Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1075: Sum of land compensation

On the vast plain battlefield, the shouting of the soldiers on both sides, the sound of the collision of the weapons, rang between the sky and the earth, bloody.

The commanders of both sides are behind their respective sides, watching this huge meat grinder slowly turning, devouring one life after another, and then sending a team of troops into the battlefield, or expanding their advantages, Or stop the disadvantages.

In the battlefield, the characteristics of the soldiers on both sides are extremely distinctive. The soldiers of the Gay State will cut off the opponent's first line after they cut down the enemy.

So often on the battlefield, you can see that the combat power is outstanding. Seven or eight **** heads are hanging around the brave soldiers' waists, and they look like evil spirits climbing from hell. Ordinary soldiers see this existence Wang Zhi was so frightened that he had no courage to fight with him.

However, under the temptation of killing the enemies and gaining generous rewards, the soldiers fought fiercely, but could not conceal the disadvantage on the other hand, that is, the number of strong men.

A large number of domestic nobles have left because of Muria's reform and reform, and because of the existence of the recruiting order, a small number of foreign powerful people have joined in the country. Also slightly enhanced.

But even so, it cannot cover up the disadvantages of the simultaneous three-line operation of the Iraqi state. Even if the Gay State before the reform faced the main offensives of the three countries at the same time, it could not parry it.

Because the national strength of the Gay State and neighboring countries are similar, no country can choose more than one. At this time, the Gay State could not do without including Muria's combat power. But after joining Muria's combat effectiveness, everything is different.

In this war that has entered the decisive stage, when the commander-in-chief of the Gay State was distressed by the direction of the war, the clouds in the sky began to change.

Because because the soldiers on both sides kept fighting on the plain, the blood flew continuously to the sky, and the clouds in the sky had been dyed light red. So when the clouds in the sky started to change, no one noticed.

Only when the clouds in the sky formed a vortex and began to slowly rotate, those soldiers who were fighting were feeling abnormal, because their bodies were heating up rapidly and the air was becoming hot.

At this time, the area seemed to become a large steamer, the temperature rose rapidly at a sensible speed, and the scattered weeds on the ground that were trampled by soldiers began to wither, and the water contained in it was quickly evaporated.

what! !! !!

At this moment, a scream of screams rang out, and a soldier's body sent a ball of flame from the inside to the outside, and then wrapped him in his body. In a short time, his body was in flames. Sinochem became a pile of coke.

This is just the beginning, because after this flame ignited, on this plain battlefield, one after another soldiers began to spontaneously ignite.

After a few moments of panic, the soldiers of the State of Calm calmed down, because they found that all the spontaneous combustion was enemy soldiers fighting with them, and no soldier on their side ignited a flame inside.

At this moment, the abnormality in the sky has evolved to the extreme. In the center of the huge vortex that traverses the entire sky, a pair of dorsal wings, the presence of frontal horns slowly descend, and a dark red flame lingers around him.

The gold-red chain formed by the flames wandered around his body, leaving a few scars visible to the naked eye when he fluttered in the air.

With this dignity and majesty, the existence of a demon-like **** came, and a tyrannical coercion overwhelmed it, covering the entire plain battlefield.

Under this coercion, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gay have an impulse to worship, but this impulse is not strong. In their hearts, they are more in awe of this abrupt existence that emerges from the sky. Feeling.

Compared with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gay, the soldiers of the invading country felt differently. They felt as if a mountain in the sky came crashing down on them.

The invading soldiers who survived the spontaneous flame, knelt down involuntarily under the pressure of this pressure, and some were lying on the ground, their bones crunched under the pressure The overburdened sound then broke.

Countless soldiers were crushed alive and disabled under this coercion and lost their fighting ability.

"What is this?" For such an astonishing change on the battlefield, most of the soldier generals, as well as the strong ones, were in shock.

Only the high-ranking generals of the Gay team showed ecstasy on their faces. They all knew the true posture of Muria after he awakened. So at this time when Muria appeared on the battlefield, his heart was calm and he knew the battle. Stable.

"I am King Gay, Arnold."

The demon who descended on the battlefield opened his mouth, his voice was strong and majestic, and he was shocking.

After this demon **** finished, he extended his palm to the place where the commander of the enemy army that invaded the country of Guy was photographed.

It seems that it has turned into the sky of the sea of ​​fire. With this chapter of the devil, it seems to have collapsed. With this palm, an endless stream of fire fell from the sky and smashed to the position of the enemy commander.

As if the Tianhe River was tipping down, the flames formed a waterfall and poured down, drowning the enemy commander's location directly.

Between the raised hands, there is a cascading stream of waterfalls, like a god-like power, that completely shakes the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gay, and a small number of soldiers of the enemy country that remain.

"Clear enemies!"

With just one blow, after destroying the commander class that invaded the enemy team, Muria bowed his head and commanded, then slowly faded into the sky and disappeared.

According to his own evaluation, even if the power of his reincarnated body is placed in the Erasian world, it is enough to enter the ranks of the legend. As a legend, he saves the legend, and its effect is crushing. Sexually, there is basically nothing to stop or fight against.

So in a short period of time, Muria went through three main battlefields, solved the three high-ranking army invaders, left some small shrimps, and returned directly to the palace. Next, he did n’t need to shoot again. Already.

This war was over after he started. I believe that the three countries will no longer dare to send troops to invade his country. Instead, they will worry about being invaded by him.

Those enemies who are eager to move around and look at them with jealousy are also afraid to act rashly after this time. This is the deterrent power after having individual power.

In fact, at the beginning of the war, when the three countries had just sent troops to invade his country, he could take a shot, end it, and annihilate the war in its infancy.

But Muria didn't. He needed to use this war to promote the military merit system in the army and change the way the whole country operates. With this war, transform the country of Gay into an evil that is desperate for war and eager for expansion beast.

The next thing was as Muria expected. After he arrogantly resolved the high-ranking generals and strong men in the three countries that had invaded, these three countries quickly sent messengers into the Gay State to request peace talks.

The rulers of these three countries were frightened by the fighting power that Muria showed this time. This crushing level of fighting power can directly destroy their country.

However, they are fortunate that the current Muria has no such plans, because in his eyes, the country of Guy is far from qualified to annex other countries. The country ’s infrastructure measures are too backward and need to be added. Too much.

If you want to expand, it is enough to just drink a message. In this case, Muria has not conquered much outside the Gai country, because even if it is conquered, it is only nominal. Actual Control will be low to an unimaginable level.

The slow transmission of information, the lack of language, and different customs are all reasons that can shake the rule. Of course, more importantly, the Gay State has few decent strong men besides him, and the number of troops and individual qualities are also far away. insufficient.

The country is a group organization, and it is not necessary for him to be strong alone. This requires a group of strong men to suppress each place separately. There can never be a problem every time. He needs to do it himself. In this case, he is The king's is too pitiful and too uncharacteristic.

Therefore, under the constraints of various factors, Muria agreed to the sum of these three countries. After all, his purpose this time was also achieved, but he did not easily let go of those three countries.

As a defeated country, wanting to demand and naturally have to pay a price, Muria naturally opened his mouth, but he was the aggressed party ~ www.readwn.com ~, so the land cut compensation, the common terms of signing the contract appeared.

Although the envoys of these three countries want to help their country fight for less compensation as much as possible, as defeated countries, they are inherently underpowered, so they can only helplessly cut their blood to exchange for Muria Offensive revenge.

As the invaded country, the main battlefield is in the state of Gay, because the losses caused by the war are very large, but after receiving compensation from three countries, the gain of the State of Gay is still greater than the loss.

After receiving the compensation and resources that were harvested, and the land that the three countries had ceded with pain, Muria officially announced that the state of Gay had entered the period of cultivation and large-scale construction.

Muria began to prepare a large rear that can provide stable logistics for the future expansion of the Gay State and complete the most basic requirements of the ploughing war.

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