Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1085: Stealing ... Epic Power

Oblivion, I ca n’t even count the beginning, it can only be said to be a coincidence. "

Muriyah shook her head, he knew what Michelangela meant. The power of the ghost he now holds is one of the powers of the epic left over from the shattered body that year.

Michelera thinks that he is consciously collecting the power left by the epic, but in fact it was just that ghost that year did not know why for some reason, he wandered into the plain of Emir, and happened to hit him.

"But now that I know what happened, I have an interest and a new idea."

瑞 After knowing that the world will have an epic that may be resurrected at any time, Muria is a little excited.

"What's the idea?" Michelangela asked curiously.

"What did you plan to do before? Or what did your grandfather ask of you when he arranged for you to be born into this world?"

"No specific requirements, but roughly you can guess and guess, let me stop the revival of this epic."

"What do you want to stop?"

"My original intention was to purify all the souls in the world who possessed that epic power to a certain amount."

"... you are too extreme."

"This is the only way to solve the chaos in this world. That epic is the source of chaos in this world. Only by completely erasing his power can we restore peace to this world."

那 "Now you have a new choice, you can listen to my thoughts first."

"Well, you say."

"In theory, as long as the power of this epic disappears in this world, the chaos in this world will end, right."


那么 "Will we collect the power of this epic and resurrect him in this world, can we achieve the same effect?"

"Do you know what you're talking about? Muria." Michaelia shouted Muria's name.

"I know." Muria laughed. "Don't be excited first, listen to me first."

"I am listening."

"I once came in the same world as my mother, and that world, for various reasons, gave birth to a deity without self-consciousness. My mother directly stole the power of that deity. I witnessed the whole process, I am very envious of this. "

所以 "So you also want to copy everything your mother has ever done and steal the epic power that fell into this world."

"Yes, I think so now."

"Crazy, Muria, how weak do you think this epic is?"

"But it doesn't sound very strong."

"It was not only my ancestors who participated in the battle with the epic who fell in this world, but also several other epics. They were in the same camp with my ancestors, they besieged together, and finally forced that Epic had to break down his body. "

也就是说 "That is to say, the epic was not defeated in a one-on-one battle, but was besieged and finally defeated and defeated?" Muria smiled with a black misted face.

"Don't you understand what I mean?" Seeing the expression on his face, and some eager Muria, Michaelera could not help holding her forehead. "This epic has been told by your mother The **** that stole is different. He is far more powerful than you think. "

"Isn't it better?" Muria responded without thinking that she would fail.

"Don't you want to think about the consequences of losing control?"

"I am a surviving epic, and I am facing an epic that has fallen, not only without self-consciousness, but also without the body."

所以 "So you must steal the power of this epic."

"What is stealing, you are too terrible, I am plundering." Muria was a little bit dissatisfied.

"Whatever you want, do you really plan to do this?"

"Your approach is too wasteful and too conservative."

"..." Michelangela thought for a moment, then nodded, "OK, just follow yours."

"That's it?" Muria was a little surprised. "You don't want to dissuade me."

"This kind of thing you have decided, is it persuasive?" Michelangela knew very well what kind of character her husband was, the power held by another epic, and it was impossible for her husband to give up this temptation. of.

"Useless." Muria smiled.

"When you plunder this epic power, remember to be careful, it is best not to let him gather consciousness, the horror of the epic soul, you know better than me."

"I collect a small part first, and after he has developed a part of his consciousness, I will annihilate it, so how can you eat away his power step by step?"

"You decide for yourself."

"Let ’s do it, but if I want to gather the power of this epic, I must wage war and conquer the Quartet."

"Well, I'm doing this."

对 "Well, there is one thing I want to ask, did the epics who fought with your ancestors have left their blood in this world?"

"Yes, basically, each of them has left some of their own strength and inheritance to suppress the resurrection of this epic, otherwise, it would not have been possible to do so with the strength left by my ancestors."

"I see." Muria nodded, and probably understood that the roots of this world's chaos are not all in that epic, including several epic including Miguelella's ancestor of the Blazing God.

There is no doubt that after the epic decomposed his body, he lost his self-consciousness, but even if the epic body of the epic is decomposed, it still has its own instinct. Driven by this instinct, A creature with that epic power will spontaneously kill and annex.

After the annexation and fusion to a certain degree, the epic will naturally be resurrected. But how could the existence of the epic betrayed him be so easy and easy to resurrect, they all left their own means to inhibit the resurrection of this epic.

Then, the chaos that spread throughout the world was born. This is the battle between epics, when it affects the world, it can destroy the order of the whole world.

"By the way, I have something to tell you. The reason why I offend your existence is because a group of ambassadors from the Three Kingdoms of Xishan appeared in my territory."

After chatting about some epic incidents, Muria pulled the subject back into the world, and then mentioned why the demon body appeared here.

"Xishan Country, I know, then what?"

"They appeared in my territory and seemed to be looking for a way out. In addition, they described you as a great devil who did nothing evil." Muria took the matter of Xishan Kingdom asking him for help as a joke. Speak to Michelangela.

笑 Such ridiculous things happen when the information is asymmetric. And knowing everything, Muria and Michelangela, who have the perspective of God, can think of it as a joke.

"Bulled by his wife and turned to her husband for help." After hearing about Muria's appearance in front of her, Miguella couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong with this country? They don't seem to be in control of the legacy of that epic."

Muria is very convinced of this, because his demon body is attached to the general sent by him to send the ambassador to Xishan Country, and he swayed around in front of the Xishan king clan, did not feel similar to I felt the desire to devour the demon.

"Xishan Country really did not control the power of that epic division. They control the power developed by the world itself, but the existence of this country itself is one of the root causes of the chaos in this world."

"Well," Muria didn't ask Michelangela why he was attacking the foolish question of Xishan Country. There is no righteous and evil distinction between nations. It is extremely stupid to want to divide a country by good and evil the behavior of.

For the world, Muria and Michelangela want to end the division of this world, and the act of unifying all the nations of this world is justice.

"Xishan Country asked me for cooperation, and you said whether I would agree to them or not. At that time, on the front of the battlefield, I would let the army counterattack, and then we joined forces to directly destroy this country.

Or just a little bit ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly rejected their joint request and launched an attack on them. "

"No, you promised them to join together first! This will reduce some casualties." Michelangela shook her head and decided how to destroy a country.

也是 "Also, but this war is still your country to take the main offensive. With the assistance of my army, the country I ruled has just emerged from the state of war and can't afford too much toss."

"You are too bad, for so long, the country you ruled is still so weak."

"Weak and weak," Muria was immediately dissatisfied. "Do you know how weak the country in which I was born? In such a short period of time, I can let my ruled country develop this step, which is already very good. My Luck is not as good as yours. "

"I'm lucky?" When she heard that Muria said she was lucky, Michelangela was laughed at, and immediately told Murray about the fact that she was assassinated as soon as she was born, and forced to use power. Ya Ting. Only Muria in the world can have this conversation with her.

咳 "Ah, at least the country where you were born is much stronger than the country where I was born." Muria comforted her daughter-in-law, and then told her what she had to use as a force.

"Enough, what are we doing worse than?" Eventually, Michelangela terminated the conversation.


"Okay, that's it. I should talk to you in your incarnation. Your deity should hear it."


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