Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1125: Scarlet World

Several mountain giants wearing metal heavy armor, holding different heavy weapons, walking on the ground, each step they left will leave deep footprints on the ground, but after they walked, the surroundings of these footprints The soil is automatically backfilled.

But the land after the backfilling will still leave a huge footprint in the shape of a footprint, and this will facilitate the tracking of some bold or unwilling humans.

"Human, what are you doing here?"

Soon, a mountain giant found a human who was jumping forward in the trees around him, or strictly, a half-giant.

"Grand Lord, what are you going to do?" The man who followed up did not answer the giant's question, but asked the mountain giant instead.

"Human, this has nothing to do with you, don't follow us anymore." The first to discover that the man's mountain giant did not have any emotional ups and downs because of his words, and he warned the half-giant indifferently.

"You are going to participate in a war, right? My purpose is the same as you, rest assured, I will not hinder you."

"You are too weak, human, go back, this is not something you should be involved in." But when the man said that he wanted to participate in the war, the giant did not react, after all, he was just human.

"This is the war that determines our human destiny. How can I avoid it?" The determined man jumped on the trees of Qiyi, following the giant footsteps that seemed slow and fast.

When I saw the man, he didn't listen to the advice at all. The mountain giant who first found the man and talked to him for a few words simply ignored him and left him to follow.

For the disregard of giants, the man shook the magic machine in the handshake, and there was no special emotion in his heart. He understood that his strength was too great to differ from these giants.

He is now trying his best to barely keep up with the giant speed of walking. Therefore, it is normal for the Giant to ignore him, and strength determines whether he has more or less right to speak.

The cricket man was so desperately following this group of mountain giants that the action speed was the slowest among giants. On the way, he saw more and more giants.

At the same time, he found that the number of dragons flying in the sky also increased rapidly with the passage of time. At first, he could only see dragons flying from the sky from time to time.

But then, he saw that the time interval between the dragons was getting shorter and shorter. In the end, he simply saw the dragons flying through the sky one by one, forming a group of dragons.

"It's a big scene!" The man couldn't help but admire the magnificent scenes that ordinary people would never see in their lives.

人类 "Humans, come up, stand on my shoulders, don't accidentally be killed by other giants."

Then, at this moment, a voice that made the man feel surprised was the mountain giant who ignored him all the way.

"Are you talking to me?" The man couldn't help but glanced around. Make sure no one else is next to you.


"But ..." The man's face became awkward, he was a bit confused, why he was so cold to himself, or the giant who had no emotion at all, suddenly changed his attitude.

"Your persistent spirit moved me. At this point, I recognize you, human." The mountain giant saw the doubt on the man's face, "On the battlefield, you can fight with me side by side."

"Let me stand on your shoulder for a while. On the battlefield, you can fight as you like, regardless of me."

Hearing the reason why the giant recognized himself, the man's mouth unconsciously smiled.

Although he was telling in his mind that he should be expressionless now, this would maximize the dignity he had just lost.

But unfortunately his body's instinctual response says it all, and being recognized by a higher level of life is indeed something to be pleased with.

"I will." Hearing the man, the Mountain Giant responded very upright. He recognized him for his man's persistent behavior, but protecting him on the battlefield was another matter.

"Eh." Hearing the giant's response, the smile on the man's face froze. He was a little embarrassed, and a little disappointment rose in his mind.

"Come." The mountain giant stretched out his man's palm, completely wrapped in steel. So the man stood on the giant's broad shoulders. Then he saw shocking scenes that would impress him all his life.

The giants in armor gathered from all sides of the earth. During the march, there was no command. They relied on each other to form a regular army array, and their legs were raised and stepped down It looks like one person.

The earth trembled at the feet of the giants that formed the legion. This was a real tremor, not an adjective. Men saw the earth shaking with their own eyes.

In the sky, the dragon also formed a very shocking charge formation. Between the wings of the instigator, a long-lasting rainbow was left. Their bodies are much harder than most of the world. The scales shone with elemental light.

Before long, the man standing on the giant's shoulder raised his eyes and looked around. He suddenly found that the giant was standing full of time around him, no matter which direction he looked, all were warlike giants.

The sky was obscured by the wings of the dragons. He could not see the dark clouds above the sky.

Suddenly, at this moment, the man suddenly saw a bright golden light that made some eyes couldn't be opened.

After the appearance of the golden light, it quickly spread and formed a golden beam of light that linked the heavens and the earth. Then, a mighty coercion came from above the beam of light.

Then, the man watched openly, starting from the position of the golden beam of light, the giants fell to the ground like a wheat field blown by the wind.

Soon, it was his turn to stand on the mountain giant, and he didn't care much about the giant. He also knelt down on the ground with Da Liu, and worshiped at the far end, even the unseen appearance.

This giant kneel of the giant, the man also fell directly from his shoulder to the ground, but fortunately he was prepared, after a few circles in the air, he stood firmly on the ground.

When he thought about what to do next, he suddenly discovered that the giant who had just said he recognized him, although his head didn't move, his eyes turned around and stared at him tightly.

"Kneel down!" Although the giant didn't speak, the man saw the meaning he wanted to express from his eyes. The man looked in all directions, so he also knelt down in response to his own impulse to rise. On the ground.

After kneeling, the man suddenly heard a majestic and strong voice sounded in his ear, and after hearing this voice, the man unconsciously adjusted his posture to make his kneeling posture more respectful. .

Not long before kneeling, the man suddenly felt that the coercion that made him want to respect and obey worship had disappeared, and then he saw the giants around him standing up one after another from the ground, including the one behind him. Famous mountain giant.

"What was that?" The man asked, turning back to the mountain giant, his eyes blank. He had just heard the sound, but he hadn't heard what the sound was saying.

"The Lord has come." The Mountain Giant glanced at the man with a little admiration, then leaned down, grabbed him, and placed it on his shoulder.

"Master? It should be the so-called savior." The man standing on the giant's shoulder thought to himself.

He looked at the place where the golden light appeared, but found that the bright golden light had disappeared. He remembered the coercion that had just appeared after seeing the golden light, leaving only awe in his heart, without any thoughts, that was mortal. After that, there is no second option except worship.

"The war is about to begin, but you do n’t have to worry. With the existence of the master, the victory of the war will belong to us." The giant looked at the soulless man, thinking that he was timid, and soothed the man, and then began to march Giant Legion moves.

Uh ...


The scaled red dragon roared in the sky, and a pair of strong and powerful front claws grasped a flying beast close to it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Opened with rows of sharp dragon teeth , Biting the flesh on his chest fiercely, tearing it off, chewing it and swallowing it.

The wild beast also screamed, but it did not show weakness. Its mouth opened, condensing an orange-yellow light cannon with a devastating atmosphere, and banged on the red dragon's body. .

At the same time, when two giant beasts slaughtered in the sky, a green dragon flashing the light of the bright green element joined the battle.

It roared, and then exhaled a strong corrosive breath, banging on the beast slaughtered with the red dragon, corroding its small half of the body to blur the flesh and blood, exposing the white skeleton, exuding bad smell Stench.

With the addition of the green dragon, this flying beast, like a nightmare to humans, was torn into a pile of flesh in the sky by these two evil dragons in a short time.

Such scenes abound on this battlefield in the sky. Compared to the wild beasts, dragons occupy absolute individual advantage. The dragons who have received 120 years of compulsory education broke out after forming an army. The combat effectiveness is absolutely beyond any imagination.

The body is strong, and the dragons sprayed with various dragon breaths fight fiercely with the beasts in the sky. Blood, bones, minced meat, scale armor ... In the "storm" sky dominated by the body tissues of the beasts Falling, smashing on the head of the giant who was slaughtered by the tide of land beasts, rendering the earth and the sky, everything is red ...

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