Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1076: Swordsman when the rice is ripe

"Digging ditches, building reservoirs, and irrigating thousands of miles of fertile fields, you are actually tossing these."

"Is there anything wrong?" Muria looked at Fernand, who was dealing with government affairs.

"There is nothing wrong with it, it just feels incompatible with your formal style." Fernand replied while reviewing the official document.

"No way, soldiers all need to eat. I want to rely on them to conquer other countries and rule. I must fill their stomachs, otherwise everything is false."

"So you did all this in preparation for the war?" Fernand picked up an official document requesting to dig a ditch and shook Muria.


"If that's the case, then you have to make it clear to the soldiers below that the war is now over, but the army is still agitating, they are eager for war."

"In a short time, I will not start a war again, and no country dares to invade the country of Gay."

"You have to do a good job of comforting, you have transformed the whole country into a greedy monster, but you only let it eat the first bite of meat, and then tied the chain, so that it will not continue to eat, so you But it will cause resentment and dissatisfaction throughout the country. "

"I didn't chain this monster, I was just preparing for this monster's second meal."

Muria, carrying his hands on his back, walked to the entrance of the main hall, overlooking the increasingly bustling capital below.

As he defeated the strong men from three countries who invaded with the army together, as well as high-ranking officers and commanders, Gay State completely established the small hegemony status in neighboring countries.

The state of Gay became an incurable existence, and because of the large amount of compensation and supplies received during the war, the state of Gay became a rare rich household among the countries in this area.

Because he was not ready to start a war abroad, Muria began to develop commerce, importing raw materials from various countries, exporting processed products, and using the trade surplus to slam the wool of neighboring countries.

The rulers of these countries are not without some wise men. They can see that this kind of commercial behavior of Muria is no different for their country than another kind of war and another kind of plunder, but what if they see it.

In the face of Muria's current strength, they can only swallow their breath and endure Muria's continuous blood and flesh on them.

This has created the prosperity of the capital in the eyes of Muria at this time, and this prosperity is based on the exploitation of countries.

"What are you looking at? You just can't handle the business." Just then, a rush of dissatisfaction sounded behind Muria.

"It's enough for you to handle business." Muria remained motionless, admiring the prosperity below.

"Less nonsense. It is the duty of a king to handle official business. As your father, I can help you or handle it for you, but you must also learn how to handle it."

The voice of hating iron and steel was sounded behind Muria, and Fernand expressed unusual indignation at Muria's behavior of touching fish under his eyelids.

"It is not necessary. It is enough to have you and the ministers to help me. I just need to point out a general direction and you will deal with it."

Muria said without looking back. In the temple behind him, the spirit was deep and deadly. In addition to Fernand's blush, dozens of ghouls were holding the male Pen, looking down at the government affairs.

These were all actions taken against the reform of Muria, and he was forcibly transformed into a prince minister.

Although these people are Muria's opponents, their abilities are unquestionable, because they thought they could do it, so they were followed by Muria.

In the absence of war today, Muria has not idled these groups of guys, but has used them to the best of their ability, directly shooing them out and reviewing government affairs for himself.

"What's your attitude? Come here for me." Fernand was furious when he heard Muria's words, and threw the pen directly on the table.

"What's wrong?" Muria turned around helplessly at this time.

"Handling government affairs is something the king must do. By handling government affairs, the king can understand the whole country and then he can better target his administration. You do n’t do anything, let me and these guys help you, like what ? "

"Isn't that good? And father, I don't need to deal with government affairs to control the whole country, and I know anything that happens in this country every moment."

"I won't do it." Fernand rose angrily at Muria's words.

"It's good if you don't do it. You just take a break and let them do it. Anyway, without you, the speed of handling government affairs will not be much slower." Muria looked at the corpse ghost and smiled.

"You ..." Fernand, enraged by death, heard Muria's answer, and immediately trembled with anger, but his face did not change much because he was now the body of the dead.

"Neither of you is allowed to do it." Fernand, annoyed by Muria, roared at these ghouls who had been his subordinates.

Unfortunately, after hearing Fernand's words, these people remained motionless and continued to lower their heads to deal with the government affairs assigned to them by Muria.

After seeing such a scene, Fernand was even more angry. He was angry with a pair of sleeves, and then disappeared directly into the hall.

"You all do a good job, as long as you can complete the duties I have assigned you, I can guarantee that the bloodline of your family will continue, and you can even inherit the glory of your family again."

After Muria's words fell, the pens in the hands of the ghouls who replaced Muria's government affairs turned faster. Obviously, they were stimulated by Muria's words.

Because of the foresight of Muria, these princes and ministers retained all their memories to the maximum after being transformed into ghouls, so they remembered everything in life.

Muria directly annihilated their family and turned them into an immortal look. Of course, their hearts were full of resentment.

But after taking away all that they had, Muria left them a glimmer of hope. No matter which family, when Muria cleansed, more or less children were left behind. .

These children even on the streets have become Muria's biggest control over these princes, and they have become the only hope of these princes.

In order for their family to continue, they can tolerate Muria's continuous exploitation of them. Of course, this kind of thing they are doing is not considered exploitation, it is just to show their own talents. It is not difficult to say.


"Uncle, what are you looking at?"

Next to the paddy field that had just been planted, an immature child looked at the sturdy man with a scar on his face and asked.

"I'm looking at these paddy fields." The strong man reached out and rubbed the children's hair beside him, and answered with a smile.

"But don't we see them every day? What's so nice about this?"

The child was puzzled by his uncle's behavior and said he could not understand it.

"Boy, where is your uncle looking at paddy fields? He is waiting for the rice to mature and go to war."

At this moment, a passing young man with a **** on his shoulder heard the child's doubts and immediately answered with a smile.

"What does rice maturity have to do with fighting?" The child was more puzzled, and he couldn't understand the cause and effect.

"The relationship is big, and fighting requires people to fight, but soldiers need to eat enough to fight, so they can only fight after the rice is mature and there is enough food," the young man explained with a smile.

"Oh!" The child's face suddenly came to light.

"Go and tell the children what these are you doing?" The brawny man with a scar on his face showed an uneasy expression.

"What's wrong in advance? Look at your kid, it's so big, and the body has grown so tall. At first glance, you know that it's a good piece of food. You can give him some good food and raise your body. Practice again, and then equip him with a good horse and join the army directly to become a knight.

"Go to you, how can military skills be so easy to get." Strong man laughed and scolded when he heard the words of the youth.

"You've all mixed up one more, your nephew started higher than you, and it's not a big problem to get an officer."

"Doctor? Hey, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it if I'm desperate, but military merit will be earned." The strong man raised his hand and touched the scar on his face.

"But it's worth it! As long as enough kills are made, what is it like to be a noble even with our mud legs?"

"Nobleman." Upon hearing this word, the strong man's eyes suddenly showed a longing, but this longing and longing quickly turned into a bloodthirsty light, and black and gray hairs emerged from his body.

"Hey, take it easy, you scared the child." The young man quickly reminded that the inhuman strong men began to appear on the surface.

"It's okay, you." Seeing the trembling nephew that seemed to cry, the strong man quickly converged his strength.

"I said you're going to be mad ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think you just look like you can't wait to kill the knife immediately."

"Aren't you?" The strong man glanced at the youth, and he could see the deep desire in the youth's eyes.

"The king said at the beginning that he would wait for the food to mature before he could start the war again, but this is the fifth year and nothing has happened."

"It's coming. Over the past few years, trenches have been dug everywhere. The grain in our fields is growing year by year, and every year is a bumper harvest. At this rate, the war will begin immediately."

"After the rice is cooked this year, I don't know if it will start a war."

"It should be."

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