Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1088: Rudong Dongsheng

"What do I do, I just talk about it, even if the king heard it, he wouldn't mind."

"The king does not mind that it is the king's thing. As a courtier, you have to fulfill your responsibilities as a courtier."

"Okay, this is not what we should quarrel now. We still think about how to cooperate with the army of the Scarlet King to let them break through the defense line of Xishan Country and win this country in the shortest possible time."

"It's very simple. Those wastes in Xishan Country have already relaxed their vigilance. Almost all the fortresses are under our control. Even if they are the core fortresses, we can win them all in a short time if we want. "

"I don't think these are problems. The real question is do we really just stand by and watch with the attack of His Majesty the Crimson King?"

"I think it's good to watch. Anyway, people are also our allies. When we help them 'fight', they also treat us as delicious and delicious."

"Allies? Hey." The generals laughed suddenly when they heard the word mentioned.

"The people in Xishan Country treat us as a fart's ally, so they treat us as a group of thugs. Don't think that I don't know what those guys call us in private, a group of wild folks from the wild and unseen. "

他们 "They despise us, let them despise 呗, we don't lose a piece of meat, what are they afraid of, anyway, they don't treat us as allies, and we don't take them seriously."

咳 "Ah, we have taken the benefit of others for so long. Now it's still a bit immoral to beat people with a knife backhand, so let the crimson king's army do the destruction of Xishan Country!"

也是 "Also, after all, this kind of thing is not good to hear."

"What kind of righteousness and morality is imaginary, you two are nonsense, what is the moral between the country and the country."

"That is, the Xishan Kingdom is now attacked by the Scarlet King, and then it ca n’t be beaten, so we are asking for the Kingdom of Gay. If it is not for this, you see this group of guys who claim to be superior are not looking at us A reckless man coming out of the wilderness? "

"I don't think that if those grandsons are asking us now, they will be even more shameful than they are now."

"Don't worry, they will not be proud when the army of the Scarlet King is pushed over."

Uh ...

When night fell, a low drum sound rang through the barracks. This drum sound was a reminder to the soldiers on duty that it was time to change positions.

"That group of guys didn't change their posts again!" In the night breeze of Xiao Se, above the city wall, a team of soldiers from the Xishan Kingdom who had been standing for a day waited for a long time, but they did not wait to replace their soldiers. Some scolded angrily.

"Then we can't wait?"

"Wait a fart, we have been standing for a day, our legs are sore, go, go back to sleep."

"This group of guys, I guess they are likely to be playing cards and drinking. Even if we wait one night, we can't wait to replace our people."

但是 "But as we go, isn't this section of the city wall garrisoned again?" A soldier who looked a little weak, said carefully, "What if the soldier of the Scarlet King came over?"

"What are you afraid of? This isn't the first time anyway, how could it be our turn to be such a coincidence? And that group of barbarians is guarding below. It does n’t matter if we leave. It ’s really an accident and they are standing in front. . "

他们 "They are just cooperative defense, we are the main force of alert."

"What main force is not the main force. On the battlefield, these barbarians who came out of the barren land are the main force, and we are the coordinators. The same is true for the vigilant defense. Look at these sections of the city wall. Not all of them are serious about defending time like those people. "

"That's not good!"

"What's wrong, don't you know? How much did our country pay to ask these savages to help us fight, and now they should do all these things."

"Yes, since our country has already spent money, we do n’t have to suffer here, and our tasks have been completed today. Even if it is a failure, it is a group of people who have not come to replace us. We have no responsibility. "

I said, this group of soldiers who did not wait to replace them for a long time left the city wall in a scattered formation, leaving this part of the city wall unguarded.

Although some soldiers raised objections and felt that they should continue to hold on, most people felt that they had completed their mission and there was no need to be frozen in the cold wind.

Alas, the wall of the fortress covered by night presents a weird sight. The soldiers who should have straightened their backs and watched vigilantly were basically shrunk under the wall, avoiding the cold wind, and some even brought the quilt up and directly wrapped in the quilt to sleep. What's even more ridiculous is that some city walls are simply empty and empty.

In stark contrast to this ridiculous sight, not far from the foot of the city wall, the soldiers of the Gay State of Black armor lined up neatly and patrolled all night.

这 And this is the Gay soldiers who surrounded the fortress surrounding the city walls to let the soldiers of the Xishan country within the walls relax their vigilance, thinking that with their presence, they can sit back and relax from top to bottom.

"Oh, the soldiers in this country are really interesting, even such a simple alert can make such a big mistake."

I was stationed in Camp Guy outside the fortress of Xishan Country. An officer in black armor stood on a sentry tower, watching the fortified city wall, and couldn't help laughing.

"This is probably because you trust us too much!"

"The trust in **** is simply lazy. When we were just stationed here, you didn't see that group of guys treat us as anything?" Heijia officer said with a disdain when he heard what he said.

"Oh!" The man dressed in casual clothes, dressed as a counselor, sighed, shook his head and said nothing.

"What's your sigh?"

"I am sighing to the ancestors of the Xishan Kingdom, they have cut through thorns and battled hard to create such a great foundation, and today they will be thrown away by their children and grandchildren."

"Sigh what they do, just do their own evil, their own country, they don't know the defense themselves, counting on our group of outsiders, who will not destroy them?"

"Yes, but do you say that our future generations will become the same as these wastes, knowing that we will eat, drink, and play all day, not doing business?"

"Go and go, talk less, how could our children and grandchildren become like this."

"Who can tell the future things clearly? It has been passed down for a long time, and it is not surprising that some miscellaneous accounts have appeared."

少 "Come on, I won't talk to you about this, and I have no time to talk to you tonight."

"Isn't the army of the Scarlet King yet to come? Just talk and pass the time."

"Here they are." General Heijia stood on the high sentry tower, and stretched out his hand to point far away.

In the darkness in the distance, the sky and the earth turned into a hazy mass. It was impossible to tell where the sky was and where the earth was. However, at the junction of the sky and the earth, a red line appeared. This red line gradually spread and was red. The light radiates a lot of light, just like the sun rising from the horizon, dyeing the dark clouds in the sky into a red and transparent fire cloud.

"This movement is too big, it is better to set the attack time in the daytime." Seeing such a big movement, the commoner can't help but tilt his head, which is different from what he expected in advance.

According to his original expectation, under their response, the army of His Majesty the Crimson King entered the fortress silently, and seized the entire seat at a minimum cost when the army of the Xishan Kingdom had not responded. fortress.

But now, this kind of movement seems to have a sun rising, unless everything in the fortress is blind, otherwise it would be impossible to find out.

"If it is offensive during the day, the power is much worse. At night, it has the most visual impact and it is easy to deter the enemy army."

General Sergeant Heijia looked at the red tide coming from the distant horizon, and touched his chin. In his mind, with the fighting level of Her Majesty the Crimson King ~ www.readwn.com ~ plus their cooperation, winning the Xishan Country Fortress was only a destined thing, and the difference was nothing more than the number of casualties.

The army of His Crimson King didn't care about their own casualties, and chose to play in this eye-catching manner, so why bother to care so much.

But what the general Heijia and the conspirators around him did not expect is that the fortress of the Xishan Country behind them faced the turbulent "red tide" and there was no response.

"Are these people blind? No such big movement can be noticed?"

Such a sharp contrast between the movements before and after the cricket made the black armor general whisper, and then a scene that made him break his eye appeared.

He looked at a soldier wearing a fancy armor like the country of Xishan, wrapped in a cloak that could be used as a quilt, or simply stretched his head out, glanced out of the wall stack, and retracted silently, and then No more, the bell for warning never sounded.

"These wastes don't feel like we are there, so they don't have to fight anymore, right?" Seeing such a ridiculous sight, even the commoner's face showed a hint of confusion.

估计 "Presumably, after we came, they basically had no war against the army of the Scarlet King."

"I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen this bizarre sight. I have learned a lot."

的 The Xishan team stationed in the fortress thought that there was a Guy team outside the city, so they could sit back and relax, ignoring the red tide that reversed the day and night ...

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