Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1064: Can finally bear the burden

Muria uses source power to open and hang, and strengthens his strength, but he does not use source power to directly improve. The reason his power was able to explode was because of the heart of Barlow.

However, this Demon Heart belongs to a foreign body in this world and belongs to a "prohibited item". Although its strength and nature are partially consistent with those of Muria's Yan Demon, in general, the fusion cannot be completed.

At this time, Muria solved the obstacles with the source of power. The trace of source of power he used kept the Enchanted Heart from being rejected by the world, and also eliminated the rejection of the Enchanted Heart and his body.

This consumption is much smaller than Muria's direct use of source power to enhance strength, which is the most sensible choice. It's too awesome to use source power directly to enhance your strength!


"This crystal of power is of no use to me." Muria looked at the black-red crystal in his hand, which was given to him by a modest old man that Fernand had invited, as he was serious during this time Rewards for learning.

In fact, this crystal Muria gets one on average every three months and is very stable. Before he used Yuanli to hang, he was extremely eager for this crystal.

But to this day, he basically has no sense of this power crystal. This crystal still has temptation to him, but the temptation has changed directly from the Manhan banquet to an optional snack.

"Forget it, no matter how small the mosquito leg is, it's a piece of meat." Muria pinched the crystal in his hand, then opened his mouth, swallowed it, and he was too lazy to absorb it slowly. It was unnecessary.

And this time after he swallowed the crystal, there was no change in his body, because the growth that this crystal of power can bring to him, compared to his power, has reached a point where it can be ignored.

Beyond Muria's cabin, the sea of ​​clouds was surging, and the old man in Geyi looked at it quietly, but immediately, his brow gradually wrinkled, because he didn't feel the previous wave of power fluctuations.


"Say, what happened to the last time you took Arnold out? Why did he change so much after he returned?"

The woman, whose body was composed of clouds, came to the giant who was sitting cross-legged on the cliff, dazed, and asked.

"What are you talking about? What's changed?" The giant faced Yun Nu's questioning, pretending to be stupid.

"Aman, don't hide it. You don't have talent in this area. Not only does Arnold change, you also have big problems." Water vapor condenses beside the giant, and then puts one hand behind his back, straightening his back. Looking down at the uncertain sea of ​​clouds below, an elder with a grand master's spirit appeared. At this time, he was no longer mediocre and sharp.

"Me? What can I have a problem with?" The giant was a little fooled.

"Don't you think it yourself? Have you been here for too many dazes?" Yunnv said.

"Let's talk, what did you do when you brought Arnold out that day?" The old man's sharp glasses looked at the giant, because after that time he returned. He found that Arnold felt less like a person than before, as if he had been replaced.

"Nothing happened. I took him to a nearby city for a day of play." The giant lingered for a moment and then replied.

"The nearest city? The nearest city, I've already seen it, it has become a dead city, not even a corpse." The sea of ​​clouds rolling over the cliff became more active, just like the storm Like the ocean.

"What the **** are you planning? Or the Arnold you brought back, what is he planning?"

"Uh!" When the old man said, the giant turned his head to look at him with a look of cyanosis. At this time he realized that the old man should also feel the strength of Muria, but he felt that the real Arnold was replaced. Already.

The giant who thinks he understands everything, but thinks that the old man misunderstood a little bit. "Her Baker, you have misunderstood. I can assure you that Arnold is definitely the same one. No one can impersonate him."

"How sure? It seems you know something we don't know." Yun Nu looked at the giant.

"Aman, if you don't say it, I can only test it out to Anuo himself." The old man sighed slowly, and then said his plan, Fernand made his best Entrusted to him by his son, he certainly couldn't let Fernand down.

"Don't." Recalling the crushing power shown by Muria, the giant hurried out.

"That being the case, then you talk about it, what exactly is Arnold's little guy?" Yun Nu urged slightly impatiently.

"This cannot be said, I have promised. The news cannot be disclosed to you, I want to keep it secret." The giant Aman shook his head very firmly and refused.

"You, sigh." The old man sighed, his body began to fade, and he was going to test Muria himself.

"If you have questions, why don't you ask me directly? Why bother asking him?" At this moment, a slightly innocent and clear voice sounded, the old man and Yun Nu turned back, and immediately saw a figure like a teleportation Appeared behind them abruptly, staring at them calmly.

"It really is different from before." Looking at Muria standing in the sky, the old man's eyes also looked sharper, like two cold stars.

"The last time I went out with Aman, I met a ghost that awakened six times. I had hoped that Aman could repel him, but this guy was useless and was overthrown by that ghost, so I had no choice but to Below, you can only shoot. "

Muria calmly recounted, "That time he happened to witness the whole process, so after I killed the ghost, I asked him to keep a secret for me."

"Wait a minute, you mean, you killed a ghost that ca n’t win the scams?" Yun Nu was surprised and she promised that this was the most ridiculous word she had heard since she was born .


"how can that be?"

"Nothing is impossible. With the oppression that this boy is now giving me, the awakened ghost six times a time, I'm afraid he can pinch to death."

The old man looked dignified, and among the three, he was the strongest, but he felt a kind of pressure in the face of Muria.

"What level is your strength?"

"Unclear." Muria replied very sincerely, "I don't know how strong I am now, but it is certain that it is stronger than the three of you combined."

After hearing Muria's answer, even though her personality was as thick as a cloud girl, she couldn't help feeling a bit dumb, like falling into a dream. Otherwise, how could she hear such ridiculous words.

"Seven awakenings?" The old man frowned and asked, hearing Muria's words.

"I don't know." Muria shook his head, and he wasn't sure what level of strength he had grown up after he merged with the heart of a fire demon, because he was in one step and skipped many processes.

"..." The old man was silent about Muria's answer. He took Muria's answer as an excuse, and no one knew how many times he had awakened.

"Let me see your true gesture, can you?" The old man no longer asked Muria, but made another request.

To this request, Muria readily agreed, and he also wanted to know at what level his current strength was in this world.

The blazing flames emerged around Muria's body, wrapping him in groups, Muria stepped out, and the original small human body disappeared instantly. A horn of horns went straight into the cloud, exuding a strong demon god.

A wide demon wing stretched behind his back, his thick tail fluttered, and a chain purely made of flames wrapped around his left arm. A large sword dripping lava down was held by him. In the right hand.

The old man, the cloud girl, and the giant looked at the demon **** standing up to 100 meters in a dumb look. In fact, they weren't shocked, but were enveloped by the breath that Muria gave out at this time, and the breath that was emitted by a higher level of life than them made them feel depressed.

"It wasn't that big when I last saw it." The giant mumbled, and he found a reason for Muria's body change, surely because he had swallowed the powerful ghost.

"How could it be so strong?" After Yun Nu reacted, she became more aggressive. He could accept Muria's power, but he could not accept Muria's power at such a young age.

"So it is." And after the initial surprise, the old man recovered his calmness ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was very knowledgeable, so he behaved calmly at this time.

"Since you have this power, we don't need to teach it, it's just a waste of time."


In the royal court of the Kingdom of Gay, a small palace that was completely sealed and sealed by copper juice pouring into it suddenly appeared a faint and disturbing wave. This wave quickly began with this palace and spread to The entire palace has alarmed countless existences in the palace.

"Huh?" Fernand, sitting on the throne, now preparing for a war with his minister, General, felt the moment of the fluctuation, immediately raised his head, and smiled involuntarily on his face.

"It's really my best son-in-law, who fulfilled my request in such a short period of time, and brought those three guys back. It seems I don't need to continue to hold on."

Thinking of this, Fernand stood up from his throne, and no longer continued to discuss with his general minister. He raised his hand and waved his subordinates, then hurriedly greeted Arnold's return.

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