Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1087: 1 mountain cannot tolerate 2 tigers

Soon after the discussions between Muria and Fernand, Xishan State indeed sent envoys to discuss the alliance. Although these envoys who came to discuss the union were pretending to be calm, their urgency was completely hidden. Lived, because on the battlefield, their battle with His army was defeated.

In this case, Muria, who was already so heartfelt, and a Fernand standing behind him, naturally did not want to promise the Alliance of Xishan Country so easily.

Muriya ordered that the ministers with whom they talked should delay as much as possible, and when the ambassador of Xishan State became more anxious, they took the opportunity to propose various conditions.

Such acts of robbery while taking advantage of the fire made the negotiating mission of Xishan Kingdom gritted their teeth, but they had no choice but to help them, who wanted them to ask for help, could only swallow it.

At the same time, the talks on the union concluded. Finally, the Minister in charge of the Gay State also tentatively proposed that Xishan State cede the land in return.

But this request touched the bottom line of Xishan State. All the members of the mission who had been in charge of the negotiations before were all violently throbbing, and they honestly rejected the request of the Minister of State.

The land of their country was originally under the iron hooves of the Crimson King's army, constantly being lost, and it is decreasing every day. Now they have even lost the barren land that was originally used as a retreat. In this case, the land has become the bottom line of their inviolability.

The negotiating minister who has tried to find out the other side's bottom line accepts it. After soliciting a large amount of supplies from Xishan Country and various domestic privileges, he signed the agreement that he had decided to tear up at the beginning. .

在 After the covenant was signed, the Xishan State continued to urge the Gay State to send troops to assist them and help them fight against the crimson king's army.

After receiving Muria's order, the Guys team slowly waited until the Xishan Country had all the resources to be paid as rewards, and then slowly started to land.

At the same time, this army supporting other countries, so the army that fought across the border, traveled at a speed on the Gay State. The speed of the army immediately turned into a turtle crawl after leaving the country.

The movements and movements of the members of the Xishan Mission that started with them were stunned, because the contrast between the front and back was too great.

Then the generals responsible for directing the expedition faced the urging from Xishan State, and one reason was lost: the road in your country is too bad, and we have not gone through this bad road in our lives and need time to adapt.

The Xishan country that received such a reply was naturally unwilling. They wanted to urge the troops of the Gay country to reach the battlefield as soon as possible, but the poor road conditions in their country made them feel awkward.

In the end, Xishan Country understood it and had to add various conditions to allow the King of the Kingdom of Gay to order his army to march faster.

After reaching the battlefield, Guy's army immediately followed the instructions of Muria and immediately launched a large-scale war with the army of His Majesty the Crimson King.

Then made Xishan Kingdom startled and stunned. In the past, the Crimson King Legion, who had beaten them back and forth, stopped in the face of the army of Guy, and they were blocked for the first time.

This result made the Xishan State celebrate the country for three days, and all the grievances that the Xishan State had accrued to the Gai State had disappeared. They felt that the resources they had paid to the Gai State and the promised conditions were worth it.

But the people in Xishan never imagined that this seemingly glorious victory was actually already doomed. This was the result of a couple's discussion.

Strictly speaking, this is not a war at all, but a military exercise that looks extremely miserable to a third party. The soldiers on both sides of the battle are all actors, and the actor who asked one of them to come over to fight. It was the audience who was blindly fooled into thinking that everything they saw was true.

Of course, there can still be soldiers killed in this real war. After all, even if there are exercises, there will be death indicators. However, the number of soldiers killed in a war is so insignificant compared to the number of soldiers killed in a war.

After this "war", the Xishan State became more dependent on the Gai State, and they themselves knew that their soldiers were not the opponents of His Majesty the Crimson King.

As a result, the way the war progressed became weird. With the "assistance" of the Guy State, the strategy of the Xishan State that could finally withstand the pace of the crimson king began to adjust. The army of the Guy State was the core. They Supported by your own army.

In this case, Guy's army began to take over some strategic fortresses of Xishan State. Of course, some of the core strategic places are still tightly controlled by Xishan State, and they have not been taken over by Guy's army.

But because they wanted to rely on Gay's army against the Crimson King, these fortresses were inevitably penetrated.

Time passed, and the Guy team that received Muria's orders was continuously sent to Xishan Country to "fight" with His Majesty's army.

At this time, the army of the Gay State was regarded as a life-saving straw by the Xishan State, so during the battle, the army commander of the Gay State often made various unreasonable requests to the king of the Xishan State and required various resources.

This army seems to the ruling class of Xishan State to be the same as a mountain bandit who likes to block roads and robbery. However, this group of guys are very capable of fighting, which makes people very headache.

I'm proficient at eating Carna. This is the Gay team in the eyes of Xishan Kingdom, and the whole is a bandit.

Uh ...

"Is your army fishing enough in Xishan Country?"

"You have to ask them, I didn't fish it." Muria, who was worn by her daughter-in-law, responded in a voice.

"Aren't they fishing for you?"

"This is different." Muria corrected.

"What's different, you are their monarch, everything they own is yours."

"That's what it says, but everyone is an independent life individual, they have their own ideas and thinking, and I can't control them."

所以 "So, do you want to keep the current situation?"

"Do you think it's time to make a change?"

"At this level, the current Xishan Country should be infiltrated by your army into a sieve. Showdown directly, there is no need to cover it up."

"... is it still a little early?"

"There is no need to waste too much time in this country, the world is vast, and there are more countries that need us to conquer."

"I understand."

Uh ...

"Ready to pick fruits!" Muria issued an order in the royal court of the Kingdom of Gay.

修 No changes have taken place in the country of the country under cultivation, and all the civilians are still immersed in the joy of a stable and peaceful life.

Far away in the Xishan Country, the Gay team that "conquered" for it has undergone huge changes. Some of the plans that have been planned for a long time have been implemented silently.

"Wait for so long, and finally waited for the king's order."

"It's really too long to wait. Acting like this should be done by non-productive actors. As a result, a reckless husband who only knows about killing has done so long."

"Hey, brother, don't be arrogant, ordinary actors can't do such things."

"That's it, oh, it's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that in the future, I can easily lie, eat and drink, and cheat on the cultivation of resources. There is no longer a good day." A general who has become accustomed to eating Kana in Xishan Country sighs.

"When the Xishan Kingdom is beaten down by us, you can try it when you go back."

"No shit, if I do this in China, the king will cut my head off and kick it."

"Just know."

"It is not a shame that the country of Xishan will be destroyed. By then, all of them will be brought under the control of our country, and our benefits will be indispensable."

"All included in the rule of our country of Gay? I'm afraid not. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Don't forget, there is a crimson king, although we have never had a direct confrontation with his army in these years. , But I believe you have already experienced the difficulty of His Majesty's army. "

如果 "If I can, I don't want to conflict with this group of lunatics. One or two lunatics are fine. As a result, the whole army is full of lunatics. Who can bear this?"

"No one wants to have a conflict with them, but if they really want to fight in the end, that is also no way out. As commanders, we must first prepare ourselves and not fight unprepared battles."

"Don't be too pessimistic, we don't necessarily conflict with the Crimson King. We have been with the army of His Majesty the Crimson King for some time, haven't you found out? The one on our head seems to have something to say to the King Unclear relationship. "

"I heard that the Crimson King is a woman. If this rumor is true, then it seems that our king can fight for it. After all, our king has not stood up to now, and there is no concubine, which is quite appropriate. "

少 "Small talk, this is just an unconfirmed rumor. I have also heard that there is a rumor that the King of Crimson is an extremely addictive demon king."

"There is no room for two tigers, unless there is one male and one female. If the crimson king is a male, then we must be ready to fight the madmen."

Sighed a general who shook his head and sighed, but his head was kicked before he even shook his head. "What are you talking nonsense? Can't you find death? Can you arrange the king?"

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