Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1084: Epic Fallen Land


"Ghost, why dying?"

Holding a sword and chasing Muria in the air, he could not purify the angel girl of Muria's demon incarnation and finally could not bear it anymore, and said coldly to Muria.

"I have something to say to the Scarlet King." Muria felt very tired now.

"A horrible demon, but also want to see His Royal Highness." The angel girl sneered coldly.

"I have something to do, otherwise, I came here because I was tired and crooked." Muria still wanted to save it, after all, he had tossed for so long, it was the last step.

"Boring trick."

What a pity, no matter what Muria said, the angel girl just didn't listen. After a few words with him, she chased him with a sword.

Muriya had no choice but to continue to dodge. When there is an absolute power gap between the two sides, the skills can only barely save their lives and cannot change anything.

"It hasn't been solved for so long." When Muria dragged to a certain extent, several angel girls flew out of the palace below.

"This demon is very cunning, it is like clear my mind, knowing where I will cut the next sword." Seeing her companion came out, chasing the angel girl Muria cut for a long time and explained.

"Cunning? Get together and purify him." The angel girl who came out to check the situation was also extremely sturdy. She didn't care about one-on-one, didn't talk about one-on-one or anything. .

With such a neat way of doing things, Muria really doesn't know what to say. If he is his own, he will certainly praise it, but when they treat themselves as enemies, they will cause a headache.

Although Muria can't rely on this ghost to fight, but with his superior fighting consciousness, he can always find a gap in the attacks of these angels and sisters, and then smoothly avoid it, which makes his tossing movement more and more In the end, he finally attracted the attention of the most powerful being in the palace below.

A mighty and magnificent will came down, shrouded on the battlefield of this group of angel girls chasing down Muria. When this will appeared, all the angel girls who besieged Muria were aware of it. When they arrived, their attacks became more severe.

This attack also made Muria's demon incarnation more and more embarrassed, but he did not feel angry, because the people he wanted to see finally realized him.

"Let's step back!" After observing for a moment, a cold voice sounded in the sky, so the angel girls stopped attacking and paused in the air.

Then shame appeared on their faces, and they thought it was the Highness who was disappointed in them after seeing that so many of them could not take down a demon.

As the group of angel girls waited for reprimand, they were surprised to see the space cracked, and a ten-slender slender and powerful palm protruded out, and then grabbed the demon they besieged, and this slippery The demon ghost was still motionless at this time, and let him hold him by this palm ...

The sacred pure white light filled a golden palace, the goddess sitting on the seat of the **** looked down at the little devil who was desperately curled up in her palms, and a smile appeared on her face.


"Hmm!" Muria, who was stabbed by the light from his wife's palm, felt a bit dull, and he noticed something wrong.

"How did you become like this?" Michelangela's tone filled with a smile, "It's miserable, so are you here for me this time?"

少 "Don't talk nonsense, because I heard your news, so I deliberately differentiated a little insignificant power, and built a component to look at you." Muria focused on the insignificant words.

"Is it?"

当然 "Of course, otherwise, how could I be so weak that even the door wouldn't come in."

"Oh-" Michelangela nodded, deliberately prolonging the ending.

"Take your strength away and you hurt me." Murcia's body was held in the hands of Michelangela, and Muria, who was gradually dissipated, shouted quickly.

"How can you hold this power?" After Michellela laughed twice, after converging her power, she was a little curious.

"This is the power I can swallow. Although this power is weak, its characteristics are quite interesting. For example, it can differentiate into a detachment to see you."

"Power swallowed up?" Michelangela's face showed a thoughtful look.

"Don't just talk about me, what about your power?" Muria transformed into a small humanoid figure with the remains of the demon body, and then looked up at Michelangela at this time.

At this time, Michelangela is not much different from her deity. The body is filled with the power that Muria is very familiar with, the ancient **** power of the sacred nature held by the blazing **** group.

This is not Erasia. There should be no Blazing Protoss in this world, and the level of this world is destined to be unable to breed a race similar to Blazing Protoss.

At this time, Michelle was also similar to her deity, but still different. For example, she now has less powerful and pure power than the deity, and there are only three pairs of wings behind her, not her deity. That five pairs shows that her current blazing ancient **** blood is not pure enough.

"Before you came back, my grandfather chose this world for me, let me be born in this world, and then be promoted to be a **** of the sky."

所以 "So you still have home advantage in this world?" Muria was a little speechless, and this treatment is also no one.

"Well, there are some advantages, but not big."

"What's going on? Tell me." Muria somewhat understood that 80% of the world that came this time was inseparable from the Blazing Gods.

"My ancestors have come to this world, and my reincarnation is the best proof that my ancestors have come here." Michelangela pointed to his current body.

"Um." Muria nodded and motioned for Michelangela to continue.

但是 "But because of the exclusion of the world. So my ancestors left here too long without staying here."

"Why, what is the reason for your ancestors coming to this world?" Muria asked the key to the question, what is there in an ordinary middle world that can attract the coming of a blazing god.

"You should be aware of this too." Michelangela smiled and pointed to the demon body used by Muria at this time.

"You said."

"An epic has fallen in this world!" Michelangela said a shocking news, but the expression on Muria's face did not change too much because of what his wife said. After coming to this world for a long time, he also noticed some clues.

"Sure enough, you also noticed it." Looking at Muria's expression, Michaelela instantly knew.

"I have already noticed that the ghost body I am using now is probably the power that evolved after that epic falls."

"Yes, when the epic is about to fall, he fled from the void to this world, and then actively decomposed his own body into the world. So many creatures in this world have that epic deliberately The power after decomposition. "

"I probably understand what is going on." Recalling the information I got, combined with what Michelangela said now, Muria figured out a lot of things.

A long time ago, a Blazing God of the Blazing Gods fought against an epic in the void, and then the epic was lost in the battle and even in danger of falling.

On the verge of death, the epic fled to this world, and then he broke down his own body and took the initiative to integrate into the world. In order not to be chased by Blazing Heaven God, he even gave up Feng Shen.

And this kind of self-protection method, which is almost like suicide, also makes the burning gods helpless. If he wants to completely kill the enemy, he can only destroy the world, but he cannot do it.

And in a sense, this epic has fallen, but this death may be resurrected ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, the blazing **** left his own blood in this world, inhibiting this Epic resurrection.

From the current situation, the suppression method left by the Blazing God is still very effective, for example, the epic has not been resurrected until now.

"The root of the chaos in this world is because of this epic who actively integrated into the world. He broke down his body of all souls and made his body almost spread throughout the world, and he himself fell."

"Fall from the fall, but he did not die completely, he also wanted to be resurrected, and his resurrection instinct made the war of this world a common occurrence." Muria interfaced.

Epic is two different kinds of existence side by side with the gods. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In terms of survival, in general, the epic is not as good as the gods, but even so, the epic will not be worse in survival go with.

For example, this epic who actively decomposes his body, when his scattered body of power gathers to a certain degree, he will be resurrected and restored to the epic.

没 "Yes, if we want to get the power from this world, we must clear the source of chaos in this world, this epic who wants to be resurrected."

"It's not difficult!" Muria couldn't help but sigh, having clearly identified the goal of this reincarnation.

"But it's not high. All we face is an epic who is dead and wants to be resurrected." Michelangela looked at Muria's demon body with a smile on his face. "And you're not already here Did you do it? "

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