Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1127: Approaching Evil God


The hard dragon teeth directly pierced the exoskeleton that transcended most of the metal in the material world, and penetrated deeply into the flesh. Then a large piece of flesh was torn apart, mixed with the blood that weakened the power of the evil god. Flying in the air.

But the blood is not pulled down by gravity, because there is a force stronger than gravity that acts on these blood that is full of erosive force. It is a big mouth of blood, and one is hungry. Gulong's mouth was going crazy.

The ancient black dragon who tore a piece of flesh from the family of the legendary evil **** did not even chew. He swallowed the flesh directly, so he was not satisfied, and sprayed his mouth open on the wound of the beast in front of him. Swallowed all his blood.

这些 The things he eats are extremely dangerous for the creatures under the legend, even for some ordinary legends, and they will be eroded and lost their self if they are careless.

But after the ancient black dragon swallowed these, there was nothing unusual. Instead, the breath also climbed up a bit. It seemed that after swallowing the flesh of the family of the evil god, it was digested instantly.

The dragon is born above the thousands of creatures, and is the top predator entrenched at the top of the food chain. The newly born young dragon can digest most substances, including dirt, and this horrible digestive ability is not a dragon. The limits of the class, their digestive capacity will increase with their strength.

古 This ancient black dragon dared to swallow the flesh of an evil **** relative whose strength is comparable to him, just because he has enough confidence, he is also a family of assimilated epics!

In accordance with his past experience, the black dragon who was madly distanced from the core battlefield looked at the battle in horror. No, the scene in front of him could no longer be called a battle. This was simply eating.

At the same time that the strength of the ancient black dragon hit by the golden stars has soared, his body has also increased, which has led him to need external materials to supplement his fast-growing body, which directly puts him into the most violent hunger state of the dragon.

这种 In this state, the dragon generally reacts across its age range, its strength has risen sharply, and it only appears after waking up from a deep sleep.

Taikoo Dragons basically no longer have a dormant period, their sleep is just pure sleep, and can no longer grow as fast as before.

He is the ancient black dragon in front of him. His strength has soared much more than the dragon's dormant period, which has led to its terrible demand for food.

The black dragon dared to swear that if there were no such relatives of the evil gods, the elder of his own tribe would even devour the same kind under the drive of hunger.

This kind of terrifying dragon has heard things. It has happened more than once in the history of the dragon race. Hunger is a very scary thing. Extreme hunger is enough to destroy the wisdom of all intelligent beings.

"Fortunately, there are these evil **** relatives standing up." Black Dragon watched his fellow elders eating, and suddenly he felt a sense of luck.

When he was eating, his elder ignored the attacks of all the relatives of the evil gods in front of him. The only way he attacked was to eat. After being hurt, the only reaction was to open his mouth wider and tear more of the relatives of the evil gods. Flesh and blood.

The recovery rate of the wound after the supplementation of the material he obtained by eating exceeds the speed of the wound caused by the attack. It is a scene that looks unusually funny, and the Black Dragon wants to laugh.

But after laughing, the black dragon found some sourness in his heart, and some wanted just lemon, so terrible digestion and recovery ability, which dragon did not want to have?

"Star of Wu." Heilong murmured softly, the original vague concept became clear, because now he has a very clear understanding of the so-called Star of Wu, he knows that after obtaining the star of Wu, he will get How to improve.

"With Muria's mind, this promotion should have no sequelae, and he will not do exhaustive work for us."

The black dragon began to think silently. Although other dragons said that his brain was full of muscles, he felt that he still had a brain.

"It's cruel!" While thinking, Black Dragon looked at the core battlefield, and then sighed.

周围 Around the ancient black dragon that gained the strength of Wu Zhixing and soared, even the other ancient dragons fighting alongside him were unconscious, or intentionally distanced from him to avoid being accidentally injured by him.

Because it is useless to talk to a courageous dragon who is hungry at this time, he took a sip at this time, but he couldn't find any reason.

However, while these ancient dragons distanced themselves from their black dragon companions, they also fought harder because they were also excited.

At the Gulong stage, every step of improvement in strength has become more and more difficult. Sometimes, when you are nearly a hundred times harder when you are young, you can't see a little improvement.

A great opportunity is now in front of them, how could they not fight for it?

Although they can figure out how to improve their strength in this way, even if there are no sequelae, there are also restrictions on it. For example, they cannot betray, they can only obey His Majesty Muria's order, but this defect is relative to the improved It's nothing, not even a flaw.

Uh ...

"This is it?" On the battlefield, almost close to the position of world barriers, Michelangela looked at Muria with surprise.

At this time, Muria, who still holds the reincarnation of mankind, constantly overflowed with golden qi. These qi condensed into a magnificent sea of ​​clouds, and in this sea of ​​clouds, one after another A dazzling star condensed out, exuding waves of distorted space.

"This is the martial arts law, my unexpected gain in a world." Seeing Miguella's doubts, Muria explained with a smile.

At this time, the reason why this Yunhai Fa phase is different from the Fa which he cultivated in the reincarnation body is because this Fa phase is cultivated from his own deity.

Because of the blood, some slight changes have occurred in the Fa phase. After all, the basis of martial arts law, Qi, is transformed from Qi and blood.

"This allows you to give power directly to your dependents?" For the title of the phase of the law, Michelangela didn't care, it was just a name, it just cared about the role of the phase of law.

刚刚 She just saw firsthand that Muria just picked a star born from a sea of ​​clouds, then threw it down, and smashed it onto an ancient dragon, and then this ancient dragon instantly transformed.


"You condense so many stars, once you give them all to your dependents, won't your power be weakened because of this?" Miguelella expressed doubts about Muria's behavior.

"A large number of grants will certainly be weakened in the short term, but in the long run, my strength will even increase."

Muriya smiled and described to her in detail the characteristics of martial arts that she cultivated in the world of Xingjia.

"Since giving stars can enhance your power, why do you want your family members to use their combat power in exchange?"

Michalella looked up and down Muria, although at first glance, Muria gave each other the martial arts stars, which can achieve mutual benefit and win-win

But if you analyze it carefully, you will find that Muria is the pure beneficiary, and the side given the stars is in the exploited state, but the benefits he gets will make him hardly care that he is the exploited side. .

"Easily obtained things will not be cherished. This is the inferiority of biology. Only those things that have been obtained through hard work will be treated well, even if they are useless."

Muria returned with his hands on his back, calmly. He is in a good mood now, because he has made breakthrough progress in martial arts.

Now he only needs a period of time to be able to further integrate the power of all his family members, and his combat power will rise by this time.

There are also battle formations in the Erasian world that can unite with their families. However, this battle formation has certain limitations. First, the candidates who form the battle formation must have a deep relationship with those who receive blessings from the battle formation. It also takes a long time to train.

However, this aspect of Falun Gong accidentally cultivated by Muria is different. After giving his dependents Martial Arts Star ~ www.readwn.com ~, after a period of time, he can ignore the distance and directly extract his strength and bless himself.

"This is not the reason why you are exploiting your family members," Michelangela said flatly.

"I haven't exploited it, it's just a kind of experience. As their master, I can't increase their power for nothing, at least they should give me a proper reason!"

"I don't argue with you, you are justified anyway."

Uh ...

In the dark and cold void, a large body, like a floating land, senses that the number of dependents on the other side of the shore is rapidly decreasing, and the indifferent atmosphere has become even colder.

If there is a sound of wailing wailing on the body of this being, the sound comes from a fog of black and gray curse, which is the sound that mortals cannot listen to.

Because this is the world curse formed by the mourning and despair of thousands of souls at the time of the world's destruction, but this curse can't cause any harm to the culprit who destroyed the world. Instead, it entangles him and becomes a weapon for him.

Woo ————

I felt that the fruit that was about to ripen was suddenly taken away, and the angry evil **** made an extremely weird cry.

Suddenly, a raging monster flood surged out of the world below it, densely packed, squeezing the void around him. Then this behemoth swept over his dependents' legion, swimming towards the place where the food that should have belonged to it had been taken away.

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