Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1124: Mop war

"... Ah." Looking at the thunder that fell from the sky before him, Muria gave a cough to ease his embarrassment.

"Do you think this is not enough?" Michelangela looked into the sky, and as the half-plane descended, the world's shadow became clearer and more dense, and said quietly.

"Well, I admit that the world's exclusion is much stronger than I thought." Muria, who had intended to open a constant entrance to the half plane in a small world, said helplessly.

发现 He found that things were more difficult than he expected, far less easy than he imagined, which made Muria feel a bit of shame.

After all, this time he deliberately shouted Miguelella. He was going to show a wave of operations in front of his wife, and finally fell off the chain.

"But I still have no problem trying to open the entrance, it just costs more than expected."

Although it feels difficult, Muria will never say to give up in front of Michelangela, how could he say no to his wife.

"Muria, it's enough, it's not the right time. If you forcibly open the gate of the half plane, it will only lead to the malice of the world, which is counterproductive."

"Okay." Now that his wife talked, how could Muria not accept the good words, he quickly gave up opening the half-plane entrance.

As a result, the world's gradually clear vision between heaven and earth quickly disappeared, and the thunder that shone in the dim sky quickly dissipated, and everything was back to normal.

哪里 "Where is the problem?" Seeing that this attempt did not achieve the expected results, Muria frowned and thought, "No!"

He has included all the known base cities in the world into his management. In each base city, he has sent at least two dragons led by ancient dragons and an uneven number of giant legions to guard him.

这 And this is equivalent to Muria has ruled over 90% of the surviving humans in this world.

Because the guardians sent by Muria deliberately for these base cities exist, these human beings are receiving the blood vein radiation from the ancient dragons and giants all the time.

In other words, all the surviving humans in this world are being transformed into dragons and giants, or both. But this is not important, what is important is that the number of humans in this world is indeed getting smaller and smaller in a sense.

And the root of this change lies in Muria, and he did more than that. He also asked his Majesty the giants and ancient dragons to plant trees and rebuild the ecological cycle in this world where species extinction had occurred.

This may sound like a good thing, but it is not. Because the world is eroded by evil gods, its sun, or the law representing the sun, has almost collapsed, so this world has lost sunlight. Even in the daytime, it is overcast with very low visibility.

这 And this means that plants that can grow back in this declining world need not only sunlight, but also extremely terrifying viability.

There is no such plant in this world, so the ecosystem that Muria reconstructed for this world is all based on the extraordinary plants he stored in the half plane.

These extraordinary plants also have a certain degree of relationship with him. Powerful creatures will change the surrounding environment. Assimilation of nearby creatures will also change plants.

In other words, the extraordinary plants planted by Muria in this destructive world also have characteristics similar to those of their families.

Then, under the passage of time, in this world, all intelligent creatures and plants, all spiritual things, have been labeled with Muria.

这 And this also means that the will of the world, which was born on the basis of spirits in the world, has also been labeled with Muria. Even if it is not under his control, it will have a high bias for him.

According to Muria's expectations, this should have been the case, so there is his current behavior. But the reality is like a girl, he just slapped him and told him that he can't take the next step.

"Muriya, have you forgotten why you can act so arrogantly in this world?"

When he saw Muria who was thinking hard, Miguelella sighed, "Because the world has been eroded by evil gods, and it longs for salvation, you can summon your family members so easily."

"I understand where the problem is." After hearing Michelangela's words, Muria raised an eyebrow and a smile appeared on his face. He thought about the crux of the problem.

He was able to summon his family members in large numbers, indeed because the world was eager to save, but he was able to plant trees so easily, but because all the ecological chains in this world were destroyed.

Because the plants in this world cannot adapt to the world after the drastic changes in the environment, they are all extinct. Because there is no suppression of native plants, he can plant trees so easily. Otherwise, under the suppression of the laws of the world, he comes from a different place. How can the extraordinary plants of the world grow so easily.

"where is the problem?"

"These are the relatives of evil gods. The largest number in the world is not humans, but the relatives of evil gods. Their existence has affected the will of the world."

瑞 Murya, who understands the problem, has a naked eye. "So, killing them all will do everything I expect."

"What excitement are you doing, isn't this something you should have done long ago?" Michelangela looked at Muria in surprise.

He shouted "Cough." Muria, who was so embarrassed when he heard his wife's words, suddenly hesitated and coughed again awkwardly.

He said one thing. When he discovered that a world could be obtained, even the relatives of the evil gods were left behind by Muria. He did not pay attention to these monsters.

"I'm going to prepare the legion now and wipe out all the dependents in this world."

Uh ...

Huh! Boom! Boom!

As more than a dozen behemoths walked, the earth trembled with the frequency of their movement, and the child poked his head out of the tree house and looked at the giant who walked not far away, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Abba, come and see, these giants seem to be doing something." I found that the giants I saw before were different from the giants I often saw, and they called on their fathers.

"They are going to fight." With the call of the child, a strong man appeared soon, and he stared at the giant who shuttled in the woods, his eyes staring with dignity.

"Fight? With whom?" There were already faint scaly children on both sides of his cheeks, and he raised his head curiously. There was a sharp protrusion in the center of his forehead.

"Who else can it be? Of course a beast."

"Wild beast." The child stunned for a moment, then fell into a whisper. For him, the wild beast has existed for quite a long time, and he no longer remembers how long he has not seen those monsters that have been eaten by others .

It seems that since he entered the glorious base city, he has never seen those monsters again. He only knows that from that day on, his life is getting better and better, except that his body is constantly undergoing weak changes every day. Other than that, everything is very good.

"Only those monsters in the world deserve to be their opponents." The man looked at the giants who kept passing by their wooden house. He looked very closely, and he could see dragons flying in the distant sky, and The directions of these dragons are also consistent with the giants.

"The war about future destiny is about to begin." The man looked at the scene in front of him, thinking to himself that hesitation appeared on his face, but soon the hesitation on his face disappeared, showing firmness.

"Ann, you stay at home, I will go out for a while."

"Abba, what are you going to do?" The child asked, looking up at his father who was getting taller and taller.

"As a human, participate in this war that determines the fate of the world." The man uttered a powerful voice, turned and walked into the wooden house, then carried a large sword that was as high as his three-meter-high body. This is a magic weapon.

可 "But we are no longer humans."

"Appearance is not important. As long as we can identify with human beings, then we are still human." The man leapt forward and jumped out of a wooden house ten meters above the ground.

As the physical variation between him and his son became more and more obvious, he followed the current and followed the residents who originally lived in the base city to move out of the base city and live in a wooden house outside the city.

It is said to be outside the city, but its degree of security is actually no different from that in the city ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition, the houses built in the base city to the standard human body are not suitable for living, so more and more residents Moved out.

"Abba, I'll go with you."

"Stop, you stay here for me and wait for me to come back." The man looked back at his son who was about to jump down. "If you died with me on the battlefield, wouldn't I be extinct? You leave me Will it not work later? "

"But we don't look like fathers and sons now, I look like you picked them up." The child muttered in a low voice when he heard the words of his father.

"Fart, if you are my son, I still don't know, and talk to me less, and stay honest with me." He was laughed at immediately when he heard what his son said.

"Oh." The child seemed to be honest, but he did not consciously avoid his father's eyes, but exposed his true thoughts.

"Oh." The man saw his son's gesture, squinted his eyes, thought about nothing but turned around, following the huge footprint left by a giant on the ground and chasing after ...

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