Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1122: We are becoming monsters

"Wait, I didn't understand what you meant, fist against the beast?" When the soldier asked his son, the man was suddenly shocked. He looked at the soldier with the look of a lunatic,

"You mean to let my son have the power to compete with the wild beast without using the magic machine?"

"It's completely correct." The soldier gave him a thumbs up at the man. "Don't look at me with this look. I'm not crazy. I know that for you scavengers, you don't rely on God's machine, only on yourself It's incredible to fight against the beasts directly, but in fact, our glorious base city already has such technology. "

"So that's why you want to pick up scavengers?" After the initial shock, the man settled down to think about it, and found that if the brilliant base city really possessed this technology, its behavior of recruiting scavengers without a bottom line would appear Somewhat reasonable.

不是 "No, the reason why we arbitrarily pick up scavengers like you is because of a savior's order."

"Savior?" The man took a step back. Although his character was more fierce, he was still more afraid of a crazy man with a problem in his head.

He stared through the cabin to the ground below, thinking about his chances of survival if he jumped down with his son at this time.


At this moment, a roaring voice filled with incomparable majesty and unusually thick sounded, and the man saw a huge beast emitting blue light, dragging a light trace clearly visible to the naked eye, flying over not far away .

虽然 Although the monster was far away from them, because the body was too large, the man could see it clearly. He watched the monster leaning over his head and glanced at them.

This is the glance, which makes the man take a step back, and then sits on the ground with his buttocks, his body shaking. Other people's ruthlessness does not prevent him from feeling scared when he sees an existence enough to make him easily die.

"Praise the great green dragon ... when your wings are open, the sky will turn blue ..."

Just when the man felt that he was about to die, he suddenly heard an almost crazy voice in his ear, and he turned his head along the voice.

发现 He found the crazy soldier who was kneeling on the ground at this moment, with some words of praise in his mouth. Of course, in the eyes of a man, this meant that the soldier was completely crazy.

"Why do you pose like this? If you want to worship, kneel like me, don't sit on the ground."

"Why should I bow down to a beast that will kill me anytime?"

"Oh, I forgot to explain it to you. It was an ancient dragon, not a beast." The soldier knelt on the ground, explaining to those scavengers who had been scared by the ancient green dragon that had just passed.

"I said, brother, is there anything wrong with you here?" A scavenger nodded his head, with a look of panic, "So big a monster, not a beast, what else?"

"That's the saviour's dependents." The soldier explained patiently. "In our base city, the magic machine has retreated to the second line and does not participate in the battle. The ones who really protect our base are the existence of dragons and beasts. They are vulnerable to them. "

"Wait a minute, you mean you just flew by, but in fact the guardian of your base city?"


"This monster, no, this dragon, how many bases do you have?" The ancient green dragon has disappeared from the man's field of vision, he stared at the light band in the air for a long time, and then asked the soldier.

想 He thinks he knows why the brilliant base city behaves differently from the rest of the base cities in the world. When things go wrong, there must be demons. This base city really has something that other base cities do not have.

"There are 109 in total!"

"How many?"

"109, is there any problem?"

"How can your glorious base cities support so many beasts? Do n’t they need to eat like wild animals?"

"Yes, of course, dragons don't need to eat. Otherwise, our base city would already be famine. How could they still contain you? And not only do they not need to eat, they also solve our food problem."

"They also solved the grain, are they so good?" The man's face was hesitant, and he pointed to the thorn bush below, "These are also planted by them?"

"Yes, only they can make plants grow on the land, otherwise, this broken world where the sun has disappeared, how can we grow these useless things on a large scale?"

"It is possible to re-grown plants on the ground without the aid of any instruments. Isn't this the same as God? These things are useless to us humans, and supplementation is not necessarily for these dragons."

The man stood up from the ground, then touched his chin, with deep vigilance hidden in his eyes. This was his instinct after he survived in the wilderness for a long time.

他 In his eyes, no one in this world will show favor to others for no reason. Once he shows favor, there must be some conspiracy.

"Have you asked the dragon why they planted these plants?"

"Inquired, they said that our world was destroyed too much by those wild animals, and the remaining species are too monotonous to form an ecological cycle, so they need to help our world rebuild the ecological chain."

"It sounds like a good thing, but I always think there is something wrong." The man's eyebrows frowned tightly, forming a Sichuan pattern.

"Hey boy, you just said that this brother is crazy, I think you are really crazy, think about it all day and think that anyone will hurt you, now this world-breaking path can live and have food It ’s not easy to eat, what do you want to do so much? "

As the man thought, a scavenger who boarded with him said with a smile.

The man heard someone laughing at himself, turned his head to look at her, and then turned his head silently, and bothered to ignore him. In his opinion, it was better to die clearly than to live a life full of life.

After thinking for a while, the man gave up thinking, because now he received too little information, even if he wanted to break his head, he would not know the answer.

Give up thinking, let the man open his mind and start to appreciate the scenery below. After discovering that the transport plane has flown for a while, at the end of the horizon, a base city that is expanding outside appears.

与 此 At the same time, the slightly proud voice of the soldiers on the aircraft also sounded. "Welcome to the glorious base city, everyone, starting today, you are a member of the base city."

At this time, both the father and son, and another team of scavengers, have been shocked by the base city in front of them.

I was shocked that they were not the size of the base city, or the buildings, but the residents, or guardians, of the base city, because these fantasy creatures were beyond their imagination.

"What are these?" With the landing of the transport plane, the man with his son across thousands of miles of wilderness just stared at a giant eighteen meters tall.

Even the man who was able to run away with his son without any change in the face of the beast's chase, can't help but change color at this moment.

Because the giant in front of him had bigger eyes than his head, it once again severely impacted the three views he had reshaped after the end of the world. Because the giant creature of the same form is far more shocking than the monster, it gives people a greater sense of shock.

"This is what I just told you, the savior's family." The soldier calmly looked at the giant who had just passed by their airport. Although I was shocked when I saw the giants at first, I got used to it when I saw too much.

"It's time for you to go down. There will be someone to receive you later. We still have tasks. Every day there are many scavengers like you going here."

In the urging of the soldiers, the man took his son and several scavengers off the transport plane, and then looked around with shock. He wondered at this time if he was still in his original world.

"Well, this time the scavenger actually has children? It's not easy, who is his relative?"

A group of people in work clothes came to them, and then looked at the children with some surprise.

"I am." The man stood up.

"You are good, a qualified father." The leader praised the man and was able to carry a burdensome person in the last days with a burden, and had a strong sense of responsibility.

"You stand here, even if you join our glorious base, then you will live in the base level ~ www.readwn.com ~ adapt for a period of time, and then we will arrange work for you according to your performance and ability, this No opinion at all! "


很好 "Very good, by the way, I will tell you in advance that during your adaptation period, your body will undergo some special changes. Don't be surprised, these are normal."

"I want to ask, what will change?"

"Everyone is different. When the time comes for change, you will understand."

Uh ...

"Abba, my body is green." A crying voice sounded in the small room, and the man immediately broke into his son's room.

"what happened?"

"I have a strange thing on my belly."

让 "Let me see." The man lifted off his son's clothes, and then saw a few tiny cyan scales growing on his stomach.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain."

"Do you have any other feelings?"

"No." The child shook his head, then hesitated, "I feel like I'm stronger."

那就 "It's okay." The man smiled and stroked his son's forehead. "This change is normal, don't be afraid. We are just becoming monsters."

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