Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1223: Advent

"Will we become monsters?" The child's face was terrified when he heard his father's words.

For young children, but for children who already know enough about their human identities. It's a terrible thing to become an inhuman monster.

"Don't be afraid, this is not a bad thing, and Dad is just like you." Men comfort their children. Not only his son, but also his body.

However, compared to the obvious changes in the growth of his son's green scales, the changes on his body appear very hidden. He has only become taller. So far, the changes on his body are not obvious, only a few centimeters taller. .

If it wasn't for his sensitivity, he wouldn't even notice the change in himself.

"Abba, do you grow scales?"

"No, Dad just got taller." The man touched his son's head.

"It looks the same as before." The child was a little puzzled, and he couldn't see how different his father was by a few centimeters.

"The change is very light. Just like you, I just grow a few centimeters tall."

"It's not fair. I don't want to grow scales. I also want to grow as tall as Abba."

"We have no way of deciding this kind of thing, and our change is only just beginning. Now I may look like a human, but after a while, I will also become a non-human monster."

那 "What do we all end up with?"

"This is not clear, we should be the first humans in the world to become monsters, so what will become like, only that savior can say clearly."

The man smiled. In a short period of time when he entered the base city, he had touched the general situation of the base city and tried to collect all the information he could get.

"This change is generally moving in a good direction. The only flaw is that we will no longer be able to live as humans in this world."

"Can't he be a human?" The child curled up, a little blank in his eyes. He didn't know what it meant, but in his father's mouth, the change was good.

不要 "Don't be confused. There is no room for ordinary humans to survive in the present or future world, but as a monster, you can continue to live."

的 The man who has been living in the wilderness for a long time knows very clearly how weak ordinary humans are when facing wild animals, even the smallest wild animal.

No matter how smart and fierce he is, after encountering the beast, he can only try his best to escape. Such encounters make men feel unusually aggrieved.

Wizard encountered such a result when he encountered barbarism, which made men extremely unwilling. Before entering the glorious base city, men can only hold this unwillingness to the bottom of their hearts.

He did not have the qualification to become a magic machine, he was unable to wield the magic machine, so he was unwilling anyway, but after entering the brilliant base city, he saw enough to let himself vent his dissatisfaction and humiliation and show himself Talent opportunity.

Get rid of human identity and turn into a monster, he will have the power to contend with the wild beast, this is what he dreamed of. So for the changes that happened to him, he didn't have much resistance, even very happy.

Uh ...

"Thirteen base cities, too few." In the empty silver-white metal palace, Muria was carrying his hands, looking at the locations of the thirteen base cities marked on the electronic map in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this is a matter of no means. Our human strength is really too weak. At the beginning, the base cities that had links with our glorious base cities were as many as three figures, but after 27 years, After the passage of time, these are all left. "

所以 "So, I sent my relatives to take over those base cities. How much resistance should they not have?" Muria turned and looked at the base commander in front of which the faint golden scales had appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, the ancient dragons you sent to take over, if you can prove that they are not a beast, you can definitely take over any base city."

"Oh? You're so sure. I don't need to say how strong human rights are. Can you guarantee that every person in power in Al-Qaida can lay down his rights?"

His Majesty, "Of course, if it is a peaceful era, I dare not guarantee it, but in this era of disillusionment, the pressure on the person in power is far greater than what he will enjoy."

的 Humans kneeling down on the ground along the body's instincts, no, already non-human commanders, respectfully said,

"Before you took over the glorious base city, I was under more pressure than any human being.

每天 I'm worried every day whether there will be wild beasts gathering in undetectable places, forming a tide of beasts, preparing to attack the base city, and worrying about whether the food in the base city is enough. I am worried that there will be a magic machine to die during the patrol ...

Before going to bed every night, I have to take some medicines, because under these pressures, I often have the urge to commit suicide. My location seems to enjoy the best, but I can easily One person is driving crazy. "

"Where are you now?" Seeing the following human commander, Muria, who has begun a dragon phenomenon, can't help but slightly twitch upwards, where can't he hear that this guy is secretly slapping him .

"I don't need any medicine, I can sleep very peacefully now." The commander kneeling on the ground once again lowered his head deeply and touched the metal ground,

所以 "So, Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about any issues of taking over the base city, no matter which base city you are, your family will be welcome."

"Is it? You can see all the changes that have taken place after my family members settled in the base city. Once my family members take over all the base cities in the world, as time goes by, the human race will disappear, Can you accept the consequences? "

"This result is completely acceptable. Humans will disappear, but only the name will disappear. All humans will evolve into higher levels of life and continue to thrive in this world."

"Your thoughts are good."

"Strong physique, longer life, even the power to fight against the wild beasts ... No one of these humans will refuse."

"Yeah, no one will refuse."

Uh ...


In the sky, the thunder was flashing, the wind was sweeping from all directions, and the plants and trees on the ground fell, and then between the earth and the sky, a hazy vaguely appeared.

Over time, the ghost image gradually became clear. It was a world that looked beautiful, mountains, plains, hills, rivers and lakes ... all terrains were everything and looked vibrant.

In this seemingly illusory world, a giant tree that seems to prop up the entire sky stands, haunting the vigorous vitality clearly visible to the naked eye.

"The eternal life tree of the elven tribe, you have grown so big!"

"I apply more fat to it, so it looks so good." Hearing the praise of the girl beside him, Muria, standing in the air, responded with a smile.

If someone dares to turn the dirt under the tree of eternal life in his half plane, he will find all the strangely shaped corpses except the thin layer of soil for the cover above and the root of the eternal tree.

Jain is a demon corpse from the bottomless abyss. In Muria's consciousness, this is the best and cheapest fertilizer available.

所以 "So, what exactly do you want now?" Miguelella, who was found by Muria from a base city, asked curiously and helplessly.

发现 She found that her husband's thoughts were really clear and strange. Obviously this reincarnation was to investigate the situation, slaughter his family members, persecute the evil **** to appear, and then fight one.

But under the actions of her husband's series, this time, the battle-based birth was smashed into a farm by him.

To be honest, when she saw Muria with a group of ancient dragons and giants, planting trees in this small world, she was quite shocked. She felt that her three views were strongly impacted.

Fortunately, as a descendant of the Blazing Gods, Michelangela is far from being comparable to some ordinary ancient dragons. After a little thought, she guessed some of Muria's intentions ~ www.readwn.com ~ you Don't you see clearly? "Muria, who is opening her own half-plane entrance, is trying to approach the world.

"But I can't understand your intentions."

"Really can't understand?" Muria crooked her head, this time he and Michelangela were both reincarnated bodies and did not release the true body. Epic just exists, for some worlds, it is a natural disaster.

"You have seen everything I have done in this world, and you should be very clear about my intentions."

"Don't you think you're doing something crazy?" Michelangela was silent for a moment, then slowly uttered her voice.

Muria was shocked by her greed, and it was not long before she swallowed up an epic power for resurrection, and now she had a world idea.

"Not crazy, investment is not big, risk is limited, feasibility is high, and the return is generous. In this case, why don't I do it?" Muria asked in return.

"This is a world, not a half plane." Michelangela sighed weakly.

"A world on the verge of destruction, you see, even if I call my half-plane to come here, its rejection is only to this extent, which shows that the world is accepting me, and my thinking is no problem."

Muriya pointed at the half-plane phantom almost wrapped by the lowered Thunder ...

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