Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1080: Outside mission

The four seasons rotate, the years pass, and the Gay state that annexed the three countries slowly digested the gains of the war. The already troubled plains of the Emir, after seeing that the Gay state did not continue, continued to fall into chaos. .

You fight me tomorrow, I fight you the next day, fight against each other, siege the city, and continue to be disturbed. The civilians living at the bottom are bitter and bitter because of this continuous war.

In this chaos, there is no war, and the extremely stable country of Guy is very eye-catching. Thus, the kingdom of Gay is like a bonfire in the dark, which continuously attracts those who desire peace.

Of course, most of these people who choose to go to the country of Guy are homeless refugees who have been displaced because of the war. People who have the ability and powerful strength only account for a very small part of them.

But even this is enough, and even if there are enough ordinary refugees, if the number is sufficient, it can also increase the population of the Gay State, which is also a supplement to the national strength, so Muria ordered that all refugees who have verified their identity The visitor does not refuse, how much to come, how much to ask.

As a result, the country of Murraya became a paradise in the chaotic plains of Imir because of the existence of Muria. It gradually grew stronger by absorbing exiles and some civilian strongmen who longed for peace.

But peace is only temporary. Peace is a disguise for the evil beast of Gay State, and peace is only because the evil beast is "digesting". After it is digested, the evil beast will show its fangs again. , Continue to eat.

Uh ...

Fifteen years later, the black tide swept the entire Imir plain, and the entire Imir plain was unavailable. All nations and all forces in this tide were like flat mantis blocking cars, all pushed flat. .

The Uymir plains have been unified, and all habitable areas will be included in the territory of the Gay State. This time, the Gay State that has completed its expansion has once again entered cultivation.

Bone is exposed in the wild, and there are no chickens in thousands of miles, this is the best portrayal of troubled times. After Gai unified the Yimir Plain, it was found that most of the Yimir Plain was deserted due to prolonged wars, and it became a wild wilderness.

In this case, the whole country is compelled to re-enter the state of self-cultivation and strive to restore the population under normal order.

此时 At this time, the military and aristocratic groups that continued to grow and grow because of the war are still eager for war. They are not satisfied because they have conquered the entire Imir Plain because they know that there is a wider world outside the Imir Plain.

But they had to temporarily suppress the Yuwang they conquered and stop. Because the Gay State can no longer afford to toss them, the continuous war has exhausted the potential of the Gay State, and the Gay State needs enough army and strong to suppress the land that has just been conquered.

When the Gai country just expanded and the first piece of land that did not belong to it was acquired, the rebellion began and continues to this day.

Even with the constant killings and repressions, the rebels have sprung up on the expanding territory of the State of Gay, as some people do not want to obey the rule of the State of Gay.

The completion of the unification of the Yimir Plain did not meet the demands of some people. They wanted to mess up the whole plain again so that they could profit from it.

However, after each rebellion's iron blood suppression, compared with the increasingly mild policies of the Gay State, fewer and fewer people participated in the rebellion, and the number of rebellions became increasingly sparse.

"When everyone on the Plain of Imir considers them to be Gay people, they no longer think that we are an invader who invaded them and plundered their land, they are truly unified."

但这 "But it takes a long time, and it depends on the efforts of several generations to complete the assimilation."

"I can wait, I have a lot of time." Muria laughed disapprovingly. At this time, his reincarnation body became taller and taller after a long time, and he has become a heroic youth. The innocence of the year.

"You have a lot of time. It's not the reason why you can't accept the princess and not stand up. Even if you want to wait for what you call the right person, you can find a few spouses and have some children."

Fernand, who was talking about national affairs and how to assimilate the survivors of the conquered land, suddenly turned the topic and once again got to where Muria was unwilling to mention.

"I can live at least another five thousand years, looking for a spouse, and it's too early for me to have offspring."

Muriya said expressionlessly, he has been used to having such an old guy beside him all these years, and Fernand also seems to be used to having trouble with him,

"And with my current level of life, even if I searched the entire Imir plain, I could not be worthy of me."

嗯 "Well, indeed, the average female powerhouse is no longer qualified to exist in the essence of your life." Hearing Muria's words, Fernand's face showed a rare approval.

"Your partner must be strong enough, not to say that you are as strong as you, and you cannot be too far away from you, but even then, it is not easy to find in the Ymir plain."

"But outside of the plains of Imir, there may be such people." Muria's face showed a smile on Fernand's words, and he was sure that even if the current Miguelella had not grown to the point He's not as bad as he is.

但是 "But in addition to your strength requirements, you also have other kinds of love at first sight, and it sounds like a ghost request."

"I have this kind of thing in my mind, you really don't have to worry about it anymore, when you really meet the right person, I can recognize it at a glance."

"It sounds like you're fooling me." Fernand, staring at Muria, looked scarlet.

"I have no need to fool you, I can feel that in the distance, someone is waiting for me."

"Do you think I believe it?" Fernand looked at Muria with the expression "You're teasing me".

In his eyes, Muria is not a qualified king. First of all, this guy is not diligent enough. He can throw everything out for others to do, and he is watching beside him cheerfully. .

This kind of thing is undoubtedly done by Junjun, but he has the power of ghosts, he controls a group of corpses who can never betray him, and his own fighting power is too strong.

Because he has a personal power that no one can resist, he can be firmly in the position of king.

Second point, as a king, you are clean. For ordinary people, this is an advantage, but as a supreme ruler, it is crap.

Of course, besides that, he is not without merit, for example, he has long-term vision and overall situation that Fernand cannot understand.

Fernand has not been able to understand how his son was able to come up with this view of unity, because he feels that his growing environment is not enough to allow him to derive this theory.

But he just put it forward, as if he had seen it or implemented it.

"Believe it or not, I won't lie to you anyway."

"It's really how you feel." After witnessing Muria taking Guy to the position he once dreamed of, Fernand felt that his life had been completed and he had no pursuit and motivation. He The only requirement is to see Muria's son-in-law born.


"..." Fernand was silent, and he knew that as a powerful individual who controlled extraordinary powers, there would be some special mysterious responses.

"Well, then I won't urge you, just wait."

Uh ...

Just as the silent cultivation and rest of the country of Guy, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared in a canyon connected to the outside by the plain of the Imir ruled by the country of Guy.

This is a group of knights wearing white as the main armor, holding colorful flags and stepping into the territory of the Kingdom of Gai, and they just appeared and were found by the army stationed in this canyon.

"Stop coming! You have stepped into the territory of the State of Gay, and quickly explain the origin and purpose."

警 The soldiers in charge of the alert immediately found this bright banner ~ www.readwn.com ~ A bright team of armors, bowed at them, fired a burst arrow, and the land in front of them exploded.

有趣 "Interesting, how long has no one dared to bow and arrow in front of our flag? It is really a barren land. Although we do not even know our flag."

The knight-headed knight looked at the pit that was exploding in front of him, and suddenly laughed,

"Sir, I guess this is a checkpoint set up by a wild and small country here. It's normal to not know us."

"I know, send someone up to talk to them. Just say we want to meet their monarch."

"We are the ambassadors of Xishan Kingdom, come to visit your monarch, and quickly pass through."

A small team of knights soon left the team, ran to the front of the post, and shouted at the black armored soldier above.

"Xishan Country? Never heard of it."

Hearing the origins of this strange group of knights, the garrison soldiers stationed are very calm, and they are dismissive of their origin. How can their king be such a miscellaneous soldier who did not know that the puppet ran out? of.

"Want to see our King, wait for me to pass."

Soon, the guard who was stationed in this canyon learned of this. He immediately took someone out to check on it. He wanted to see what the armed forces from the outside world looked like.

Because of this, you can get a rough idea of ​​the force composition of a country, as well as the sophisticated level of weapons and the richness of resources.

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