Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1089: My hero, his enemy

"I'm approaching the range of the Guys' archers soon, what should I do?"

不管 "Regardless of them, Your Highness has given instructions. Tonight these wolves will not interfere with us."

"But if we bypass them and expose their backs to them, and if they want to do us no good, our casualties will be severe."

"His Highness has spoken, are you questioning His Highness' order?"


"No matter how badly the Tigers and Wolfs of Gay Kingdom, we have dealt with them for so long, this tacit understanding still exists."

Uh ...

The squinting warriors lined up in a neat queue. Even in the rapid advance, they did not let the formation be too scattered.

The soldiers wearing white gold armor were tied behind a crimson cape like a flaming flame. The huge number caused them to form a red tide that spread from the junction of heaven and earth.

In the face of this red tide that seems to swallow everything, the Gay team, which should have been like a solid dam to block the spread of red tide, only did one thing, which was to shrink the formation and let the roads open. All the camps were independent, and there was no resistance to the tide. the meaning of.

The red tide crossed the Guy's defense line directly and reached the defenseless Xishan State Fortress, and then the red tide climbed up. Soon the wall was full of red reflected in the cloak behind the soldiers of His Majesty the Crimson King.

Then a short slaughter, and the sound of continuous screams began, **** gas began to diffuse from the wall.

I had no intention, but the soldiers of the Xishan Kingdom on the front battlefield were not the opponents of the Crimson King army. When the side that had the advantage originally attacked the weaker side, the situation was even more one-sided.


Soon, a rough roar of beasts sounded in the fortress of Xishan Kingdom. A giant beast with a tail of a snake and a two-horned one-eye appeared. This is the strongness of Xishan Kingdom showing its awakening gesture.

And when this beast with a body higher than the fortress wall appeared, he saw the wall at a glance, standing in the red tide, neatly arranged in several rows, standing still "reef" .

"Guy's barbarian, do you dare to betray me?" Seeing such a scene, the strong man of the Xishan country who turned into a beast, couldn't understand that the kingdom had sold them.

"Barbarians? Well, I knew that these guys didn't take us seriously at all." Hearing the roar, the black armored general standing on the sentry tower watching and snorted, "I was a bit guilty at first , Now it feels like it's gone. "

"Don't you not only feel a little guilty, but even a little thought of rushing to help?" The commoner counselor standing beside him asked with a smile.

At this moment, after the roar of that beast, the beast was plunged into a fierce battle. An angel with wings on his back and a battle armor fell from the sky. As soon as he appeared, he showed his overwhelming fighting power.

"Well, the Birdman under Her Majesty the Crimson King is coming out. Although the body size is a bit smaller, the combat effectiveness is really not covered." Seeing the disparity in the battle between the two sides, General Black Armor couldn't help it. He was surprised, although not the first time he saw it, but he couldn't help but marvel at it every time.

Because the combat effectiveness is generally related to body size, the larger the body size, the stronger the combat power. Of course, this is not absolute. For example, the battle in front of him, the angel with bipedal wings, his size is not much larger than ordinary humans, but he can fight against a mountain-like monster.

"I have this idea, but think about it, forget it. The king has already issued a ban. We will not participate in this war, just as a visitor."

"Oh, you know."

"It's too good. It took me long to be chopped like this." At this time, the general of the black armor was too lazy to care about his colleagues, but turned his attention to the battle in front of him.

As the red tide poured into the fortress, ordinary soldiers were cut down without any resistance, but the middle and high-ranking officers of the army stationed by Xishan Country still had some resistance. They all showed their awakening posture, and This army with special strength fought deadly.

But their resistance was just dying and struggling. It didn't take long for the entire fortress to be swallowed up by the red tide, and almost no soldiers within the fortress survived.

The scene of was almost on the entire defense line of Xishan Kingdom against the Crimson King. Before the ruling class of the Xishan Kingdom had reacted, their entire line of defense was completely destroyed.

However, because the defense line laid out by Xishan Country was not defeated, but was completely annihilated, they did not get the news. When the attack just happened, the ruling class of Xishan Country was still singing and dancing.

Just before the entire ruling class of Xishan State had not heard the news, thinking that they had spent a lot of money, please come to the strong support to resist the crimson king, so when you rest easy, a blame from the Guy State directly let the entire rule The class fell into an aggressive state.

谁 "Who can tell me exactly what happened on the front line? Why did the King of Guys suddenly hold me accountable?"

He also exudes the fragrance of the woman's fragrant Xishan King, sitting on his elaborate, inlaid with various precious stones on the throne, questioning his ministers and nobles.

"King, what is the King of the Kingdom to ask you for blame?" An old Chen with pale face and big eyes, asked to test it.

"He is asking me where the army that he supports to our country has gone, and why he lost all contact with him overnight." The King of Xishan, who had just climbed out of the women's pile, said with a little heart.

"But aren't Guy's troops all on the front line? We haven't done anything. How could we suddenly lose contact?" Asked a nobleman, puzzled.

At the same time, his heart was a little uneasy, because at this time in his eyes, the army of the Guy State was the basic guarantee that he could now enjoy a comfortable life. Without Guy's protection, it would represent his extravagant life and it would be gone forever.

这 "This is the biggest problem. In order to confirm this news, we also contacted our troops on the front line, but all our troops were lost."


As soon as this remark came out, the whole hall suddenly fell into a riot, and many of the ministers' faces turned white instantly, because they knew that only one kind of situation could cause this situation to happen.

"Impossible, how could the army of the Crimson King become so strong? How could it wipe out our army and the country of Gay in an instant?" A large aristocrat murmured slightly pale. He felt like he was having a nightmare at this moment.

"Yes, this is impossible."

Alas ... Because Muria's face was thick and dark, it was clear that he first made a false alliance and then stabbed Xishan Country with his backhand. In the end, he first defeated the other army, but made the whole Xishan country a bit aggressive.

米 After the army of Michelangela came to the city, the Xishan Kingdom was truly reacted and had to accept the fact that their country was about to be destroyed. Before that, they had no psychological preparation at all.

After three months

The country of Luxi Mountain, the splendid capital, has become a purgatory on earth at this time, and this purgatory was not caused by the army of His Hercules, but after the collapse of the order.

所有人 When everyone realized that the country of Xishan was about to fall, the order built by this country collapsed instantly. Before the new order was rebuilt, the whole country of Xishan was in a state of chaos. In the chaos, the evil in human nature was completely released, and then purgatory appeared.

"I feel a sense of chaos. If this place is in the Erasian world, it is simply the favorite of the abyss demons! Order needs to be restored as soon as possible."

When Miguelella and his army appeared outside the walls of the capital of Xishan Country, Muria's voice, which shared the vision of Miguelella, sounded in his wife's mind.

"Muria, when did your heart become so dark? You obviously pitted Xishan Kingdom with me, and you ended up being a good person from beginning to end, and got a lot of benefits. Now you are still feeling Did n’t you do all this? ”

"The emergence of this kind of chaos ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do have an inescapable responsibility, which is not what I hope. I destroyed the order of Xishan Country and caused chaos.

But my intent is to build a stronger and more complete order. It will benefit all those who survive, and their offspring will have a better future. "

"Have you regretted it? So many souls died because of your desire."

"There is nothing to regret. I am a king. I am only responsible to the subjects I govern. I will do more in the future."

Muria's faint voice sounded next to Michelangela, "The destruction of the country of the brook mountains is good for my country, and this is also the general trend. This country has reached the time of its perish."

"Sometimes I really doubt whether you are a descendant of Jinlong."

不用 "Don't doubt, you will know when I go to the country I govern. I am very good to my subjects."

"This is not necessary, I have already seen it, the King of the Holy Saint and the King of the West, you mentioned it before."

"I only need my subjects to praise me. It doesn't matter how the subjects of the other countries are hostile to me. It would be a terrible thing for my country if the subjects of other countries praised me. "

"My hero, his enemies? That's not necessarily true. In the absence of interest, it is still very good for other countries to praise you."

"You said that there is no interest, what else do they praise?"

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