Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1116: You can call me a savior

"What are these? Are they also wild animals?"

Bewildered, surprised, fearful and expectant, all kinds of complex emotions appeared in the hearts of the patrol forces, including those magic machines, because the scene in front of them had exceeded their horizons, and they could not understand how this happened. of.

应该 "Probably not, the wild beasts will not kill each other."

那 "What are these powerful creatures?"

"It's boring to guess and guess. Isn't it good to ask Fenrir if you want to know the answer?"

当然 "Of course it is good, but who is going?" Soma said, staring at the proposed god-maker, "Well, you go."

"Captain, don't make a joke, my little body is not enough for those monsters to swallow. Captain, your strength is the best, you go!" It is proposed to ask Muria's **** machine directly and said with a smile.

At this time, Muria was surrounded by hundreds of dragons. Even the smallest of these dragons seemed to move their claws to destroy their entire patrol.

"My lifelong pursuit is to fight to death in the battle with the wild beasts." Soma, who was forced by the world on the protagonist's halo, opened his mouth, and he was equally jealous of these dragons.

The horrible fighting power of the dragon, he has already seen it. The first red dragon, which seems to be the strongest dragon, just circled in the air for a while, and gave all the beasts in this area to The massacre was over, and the battlefield was cleared directly.

This destructive power is beyond his understanding. In his cognition, there does not seem to be any divine machine capable of possessing such combat power. In other words, this is a human being that cannot be dealt with at all. .

But because of the deterrent power of the dragon, the patrol forces did not dare to go to Muria. Muria would not leave them there, these humans are still useful.

"Okay, be honest." Muria looked at the messy dragons around him, and said that there was no orderly dragon, and he snapped.

Because of their amazingly high average individual strength, dragons are generally difficult to fight together. It is almost impossible to expect them to be banned like an army.

Of course, when the dragon under Her Majesty faced powerful enemies, they were still able to fight together. On formal occasions, they could also pose a good formation to surprise the onlookers.

Therefore, Her Majesty, even if it is a dragon, is more or less disciplined, so after hearing his scolding, these dragons who play each other are down, all bow their heads, looking at Muria's tiny Body, waiting for his instructions.

Stepping on the rubble with burning flames everywhere, Muria came to the front of the vast but anticipated armored forces, and met the dozen or so gathered together, looking at his magic machine with vigilant eyes.

芬 "Fenrille, can you explain what's going on?" Muria took the initiative to look for them, and the leader Soma spoke, and at this time only he was the most suitable person to ask.

"As you see, these are my dependents."

那个 "Well, what do the dependents mean?" A female nerve asked cautiously.

"Servants, servants, subordinates ... Dependents are similar existences, you can understand it this way, but the difference is that relatives will never betray."

"In this case, can I understand that I can order these powerful beings at will and let them do anything?"

"Almost, but I let them go against the enemies who can't beat the powerful ones. I guess they are still reluctant."

Muriya thought about it, and then answered seriously.

也就是说 "That is to say, these existences are here because of Fenrir. So, I would like to ask, who are you? Or, what are they?"

Soma stared at Muria, and when he asked this question, his palm clenched involuntarily.

These powerful monsters were summoned by a boy who seemed to be indistinguishable from everyone else, and bowed his head to it. In this case, he didn't know to take it seriously, then he was an idiot.

"My existence is beyond your comprehension. But you can call me a savior!"

Muria, who had no intention of concealing it, directly acknowledged her inhuman status, and also stated the purpose of her coming here.

"Savior?" All the humans who heard Muria's answer looked at each other, this was an answer that was completely beyond their expectations.

"This ... I don't fully understand what you mean." Soma, also in a state of agitation, eased for a while, and then responded carefully, while a flame of flame ignited in his heart, a flame of hope .

"Don't think too much, literally, I came here to save the world you are about to destroy." Muria replied with a gentle smile, he knew that he had brought these humans before him. The impact is really too great.

If it weren't for him having more than a hundred dragons as his background, Muria estimated that the moment he said he was the savior, he would probably be sent to the infirmary in the base by these gods. .

After all, in such a desperate and depressed world, there are not a few of the magical machines that fight day after day, causing them to lose their minds due to huge pressure.

哦 "Oh, no, fix it, saving your world is only my second purpose."

Muria also added that he no longer expected to gain the source by saving this world eroded by the evil god, because this world is too poor in a sense, let it separate a drop of source and follow Destroying it directly makes no difference.

那 "So what is your main purpose?" Soma has used homage without knowing it. This is the instinct of the weak to the strong, regardless of the world.

不用 "Don't worry, I have no bad intentions for you or your world, I'm here to find the owner of a monster you call a wild animal."

"Master of the wild beast?" The humans who heard Muria's words were again aggressive. For the first time, they knew that the wild beast that had pushed them to a lingering state of death was actually the owner.

Subconsciously, no one questioned the authenticity of Muria's discourse, because the unknown being in front of him had no need to deceive them.

"You can call him a Void Evil God to destroy and devour the world and become a stronger existence. These wild beasts are his dependents."

"Evil God!" Just after hearing Muria's simple description and description, Soma felt that her body and soul were trembling involuntarily.

He is therefore a beast, and they have made them exhausted. He can hardly imagine that there is one that can drive them. How to overcome such existence?

Thinking of this, Soma's gaze involuntarily looked at Muria. This being has already been stated very clearly. He came here for the evil **** who wanted to destroy their world.

不用 "Don't worry, this is my enemy, you don't need to bother, when he doesn't exist, you can."

Seeing the human being who was scared only by a little bit of news revealed by him, Muria's smile was even milder!

"What can we do?" Asked a juvenile warily.

"Just cooperate with my family to clear the wild beasts in the world."

"What's the use of this? Can it affect your battle with that evil god?"

"No." Muria answered their questions with a smile. "However, your actions can lead me to the deity of God faster."

"Uh, do you mean that evil **** is not in the world?"

当然 "Of course not, if he comes to your world. Your world should almost be destroyed."

那 "Then we ..." Hearing Muria's words, there were a few magic machines that made the eyes hesitant.

"Don't have any luck or other expectations of the evil gods that destroy the world. The evil gods will come down, but it will be a matter of time."

He seems to be able to see people's hearts in general. Muria sees clearly what these gods are thinking.

就 "Even if you do not slaughter the beast, when the beast destroys your world to a certain extent, the evil **** will still come."

"Is there no other choice?"

"This is the point ~ www.readwn.com ~ What else do you want to count on?" Muria raised an eyebrow. "I have already said that I am the savior of your world, and my battle with the evil **** will determine your world. In the future, I lost, and your world will fall into a dead end. If I win, your world will continue and you will have the opportunity to rebuild civilization. "

Uh ...

"Captain Soma, do you think what Fenrell said is true? Want to destroy the void gods of our world, and the Savior or something."

Among the convoys that Xun had begun to return to the base, on a armored vehicle, a **** machine envoy asked the most experienced and oldest Soma.

虽然 "Although I want to deny it, look at the powerful creatures named dragons above us."

Soma looked up at the sky. Above their team's heads, hundreds of majestic and elegant creatures were spreading their wings in the sky.

"How do you let me veto what is said to be disguised as Fenrir's existence?"

"He may be deceiving us."

"What is the significance of such existence to deceive us? Any of these dependents he summoned can wipe us out, and we are probably no different to him from the dust floating in the atmosphere."

"Then he said that it is true to help us transform the magic machine?"

"On the premise that everything that this being says is true, he is on the same level as the evil **** who wants to destroy our world, so it should be true."

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