Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1079: Muria's troubles, immediately after

"Before spring ploughing, end all wars."

When the army of the Gay State fought in full swing ahead, Muria, who was guarded in the rear, who was in charge of grain transportation, issued war indicators.

And when Muria set the index, the battlefield in front of it became more fierce, and almost all the soldiers understood the meaning of Muria's setting of this index.

If you ca n’t do it, I will come!

Guy ’s military understands that if they ca n’t complete their king ’s request on time, then the king will take the shot himself. If before that, they will be glad to hear the news, But after Muria shot twice, they didn't think so.

Because once their king has shot, all the glory after the victory of the war will be attributed to this king. All their fighting and fighting efforts will become useless in the eyes of the civilians, and will become the embellishment of the king's glory.

In the eyes of the military of other countries, their Gay army is just a group of guys who can only fight the wind. This kind of evaluation cannot be tolerated by a general with a little pride, not to mention the current Gay team.

Therefore, the Gay team at this time is extremely eager to prove themselves, the war has become more fierce, and the casualty index of the Gay team is increasing day by day. But with it is the speed with which they are advancing.

Because Muria trained a large number of strong men for the army, in this battle, the army pushed out a second country that had once attacked the Guy State.

在 While the army has leveled the second country, Muria has also taken care of all the ruling classes in the third country. Because when the army of the Guy State attacked the second country, it knew that it could not escape its fate.

So they followed suit, but they were blocked by Muria alone, and then all suppressed.

After this battle, Muria stopped her troops and prepared to start spring ploughing, but the entire Yimiya Plain fell into a short period of silence because of Muria's battle.

果实 Because the fruits of the war and the destruction of three countries are too amazing, even the heyday of Yass could not do this. As a result, all countries on the plains of Imir began frantically collecting everything related to the country of Guy.

So, as a matter of course, all their attention was focused on Muria, because of the three countries destroyed by the Gay State, two of them were Muria's shots.

The nations began to collect a large amount of information about Muria. When they learned about Muria's current age, they once again exclaimed, because they had never seen such a young and powerful king.

In the end, they began to summarize the reasons why Muria was able to destroy three countries in one battle, and they attributed the reasons for the destruction of the three countries to Muria's power.

In addition, Muria's power was attributed to King Guy's special inheritance method, as well as Muria's own talents. They also agreed that Muria's power was not his conventional combat power.

They all believe that if Muria really has such a powerful single-player power to destroy the country, she will definitely kill all of them and make the country of Gai the only hegemon on the plain of Imir.

But in fact they underestimated Muria's patience as a long-lived species. Because the Gay State has not expanded rapidly and annexed the foundations of the nations, Muria's battle only wiped out three countries.

At the time when the countries began to insanely explore all the information and information of Muria, Muria began to enter the stage of self-cultivation with the Gay country that had expanded to five times its original area.

盖 For the State of Gay, the annexation of three nations in World War I was tantamount to snake engulfing. In a nutshell, the country of Guy is eating out. This is the helplessness of the small country and the people, and also the helplessness of Muria.

He has the force far above the national group, but has to stop there, waiting for the country to develop slowly and keep up with him.

Muriya ordered that the state of Gay be fully entered into a truce. The truce is not just a simple farming, but the practice that Gay adopted five years ago, repairing channels, digging reservoirs, and relaxing roads.

In addition to doing so in the occupied areas, it is also necessary to abolish the words, customs, and propagate the culture of the Gay State, and spiritually wipe out the shadows of those three countries.

"The lesson of the front car, the cover of the back car." Muria murmured softly, "I only build ditches and do not build spectacles. Although the statutes set are rigorous, they are not harsh, and taxes are not heavy. Within range. That way I don't believe I can roll over. "

"And there is no **** around me." As he said, Muria looked around. Every night, he was surrounded by ghosts. Many princes and ministers who were transformed into ghouls came out to deal with him for a day. State affairs.

而且 "And, I'm not dead." Muria reached out and shook his fist, and he could guarantee that he would live until he unified the world.

Of course, even if he is eternal, he will not stay in this world. When the root cause of the chaos in this world is solved and the source of power can be obtained from the world, he will leave with Michaelia. By that time, he needed an heir.

"Heirs ..." Thinking of the heirs, Muria rubbed her brows somewhat helplessly.

"Arnold, do you think about it? The Gay State is becoming stronger and more prosperous than ever under your rule, and it is also a time of truce. I and Zhu Qing will help you with government affairs, and you will not You need to worry about the extra stuff, whether you should think about your own thing now. "

"My business? I have nothing to think about?"

不要 "Don't be willful, I know that you are strong now and you have high vision, but this is not the reason why you do not choose a spouse. Your marriage is also a matter of survival for this country."

Fernand appeared in a cloud of black fog, and then stared at his son somewhat sternly. This was not the first time he had rushed over to urge him because of this incident.

Because it was only recently that he found out that his son actually hated marriage, and after resisting it very much, this discovery directly surprised Fernande at the time.

For a country, the most important is the king, and the second most important is the king's spouse, the queen.

When Muria first came to power, because she was still young, no minister proposed to establish it, but after five years of cultivation, and then wiped out three countries in one fell swoop, a minister proposed to establish.

For such a request, Muria naturally vetoed it without hesitation, and ordered everyone not to mention it again.

But how could Muria say that this kind of thing can be sealed? In the chapel, there are people who repeatedly ask for Muria to stand up.

In front of Muria's ears, Fernand kept jumping out of noisy. As a father, he found that his son didn't seem to be interested in women, and then he was so anxious.

He is a king, but he doesn't want to be concubine, what is it like? Without giving birth to a half daughter, who will inherit his throne in the future?

"I know, but it's not the right time." Muria's face also showed helplessness when she saw the father jump out again and urge him.

"Now isn't the time, when will you wait? Muria, I ask you, even if you lay no matter how big the territory is, what's the use of you if you don't have an heir? Well, don't you plan to wait for your hard work later Is everything passed on to your brothers and nephews? If so, are you willing? "

当然 "Of course not," Muria even had a headache when he heard Fernand's words. "Relax, I will stand up in the future, but this is really not the time."

He came to two worlds before. No one supervised and Muria didn't touch the flowers. In this world, Michaeliera came with him, and he would not mess up.

If he really dares to comply with the growing voice of the country, then when he has developed to a certain degree, after Miguelella crashed, alas, the picture is too beautiful, Muria would not dare to imagine that something would happen at that time. what.

And Fernand ’s words about Muria ~ www.readwn.com ~ are obviously used as verbs. In his eyes, Muria does n’t want to stand up, nor does she want to be concubine, and this can be understood as, His son has no interest in women.

"Do you like homosexuality?" After a moment of thought, Fernand asked cautiously, tentatively.

当然 "Of course not, what are you talking about?" After hearing this father's words, Muria's face turned dark immediately, what a mess.

"Don't like homosexuality, why are you so resistant?" Fernand touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful. He looked at Muria, and then shook his head. "At the level you are now, The body must be fine. "

"Can you go? I still have work to do, don't disturb me." Muria's face turned darker when he heard Fernand's words.

"What can you do? Didn't you let them do all your things?" Fernand asked the corpse, who was looking down at the government hall, looking down at the government affairs.

"..." Muria didn't want to speak anymore.

"If you don't give me a reason today, don't try to get rid of me." Fernand stared at Muria.

"I want to meet the right person at the right time, and spend the rest of my life together." Muria began to talk about it, he now especially wants to find Michelangela, as long as you can find her, this problem can be solved immediately Already.

"You are a king, and you are eager to love this useless thing." Upon hearing Muria's answer, Fernand's face showed an incredible color.

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