Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1115: Gulong Dance

The roar of the dragon roared, all the silence was gone, all the roar of the wild beasts disappeared, just like a stage drama that was going to a climax, and the static button was suddenly pressed. Not adapted.

The cowardly beast shuddered after the dragon roared, because at this time a hot dragon-like power was gradually spreading and spreading, and the air quickly heated up at a speed that could be clearly perceived.

With Muria as the center, the remains of buildings around him, and the remains of some wild beasts all burned, and some weak wild beasts were surrounded by the blazing flames. Lamenting, eventually burned to despair by flames in despair.

"What's that?" Not only was the beast stunned by the dragon roar, the fighting machine was under the same pressure as the beast, a **** machine asked with some difficulty.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like a bad thing." Captain Soma looked at Muria, as long as not a fool can see it, the current change is related to Muria.

"Fenrir, what the **** is he doing?" Sudden changes caused the wild beasts to stop attacking, and the patrol forces did not dare to act lightly, because the coercion was too terrifying.

"Come out, what are you doing?" And after hearing this roar, she waited for two breaths, and Muria frowned.


The mighty dragon roar resounded again, and then a stern and majestic head protruded from the space martyrdom. The temperature and coercion in the atmosphere rose further with the appearance of this dragon head.


At the same time as the dragon's head appeared, the sky above Muria's head suddenly became darker, and a thunderous thunder flickered in the sky, it seemed that it would split at any time.

"What's this?" Sleeping in Muria's half-plane for a long time, Taikoo Red Dragon, just awakened, looked at the thunder that had locked him on top of his head, and seemed to be slashing at any time. Neck down.

"What are you afraid of? With me, these thunder can't be broken." Muria couldn't help but look amused at this picture of Aston. Even the unruly red dragon, after a long period of time, knows to sacrifice his life.

真的 "Really?" Allston asked hesitantly.

"Come out for me, don't grind it, these thunders will not kill you even if they fall."

"Oh." After hearing these thunder hacking himself, he just woke up, and a little ignorant of Auston, the courage became bold, he began to look around the scene.

He looked around and saw the ruins of the ruined city after the civilization was destroyed, and above the ruins, those statures, some wild beasts shaking, and those who were watching him vigilantly. Humanity.

However, these Ostons didn't care, he didn't pay attention to him at all, because his attention was attracted by Muria in front of him, "Boss, how do you become so weak?"

"It's just a layer of camouflage." Muria looked up and stared at the hot puffer pupils of Auston who seemed to have some strange thoughts.

As a result, Muria's dear pair of dazzling gold pupils reflected in the heart of Auston, so that this ancient Red Dragon whose power is far superior to his peers understands that Muria still has enough to crush it. the power of.

However, the honesty of Aston's curiosity was hooked. As a red dragon, he still couldn't understand the significance of a strong existence disguised as a weak one.

"What's the use of this?"

"You can't be thundered." Muria responded to him in a coping style.

"Can you teach me?" Auston didn't care about Muria's perfunctory attitude, and asked with some interest.

"You can't learn now." Muria glanced at the whimsical Orston, the magic of the sky magic is far from a red dragon who has not been promoted to the peak of the legend.

的 The beauty of this epic mystery is that it allows the caster to have a legal identity in any world. Seemingly inconspicuous, but the legal identity of the world is very important for a strong existence.

Let's take a very simple example. Two epic rivalries from different worlds. The stronger one wants to kill the other to prevent future troubles.

Alas, the other one knew that he couldn't fight, and he was constricted in his motherland. At this time, the more powerful epic was basically helpless.

Because he cannot rush into the mother's realm of the other to kill the other, this is a kind of act of death. He has to face not only an epic, but also the deepest anger in the world.

Inappropriate analogy, it is impossible for any mother to sit and watch an outsider break into her home and kill her child.

But with the Secret Mystery, the situation is completely different. Foreign invasion has become a brother's internal fight. The world will not only interfere with this situation, but even drive them out of the world.

"Ou!" Austen yelled a little disappointed, but still a little unwilling to continue asking, "Is there no other way?"

"Yes, just kill all these monsters as a name." Muria pointed to the surrounding beasts.

"So simple?"

"of course."

For this small world that has been eroded by the relatives of the evil gods to the end of the mountains and rivers, as long as it can be proven that they are not with the family of the evil gods and that they are here to help it, they will basically not be targeted.

This world, longing to continue in the void, has no choice, even if it is a straw, it will hold firmly. So it doesn't even consider whether Allston has any other plans.


斯顿 Oston, who got Muria's explicit killing order, issued an excited dragon roar.

The evil dragons that are radiated by the blood of Muria are different from normal dragons. They can suppress the natural viciousness in their bloodlines, but this vicious desire to destroy and kill does not disappear.

They wait for instructions, or a suitable opportunity, and then release to the enemy the long-suppressed natural malignancy. At this time, Allston was given a chance to be released.


It was only enough for Auston to probe a head of the space tunnel. A pair of strong and powerful dragon claws appeared, and two dragon claws exerted force, tearing the space tunnel harder.

The slender dragon neck covered with heavy dark red dragon scales sticks out, followed by a wide and solid chest, which can then be easily explored by the dragon claws that tore space ... The ancient Red Dragon Oston from the Erasian world So appeared in the world.

When it completely appeared in this world, the dark thunder shone in the sky and became more dense, but it did not fall.

意志 The ​​world's awakening world will also be observing, because this dragon is called out by Muria, the world's will is also looking forward, it is eager for external support.


Although he had enough sky to fly, Red Dragon Austen still felt a sense of squeezing from the level of space and law, and he gave a dragon roar with dissatisfaction.

Then he opened his wings and flew into the sky, strong and stubborn, a dragon body full of strength and beauty hovering and dancing in the sky, leaving a trail of fiery red visible to the naked eye.

Dragon Dance!

At this time, Auston is like a dragon dance full of visual impact with the body of Taiko Red Dragon who is full of beauty and strength.

随着 And as Auston danced with his dragon body, Long Wei, which pervaded the wild, became heavier, the temperature in the atmosphere began to rise again, and even flames appeared in the air.

"It looks ugly and has no beauty at all."

I do not know when, a red dragon one circle smaller than Auston squatted beside Muria, maliciously, evaluating her brother's dragon dance.

With the sound of her evaluation just now, in the atmosphere, fireballs of different sizes condensed, and then, like meteorites, dragged long flame trails and fell to the ground.

Boom! boom! boom!

The sound of explosions rang out one after another, gorgeous flowers of flames blooming on the ruins of the city, with a strange beauty, and when the sea of ​​flames was blooming, the beasts came one after another The sound of wailing also sounded ~ www.readwn.com ~ now looks pretty. Muria admired the sea of ​​flowers in front of her, commenting.

"Reluctantly good." The red dragon Cynthia who followed Oster in this world spoke hard. He just dared to evaluate her brother's casting posture, but did not evaluate the power after casting.

"Oh! It's just good? Cynthia. I don't know when your spell level is above me?"

Succulent Red Dragon, who successfully completed the first massacre just after waking up, fell from the sky, looked at his fellow sister, ignored the continuous flying out of the space channel, and then curiously looked at the dragon around him. .

"Almost okay." Muria ignored the first narration of the pair of long-wake brothers and sisters, who had been awake for a long time. He looked at the sky, and forcibly closed the space above his head to marry.

Very interesting changes have just taken place in the sky. When Allston casts and accurately kills all the beasts in the visible field of vision, the thunder in the sky against Orston decreases rapidly with the naked eye.

But as the number of dragons pouring out of Muria's half plane increased, the Thunder in the sky appeared again, and its density was better than when Oston first appeared.

"One hundred and nine dragons, of which sixteen ancient dragons, are enough for the time being." Muria estimates that the dragons before him are already the largest number that the world can tolerate, but this tolerance is as they kill the families of evil gods. The number will continue to climb and eventually tolerate to the bottom line.

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