Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1128: The last stubbornness of the world

"Shall we not go up to help?"

The man stood on the shoulders of the mountain giants, watching the fierce battle in front of him, the battlefield with blood falling like rain, and some emotions asked, he was infected by the iron and blood atmosphere on the battlefield.

"The commander of the legion has not ordered us to join the war, we can only stand here now and wait."

The giant giant's thick voice sounded, and he looked calmly as he looked at the battlefield in front of him. As a soil giant, most of the mountain giants have a mild personality, do not like fighting, and of course they are not afraid of fighting.

"Um, this war still has a command?" Hearing the giant's words, the man standing on his shoulders suddenly showed a look of surprise, no matter how he looked, it seems that these giants and dragons are swarming upwards. Then, they started to fight and did not see any trace of command.

"Of course there is a command, this is a war." The Mountain Giant leaned his head slightly, glanced at the idiot with a glance at the human who was gradually being transformed into a half-giant.

"But I didn't see the commander, and no one gave orders when the war started."

"There is a command, but where you can't see it. In addition, our legion does not need to rely on manpower to transmit commands in a backward way. The command of the legion commander resonates in our hearts through blood vessels."

"Resonance in the blood?" The man froze slightly, and then reacted. The existence in front of him was an extraordinary creature, and it was not surprising or normal that there was a way of transmitting information that he could not understand.

"Your blood is obtained through infection. It's too thin, so you can't hear the orders that these mountain giants can hear." The mountain giant explained to the man.

那么 "So, do you mountain giants exist as reserve during the war?" The man looked at the surrounding mountain giants, and then looked at the giant legion that was fighting fiercely with the wild beasts on the battlefield not far away.

Because the giants were all wearing full body armor, he just could see the difference between the giant below and the mountain giant beside him. He didn't see the difference in appearance and strength.

But now he realized that the giants around him are not the same as the giants fighting on the battlefield.

"Our mountain giants generally do not participate in the war. This time, the enemy is special, so we will appear here. If the war is unfavorable, our mountain giants will also join the war, but this will not happen."

所以 "So you are just the audience in this war." The hell-like expression on the man's face.

"Maybe so, maybe we will join the battle later." The Mountain Giant replied in words with almost no emotions.

"What do you mountain giants usually do?"

"Building and repairing, under Her Majesty Muria, we the Mountain Giants will do these things, but in fact our Mountain Giants can also fight very well." The giant's voice became a little dull.

"Oh." The man nodded, completely understanding what kind of armies the giants wearing heavy armor and holding heavy weapons next to themselves were. This was a group of logisticians, but they were too much, they couldn't even count on logistics.

"I don't need anyone's order, right?" The man licked the corner of his mouth.

当然 "Of course not, you came here according to your own wishes, and no one gave you an order." Giant orange eyes looked at the man, "Human, do you want to step on the battlefield now?"

"I'm here for that."

"No one will restrict your behavior, but I still want to advise you that whether you participate in the war or not does not make any sense to the war. And once you step on the battlefield, you will face death at any time until you embrace death."

"No, it makes sense. For you, my tiny human being has no effect whatsoever, it is meaningless. But for me, for humans, my existence means that humanity has not fallen behind this War, I have not wasted my efforts over the past few years. "

既然 "Since you have decided, then I will not persuade you, I wish you good luck." The taciturn giant did not say more when he saw that the man was determined.

"..." I was going to talk to the giant for a few more moments, soothing his nervous man pumped.

He picked up a custom-made **** machine, then leaped down from the giant's shoulder, passed through the extremely wide gap between the giants, and set foot on the battlefield that had been soaked with blood.

Before he stepped on the ground drenched with blood, with a moist muddy soil and a sickening land, it was not long before a beast stared at him.

This is a beast with a slender body like a snake, but with claws like a dragon. However, unlike a dragon, this beast has only two claws, so it looks very weird and full of a kind of Dissonant distortion.


两 When this two-footed lizard beast saw a man, his eyes showed an exciting and violent light. On the current battlefield, there are giants everywhere, and these giants have the lowest level of gold start, and none of them can provoke them.

Because it is not a true evil **** family member, it is just a defective product that has been weakened by the generations of the evil **** family members for an unknown number of generations.

I can bully humans in the world who do not possess extraordinary powers, but once they meet another epic family member, it does not even have the qualifications as a cannon fodder.

And it is precisely because it is too weak, so when it does not take the initiative to attack the giant, the giant is too lazy to deal with this **** that is too wasteful even if it is crushed to death.

When the two-footed lizard was a little at a loss, it finally saw an opponent who could be its enemy, that is, a human who solemnly held the ridiculous metal weapon in his face.


The man held the God machine in his hand and exhaled slowly. This was the first time he faced the beast and planned to kill it by fighting.

Before that, he encountered a wild beast, whether strong or weak, the only choice he could make was to escape. But now he has changed dramatically compared to before.


I did n’t have too much eye contact. After staring at each other for a moment, the two rushed to the other side, preparing to use the other side as their first battle result on this battlefield.

The strangely shaped beast braced his seemingly meandering body with his two strong and powerful thighs, and pounced on the man, a mouth full of blood disks like a steel knife opened wide, sticky and smelly, Strongly corrosive saliva dripped from it, corroding the land hissing.


At the moment when one person and one beast staggered, the man twisted his body and avoided the bite of the beast, but the sharp blade of the magic machine in his hand fell on the beast, bones and flesh. The scratched sound sounded.

Blood that is no different from strong acid spewed out from the cut wound of the wild beast, the wild beast turned his head and issued a slightly painful roar towards the man, and his eyes became more violent. Among them, A little angry.


Soon, the beast dragged his wounded body towards the man again ...

Huh! Grunt!

The man shivered heavily, holding on to the broken machine, curled up under a corpse, his eyes full of fear and exhaustion.

In this battlefield, he did not cost much to kill the beast he encountered at first, but then made him understand how weak and weak he was.

With just one blow, he was seriously injured and barely retained some mobility. What makes people feel desperate is that the attack that got him into this state was not actually aimed at him, but just happened to bump into him.

"The giant is right, guys like me shouldn't step into the battlefield." The man looked at the God machine full of cracks in his hand, and resigned himself a little.

Just now, he was inadvertently rubbed by a powerful beast. He blocked it with a magic machine, and then the machine broke.

If the core of the **** machine is not a piece of flesh with strong vitality, it has already scattered into a pile of fragments, but now it is not much better than broken. God machine just relies on the core blood and flesh to maintain the shape of the sword.

"For me here, it is simply a forbidden place that should not be entered." Men began to reflect on themselves.

He knew that the reason he stepped on this battlefield was not as tall as he said ~ www.readwn.com ~ He was just to vent that after the advent of the end, he was chased by a wild animal like a bereaved dog and fled. Resentment.

He only appeared here for revenge, because in his consciousness, after the war, the wild beast would disappear in this world, and then he would have no chance of revenge.

"First think about how to get out of here alive!" The man thought, but gradually, he felt his lower body became wet, and his body suddenly became rigid.

He reached out and touched himself, a slightly sticky touch came to his heart, and his heart was relieved. Fortunately, he did not have incontinence.

The puppet man looked down and found that he had no idea when it had been filled with sticky blood, and this blood came from the corpse he was hiding in-a giant corpse that had just fallen down.

"God machine!"

At this time, the man also found that the magic machine in his hand was changing. The biological weapon was swallowing the blood flowing from the giant, and from the giant's body, there was a continuous stream of light flowing to the magic machine.

God machine is recovering!

This is how the man feels at this time. He feels that this broken machine in his hand has absorbed the light and swallowed the giant's blood, and then began to have a reborn change, more like a creature than before. A weapon.

"Hmm!" At the same time that this magic machine has undergone an unprecedented mutation, above the sky, Muria, who has seen everything that happened on the battlefield, gave a frivolity.

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