a group of corpses, they have no choice.

Muria floated over this group of remaining ghouls, looking down at these surviving ghouls. There is no doubt that the ghouls who can survive to this day are the elite among the ghouls made by demons.

The weakest batch had been burned to death by the moment Muria opened the field, and then was eliminated by magma during the charge towards Muria, and was derived from Muria's existence. The lava giant killed and killed a batch, the rest of these, not to mention the other, life-saving ability is still good.

"It's too wasteful to kill them all." Muria looked at the ghouls. He felt that he could control and order these corpses, but there was a layer of barriers in it, but it was easy to eliminate them.

A faint, misty black mist diffused from Muria's ghost body at this time, and then made it to the ghoul below.

These surviving dead ghosts all have good intellects. Seeing the deadly black mist spread by Muria, they subconsciously want to avoid them. They instinctively feel that Muria is hostile to them and what to do about them.

However, they were originally servants created by ghosts. When facing the other ghost, the absolute order was suppressed, leaving them without any resistance at all. They could only stay in place and still be Muria. Slaughter.

Soon, Muria shrouded them in the deadly black mist, and the ghouls shivered violently under the shroud of black mist, and then each corpse's body became slightly stronger, and when the black mist After dissipating, the **** looked at each other in a daze, and then they looked up at the ever-changing ghost body suspended above them, kneeling down.

And Muria saw the thousands of corpses who worshiped him worshipped, his eyes flashed red, and then at his hem, the black gas diffused, covering these corpses, and of course he recovered the black gas. At that time, these cadaver servants disappeared in place.

"It's an interesting ability." Muria meticulously realized the changes after converging the thousands of corpses, and smiled with satisfaction.

He is in the real world, not the game world, so he does not have a panel to indicate how many skills he has in this form, and everything needs to be explored by himself.

For example, after he gathered these corpses in a special form and carried them around, he could release them at any time to assist himself in fighting.

They can also be used as "batteries". When they encounter special circumstances and the power is exhausted, he can directly extract the power of these corpses.

He just explored these and found the existence of ghost form. With some preparations, the endurance ability is almost powerful enough to explode. As long as he doesn't die, there will be almost no exhaustion.

But unfortunately, the corpse servant encountered his unreasonable existence, and the surging force crushed it, swallowing its body directly.

"It's an interesting power. Experiment a few more times to see what other characteristics it has." Muria sighed softly. After he swallowed the ghost, his body had an inexplicable contentment, so It seems that the incomplete thing is satisfied after being made up.

"The power of the flames is controlled by flames, and there is no companionship with the power of death. Why is there satisfaction? There is no connection between these two forces."

Muria realized her feeling from the body's instinct, and thought with some doubt.

"The only certainty now is that these two forces come from the same source, and the power of the ghost is also like the epic power that has diluted countless times.

Then the human who inherits these two powers may be the descendant of the epic. In other words, the world I was born in this time once had an epic, and it is still an epic with multiple powers. If so, then This world is very valuable. "

Muria pondered, drifted over the giant who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and then a movement in his heart suddenly appeared a vicious taste, a chain of deadly condensate, transforming him from an uncertain body Gushing, and then lingering towards the giant on the ground.

"Boy, although I don't teach anything, but in name, I am a teacher anyway! And, I have never been wrong!"

At the moment when the chain was about to reach the giant, the giant lying on the ground and already having a large stream of blood flowing under his body disappeared from the spot instantly, appeared hundreds of meters away, and looked at Muria with a vigilant face.

He witnessed everything that had just happened, and Muria, who was the weakest and needed his protection to survive, broke out at that moment, the combat power of the crushing field, and swallowed the ghost directly, and finally became his sight. Now, with this ghost appearance, the rapid change of things makes him a little aggressive.

Although this ghost was killed by his nominal student, there was no joy in the giant's heart, because he found that he saw something that should not be seen.

The strength that his nominal student has just exploded is obviously not something like a breakthrough. The increase in the strength of a breakthrough is so scary. Since it is not a breakthrough, then Arnold already has the strength.

But before that, this guy hid this power department and was not found by others. So the question comes, Arnold has such a powerful power, so why hide it? The reason for this is very scary.

"Since nothing was taught to me, then such a teacher would be vain." Muria, who was in ghost form at this time, changed a grinning mouth towards the giant, under the blessing of his form at this time, this The smiley face became extremely eerie, "So, I put ..."

"I promise I won't tell what I just saw. Can it be for the sake of being a teacher and not killing me?"

On the premise of Muria's hidden strength, the giant has already brainstormed a huge earth-shattering plan, and then the more he thinks, the more nervous he becomes, because he already feels that he has glimpsed the tip of a shocking conspiracy, and he feels that he will immediately It's time for Muria to get rid of the seal.


Muria is in deep thought. He just had an open outbreak. Now there is only the witness of the giant. As long as he shuts up, no one will know about this. Muria does not want to Too much publicity.

Muria found that the water of this world is deeper than he imagined. The legend is not the peak of military force in this world. The world may have an epic existence.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can join them for the sake of effectiveness." After seeing Muria in deep thought, the giant became more nervous, so he proposed new conditions in order to survive. He didn't want to die like that.

Muria: "?"

Hearing what the giant said, Muria froze slightly. What the **** is joining? Immediately he reacted. This guy looked like five big and three rough, but his imagination was extremely rich, presumably because of his recent performance and what he thought of.

And since that's the case, Muria naturally won't be polite to him, so Muria nodded and made a dull voice, "OK."

"So what, can you change it back?" After hearing Muria's promise, the giant breathed a sigh of relief, and then tentatively asked.

It started at that moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ His relationship with Muria has changed. Before he was a master and apprentice, now he has become a subordinate.

"Yes." Muria in ghost form began to collapse and shrink toward the center, then a calm, pink-carved child stood in the air.

"Go, go back." Muria glanced at the giant, then fell on his shoulder. The scar on his body had almost healed, and there was no difference in appearance.

"Small ... how strong is it? How many times have you awakened?" The giant soared into the sky with his wings on his back. On the way back, he wanted to call his former title to Muria, but he stupefied himself. , And then asked the most curious question in my mind.

Muria glanced at him and didn't answer, so the giant closed his mouth for a long time. He thought it was Muria who was abusing him and asked some questions that shouldn't be asked.

"I'm stupid. People have hidden strength. I still ask such questions. Isn't it a problem?"

The thing the self-reflecting giant didn't know was that Muria didn't answer because he didn't know either.

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