Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1117: Do not look directly, do not listen, do not describe

"At this point, the patrolling convoy should be back, shall I? Let me see." A gunner looked around from the top of a turret on the steel city wall of the glory base city.

As a defensive soldier stationed inside the base, in most cases nothing is done. This is a fairly boring post, but there are special occasions.

When the wild beasts gathered and formed the beast tide to impact the base, their soldiers came in handy, but in this case, the usual boring occupations became high-risk occupations, and a little carelessness would lose their lives.

I have had few advantages in this special situation, and I have never encountered it once in a few years, so defense soldiers can be regarded as a relatively popular profession. After all, staying in the base city can never eat rice, and always do something.

"What's that?" The artillery rushing to find the patrol track because of boredom saw through his sights an unforgettable scene of his life.

A giant, majestic beast opened wide as if it could cover the sky with scarlet wings, flying from the end of the distant sky. Behind it, the beasts were similar to each other, but smaller beasts appeared one after another.

These beasts show what is powerful and what is strength. Every action of their powerful bodies is full of strong visual impact. At this time, they can see their gunners through the sight.

The gunner was stunned the moment he saw the dragons, and then he reacted and couldn't help but take a two-step backwards, his face turned out to be rash, and then he thought about him without hesitation. Red button.

The harsh warning sounded in the base city, and the red warning lights that people felt extremely uncomfortable turned on one after another.

报告 "Report, I detected an extremely powerful flying beast!"

He barely hesitated before ringing the alarm gunner, and immediately opened the connector to inform the senior base of the information he had just seen.

This reaction of the puppet gunner is very normal. In the world, except humans, they are wild animals. At this moment, these gigantic but majestic beasts know at a glance that it has nothing to do with their world. In this case, they must be wild animals, which need not be considered.

But then, what made the gunner even more wrong happened because he received an order from the base's command center,

"Keep on alert, without order, fire is prohibited."

"Then I just watched this?" The gunner asked incredulously. Although he knew that the laser cannon in front of the super-large flying beast had almost no lethality, it was too much for him to wait for death. Excessive.

"What you see is not a beast, it may be our allies, but we can't determine this, so please stay alert and remember, don't attack."

"No, you wait, ally?" The gunner stopped the liaison who told him the order, because he suspected that he had just heard it wrong, and he would hear such absurd words.

"Yes, but not sure yet."

After speaking, the liaison officer did not wait for the gunner's answer and hung up the communication. He had other gunners to notify. The soldiers who controlled the important firepower points must be notified one by one.

Holding a complex mood full of extreme absurdity, I felt like a soldier who had not yet woke up in my dream, and once again looked at the dragon group that was approaching in the distance through the sight on the laser cannon in front of him.

And this time, he found an armored convoy that was setting off a dust dragon on the ground. It was the patrol convoy he just wanted to find. At this time, the convoy was following the dragon group above the sky, maintaining almost the same speed. base.

"Not a beast?" At this time, the gunner remembered what the liaison had just said, and began to observe the dragon group carefully. At this time, he finally noticed that these beasts were different from any of the beast forms he remembered.

Either these are new breeds of unknown super-large beasts, or, as just said, these are their allies.

In theory, he should lean toward the former, but the armored troops below make him feel that the latter is more likely.

Because the wild beasts are their deadly enemies, their meeting is basically endless. Either you die or I live, but in most cases it is human beings.

But the unknown beasts he saw in front of him were in a state of peaceful coexistence with the armored troops below, and did not make the slightest gesture of attack.

Based on this, it seems that the beast identity of these giants can be denied, but it cannot be completely denied. But then, the scene observed by the gunner completely broke his three perceptions.

Because he saw through the sight the top of the giant beast with scarlet scales like armor, with a small figure standing between its horns.

"Fenrille?" The gunner read the name of this familiar figure in disbelief.

The glorious base city is not big or small, and there are only a few magic machines in it, which can basically be said to be well-known, and the new magic machine is even more impressive. .

"How can it be him? No, how can this boy stand in that position?" The gunner fell into a state of persecution and confusion, and now he had some doubts about reality.

"嗷!" Then the gunner grabbed the flesh on his thigh and twisted it hard, then he couldn't help screaming in pain, and concluded, "I'm not dreaming."

"But why is there such a thing?" After confirming that the reality in front of the eyes, the gunner was even more confused.

At this time, it was not just the gunners who were confused. All the soldiers who were just taking turns on the steel wall were in a state of intimidation, because the dragons in front of them were invisible unless they were blind.

Under the collective attention of all the defensive soldiers, their patrol troops sailed into the base city, and most of this unprecedented giant beast that followed the return of the patrol force stayed outside the base.

One of the most powerful scarlet scale beasts possessed a magic machine and entered the base. This caused great panic among the residents of the base.

In the face of an ancient Red Dragon, humans who do not possess extraordinary powers can feel the small and small feeling from the heart. This feeling makes them unable to bear it when they face such an extraordinary creature like a dragon. To bow down and worship.

This situation improved slightly after the base sent soldiers with sufficient psychological qualities to maintain order, and at the same time, after Muria let Auston conquer his coercion, it improved slightly, but the panic could not stop spreading.

But at this time, not only the people in the base were in panic, but the top of the base was also panic.

However, unlike ordinary people, these people can find a place to hide when they are panicking, and the high-level base must stand up to meet Muria who is riding this ancient Red Dragon.

Whether they are willing or not, this is their responsibility.

Uh ...

"Don't worry, I grew up in this base anyway, you are still very familiar with me." Seeing the slightly dignified conference room, Muria looked at the top of the base and smiled. , Broke the tranquility.

Suddenly, when hearing Muria's words, the high-level eyes of these bases suddenly revealed their mixed tastes. Through the communication with the magic machine involved in this patrol, they have understood the general ins and outs of this emergency.

They have realized that the seemingly immature boy named Fenrir is actually a horrible existence at the same level as the evil **** who wants to destroy them in the world.

The gesture in front of him was just his disguise, not his true face.

高层 Understanding these high-level bases, they couldn't help shuddering after thinking about them.

Because they remembered that they had lived with a horrible existence that could destroy them at any time in the past decades, and they were still ignorant about it. Until now, the other party took the initiative to reveal their identity, and they only knew.

"I don't know what we should call you?" The base commander carefully considered the sentence ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then asked.

"Fenrille, you still call me by this name, after all, you should all be used to it."

"This is not good, Fenrille should just be the name you used to disguise, can't you tell us, your real name?"

"You are so foolish that I want to laugh. As mortals, you asked an epic for his real name, do you want to die like that?" Standing behind Muria, he turned into a red-haired brawny Os Suddenly, when he heard the words of these weak and sad mortals, he immediately sneered and said.

"My lord, we don't understand what you mean." Just asking the name, the base commander who was laughed at was a little aggressive, but at the same time a little dissatisfied.

"My ants, you haven't figured out, what kind of existence do you face now?" Auston's head was full, his face was full of arrogance,

"Do not call it by name, listen to its voice, or look directly at its body. This is the existence you are facing now. Your Highness has deliberately suppressed your power and turned into such a lowly body to communicate with you. You must understand Be grateful and know what you should n’t ask. There are many things that you mortals cannot touch. "

"What would happen to your name if I knew Your Excellency?" With dissatisfaction, but also curious, a senior base officer couldn't help asking.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time you will be violent on the spot, and there is still a one-percent chance that you can become your Highness's dependents, but the lowest one."

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