Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1065: Seek the country

Under the terrible high temperature, the black iron gate that was completely blocked gradually became red, and finally turned into golden red. The gate began to melt and gradually turned into a pool of molten iron.

Muria, who opened the door to the outside world in the simplest way, took his three teachers in name, walked out, and saw the guards who were surrounded by the palace.

"Give me back." At this moment Fernand rushed with his guard, when he saw Muria and the three different temperaments behind him, his face The smile is even more prosperous.

Soon, Fernand brought Muria and the three teachers who had been invited for Muria to the administrative hall where he discussed the national affairs. Because what he will do next is about the fate of this country.

"You appeared halfway ahead of my expectations. I originally wanted to support it for another five years, but now it seems that I don't have to support it for so long."

Fernand looked at his still-young son-in-law with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Fernand, you are too tired to be a king. It's not worth it." The old man who returned with Muria looked at Muria, shook his head, his eyes full of regret.

"No way, someone has to take on this responsibility, my brothers and sisters can't, then I can only come." Hearing the old man's words, Fernand also showed a free and easy smile on these friends. In front of him, he put down his mask as a king.

"How long can you live?"

Muria sat and frowned at Fernand. In his induction, Fernand's breath was stronger than when he left five years ago, but the opposite was his breath of life. Go even more fading, like a candle in the wind, crumbling, it seems to go out at any time.

This situation is undoubtedly abnormal. Normally, strong power will also enhance the level of life, so that the origin of life can be strengthened and it can live longer.

The situation of Fernand is that while his power is strong, it will also oppress his source of life, making him weaker and weaker, and in the final analysis, because he cannot fully control the power in his body.

The little horse-drawn cart, this is the root of Fernand ’s fate soon. He cannot control the power passed down from generation to generation, and the power of Yan Mo's violent power, once it is not perfectly controlled, will become a life-saving sign.

"It depends on when you want to take the throne, but even then, I can only support it for another five years." Hearing Muria's question, Fernand replied calmly.

"Because of the power in your chest? I can pull the power out of your body so that you can live longer."

Muria senses the power in Fernand's body. Under his observation, this power is extremely active, and as the price of its activity, Fernand's vitality is gradually diminishing.

"It seems that you have made great progress over the years. You can actually feel the power in my body." Fernand ripped off his clothes and exposed his chest. His solid chest was inlaid in the center. With a gold-red crystal nucleus, exuding breathtaking power.

"This is the founding monarch of our country, a powerful crystal left by a strong man who has awakened seven times. This crystal is the inheritance of our king, and the person who holds this crystal nucleus is King of the Kingdom of Guy.

The original purpose of the ancestors to leave this crystal nucleus was to allow each king to have enough power to dominate the country, but as the crystal passed down from generation to generation, its power became stronger and stronger.

This makes each generation of kings stronger than the previous king, and at the same time puts us kings under more pressure than the previous king. "

Fernand pointed to the nuclei in his chest and explained to Muria its origins in detail, "so King Gay's life span is shorter than one generation."

"It's not necessarily true. The stronger the strength, the more power it can carry, and the longer it can live, but when it reaches a certain level, it only needs to worry about these pressures."

The old man vetoed Fernand's words, and stared at Muria, with a profound expression in his eyes. According to his judgment, Muria can perfectly carry the power of this power crystal.

"That's right, because of this, if it can be strong to a certain extent, you don't need to worry that it will depress your life."

Fernand stared at Muria, his eyes filled with relief. "So I picked you. The moment I saw the talent you showed, I wanted to choose you as my heir."

"Arnold, can you tell me in person that you have completed several awakenings now."

"Six times!" Muria replied slowly, looking at Fernand looking forward.

"Hahaha!" Upon hearing Muria's answer, Fernand laughed with satisfaction, because in his expectation Muria would be able to complete five awakenings, and now Muria has already Exceeded his expectations.

"That being the case, then I will pass the throne to you. Will you carry this responsibility?" After laughing, Fernand looked at the short, dark-haired child standing in front of him with a look of solemnity.


"You have to think clearly. Sitting in my current position, you have great rights and powerful power, but you also have to bear the fate of millions of people and pay a great price." Fernand Warn Murria.

"I've thought about it for a long time, didn't you just get these three teachers for me, right now?"

Muria showed a calmness that was very incompatible with his age. "And I am stronger than you think. I accept the power of the fusion king, but I will not die prematurely. I am the best of the king. Candidate. "

"If that's the case, please prepare. After thirty days, I will pass the throne to you."

"Wait a while, isn't it too urgent for thirty days?" Yun Nu, who had been watching, heard Fernand's words, and frowned slightly. She also knew the strength characteristics of the Gay family, and the new king ascended the throne. The death of the previous king.

"No rush, I've waited long enough for this day, I'm tired and want to take a break!" Fernand laughed.


"It goes without saying that you are not Fernand, and you cannot understand how he feels now. If you can, who doesn't want to live longer?" Seeing Yun Nu still wanted to continue to persuade Fernand, the old man shook She shook her head and stopped her.

"If you can return with my son, it means that you have made the corresponding decision. Since this is the case, I don't need to worry too much. Now I want to talk to my son. I can bother you to go out for a while ?"

Fernand laughed at the three friends he had known when he was young.

And after these three strong men who went back with Muria for various reasons, Fernand looked at Muria,

"You always do better than I expected. You are really excellent. Excellent is nothing like my son." After hearing this, Muria looked calm and unchanged.

"But that's fine. In this case, your brother doesn't need to bear the burden of the king."

Muria remained silent, watching Fernand quietly talk to him. He had seen that Fernand was ready to pass away, and now he was telling him what happened.

"You came back earlier than I expected, so my plan has not been completed. If you come back five years later, I might see a **** country with a larger territory and more subjects. On hand. "

After a few words with Muria, Fernand, who did not receive a response, began to officially explain the aftermath.

"Now, after you take over, it is up to you to harvest the fruits I have laid out for thirty years."

"What have you laid out?" Muria asked curiously, Fernand was a very capable king, which is beyond doubt, after all, not every king can open wars frequently, It also guarantees that our country will not decline.

"The most powerful country on the plains of the Emir, that is, the sovereign state of our country, Yas, has had its king died two years ago, but the new king has not yet been elected.

"So, does this have anything to do with you?" Muria showed a look of surprise and curiosity on her face in full cooperation.

"I can only say that there are some!" Fernand grinned, but he couldn't hide the complacency on his face.

"The last King Yas had twelve seats ~ www.readwn.com ~ but seven of them are excellent, and each is a great candidate to inherit the throne."

"So the current plains of Imir are messed up by these seven great heirs to the throne." Muria said in a positive tone.

One qualified heir to the throne is enough, and two or more is a disaster. According to the state of Yass, the seven heirs to the throne are estimated to be incomparable in their abilities and powers, so they have tossed to the present. As the strongest country on the plain, their chaos will inevitably lead to the entire plain. All countries in the country are in turmoil.

"Yes." The smile on Fernand's face began to converge when he heard what his son said.

"When I was young, I went to study in Yass. By chance, I happened to know these crown princes and I had a good talk with them, and my personal relationships were good, so I gave away more or less gifts. Give them, and I have some dealings with them after I inherited the throne. "

"Old concealment." Muria shook the corners of his mouth, and he probably understood what his father had done, and now the turmoil in Yass is absolutely inseparable from him.

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